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37  2018-05-11 by annoying_seagull


"one day defending and respecting women will get me laid, just you wait!" - incel in denial

Yea that will never happen, maybe if it was the 70’s/80’s or something, but not in current times which are terrible.

Probably he is waiting for marriage to lose his virginity.

Ricel in denial as most of them are. Not trying to be a dickhead but I have a few Chinese friends straight from China, very fresh and they all cope with "I need to get good degree and then good job and then I will finally have sex"

Too late buddy and also nearly impossible with White Western women and 100% impossible with colored women, they hate Asians (Latinas, Blacks and Polynesians)

If you are not an incel as a 27 year old virgin then what the Hell are you?

A coper.

coping heli-copeter

poor guy. it's over for him.

Sex with a man is just as good as sex with a woman remember that. Jfk

I'm a virgin at damn near 30 but it's cool guys. JFL.