reminder: women are the victims

95  2018-05-10 by -SpinxS


Femails wouldn't even last 5 seconds as a guy.

yeah, there was a woman who wanted to experince living as a man, which resulted in her going to a psychiatric hospictal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

I feel worthless everyday specifically because of how women have treated me. If men treated women how women treat men I'm sure they'd quit life.

Some women. And some men treat women much worse than those some women may have treated you.

In a few years time, when you've realised that you've projected your own self doubt onto other people, you'll realise just how little empathy you were able to experience during this time. Being able to put yourself in someone's situation and understanding their motivations and thinking doesn't just make you a better human being, it helps you in so many ways during life. It's also never too late to make a change. Don't get lost in your own doubts and fear. Please.


Daily reminder: women are children that need adult supervision.

Only men should be taken serious when they complain about having depression. JFL @ women claiming to be depressed.

Just an FYI every feminist I know thonksen need better access to mental health Care and that we all need to work to destigmatize mental illness to ensure everyone can get the help they need. That's just personal experience, not saying they represent everyone. But I've never met a man who thinks men with depression should suck it up. I personally think we need to fund research and healthcare for men to lower suicide rates.

No need to waste money on research on why men have higher suicide rates: live is just much harder for most men than it is for women.

Okay well if we already have the answers then more money towards solutions. But my point is these stats are important and preventing suicide by anyone is always good. Just because woman are often victims of violence doesn't negate male victims. All victims of all genders deserve equal treatment.

agreed witb the last point. but, sadly, this isn't going to happen.

Saying something and doing something are completely different things, FYI.

That's true. That's why it's important to vote for representatives that want to fund healthcare, especially mental health. For everyone.

Mental health services is combating the symptoms, not the causes. Some third world countries that have virtually no mental healthcare do not see the rates of depression or suicide many modern countries do.

Well in that case it sounds like more research would be helpful because it would convince people to Target all of the specific causes. Either way, more attention on the issue and compassion towards victims of suicide is always a good thing.

Almost eery feminist I know thinks that men live fantastic lives, despite all the evidence pointing to the opposite.

The only men living fantastic lives are the chads

I'm sorry that's the case, it sounds to me like the women that you have been speaking with are not doing a very good job representing what feminism is supposed to be. It is always supposed to be about making sure that everyone has equal rights in spite of stair gender, no matter what that gender is. I'm sorry that your experience has been different.

Feminists say that, but they don't show it in practice.

Well we have talked a little bit about groups of women who are advocating for better mental health care and support for both men and women, but I would love to know other things that we could advocate for systematically that you think would be helpful. Honestly, this is an area where it seems like incels and feminists should be able to work together to try to help men and women who are suffering from depression.

I would love to know other things that we could advocate for systematically that you think would be helpful

empathy, compassion, loyalty, community, more people of principle, people who actually value other people and take their problems seriously

Great, those are all amazing things that the world needs a lot more of. I will make sure to bring those up the next time this topic comes up in a group of women. The good news is that at least in the circles that I know about personally, those topics are already being discussed quite a bit. I think we all agree this world could use a lot more compassion.

I guess I would also encourage people on this sub who want compassion in their lives to try to extend it towards the women that are adversaries. In the end it seems like the people in this sub just want to be recognized as valid humans who deserve love, and in the end women want the same thing. Everybody wants those things. It's almost like if we could see past the people and learn to criticize the system we could all make a little progress. I kind of feel like you guys actually just hate the patriarchy and want to live in a world in which kindness and compassion and caring about other people are the qualities that people are judged by. If that is honestly the case, then this subreddit has a lot more in common with my personal understanding of feminism than I would have expected.

Feminists don't care about ugly men

Heck, some of the feminists I know personally are indeed ugly men. They seem to care about themselves decently enough.

Lol no, every feminist wants us men and especially us virgins to die.

Okay, well I can only speak from personal experience and the feminist that I happen to know. I personally not only hope that you don't die but I hope that you have a really nice life and are treated well by the people around you.

