as a former fatcel.....
90 2018-05-11 by pimpdaddy_69
your ideas are 90% on the money
the only thing wrong is blaming women and focusing too much on chad
women want what's best for them just as men want what's best for them
and normies can get legitimate relationships with beckies sure the becky will lust for chad but her insecurities will keep her tied to her norman boyfriend. likewise the normie will lust for stacy but will settle for becky
its OVER for those who have been screwed
everyone should looksmax and then if you STILL cannot get anything after looksmaxing you are a truecel
if you do not looksmax then you are wasting your time here
you may or may not succeed but you'll never know if you don't try
just prepare yourself for the high likelihood of failure because if you ended up here then you're likely unsalvageable but its worth a try
in the end this is nature at work and can we really blame nature? its like blaming the rain or sunrise, a waste of time
sexual attraction is a real thing with its own laws
we ought to encourage one another to gymcel and looksmax for decent lives and not sit around blaming the wind like a true beta cuck
you CAN get some low quality woman if you look ok enough, say clean appearance and a fit body
it won't be as good as having what chad has but its something
overall i just want to say that i considered myself one of you until i looksmaxed and then i got lucky
fatcel=volcel for most so just lose that weight you fatasses
and those who are still incel after losing weight then all we can do is pray for your poor souls as it is a legitimately sad fate that is mocked these days by the outsiders
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-11
Let's be real. It's going to take you having a good job and good income also. I'm a poor cel trying to improve my life from rock girl wants me period,bit I can't even looks max right now if I wanted too.
1 balloonanusanimals 2018-05-11
for what? just to get laid?
1 throwawaypill22 2018-05-11
I'm so fucking poor right now. I can't even describe how poor I am. Money is really everything (besides looks)
1 completeutterbuffoon 2018-05-11
obesecels with a pile of loose skin will not be good looking after they lose weight. Woe to those who were overfed by roastie single mothers who couldn't think of any other way to raise their kids than plopping them in front of the computer with bowls of junk food. They have to kick lifelong habits, entirely re-learn how to eat, and deal with whatever mental trauma drove them into such an unnatural physical state.
I'm not saying you gigafatties won't look better after losing the weight, or even that you won't escape inceldom, but if you have 50+ pounds to lose, or have stretch marks, be prepared for disappointment.
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
of course it's someone else's fault. it's always is.
1 pbbuddha927 2018-05-11
Yeah the child asked to be abused. Makes sense to me. If the child had a tumor growing on the side of their neck and the parents didn't do anything about it everyone would scream neglect. Why should it be any different with a kid that is 50 percent body fat? They pose similar health risks.
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
Because a child can't remove his tumor, but, unless he is retarded, he knows that he's fat, he knows why he's fat, and he can stop being fat. Of course parents have a lot of authority about it, but 14 year olds and older have absolutely no excuses.
1 pbbuddha927 2018-05-11
It should be taken care of long before 14. By that point you're definitely risking psychological damage. Also for a child under 10 to take on that kind of challenge with their parents working against them is nearly impossible because children aren't mentally equipped to do that. Being chubby is one thing but being morbidly obease and before the age of 15 and not addressing the problem is child abuse. You're setting your child up a future of social failure.
1 Uggocel 2018-05-11
Similar arguments have been made for pedophilia. Just because they participate doesn't mean they realize the weight of their decisions. It's ridiculous to think and act like children have that much of a grasp on the consequences of their actions. When I was 14 that shit never crossed my mind because I was so used to eating like shit that I hadn't really thought about it. I was never overweight but my brother is, even though we ate nearly the same stuff.
1 completeutterbuffoon 2018-05-11
Adding to what other cels said here, obese people in general, and obese children in particular, suffer from depression and learned helplessness. That, combined with the deep deluge of misinformation surrounding dieting and weight loss in the western world, will present such an obstacle to fat people's weight loss goals that they can convince themselves their problem is genetic, or otherwise utterly outside their control.
The helplessness isn't entirely internally caused, either, especially in the case of children. Bad parenting and an uncaring public school system both teach and enforce bad eating habits in children. Childhood obesity is continuing to increase at an alarming rate; let's not pretend fatcels are this exceedingly rare group of circus freaks. In fact, in the case of men who are incel due at least partially to their excess body fat, overeating is almost certainly a cope for the pain their inceldom causes them.
Plus, as I've pointed out before, there is a point where the damage is so severe that it becomes permanent. Morbid obesity over a long period of time causes permanent physical and mental damage, especially through puberty. Even if the morbidly obese fatcel loses his weight, he'll still likely have damaged skin and mental hangups over having previously been human refuse due to obesity. As I've said before, a woman has no reason to pick a 5 who has hangups over having previously been a 3 when she can have a 5 who's been a 5 all his life and is secure in his own mediocrity.
