This is an actual post from a real person - I am at a loss for words at how our meme of cucks replicated itself in real life

177  2018-05-10 by restlessly_injected


rant over

maan some people just dont have any self esteem

I never feel superior to anyone, but I feel I am overwhelmingly superior to those people.

The evidence is clearly overwhelming. How's the weather up there on your pedestal?

How's the weather up there on your pedestal?

You first.

The forecast is inceldom but the skies are clear of any cuckoldry.

Inceldom is a *way* better station in life than being a cuck or in a "polyamorous" relationship.

classic /r/inceltears m.o. there, buddy.

Downvotes and no reply to refute what I said indicate large amounts of salt.


I really think that sub is mostly people trolling.

which sub?

The poligamy sub or something. Where was that image Taken?

yep, it's there


Same thing

Sort of. Polygamy is a subgroup of polyamory, but polyamory isn't just polygamy. Polyamory is a type of non-monogamy.

Why are you even here femoid jfl

Ask u/nancy125. That's who took a screenshot of my post, and then tagged me in this one.

We hide in the closets

Well it's hard to believe people like you really exiat

are you arguing in favour of being cucked?

I find your (pl) obsession with women's sexual behavior really weird. This thing about virgins. I mean what the actual fuck?

Sure, I've been cucked, by i guess several of your definitions. I have also cucked, but I think cucking counts as being cucked given that another man's sperm is polluting the woman you are with, by your way of thinking right?

People cheat. It happens. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes it really doesn't matter.

Sure, I've been cucked, by i guess several of your definitions

holy shit. we have an actual cuck here. everyone look. an actual fucking cuck and he is proud of it. how pathetic.





How these people don't kill themselves is beyond me.

Yeah, me too. That sounds shitty.

Looked through your profile. Wow, every fucking shitty thing ever: lesbian, 3 jobs, 2 kids, 1 is autistic, mom died, married to a wife that gets 100x more sex than you with others.

I honestly think you’re in an abusive relationship serious. You’re clearly in an emotional turmoil and it seems like your wife doesn’t give a fuck.

How did you come to that conclusion?

Because I get depressed just reading your profile and I don’t even know you.

As your wife, she should notice that you feel down and do everything to help you feel better. The first and most obvious step is to stop sleeping with others...

Being poly isn't some sort of sex crazed thing. I don't understand why you're placing so much emphasis on sex in the first place.

You jump to wild conclusions with little information. I'm not posting my entire life on reddit. That'd be sad, and time consuming.

I didn’t mean to put emphasis on sex per se, but clearly she has more people to better herself emotionally. I didn’t jump to any conclusions, I just read your posts and it’s all based on them.

It’s your life though, so it’s all on you. Peace.

You're a mentally ill cuckboy and a symptom of how weak the west has become in a feminized society. You think that would ever happen in a Masculine society, some limp wristed tool going home to his wifes 2 boyfriends?

You must not live in the US


Checks out.

Seriously, consider me shot dead.

wtf's a comet

Our memes about cucks are based on real life.

Is this from /r/cuckoldry or something lol


Ok, serious question. Can you explain how this would be on r/cuckholdry? Maybe my understanding of cuckholdry is different than others.

A cuck is a guy who openly lets people do his wife I thought lol

Well, I'm not a guy. Aside from that, I guess we would be "cucks"... but we call it polyamory.

Jeez... well good luck with that

Thanks. We've been together for five years, happily married for 2. It's not luck, it's love, communication and dedication.

Wheres the love in letting people fuck your wife

Would you like a real response on how polyamory works? Or would you like a snarky response to your snarky, and seemingly judgemental, question?

See ya in divorce court!

Gimme one of each


Real answer: To give you a serious TL;DR, polyamory (poly: multiple amory: love) is the ability for an individual to have romantic feelings for more than one at a time. This can be divided into multiple sub groups such as kitchen table poly, triads, quads, v, relationship anarchy, DADT (don't ask, don't tell), polygamy, etc. It takes a lot of communication, and honesty of all people involved.