Well that doesn't happen.

the suicide rate has been pretty static for the last 70 years. if mental healthcare is the answer then why is that the case? certainly access has improved over that time period.

It's true that they have, but it's still pretty abysmal in my opinion. The truth is that I don't understand all the factors that go into suicide so I'm going to stop commenting.

Mental health is meme. Therapy is a meme. Most guys rope because they have no other way out. Either they have a huge debt, have lost a loved one or are suffering from loneliness. No amount of platitudes from a retard with a psych degree will change those things.

I don't understand the word meme in this context, but all I can do is hope that people feeling suicidal have a change in fortune or mental health or whatever it takes to find happiness.

Meme is something that spreads through society. Meme in this context means that it's a stupid belief that is prevalent through society without any substance. Therapy will not save you. Words have never and will never save anyone. People aren't depressed for no reason (some might be and therapy might work for them)

Thanks for taking the time to explain.

The mental health profession is overwhelmingly female. Feminists would advocate for men to be psychologically manipulated by professionals.

Or our toxic society punishes men for expressing themselves in a healthy way, discouraging them from participating in the conversation and failing to empower them to join the field. Either way, not great.

It's toxic feminist toxic ideology to push the idea that masculinity is toxic because men don't express emotions like women do. Women have historically contributed almost nothing to civilization because women's emotions are not worthy of contemplation. Women should learn to express emotions like men, not the other way around. Women should be pushed to submit to male psychiatric standards and considered to be toxic if they don't measure up.

Masculinity isn't toxic. The phrase toxic masculinity refers to masulinity being warped by unhealthy expectations. It's specifically mutated masculinity.

Toxic masculinity, like mansplaining, manspreading, and a host of other neologisms, is just psychological harassment by feminists on a grand scale.

The concept of masculinity being warped is itself disingenuous. It proposes a natural or original masculinity, a notion of origination that contemporary, theoretically grounded feminism has nothing to do with, for example in queer feminism where gender and sexual identity are challenged as categories.

The idea that there is toxic homosexuality that has been warped by unhealthy expectations would never occur to a feminist. It would be poiltically forbidden. What about toxic femininity? I haven't heard the feminists or their white knights discussnig that.

But it is par for the course for feminists to attack men, and thus their masculinity.

Toxic masculinity means emasculation.

Even if you don't believe that, there are so many men that do that surely it has raised an alarm in the back of your mind. If it hasn't, then enjoy your imaginary victory.

I was never for Trump, but it was quite the spectacle to watch Hillary supporters bawl their eyes out because the world they thought they were living in turned out to be false.

You should keep that in mind.

I have definitely heard people talk about toxic femininity. It's when feminine expectations are made to be unhealthy by society. Same with the masculine. There are healthy masculine expectations and unhealthy ones. If the phrase toxic masculinity doesn't work well maybe it should just be called toxic expectations. That would take the gender out of it anyway.

If the phrase toxic masculinity doesn't work well maybe it should just be called toxic expectations. That would take the gender out of it anyway.

But pretending to take gender out of it is one of the moves feminists make, while targeting men all the while. It's better we all know how ugly feminism is getting than pretend that it's not ugly.

I'm not interested in holding hands with you to save a disgusting feminist attack on men.

Every feminist you know also only dates tall white men and laughs at short ethnic men.

What does that have to do with what I just said? This is confusing to me.

Because its all virtue signaling bullshit, at the end of the day they don't care about men, they care about C H A D.

What is virtue signaling?

I wonder if this has anything to do with battles, war, and PTSD.

Not all countries are at war.

Totally true. A lot of the countries on this list are, or have experienced recent violence. But I wouldn't say that was the only reason even if they wee all war torn.

the US and Ireland bring there totatly disproves it.

I don't understand?

becuse there recent conflict in both countries? besides, almost every in the world have men commit suicide more than women. obviously conflict is not the issue here.

I didn't mean that everyone is a war veteran, but I do feel like men are unfairly thrust into violent situations more often and are expected to deal with it without help. I just thought that maybe having war in a country could contribute to that, but I don't know, which is why I said I wonder.

never knew we were already in WW3. do you even posses a fucking brain?