Not that these children aren't at least somewhat responsible for their plight--and once they become adults, their responsibility to fix the problem becomes entirely theirs--but let's not exonerate shitty parents from their ruination of their children's physical and mental well-being. This is a systemic problem; the fatcel is just one of its many symptoms. Fat parents tend to raise fat kids; single motherhood is also associated with higher rates of criminality, lack of achievement in academia, and increased social maladjustment. The idea that fatties' fatness is entirely their own fault is fallacious and overly simplistic.
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
I agree with everything you said.
1 Uggocel 2018-05-11
Wait, so you're telling me parents feeding their children tons of food from a young age causing them to be overweight is somehow the childs fault? Do you think children grow up longing to be fat, willingly thinking about the consequences of eating in excess? Of course it's always the others fault because no one has ever been unwillingly subjected to a shitty life style by their parents that ultimately lead to obesity and shitty eating habits.
No one in this conversation ever said it's not possible that it can be our fault. This is a child living under the rule of their parents. They don't really have that much of a choice between eating healthy if their parents aren't. Please leave with this strawman bullshit.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-11
Going from fat to thin is one of the most blackpilled experiences. This is why most of the former FatCels are blackpilled.
1 ricoue 2018-05-11
As someone who keeps fluctuating from 21 to 25 BMI, its amazing how differently women treat me when I'm on the light side of the weight spectrum.
1 joeybuns 2018-05-11
Well I went from thin to fat and I'm blackpilled now
1 celaway1696 2018-05-11
Yeah. Being fat is like you're invisible, nobody notices you or cares about you. Being thin is like being in an "accepted group" where people treat you so much better. It's the same with looks.
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
This. It's not black and white, you don't have to be on a Chad level to get a GF. Sure, all girls lust for Chad, but he is only one man, he can be in relationship with only one Stacy, and he has no interest in fucking Becky's. They might get drunk Chad once or twice in their life for a random ONS, but they have to settle for realistic options.
Remember ER. He was good looking, but he got stuck in Chad-Incel black and white way of thinking, he was expecting girls to throw themselves at him like they do for Chad, it never happened, and he died alone.
Use every option you have and be realistic about your chances. Very few people are truecels, most are volcels who are too upset by the fact they are not Chad to put any effort. Just like ER.
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
Agree with everything but a lot of women are lonely
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-11
True. I don't think this is a sub for that though. Just saying. The focus are lonely virgin males. This is the equivalent of talking about prejudices whites face from blacks on a blm sub..
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
For every man who will go to sleep alone today there is a woman who will sleep alone. No exceptions.
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
No women have it far easier
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
Unless they can pull men from parallel dimensions, no, they do not. For every man who will go to sleep alone there is a woman who will sleep alone.
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
Yea they can it's called tinder
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
For every man who will go to sleep alone today there is a woman who will sleep alone. No tinder can fix that basic fact
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
Yes it can it's not a fact
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
you are retardcel
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
Says the dumbass who thinks females can be FA
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
there is a difference betyween fa and a
1 AT0MIC_ACE_PUGG 2018-05-11
Yea females can always get sex
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-11
Maybe your right bro. I'll try.
1 ComfortablePatience 2018-05-11
That's not at all true. Chad will sleep around with all Stacys Norman's girlfriends and pledge no commitment to any. Chads are allowed to get away with this and regularly do. That's why so many roasties experienced being pumped and dumped, despite there being a short amount of Chads.
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-11
That sure is a simple way of putting it lol.
1 e_z_p_z_ 2018-05-11
This sub's autistic obsession with facial bones is hilarious. ER was a manlet, framelet, hapa with a high voice. He was not good looking.
1 the-Meeks-shall-rule 2018-05-11
ER was also a dickcel. As a fellow dicklet, that alone is enough to make a man pack up his efforts and leave the game of life behind. Why bother
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
I had girls complaining about small dicks. It's always a "doesn't matter, had sex" scenario for the guy. No one knows your dick size until it's time to use it, so it's not that bad.
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-05-11
ER's personality was potently toxic.
1 the-Meeks-shall-rule 2018-05-11
He was a nice boy
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
He was good looking. If he somehow managed to get a brain transplant he would be slaying with his looks and his BMW.
There is plenty of space between a chad and an incel.
1 666Throwaway_666 2018-05-11
If you’re looking for female opinion, I think he’s good-looking (and I’ve heard others say the same).
