psychology is a meme

90  2018-05-10 by DrArtifact

got sent from a psychologist to a psychotherapist, both of them were like 'teehee we can't help you, go see a psychiatrist'

come there, already 500$ down the drain, sit down, talk about issues for the 3rd time, psychiatrist tells me that I have problems and that I should consider medication.

It's fucking over if you're an incel in 2018, we're nothing but lab rats for psychopathic mental health institutions.


the psychotherapist is on suicide watch now, that's how disgusted she was with me, both physically and mentally, so at least that's some lifefuel...


Have you actually tried medication, though? Maybe an antidepressant might help. Its not a permanent fix or anything, but it might help.

Also if that therapist was really put into a bad place by a client, they weren't a very good therapist.

I'm not depressed, just ugly.

Then why did you go to a psychologist, a psychotherapist, and a psychiatrist?

And to be honest, you do sound a little depressed

Sorry, should just take my mind-numbing drugs and LDAR, you're right- That will fix it, thanks for the usual help normie trash. Take your dopamine and gtfo, fucking trashcan virtue signalling piece of shit...

Sorry, should just take my mind-numbing drugs and LDAR,

Some antidepressants do have side effects that can seem to fog the mind, but ideally a psychiatrist would help you find a medication that minimized negative effects.

I'm not familiar with LDAR (I only newly came across this subreddit) though what i came up with from a cursory Google search, I'm in no way saying you should give up.

you're right- That will fix it, thanks for the usual help normie trash.

I don't pretend that taking any amount of medication will solve anything by itself.

Take your dopamine and gtfo, fucking trashcan virtue signalling piece of shit...

That's awfully rude. I'm sorry if i offended.

Why did I go to them? Because I started coping with the personality meme and thought- hey, if i share my issues openly and if we work on them, I might lead a better life BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO HERE'S SOME DRUGS FOR YOU LOONEY

I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience with the mental health system. There's no way to justify what happened to you.

But i don't think you should give up. Antidepressants can be extremely helpful when properly prescribed and utilised as part of a more comprehensive treatment regimen. And there are good therapists out there, and i believe that there are many who are capable of helping you, or at least listening to you without reacting like that one therapist you saw.

If you'd like to talk, please feel free to pm me.

You are an extremely kind and patient person. Good on you. I personally would have snapped after op says

Take your dopamine and gtfo, fucking trashcan virtue signalling piece of shit

We actually had a nice conversation in private chat.

If you'd like to help him send tits. Srs.

My tits? Or your tits? Whose tits are we talking about here?

Your tits, roastie. No one cares about your pseudo scientific knowledge of SSRIs and benzos. Show tits or gtfo.

My knowledge is scientific, not pseudo-scientific. If you want to see tits there's plenty available all over the internet.

No it's not. We want your milkies. Show them or leave.

You. I like you.

He wants female titties bitch, give it to him!!!

That's awfully rude, and besides, there's plenty of tits available elsewhere.

Notice how she treats you nice for raging at her, God women are disgusting, if you ever pay them attention they will drag you down to their level and trick you into abusing them, they really like it deep down.

Wait, are you talking about me?

No of course not, you like it and that's what I said. Dirty little skank, you don't even protest. This is what's wrong with women, nice little victims who always seek out their abusers and placate them. Fuck you into infinity, you corrupted demon

I don't "seek out abusers". I was just looking over this subreddit, saw this thread, and chimed in. Then you started doing whatever it is you're doing, and it genuinely doesn't bother me.

You're an angel may I marry you?

I'm afraid I have to decline, sorry.

Post tits`?


These are very good questions. Thanks he never answered.

medication against depression is a ploy by big pharma to make people dependent on medicine that dulls their minds

medication against depression is a ploy by big pharma to make people dependent on medicine that dulls their minds

That's an impressive accusation. Do you have any evidence to back it up?

my friend who takes benzos, can't even for coherent sentences, smiling like a motherfucker, truly bliss, right?

Can't wait to watch him die of convulsions when tapering off, but that's his own fault for abusing it teehee, amiright?

my friend who takes benzos, can't even form coherent sentences, smiling like a motherfucker, truly bliss, right?

That sounds like he's either taking them recreationally or he should not be on those particular medications.

Also, benzodiazepines aren't used as antidepressants.

Can't wait to watch him die of convulsions when tapering off, but that's his own fault for abusing it teehee, amiright?

Thats awful. I hope they get the treatment they need, there are many ways to mitigate the effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal, but it has to be done carefully.

I typically find that the decision to abuse drugs is only partly ones own fault, but ends up being completely ones own responsibility.

so you're literally agreeing with everything I've said with your last sentence?

