How many times do we need to say it? FUCK BUGMAN CUCK HUMOR.

38  2018-05-10 by extraWill


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.

Exactly. 2 iq memes vs our 500 iq memery. Fucking it cucks bro

This is not humor. This is a dead horse that's beaten so much that its bones have turned into ash.

WHaT wit

you good buddy

It's cope. You think Chad makes these types of jokes?

I’ve said this before: Chad isn’t even on reddit, 4chan or any non-normie social media site. He’s never even geard of the terms “Chad” or “incel.” He doesn’t read the news or blogs or listen to podcasts. He. Just. Fucks.…Why would he do anything else?

yup these guys stick to IG, snapchat, and bodybuilding forums


You think Chad gets excited about cardboard Nintendo products?

You think Chad gives a shit about Marvel movies besides as something to watch with his buddies occasionally when it's raining outside?

You think Chad searches for cuckolding porn on PornHub?

You think Chad even knows what Reddit is?

You know it's soyboys too, because Chads only use the internet for social media, soundcloud, and to buy Coachella tickets.

On the recent google AI audio bot announcement I saw this 10 times in a reddit post

"I, for one, welcome my new robot overlords" or some shit like that. Fucking pathetic soylent chugging bugmen

i bet all those intellectuals also watch rick and morty


i hate these fucking kind of chain comments. especially when its high iq conversation and some cuck comes in and says some edgy or stupid shit and grabs all the upvote from normies

i hate these fucking kind of chain comments. especially when its high iq conversation and some cuck comes in and says some edgy or stupid shit and grabs all the upvote from normies

FUCK. I loved big if true

Big tbh.