1 e_z_p_z_ 2018-05-11
The dude painstakingly documented his entire life. Describing in excruciating agony all the trails and tribulations with women, and the complete lack of any type of sexual interest a single one ever showed him, then
It's like pottery.
1 666Throwaway_666 2018-05-11
I know, I read the manifesto. I agree with you guys that looks are pretty much paramount, but that doesn’t make personality completely insignificant. The dude was clearly fucking deranged, and I’m sure people could tell from the minute he opened his mouth. In any case, I’m not the Stacy he was looking for and I don’t speak for all women, so maybe most women don’t find him attractive. I don’t know.
And I think you meant *it’s like poetry? I do love a good vase.
1 Madeon929 2018-05-11
A woman rather be single and hold out for Chad rather than settle.
thats why women are single and lonely
1 m41aspd 2018-05-11
Yes. This is why friendzone is a great place to lay in ambush. Time, feeling of loneliness, and alcohol all work in your favor.
Have some landwhale to sext and call you while you wait in a friendzone for Becky to get drunk. It keeps your perceived SMV above water. No girl would go for a man who is not wanted by any other girl.
1 Madeon929 2018-05-11
I rather die alone than do that
1 Madeon929 2018-05-11
The friend zone is ridiculous.
I’m just going to jerk off until I go enough money to get plastic surgery
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-11
Stopped reading, another "men and women are the same guyzzzzzz grass is greener" fucktard.
1 Madeon929 2018-05-11
I hate egalitarians
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Groan. No one is "blaming the wind" dumbfuck. Give people a space to complain without barging in here and offering low-quality shit advice.
You're just a nicer version of the IT scum invading with their advice no one asked for.
1 Psycel 2018-05-11
Looksmaxing is not hard. Proper grooming, not eating shit, and 3-6 hours in the gym isn't going to kill you. If you think that's hard don't even try careermaxxing since the average normie will eat you alive. Careermaxxing is working 100 hour weeks nonstop for years. If you can't give 10 hours a week to physical health and appearance you can't give an extra 60 hours a week on career
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
3-6 hours in a gym daily? That's definitely hard. I never said it would kill you.
I don't think careermaxxing has a set definition. For me it's working hard at school (mech engineering) and trying to get my GPA/relevant experience as best as possible or "max". Then once you land a job it'll be doing whatever's necessary to get to a better and better position. That's not always 100 hour weeks, this isn't Japan and not every job is investment banking.
You also are reply to me as if I personally don't looksmax or I personally think it's stupid. I don't. But for some people it would be. A 5-foot tall balding Indian with crooked teeth and moderate down-syndrome shouldn't even bother because it literally would not help.
1 Namaha 2018-05-11
3-6 hours a week not per day lmao
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
You are going to get eaten alive in the work force
I have been in finance for 10 years, 90 hour weeks
Engineering bitches like you are replaceable nothing cogs
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Lol if an incel like you has been in finance for 10 years working 90 hour weeks then I'm the king of France.
Please. When you lie on the internet, try to make it believable.
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
I work for the CCB in Shanghai, 10 years, I moved to China from America and got a masters in international finance law at Renmin with a focus on banking
I am married to an expat lawyer I met through work, I have never said I am an incel
If you think your career is just moving up positions you are in for a really miserable life of failure
If you are not already in an internship and an externship and have a part time job in your field you are done
You don’t even sound like you are networking, just sitting on your ass waiting for an offer to come based of your GPA- and considering you are likely at a shit tier university that’s not going to happen
Wake the fuck up
1 KingofCool123 2018-05-11
How much do you make a year Mr. 90 hours a week.
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
2 million a year USD plus bonuses
I no longer HAVE to work 90 weeks, like working these hours to earn money, I enjoy my job, I am the director of my division and the perks are enjoyable
There is a lot of international travel and I get to attend interesting conferences, I get to go to Davos and the G10 ect, next month I am going to Thailand for conference that I am excited for
I plan to do this for ten more years, at 45 I am going to lateral into in a board position at a bank with any luck, that would kick me up to real money(100’s of millions)- but only time will tell
Currently I am a little disappointed that I am about ten years behind where I would like to be since I did not get into investment banking right out of law school in America and had to relocate to china, but you do what you can with what you have to work with
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Lol @ anyone believing this bait, some director bigwig making $2mil a year is not posting on incel forums, come on.
Give timestamp proof of your riches or stfu
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
You want me to post a pay stub on Reddit?