I'm not saying suicide isn't a major problem but you say that sarcastically as if women aren't victims. Half of all women murdered in America are killed by a partner or ex partner. We all have problems.

Half of all women murdered in America are killed by a partner or ex partner

Lol, femoids are sexually attracted to violent men. They know very well what they're getting into and yet they choose to remain by abusive Chad's side.

they had better personalities than us incel JFL

Not only good looking men are abusive, where the hell do you get that view?

Not only good looking men are abusive

I didn't say that you braindead foid.

and yet they choose to remain by abusive Chad's side

You literally did.

Lol, they stay with abusive ugly niggers and beaners and chinks too as long as they're alpha and violent.

And you clearly very much deserve your sad, sexless life.

I'm a victim. I only deserve a peaceful death.

If your real-life persona is remotely close to your online persona, youā€™re not at all a victim.

Lol a victim

well we can tell it's not incels doing those murders since it says 'partners or ex partners'. Most of those people mog incels i'm sure, so that means they did indeed for the more attractive yet violent guy.

Or they saw the incel for the abusive fuck he obviously is, and avoided him.

Foids get what they deserve.

A relationship based on need is automatically an abusive relationship. Once a woman is dependent on a man, like if she leaves her job to have kids with him, it's easy for him to abuse that power. You have no fucking idea what it's like to be held hostage by someone who takes the distributor cap off the car every time you try to leave home. Or who tells you that he will kill your kids or animals if you leave him. Educate yourself, fucktard.

The best thing to do is learn to identify men prone to abuse, and avoid getting into relationships with them. Probably why you're alone.


IT member = its all your persoanlity

also IT member = half of all women are murdered by a partner


men get murdered more overall.

Why are you all obsessed with this. I'll break it down. Personality doesn't guarantee a relationship and being a piece of shit doesn't mean you won't find someone to string along. It's not some rule like personality = sex. Personality is a huge plus for most but there are charming and manipulate people that will always get what they want no matter how horrendous they are.

Men are murdered mostly by other men.

so? based on your dumb logic. any incel with good friends should have no problem getting into a relationship.

so? men protect women from other men. besides, am not arguing which sex is causing problems. i just brought up facts.

piece of shit doesn't mean you won't find someone to string along

works well for most abusive chads and tyrones

Men are murdered mostly by other men.

Men accomplish more than women.

NEET incels accomplished nothing.

And neither do you.

At least I'm not a miserable drain on society.

Don't assume things about people you don't know.

Like you do about 3.5 million women.

My reply was in response to your comment.

Your reply was speculation... just like a woman would do. Have a nice day.

and all 3.5 billion fall into like 4-5 different """""personalities"""""

Think about the variety of Incels you have on your board, they can come from different places and cultures and many can hold a variety of different opinions. Think of the many personalities that you guys have, and you only number in the thousands. Now think about women who are in the billions, each coming from a different home with a different culture and a different outlook on life. Sometimes itā€™s not visible if youā€™re to focused on her looks, and other times she masks her real self feeling like she has to live as someone fake for the sake of making someone else happy. Itā€™s so much more complicated and intertwined than one would imagine at first glance.

Itā€™s so much more complicated and intertwined than one would imagine at first glance.

And yet you and your buddies on IT happily generalize the people here with no consequences whatsoever.

Tip for tap I guess

Great excuse for being an asshole all the same.

Actually tip for tap also known as tit for tat is the best winning strategy in the prisonerā€™s dilemma. Basically always be up for helping each other out but if the other player(s) starts doing something that negativity effects you, no longer cooperate as long as the other player is unwilling to.

Except the other players never wanted you here, and y'all refuse to leave when asked.

Most of us wanted to join to see why they were talking about the other players in such a negative light.

Doesn't excuse the fact that no one asked for help and that you refuse to leave.

