Successful family life

273  2018-05-10 by deividasbertasius1


The "Me" guy is excited about getting a Nintendo switch and soy milk.

LOL’ed hard

It's his reward for taking the kid out for a couple of hours so she can be home with her 2 boyfriends in peace.

Kinda makes sense - Wife is having some double penetration action with 2 BBCs while IT cuck is taking care of the kid. Makes perfect sense...

this is honestly the best meme

Why do numales do that weird ass "smile" (gaping their mouth)?

To imply that they are gay. Seriously, if one really wants to do that, at least they need to be cute.

It’s a sign of submission to let women know they’ve abandoned their masculinity and are safe to mingle with, willing to wait for the rare opportunity to eat chads sperm from a drunk roasties vagina

Legit soy milk is actually way more healthier than cow milk

Having bitch tits and being communist is not healthy.

Cow milk is full of saturated fats that gave you those bitch tits. Soy has unsaturated fats which don’t stick in your body as bad as saturated

someone tell that kid to stop mouth breathing or else he's stuck with the cuckface forever

my sides lmaooo

Should've been "her son"

Are you saying that he is not my son just because we don't share same genetics even though I'm sacrificing my whole wage to raise him? You fucking disgusting misogynistic pig

Or "Our" son.

But soyboys are too dumb to realize it ain't their son.

Is there a primer or FAQ somewhere for why these cuck scenarios are a thing?


Dat Shane diesel .

By the way, Shane Diesel creates great content, everyone should google him

finally a pornstar i can relate to

Christ you fucks are toxic

Hey, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze has been released, go an play it!

Im sure that was a wicked burn, broh. Unfortunately you idiots talk in newspeak so the targets of your insults never actually get insulted

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." - You

Yet, you responded to the guy above you. Talk about being butthurt.


TIL Nintendo and pussy are the two most evil things in the world for losers. Knew about the second, the first is a surprise. Anyone who dislikes Donkey Kong is a bad person.

T O X I C and P R O B L E M A T I C straight males

Obsessed & Toxic. I've tried reaching out to some, but I'm afraid it's throwing pearls before swine. They shit on anything that doesn't prop up their confirmation bias/negativity circle jerk.

HAHAHAHAHA comments like that honestly make me laugh like a fucking psycho

To be fair... You are a psycho. It's likely a big part of your loneliness and lashing out.

Because you actually may be one?

The black pill is to strong. Once you see the truth. You can never go back.

Once your mind is made up, you can never change it. - You.

Facts cannot be changed. Would you prefer alternative ones?

Objective reality is fine for me, thanks. I suggest you look into it.


Found the numale

Really, though. What a pathetic "subculture" When did being ugly and pathetic become a fanclub?

Heil Hitler.

Go suck a dick

Eat a blooming purple moss clump and get fuck outta here, cum slurper

nintendo switch
and everything nice
that's what white numales are made of

I know right? And they're idiots, my wife has only has one boyfriend.

I bathe in it.

Yikes you are toxic



Can someone explain to me the appeal of that ridiculous open-mouthed, wide-eyed face that all these greasy white male liberals love to make in photos? I think of it as soyboy duckface, but at least I understand what young women are actually going for when they pose in duckface. With these guys, I have no idea what the goal is.

can someone explain what's wrong with Nintendo switches teeheeeeee


fear grin

They are purposefully pulling an ugly face so no one can criticise their actual ugliness.

Oh I get it, because you people are racist nobodies.

I'm black, how am I racist?

said a white liberal numale. im not white btw. Get yo nintendo switch and get the FFFFuck out of here oink oink

Women are the racists, wanting the white chad.


lmao why is it racist?

that numale on the bottom gives me fucking nightmares

Average inceltears family

The average inceltears poster's family

I live for these posts tbh

Hehe that's silly

Wife not fat enough

Wife's boyfriend is a pornstar. Don't ask me how I know that.

Do you guys really think the world is like this? Because it's so not.

Unplug yourself from social media, and really all media, for 30 days, and see how your life improves.

"That won't help." "Go away normie." "I'm ugly -- my life is hopeless anyway." "Ban this normie."

There. I already responded for you.

No it's pretty accurate. The average American family is a trainwreck.

Not really.

The average American family is a husband and wife and 2.4 kids and no polyamory. Both parents work.

If you spent most of your time in the real world instead of on the Internet, you might see that it's nowhere near what you believe.

"Modern Family"

hahaha i laugh at all inceltears, everyone but me gotta learn they're cucks

Who’s the guy on the bottom left?

Whose this woman and why is she always being used in posts like these? Back story?

Kinda makes sense - Wife is having some double penetration action with 2 BBCs while IT cuck is taking care of the kid. Makes perfect sense...