The way you talk, reminds me of the psychiatrist I've talked to, being all like 'it's all perspective bro' and 'you need to view it from a different angle dear'

so you're literally agreeing with everything I've said with your last sentence?

My last sentence is just saying that i think reducing drug abuse to whose "fault" it is doesn't really help anything, because its rarely simple and still falls on the person abusing the drugs to fix.

The way you talk, reminds me of the psychiatrist I've talked to, being all like 'it's all perspective bro' and 'you need to view it from a different angle dear'

Well I'm not a psychiatrist. I think a different perspective can help but isnt enough to fix anything on its own.

show me one peer-reviewed study where antidepressants produced a significantly larger effect on happiness than placebo

show me one peer-reviewed study where antidepressants produced a significantly larger effect on happiness than placebo

Here is a meta-analysis on the effectiveness of Venlafaxine, an antidepressant medication. Here is another that discusses the efficacy of Bupropion, another antidepressant medication

yeah ok, maybe some of them are effective in dulling your brain enough to make it seem like you're happy.

Im getting the impression that you believe that antidepressants universally dull your brain and/or are ineffective.

Why do you believe that?

Well he's exhibiting typical incel behavior by asking for evidence and then dismissing the evidence when it's presented to him. He clearly doesn't have much going on in his mind already..

Lol if he doesn't want to take brain chemistry altering drugs, that's entirely his prerogative. Why do you give a shit if he does or doesn't?

And here’s a typical loser feeling superior to other losers on the internet. A good use of your time by the way. Oh wait that would imply it that your time would actually be useful

you're a fucking retard or a shill if you think SSRI's and MAOI inhibitors are improving anyone's quality of life

do you know what Akathisia is? do you know why they aren't studying it as a side effect of a few SSRI's

retard and a nigger

Personal opinion, my mom takes some of this shit, and she’s unbearably slow-minded. Before she started taking them she was actually smart. She once tried getting off of it, and was practically suicidal for a week. Before that she has had problems, but nothing like this.

I’m 100% sure I’m not going to take those shitpills ever.

I'm sorry to hear that. As i said, antidepressants aren't for everybody, certainly. I hope she found/ finds the help she needs.

you're a fucking retard or a shill if you think SSRI's and MAOI inhibitors are doing anything for anyone

you're a fucking retard or a shill if you think SSRI's and MAOI inhibitors are doing anything for anyone

Im neither of those things. I'm familiar with the science behind antidepressants, and its pretty robust. I also have additional anecdotal experience that supports their use (responsibly, of course).

get your T-Levels and cognition checked retard NIGGER

literally a spiritual nigger

what's a "spiritual nigger"? I've never heard that term before.

get your T-Levels and cognition checked

I get regular checkups, but thank you for your concern.

This conversation makes me actually furious with rage.

Neoliberalism is such a shitty system dude.

"Freedom" is such a vacuous ethic and yet it governs the way our social interactions play out

The homeless and the permanent loser class of "incels" aka men with bad genes should have a highly regimented, structured lifestyle available where their skills can be put to task

because of literal FAGGOTNIGGERS like Foucault and KIKES like Rand our system tells them to "Just Bee Urself"

Perhaps it's due to my own testesterone levels, but if I was of that class of castaway low status men I would get a fucking bowl cut

You are a spiritual nigger because you don't think about this. You have a slave mentality. You are a test tube for SSRI's and a diet of soylent.


That's an interesting perspective, but i get the sense that you're not actually interested in discussing it. If I'm wrong on that point, though, please correct me.


I'm not sure that word means what you seem to think it means, but okay.

I'm not interested in discussing this with some retarded whore made into cattle with a steady dose of experimental SSRI's and MAOI inhibitors, who thinks she has the answers because of what some self-reported studies say, and her (likely Jewish or female) doctor tells her as consolation.

You spend your whole day on reddit, because you have no real options for socialization.

You are a nigger. Stop telling these mentally ill mixed race goblins to take your nigger drugs.

Well, i think your comment speaks for itself. You have a nice day.

keep posturing as well-adjusted. this society has broken you and like any biologically attuned female you take it in the ass while screaming "yes daddy!"

you can ignore me but i am right.

You're the only one here who is doing anything that resembles screaming.

Why are you so vehemently trying to promote drugs? Are you a sales rep for Pfizer or something?

I'm not "promoting" drugs, I just don't think they should be dismissed because they have negative effects.

Don't do this, guys

Ssris ruined my life, seriously. The side-effects and sometimes extreme adverse reactions are waaaay worse than any potential benefits. Most often, you'll just be driven further into depression

I'm sorry to hear that. They're definitely not for everybody, and i do recognise that they aren't always prescribed properly.