True, true, however, expecting not to get any criticism for what goes on is somewhat unreasonable. Though IT could do well with criticism too.

expecting not to get any criticism for what goes on is somewhat unreasonable

I don't have a problem with criticism. I do however have a problem the with mockery in bad faith and blatant hypocrisy of IncelTears, as well as the childish refusal to just leave easily agitated users alone since it means losing out on shits and giggles.

Yes I do agree with you in the sense that both parties here are in the wrong. Everyone should be more accepting of criticism but at the same time donā€™t be so quick to criticize.

"My hobbies include Netflix (THE OFFICE IS A MUST), sleeping, eating and traveling šŸ˜. I'm so quirky lol XD"

Travelling is better than anime and gaming, least we actually leave the house.

Everyone likes to travel, it's not even worth mentioning. Every single woman I've ever talked to had no real interests, no personality and could not hold a conversation to save her life.

And your amazing hobbies and interests are?

Kick boxing, jiu-jitsu, mma practice, linguistics, language learning, anime, manga, video games, reading, and lifting weight comes to mind off the top of my head

Well I like quad biking, jet skiing, painting and exercise.

I didn't ask lol

We aren't all the same, should try socialising with different groups of people.

Yes you all are, everytime I talk with a girl guess who has to do 100% of the work start the conversation and hold the conversation?

I don't wanna sound horrible here but that sounds like they are disinterested and just don't wanna talk to you. If a woman is interested she'll talk your ear off.

They are the ones who added my discord via 4chan. If they are not interested then why add me?

Actually they include rigging 3D models created by friends, creating 2D digital art, writing code in C# and listening to college lectures on psychology. Nice try though. And Iā€™ve never watched a single episode of the office, only sketched a couple of animatics as story board practice to some of the more popular scenes.

Not bad, what would you rank yourself lookswise out of 10?

And this matters to you because? Not saying that I don't get your logic, I'm just not sure what you're implying. Plus, what kind of standards age wise are you basing this all off of, because I can guarantee you that I'm probably not as old as you think. Fair warning.


Sorry trigger happy response. Used to people assuming that I gotta be an ugly gollem to enjoy coding.

Okay, can you answer the question?

Well to be perfectly honest, I have no clue at all in the slightest. Iā€™d like to think Iā€™m at least 5/10 but I have no clue.

Perfect, I'll pm you

Half of all women murdered in America are killed by a partner or ex partner

kek. daily reminder that normie men are on our side.

Glad to see you agree with domestic abuse. You lot really do nothing for your cause. No wonder the media are mocking you.

women should stop making so many bad decisions if they want to stop getting beaten/raped/killed by normie men. it's your personality, that's why you keep choosing psychotic partners ;)

I don't keep choosing psychotic partners and I don't understand why some women keep going back to these type of men but I've never been in that situation.

its almost if women don't have the same functioning brain as men.

You're not entitled to a mentally stable partner. Sound familiar?

I don't understand why some women keep going back to these types of men

we do know. If you lurk moar, you'd understand.

the media is as dumb as a fucking rock. all of them say the same shit about incels without using their damn heads to explain why incels even exsits. they have a hive mind.

its all "incels are just fat nerds who sit on their moms basement all day" 0 brain use.

No wonder the media are mocking you.

Oh no please anything but that. There's nothing I care more about than the normalscum opinions of small-souled bugmen and (((the media))).

Shieeet Jim Jeffries made a stand up sketch about why incels are horrible people. Maybe I will stop being ugly and work on my personality now.

What? No way! How come their misogyny/personality radar didn't function properly? It always works when they talk to us šŸ¤”

Because abusers are manipulate.

Aka femoids are retarded like kids and unable to know when someone is prone to killing them.

they lack awareness.

Point taken... Reevaluating life.

It's interesting that incels can't manipulate women into having sex with them.

It's almost like something that is irrelevant to personality is preventing that. Maybe it has something to do with their face. Just a radical suggestion, don't mind me.

There are ugly abusive men out there and they're still having sex especially in my city. Most young guys are in relationships or seeing someone and young women out earn young men here so the men must be doing something right.