Regardless, I have done several AMA’s on r/sino and r/China and r/legal advice
This is my newest alt, Reddit is always suspending my accounts for posting criticism of the Chinese government
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Show a timestamp of your bank account or investment portfolio or whatever it is rich people use to hold their money. AMAs aren't proof, give evidence or stop replying. Literally anyone can lie on the internet.
I'm a Harvard MBA grad who's been working in investment banking for 12 years and I already have a net worth of $33 million USD.
See? Easy. The least you should do is pick realistic figures brah. $2 million USD a year? Hahah wow
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
You want me to post my bank information to Reddit? Why in God’s name should I ever do that?
I don’t just work at a pretend place, I work for the CCB, and I didn’t just say Harvard ,I went to Renmin and I got their LLM in international finance law with a focus in banking- it’s a particular program in Beijing for international JD’s
You don’t even understand what my field is
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Lol wow you're stupid. I was making up my own pretend story, I wasn't claiming to be you.
Your entire story is pretend but it's pointless to discuss this any further. You've provided no evidence and so there's 0 reason to believe anything you're saying is true.
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
My account is posted, go look for your self
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
Not timestamped
I&M Bank is Kenyan
Kalonzo is Kenyan
Pathetic. That picture is also not yours, as it's been posted on the internet before.
See for yourself here
If you're going to lie on the internet, try not being a nigcel.
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
It’s one account and your link is totally different then my picture
And it has dates
This is ridiculous
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
It's the exact same photo as the one you posted, is internet in Kenya that bad?
Hahahahah, a $2million dollar USD salary eh? LOL
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
Completely different
1 KingofCool123 2018-05-11
Yep, you work at McDonalds gtfo.
1 ytyilbfxx 2018-05-11
I am posting a redacted bank statement now
1 ledditorxD 2018-05-11
Bluepilled cuck. Ban this faggot.
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-11
i've been lurking since the old sub but have been blessed to not be an irredeemable cunt with shit genetics
i just had to get my shit together and grind at the gym, work, and socialize
i'm just saying that many of the fakecels here needs to improve themselves
the truecels are out of luck and all we can do is give them the respect owed to them as living beings with genuine feelings
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-11
This is excellent advice, gymceling works for more and I'm trying to become happy with what I can score. I'm self aware; I complain and post some terrible things, but I can't expect to attract what is acceptable to me with the current state of my body. I'm working on it and have made excellent progress so far. No matter how deep you delve into the black pill, always give self improvement a shot.
1 NormansGetOut 2018-05-11
I'll add that you should lose weight for yourself and focus on the health benefits like additional energy. You will be disappointed if you expect everything to change on the romantic front. You've joined the race late. You'll never have the mindset of a Chad who lost his virginity in Middle School.
I lost 80 lbs and two girls I knew suddenly were interested. Neither was suitable. One was a single mom and the other one was fucking a drug dealer(despite looking like a mousy librarian and dressing modestly) and probably looking for a beta bux.
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-11
pump and dump them, they're used to it anyway
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-11
[you CAN get some low quality woman]
What's the point? Go your own way, ignore women as much as possible.
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-05-11
I lost 1% body fat after 3 months of 500-600 daily calorie deficit. It just does. not. add. up. My body is retarded in every way imaginable.
1 Zanzir64 2018-05-11
You should ve just fasted with salt water. Those 500 calories per day fucked you up
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-11
10/10 appearance will beat every personality 10/10 looks with personality>10/10 with no personality
ok appearance with great personality>>>ok appearance with ok personality
many normies out there have shit or boring personalities so just get yourself a sense of humor and don't be a weak beta
gymcel, looksmax, and attain an alpha mindset so you can beat the normies
you may end up as a 5-6 or something but if you are an alpha dude with some muscle and are funny you can outmaneuver the average normie and get some normie pussy
this is how thugs get bitches and the fatsos get bitches
many normies are basic and only have their social circles going for them
if you infiltrate the social circle and provide a bitch with some humor and a decent body she'll consider you
its not over for fatcels and mentalcels
you have to become the best version of yourself before you can claim incel status
its a grind but if you still fail after the grind you are a truecel
i'm just trying to spread some positivity to counteract the normal negativity and the new attacks this community will receive from the new attention its getting
1 pimpdaddy_69 2018-05-11
i've been lurking since the old sub but have been blessed to not be an irredeemable cunt with shit genetics
i just had to get my shit together and grind at the gym, work, and socialize
i'm just saying that many of the fakecels here needs to improve themselves
the truecels are out of luck and all we can do is give them the respect owed to them as living beings with genuine feelings
1 ChancePalpitation 2018-05-11
It's the exact same photo as the one you posted, is internet in Kenya that bad?
Hahahahah, a $2million dollar USD salary eh? LOL