For some, though, ssris can be the difference between life and death.

I'd say only try them if most nights you actually already have the rope around your neck

That seems a bit dramatic, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Dramatic? Get fucked, you absolute piece of shit. I've been on 6 different SSRIs, roastie. Come at me. They're fucking cancer. Stop doling out medical advice. You're doing serious harm by minimising the damage they cause. Though, roasties know nothing about what it's like to be permanently impotent from long term SSRI use, so why the fuck would I expect you to have any sympathy for men using them. Get the fuck out of here. You're not a psychiatrist.

Dramatic? Get fucked, you absolute piece of shit.

The irony of these two sentences is palpable.

They're fucking cancer.

They are medications that have potent effects and should be taken seriously.

You're doing serious harm by minimising the damage they cause.

I'm not minimizing their effects, I just don't want people to dismiss their potential benefits because they can have adverse effects.

Though, roasties know nothing about what it's like to be permanently impotent from long term SSRI use

You do realize that SSRI's have potential impacts on female fertility too, right?

You're not a psychiatrist.

I freely admit that. I'm also not actually doling out medical advice.

...All you seem to do is be a pedantic asshole in your responses. You could be self-aware, but you don't seem to care that much either.

Do you interact with easily agitated people in the same unhelpful manner?

I freely admit that. I'm also not actually doling out medical advice.

What you're coming across as pretty much illustrates otherwise. You can ask me questions on 'why?', but I'll just 'block' you. I've wasted enough time looking at your pompous sounding responses.

Do you interact with easily agitated people in the same unhelpful manner in real life?

Im sorry you find me unhelpful. I do interact with agitated people pretty regularly in my job and elsewhere, though, and im trained to do so as calmly and thoughtfully as possible.

What you're coming across as pretty much illustrates otherwise.

Its not medical advice, but you're entitled to your opinion.

You can ask me questions on 'why?', but I'll just 'block' you because I'm not interested in a talk of misinterpretations.

Okay, have a nice day.

SSRI are garbage, they have tons of side effects (a lot of them are long term if not permanent) They can have very serious side effects, if you feel bad in 1-3 days (headaches, muscule twitching) i'd recommend stop taking it since you may develop permanent illnesses like dystonia, akathisia or parkinson, brain fog, memory loss, mood swings, or even worse depression with very strong suicidal thoughts, and not being able to be happy again (forget the name of that illness). If it's just nausea or liver/stomach pain it should stop after 7-14 days by itself. I've heard about dude who's penis won't get hard for 10 years (so pretty much permanent) after taking SSRI for just 6 months. There are lot of reports with people who's brain develop some twisted dependency and if you stop taking them you will feel like dying. I've seen plenty of people on various forums who had brain fog, memory loss from taking SSRI. Those pill are dangerous and ((((big pharma psychiatrists)))) give them like they are candies.

SSRIs are serious medications. They have serious effects and potentially serious side effects. They also shouldn't be given as a first step. No responsible professional would say otherwise.

They are not a permanent fix, the effects only last as long as one takes the medications, and they do not correct underlying behavior or thought patterns.

But that does not mean they aren't incredibly valuable to the people who need them. They can be literal lifesavers.

Saying they're merely part of some mind control scheme by big pharma or psychiatrists, or implying that they somehow motivated most American mass shooters, is...a bit much, to say the least.

This could be said about almost all prescription medications, though, even some OTC ones. Would you tell someone taking insulin for their diabetes that "it's only masking the problem, not solving it". The reason many people take psychiatric medications is to help their brains produce (or minimize overproduction) of necessary chemicals. That's literally it, it's the same as treating Parkinson's with a dopamine agonist or a thyroid condition with thyroid medications.

All prescription meds have the potential to be lethal or extremely damaging; should we just forgo modern medicine then? If it improves the quality of one's life, why shouldn't people be allowed the opportunity to try it.

I'm no stranger to terrible side affects of psychiatric medication, I've taken multiple antipsychotics over the years (take a look at the side affects of those of you want to know true horror). Most of the side affects of SSRIs can be mitigated or disappear the longer they're taken. They're actually considered one of the safer medications to give people, and often when someone is started on a new med they're given the lowest dose. Any decent doctor will warn a patient of the side affects before administering a medication, and will listen to you if you have complaints. It's a two way street.

I'm saying all this as someone who's been seeing a therapist/psychiatrist for over 4 years now, and been medicated almost as long. They didn't just "throw pills" at me. It took me 3 years to find meds and doses that worked well for me, and I'm bipolar. It takes a dedicated partnership of patient and doctor to sort out.