Snarky answer: the love is in the kitchen, when I tell her to make me a sandwich.

Thats not really what anybodys wondering though. Theyre wondering what makes it better in your eyes than a normal relationship

This is a normal relationship for me.

Majority doesn't mean normal. It just means there's more of them than there is of me.

I think monogamy is great if that's what works for you. I think polyamory is great if that's what works for you. At the end of the day, what someone else does has absolutely no impact on my life, (unless I'm dating them), so I couldn't care less. As long as everyone is safe, happy, and healthy in whatever relationship they want to be in.

Here i am actually trying to learn and get perspective on life and you give me three paragraphs that say absolutely nothing

Ok, how can I clarify it for you?

Keep in mind, there are many books written about this. Explaining it in a few paragraphs while I'm at work is a challenge.

why dont you get jealous. What impact does this have on your sex life together. Will she love them as much as you someday. Do they go on dates. Does she ever go off eith her boyfriends during arguments. What do the boyfriends think of each other.

Disclaimer: I can only speak for my own experience.

So, I personally haven't experienced jealousy with my wife because I've never been worried of someone else taking her away from me. Envy on the other hand, is real. I work two jobs, so I don't see my wife and kids as much as I'd like to. One of her boyfriends is over a lot (the other currently works away from home) which I envy. But I also think it's great. My wife gets help wrangling the kids, the kids love hanging out with him, and I just don't worry as much overall, knowing someone that cares about the person I care about is there.

It definitely enhances our sex life. When one of us comes home after being out with a partner, there is an amazing feeling of compersion. Compersion is the opposite of jealousy. It's simply being happy for someone else's happiness. We almost always have crazy compersion sex (but as quiet as possible because kids).

We don't really see love on a scale of "as much" or "less than". On the surface, one could assume that she loves me more than she loves her boyfriends, but in reality it's not quite that simple. It's also very hard to explain through text. I guess I would compare it to best friends. If you have two best friends that you love and care for very much, and someone asks you who do you care about more, could you answer that?

She does go on dates with them, whenever time can be scheduled. Our date nights are typically on Saturdays, but schedules are flexible.

If we have disagreements, they are typically settled that day, or the next day. If she needs time to clear her head, she just goes out for a drive. She loves to drive. I will never understand that, I hate driving. I only do it when I have to.

The boyfriends get along fine. I am friends with the one that is over a lot. The one that currently works away from home can be challenging to get along with, but that's okay.

I hope that answered everything. I'm on my phone so I might have lost track of something.

Thanks for taking the time to answer

Would you like a real response on how polyamory works?

Nah, because it doesn't. You can't justify it without creating an online community to get rationalise it between one another. Monogamous people don't need a subreddit.

Monogamous people don't need a subreddit because it's seen as the default or "normal" relationship configuration, and is throughly covered in almost anything written about relationships.

Polyamorous people need a subreddit because if/when we talk about our relationship(s) in an open forum, folks like to tell us that their definition of a relationship model is the "right" one, and everyone else is wrong and dumb.

everyone else is wrong and dumb

You are wrong and dumb. There are many things objectively stupid that are derired with good reason. Find me consensus among clinical psychologists who speak fond of and in favor of polyamory.

If a man (much like yourself) isn't able to find a woman for a conventional relationship and instead has to resort to being in a 'constellation', what does that say about polyamory and furthermore what does it say about that man?

You are confusing objectivity with your opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't mean anyone that has a different one than you is wrong.

Also, I'm not a man.

No one cares, roastie. Post milkies or gtfo.

wow disgusting, it's interesting how a femoid just abdicate of her female privilege. are you a lesbian or bi?

Technically it originally referred to men who raised children borne of his wife that were fathered by other men, like the phenomena amongst its namesake, the cuckoo bird. The sexual fetish developed out of this which naturally focussed on a known and willing engagement in the explicit sexual praxis of the adulterous premiss.