Once again showing womenā€™s common attraction to violent and abusive men, supported by the 50% murdered by their partner statistic you brought up.

But Iā€™m sure you have another unproven anecdote that ugly nice guys in your city are practically sex gods, right?


regurgitating 'abusers are manipulaters' doesn't make it true and also proves that women are retarded in general.

Women love listenining to rap/hip-hop (filled with words objectifying women). And then they go for the best 'personality' out there. When those concussion-heads behave as expected, suddenly they become manipulators.

Half of all women murdered in America are killed by a partner or ex partner.

Or to put it another way, 66-80% of murder victims are male.

And the majority are murdered by other males. Why aren't men campaigning or speaking up about that?

And the majority are murdered by other males.

So what? Homicide is still a 4x larger problem for men than for women, so why are you bringing up homicide as a women's issue in a thread about male suicide? What is your point?

Why aren't men campaigning or speaking up about that?

They do. Homicide is brought up all the time as a male issue.

And, uh, you think "speaking up" is going to convince killers not to kill?

Maybe teaching boys to not be abusive fucks would help. Your dad clearly failed at that.

I'm not even a part of this community, dumbass.

Tell me more about how you're not abusive while you call me names.

Good one. If only you hadn't called me an abusive fuck to begin with, you might have some sort of a point, but now you're just an abuser by your own shitty definition.

I'll give you that. I was mad at a bunch of people on this thread. I took it out on you, and some of them. Not an excuse though.

However, verbal abuse isn't a shitty definition. That's one facet of abuse. Google wheel of abuse.


Why kill when a foid can just divorce rape a man?

The majority of child abuse is committed by women. Why are women the primary concern of domestic violence?

90% of kids know their abusers and they are overwhelming male as stated in the following:

I said abuse, not child abuse. I know femoids like to believe that sexual abuse is the only form of abuse that exists or impacts people, but it isn't.

Boys are victimised more than girls. Neglect is overwhelmingly the most common form of abuse. And Mothers kill kids as much as Fathers.

Males are overwhelming more likely to rape and murder women and children

All wrong. Men are overwhelmingly more likely to murder or inflict violence on other men. Men are twice as likely to be victims of violence as women (sexual violence included). Women kill kids as much as men. And women rape men as much as men rape women, it just isn't recognised or cared about.

"And now the real surprise: when asked about experiences in the last 12 months, men reported being ā€œmade to penetrateā€ā€”either by physical force or due to intoxicationā€”at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (both 1.1 percent in 2010, and 1.7 and 1.6 respectively in 2011)."

Any studies that actually include the female-on-male equivalent to rape produce similar results. And, of course, men are punished much more harshly for all crimes.

Sorry, let me fix that for you.

Males are overwhelming more likely to rape and murder WOMEN CHILDREN AND OTHER MEN, any source will tell you that so stop crying about being victims.

I like how you changed it by making men look even worse, well done.

Most violence is male on male. Males are much more likely to protect a woman from violence, risking their safety in the process, than inflict violence on a woman. That's how society is and has been constructed since year dot. As I illustrated, men and women rape each other at similar rates, and women inflict most violence and abuse on children. And women get away with it far more than men. And men protect women, children and men from violence far more than women. Plus, the vast majority of violence against women is within a relationship, which sure as shit isn't being conducted by Incels kek.

I like how you disregarded everything I said.

Men and women rape each other at similar rates!? Are you mental?


See my previous comment.

Unless those women were forced to choose their partners by their families like it happens in rural, it is hard to feel empathy.

Maybe if you femoids didn't choose abusive Chads then it wouldn't be the case šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

77% of murder victims are male

And men make up 77% of homicide victims

Half of all women murdered in America are killed by a partner or ex partner.

So you're saying when femoids opt to date aggressive, low-inhib men with Chad-like traits, sometimes they end up getting abused or killed? Shocker!

Most murdered people are MEN.

Women aren't entitled to domestic safety. If they don't want to be killed by their partners they should stop entering relationships.

Oh no! This makes me sad. LMAO HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA.

