Highly Brutal Sciencepill. Women Unconsciously Sabotage Each Other to Increase Their Chances of Getting Chad.

38  2018-05-10 by Bullet_Storm


What a hideous beast. "Haaanz"

I don't think there's anything unconscious about catfights lol

there's something common sensish of this but most sjws would probably deny it, good to see Tania showing scientific proof

Water is wet. Women are in a dire competiton with each other for getting Chad's dick since the dawn of times.

“Historically, a woman’s romantic partner was a strong predictor of how well the family fared,” Reynolds said. “Today, it may be less predictive because women have better access to education, employment and child support. But going from a dual to single-income household still reduces resources available to children, and divorce can be incredibly stressful. So, attracting and retaining an invested male partner still influences important outcomes for women and their families.”

translated: I want chad teehee

this is a brutal blackpill basically saying women are dumb and don't have selfawareness:

One unexpected finding of the study, Reynolds said, was that sometimes women shared gossip about an attractive woman, perceived as a threat, whether they liked her or not.

“That makes me think women don’t really know they’re doing it, or they’re not doing it maliciously,” Reynolds said. “If you can spread gossip without seeming mean, or if you phrase it with concern, such as, ‘I am worried about her because she’s not making good choices,’ then the gossiper is perceived as a better friend, compared to one who gossips maliciously. She can preserve her reputation while still harming a rival’s. That suggests concerned gossip is an effective tactic, and women may not even consciously know they’re doing it.”

Femoids are like animals when it comes to mating strategy, they are completely unaware of what they're attracted to , or why they do what they do. It's so crazy. That's why they always give the stupidest dating advice.

hamsters on wheels

women are shitheads, the guys that are shitheads do this too.

Wow most of the blackpills on here are like "yea duh", but this is brutal. So superficial and petty. These bitches really ain't shit.

This just in.. women are petty fuck machines. This comes as a shock considering prostitution is the longest recorded job in humanity.


We didn't need science to tell us this. Just go to high school.

They could've just responded that they like the other woman even though they actually hate her, or at least are jealous of her.