How do you let someone walk all over you this much?

It's my kink

LOL OP being a woman makes it 1000x worse

Kinda makes it 1000x more hilarious for me.

that just makes me sad. Poor woman

The fact that most of us instantly assumed that the OP is male proves how bad men have it.

She has to be a real butch that looks straight manly

JFL "Our meme." Foid please.


its over for you boyo


LMFAO you’re actually a female? What’s it like feeling so entitled to Chad that you make a spectacle of your life by becoming a lesbian cuckold?

I recognize the language, but your use of it is strange.

Ok don’t cooperate. Go back to rejecting incels because you’re lesbian teehee™️

I think I need a translator.

from me...good luck..hope you find more support and feel better

Thank you :)

your name is fucking nancy dumbass

Did you just assume his gender

If you're a lesbian, you should never enter into relationships with bisexuals. You're setting yourself up to be cucked.

I'm not cucked tho...

Get out while you still can. You are 100% certifiably CUCKED.

Did the guy below just try to say that ”yeah lol ur cucked” with little to no source about your life? Thanks to his amazing social skills he could smell it

tfw Braincels lose their fucking shit on the sole reason of them being woman.

So minumoto, I am the person who posted the screenshot of your post here. Now that you have had a day to absorb in what we have to say about your situation did you learn anything? Or are you still stubbornly adhering to your cuckolding ways?

It has been an interesting observation of a side of reddit I've never been on. Thank you for the new perspective. I have no intention of making changes to my life of course, I am a happily married "cuck" as you folks would say.

I hope you have a prosperous life.

Do you always troll around r/polyamory, or was it just luck?



i was linked to a different poly post from here and then i went to their front page and this was the top post.

Well, it's no fucking shock you've found something like this when you visit a polyamory sub.

I love how everyone in that sub is like

"yeah polyamory is great! Monogamy is a social construct and humans naturally need to be with multiple people. People who don't believe in polyamory are close minded, unlike us, blah blah blah blah"

But more than half of their posts are post of complications, and people seeking advice for their poly relationships that are falling apart. It's hilarious.

High IQ post.

It's selfishness rebranded to look more selfless. "I have an open mind and I can share my partner." Or some shit.

Cucks will literally tell you that cuckoldry is 'the thinking man's fetish'. Anything to half-rationalise, justify or excuse behaviour that they know deep down is abhorrent and an insult to the Gods themselves.

I think you’ll find that most relationship forums - even ones founded on monogamy - speak more about issues they are having than anything else. People don’t tend to post about the good things in their lives. Relationship problems aren’t restricted to just those who practice/are poly. I’ve had both monogamous and poly relationships, and find I do prefer a monogamous structure. But the issues faced in poly weren’t more than I’ve seen in mono relationships, they were just different issues.

I actually found healthy poly relationships tend to be more “you you you”, than “me me me” as you have stated. Which is why I couldn’t hack it.

I think you’ll find that most relationship forums - even ones founded on monogamy - speak more about issues they are having than anything else.

That's a fair point.

And, do you think you were doing the "you you you" because the other person was doing more of the "me me me"?

I'm gonna assume that you're a man. Men do the giving and women do the talking in these relationships. It's why you are always seeing "progressive women" advocating for polyamory more often than men


Ha ha.

That's not how polyandry with a female hinge actually works out. I know.

How does it work out?

With the woman running her ass off for TWO households. There were many weeks there I didn't get any 'off' time.

No, woman here. It was a “V” structured relationship with the male in the centre, and me + another woman. I wasn’t seeing anyone else, and neither was the other woman. There wasn’t much in the sense of “taking” by anyone in the relationship, actually. I can understand how it can be seen by outsiders as being greedy, but from my experience it’s the complete opposite. It was the most selfless relationship I’ve ever been in.