Females mental illness is a joke

You'll realize almost (not sure what kazak doing) no muslim country up there shariacels were right.

as someone who grew up in a muslim country. i swear there is no better society than an islamic one. the west is so fucking degenerate.

Even a Wahhabist society?

i lived in the wahhabist society lol

I would say unlucky for you but I can already hear the pitchforks

wahabbist societies are probably good for wahabbis.

Sharia is the ultimate thot patrol

what's a specific example of something they do better? just curious

Then why don't you go back you goatfucker. Shariacels are disgusting.

hahhaa says the curry. india is more degenerate. elephant fucker.

Dude. You can't just fuck an elephant. That shits difficult.

Besides I'd rather be a degenerate than live in a society with middle age beliefs.

"middle age beliefs" you don't know what the sharia law even means. i would rather live in a muslim country than india. a lot of indians leave india and move to the middle east. cope more boyo.

Only the poorest ones do and it's because they got that oil money. You guys would be screeching Allahu akbar and fucking your little goats in the desert if it wasn't for oil.

lol am not even an arab, but oh well. so? if india had oil money then then it would be the same scenario. india was good back in the day. but today is just full of rapists lol. cope more.

Rapists are in every country dude. India has more people than entire North and south America. Combined. So I can say we're definitely in a better position than bearded goatfucker who would be nothing without oil.

probably. but your hate for arabian countries is irrational and stupid. i bet you drew your own conclusions based of the media.

Nah. I draw my conclusions based on Muslims in my life. I'm not irrational.

"middle age beliefs"

yeah those dumbos didn't believe in equality, globalism and secular humanism like us enlightened folk. We're on the Right Side of HistoryTM.

They literally burned women alive for witchcraft. We're definitely more enlightened than them.


Be my gf.

It is so.

That sounds like a decent compromise for all of today's problems. Anyway, who's to say they weren't witches.

thats the west retard. muslims never burned witches.

Nah. They stoned them. A lot more civilised.

i mean if you are a muslim, then you'd understand why they would be killed. besides, in islam they have to be proven to be witches. second of all witches cause harm to others. i don't see a problem with then being killed.

but i don't believe in it.

Traditional Pagan tribal society is better for Aryans.

Islamofag promoting Islam. Quelle surprise.

how am i promoting? i lived in both societies long enough to form my conclusion.

We know the answer

Trucks, knives, acid and guns

Every day

On every street

To every woman

Till the system is broken

You will break before the system does

how many honor killings have you participated in

around 3

They have other ways to the 72 raisins

Not really a fan of Islam but damn this is true.

women are so fucking worthless that they can't even rope properly.

I wouldnā€™t mind seeing a ā€œsuicide attemptā€ chart as well.

Foids do it as a cry for attention in an otherwise easy life, men do it as an escape from misery.

They "attempt" by eating skittles, drinking a gallon of coke and posting about it on social media

We need suicide affirmative action for women.

Notice how it says "suicidal" not suicide rate it's usually pretty hoes on Twitter and Instagram faking suicidal thoughts to fish for compliments and chads love

lol wtf is going on in Lithuania

i don't know anything about that place other than that they like basketball

all the fresh people who were supposed to enter the workforce just flew to britain instead

the ones who remain get to suffer



god, lets not even imagine the suicde rates in Africa and north korea.

Doesn't this just mean men are more mentally ill? Gotta get them into therapy.

how stupid can a human be? omg

I don't wanna see any guys suffer. Sorry your mental illness drives you to suicide. I wish mental health wasn't so stigmatized in the USA.

women get money for free, men have to work. working is depressing.

Got any research to back up this hypothesis of yours or is it just that?

can a guy flash his tits on a webcam for money? or pop out a baby and get money from the government for it?

I mean to play ā€œdevils advocateā€ here, it goes back to supply and demand. The reason why the porn industry is so large is because so many guys consume it. A woman flashing herself for potential money isnā€™t truly guaranteed money, the only reason why she receives it is because lots of men are wanting the experience to occur. Sure sheā€™s not ā€œworking for itā€ but you should take it out on the guys who fund it in the first place.