I can honestly say that without my SSRI, I'd probably be dead. I know medication isn't for everyone, but don't knock it until you give it an actual, genuine try first.

I’d rather not chemically lobotimize myself.

Define "help"

It might help lift someone out of a depressive spiral enough that they might respond to other forms of treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy.


Anons taking the normies with him.

So are you prescribed benzos by the Psychiatrist?

he wants me to take cyanide so that the women in his office don't have to puke every time i enter their realm

RIP. Just LDAR with us, buddy boyo!

People pay money for things that don't work. Hilarious.

That's happening from forever all the time everywhere...

Meds work for me, but fuck talking to someone who can't fix your issues lol, useless.

Yeah it really is the meds nor the talking is going to fix anything

they used to just call them tranquilizers because they act as a crutch for your brain. Just LOL at all the dipshits that prescribe those things, thinking they're some sort of multiverse God

Psychology exist in current state to consume resources of those who are desperate enough to believe in magical panacea. They are scavengers of current society, feeding on those who are weak and about to die.

For all considering "getting help" I recommend bring recording device with you to save the bullshit you would be fed and to observe later how unhelpful these hyenas are. Always record your critical interactions with society.

Maybe you should try medication to cure your FACE. How can anyone believe in these scam artists in 2018. Psychology is something from the past, like believing in many Gods. It's a dead science.

Evolutionary psychology is the only useful thing in the entirety of the psychology field.

that and cognitive behavioal therapy, which actually works on changing your behavior IRL instead of throwing meds and empty platitudes at your face and hoping you'll get better like the rest of psychology.

CBT is currently the most effective form of psychotherapy, but medication and traditional counseling can be extremely helpful if used appropriately.

also DBT

CBT works for people who have minor issues like. It will not work for most of us!!!!

That's true, it doesn't always work.

Sociology bruh.

All the fellow college students thinking of therapy take a look at the psych majors at your school

Do they look like people who could understand your issues or even people you would want to tell them your issues with?

There is a world of difference between undergraduate psych majors and actual licensed psychologists with PhD/PsyD.

Not really



Not a world. Just grad school.

Not to mention OP went through multiple licensed psychs that didn't really help him at all, lmfao.

Don't trust anything that makes money off you being sick.

Like doctors and hospitals... I guess...?

Read Epictetus' manual Enchiridion. Ancient philosophy > psychology.

Now that is bullshit.

How so? Have you read Epictetus' Enchiridion?

Celibacy isn’t hereditary 👌

The only medication for us that works is death.

psychologist are helpful to get you out of stuff

It is a VERY lucrative field and p-docs are in HIGH DEMAND.

You basically make BANK listening to people complain!

Not all are bad, just most. I've found one or two female psychologists / therapists I thought were helpful. But most are just awful.

Sounds like the psychiatrist was right, you seem to be having a lot of paranoid delusions of persecution. Maybe the meds would have helped.

Therapist is short for "the rapist"

What did you expect bru

The Reproducibility Project: Psychology was a collaboration of 270 contributing authors to repeat 100 published experimental and correlational psychological studies Even with all the extra steps taken to ensure the same conditions of the original 97 studies only 35 of the studies replicated (36.1%), and if they did replicate their effects were smaller than the initial studies effects

Psychology is (mostly) a bogus field

Cuckqueers shills psychotherapy so much I sometimes wonder if some of them are getting paid for it. They'll also dismiss any anecdote from anyone who's had a bad experience with the mental health industry as sabotaging their own therapy with abrogate behavior (isn't helping people with abrogate habits and mindsets the entire fucking point?) or even flat out lying about the situation.

Here's a blackpill for you, soyboys and roasties: not every problem can be solved by popping pills and getting lectured by career bullshitters raised in the ivory tower. Some people are less fortunate than you. You are not entitled to apex victimhood. Deal with it.

Drug induced bliss can't be that bad, can it?

Psychologists and psychotherapists can't prescribe medications. They sent you to the appropriate place.

so you're literally agreeing with everything I've said with your last sentence?

My last sentence is just saying that i think reducing drug abuse to whose "fault" it is doesn't really help anything, because its rarely simple and still falls on the person abusing the drugs to fix.

The way you talk, reminds me of the psychiatrist I've talked to, being all like 'it's all perspective bro' and 'you need to view it from a different angle dear'

Well I'm not a psychiatrist. I think a different perspective can help but isnt enough to fix anything on its own.

that and cognitive behavioal therapy, which actually works on changing your behavior IRL instead of throwing meds and empty platitudes at your face and hoping you'll get better like the rest of psychology.

We actually had a nice conversation in private chat.

Sociology bruh.