For us, there was always a huge effort to think of everyone involved, and be respectful of each other at all times. It comes with certain sacrifices (mostly time spent together), and you face things that can make you feel downright uncomfortable at times. To be honest, if you only think about “me” in this type of relationship, it’s going to fall apart pretty fast. Like I said, it’s not for me. But I will use parts of what that relationship taught me forever going forward. Selflessness, communication, trust, honesty, etc. All things I found lacking in other monogamous relationships I had in the past.

Your assumptions are hilarious.

Care to explain?

You're making broad generalizations about a group of people based on a small sample size. In reality, both monogamous and non monogamous people have similar core challenges, and similar awesome feelings about who they are with.

You are also assuming you know the motivators about why people are poly.

And calling us degenerates is just childish name calling.

And calling us degenerates is just childish name calling.

Nah, it's calling it as we see it. Nothing wrong with that; it's an observation.

However you want to rationalize it.

To be fair though, 99% of the time the polyamory was probably forced upon the man by the woman.

a comet?

Finally someone else picked up on that! Is that some poly term for something or does she legit have a chunk of a comet? So confused!

It's a car from GTA San Andreas

How the fuck did it take an hour for someone to comment on this?

TFW your wife has a comet and you don’t. 😢

In 2020, any sub-9 males will have to settle for being the cuck in a relationship with a 1/10 femoid where her boyfriend is a gigachad. That's how fast hypergamy is exponentially increasing. It's over

good comment

We'll still be incel, though. Our situation will only become even more impossible to escape, even through degenerate betabuxxing. It's the average and slightly above or below average males who will face that fate, unless women are allowed to have harems, and can force men into them.


How do you get a comet

This is what sub-8 males have to settle for these days if they want to get laid.

a comet?

I honestly, truly believed this shit was satire and fake until I saw like 30 of these posts admitting relationships like this.

Just... How? How can you be happy knowing that the woman who makes you happy isn't happy with you? "Yeah honey, you love me, but you want your sex from him, and to go on dates with the other. But at least I have you for watching our Hulu shows and cuddling Tuesday through Thursday!"

I think they are afraid they won't find anyone if they leave, so they make themselves believe its what they want.

Damn. That's sad but sounds like a likely reason.

I'm really trying to understand your thought process, but I truly can't.

So many odd assumptions about something you don't seem to know anything about.

I don't mind if my girlfriends get with other girls, but men I won't allow. Never had a girl steal mine, things got better and it's an open door leading to a possible threesome. Take notes lol.

Your dad isn’t the emotional support type... Hmmmm I wonder why

How can any man accept the fact another man is making love to their woman ,body to body, in her vagina,sucking her tits,making her cum, and putting his seed in her. Fucking disgraceful.

If your wife has two boyfriends then you are not the rock in the relationship


Damn, she even got a comet named after her!

Lol at poly relationships

What a complete loser and abject mentally ill retard. "Muh wife has 2 boyfriends but I'm the rock in the relationship". No you're the cuck loser, the human doormat that gets stepped on and the dogshit on someones shoes wiped on. Lol

>meme of cucks replicated itself in real life

mate the reality of cucks preceded the meme. These scum would have been culled in saner times.

Check the r/polyamory sub for some laughs. Also, it seems quite a lot of men are having benefits from polyamory. I went in expecting only the women to have boyfriends and the men having none, but it actually seems pretty balanced. I just can't understand how to love more than one person at the same time? Is it something you can learn to do? I also don't understand how any male can allow for an other male in the relationship. This is really hard for me to comprehend.

I think I need a translator.

your name is fucking nancy dumbass

why dont you get jealous. What impact does this have on your sex life together. Will she love them as much as you someday. Do they go on dates. Does she ever go off eith her boyfriends during arguments. What do the boyfriends think of each other.

Damn. That's sad but sounds like a likely reason.

good comment

We'll still be incel, though. Our situation will only become even more impossible to escape, even through degenerate betabuxxing. It's the average and slightly above or below average males who will face that fate, unless women are allowed to have harems, and can force men into them.