Skittles are deadly mate.

Foids want the rate to be 50000 at least so subhumans are physically removed from the sexual market. They cum a bit when an incel ropes even if it's a male feminist fag.

God I wish that were me

Russian went through 2 horrific world wars where they were attacked by Germany and lost 10s of millions fending them off. Long before that they were invaded by Mongols and many others because Russia is mostly a lot of flat land and easy to invade.

Really shows the western bias when they play the "Russias the bad guys" when they have literally done nothing but defend themselves(as they should). Imagine if Germany attacked your home country and you lost 20+million people against them, youd be a bit wary of other countries acting aggressively towards you too wouldnt you?

I'm glad Trump won at least, Hillarys nutty ass was talking about war with Russia. We need to stay out of middle east and stay out of Russia.

Anyways thats a big reason why their suicide rate is so high, they are still recovering from all that and still have to deal with the west saying "russias the bad guys".

I think it's more related to heavy alcohol consumption and poor quality of life with hopeless outlook for the future.

You can't use that argument without factoring in the damage world war 2 did to Russia, they lost 10s of millions of the best military age men. Of course thats going to have serious effects on any country. Then you have the "cold war" and todays fake news where Russians are basically the boogieman getting blamed. The truth is China is the far bigger threat in terms of trade and internet piracy, free speech, copyright infringement and their military is rivaling U.S. and Russia now.

So while idiots continue to complain about the mythical Russian boogieman that defeated Nazi Germany, China takes over and U.S. falls further into debt and further becomes a third world shithole.

I am just saying that historic events don't push people who didn't even live during them to suicide, dude. Them losing their loved ones, quality of life and stuff does.

Those events greatly effects the quality of life in Russia and the economy. Also what do you mean didn't even live during them? Plenty of people still have grandparents alive that fought in ww2, it wasn't that long ago

Why is Lithuania the worst?

historically poor nation. During world wars, their men kept getting killed from soldiers from all sides and women kept getting raped. They have beautiful women there as a result but still poor as fuck.

suicide attempts are more frequent in women but men are more likely than women to die by suicide

South Korea. Holy fuck. JFL @ men saying ā€œgo for Asian girlsā€.

But there are so many variables here that have to be accounted for. Like the fact that women typically have stronger emotional attachments to friends and family, not to mention due to biology and physiology, they either keep themselves alive fearing how another individual would feel discovering the mess, or try to neatly kill them selves with ā€œcleanerā€ things like poisons which arenā€™t as effective as something more active like a bullet to the brain. Itā€™s the same reasons why men, while they donā€™t commit suicide as often, they use more ā€œmessyā€ methods to ensure competition, as they donā€™t have as strong fears of having their bodies being discovered by a possible loved one. Itā€™s a reaction fueled by biological influences, psychology, and even can be created through cultural norms. Estrogen and Testosterone affect the mind and the body in different ways, though it influences psychological thought processss, not so much intelligence.

ughh again with the stupid "suicide method" argument. how many times do i have to debunk this claim?

Even if the method suicide has nothing to do with the likelihood of survival, thereā€™s still to many factors at play, such as therapy, seeking treatment, and properly expressing feelings of mental illness is looked down upon in men, and thus go untreated. Itā€™s a cruel world yes, but everyone needs a helping hand.

yeah, there was a woman who wanted to experince living as a man, which resulted in her going to a psychiatric hospictal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Or they saw the incel for the abusive fuck he obviously is, and avoided him.

I feel worthless everyday specifically because of how women have treated me. If men treated women how women treat men I'm sure they'd quit life.

how am i promoting? i lived in both societies long enough to form my conclusion.

You will break before the system does

expecting not to get any criticism for what goes on is somewhat unreasonable

I don't have a problem with criticism. I do however have a problem the with mockery in bad faith and blatant hypocrisy of IncelTears, as well as the childish refusal to just leave easily agitated users alone since it means losing out on shits and giggles.