Average relationship for Inceltears "Chads".

104  2018-05-10 by INCELMAN2000


All women on reddit look either like this or like some green haired feminist.

Should I dye my hair then? Lol

What annoys me the most about these cucks, is the woman is never above a 6

If you're going to be a pathetic, spineless cuck who should really throw yourself off a bridge for the good of mankind, at least be a pathetic, spineless cuck for a woman actually attractive.


Hypergamy enabler

Hypergamy means more sex for all of us =)

If you're a woman, then yes.

When are talking about heterosexual women.

A certain part of them? Surely.

Why can't you incels just be happy for us chads?

No Chad calls himself Chad.

Chad Ibrahimovic does

Oh, you're teheeing, sorry.


this one isn't even a 6, i would give it a 1.5 at absolute best.

Yeah, definitely don't invite her to your mom's basement.

go drink your soylent from your wife's boyfriend's nipples

Absolute lunacy

Gonna play devil's advocate here for a sec. Looking at her bonestructure if she'd lost all that fat. She'd be a 7 or 8. Perhaps a 9.

Nao she's an annoying fat pig.

You must be high as fuck

Is this “just goofing”?

Or “why do people think Incels reject ugly women?”

Or “we just want a girl to love us”?

Or “we really believe these things about people and this is an example of one of our superior reality-based theories”?

Or is it jealousy?

Can’t tell anymore.

t. cuckold

Does that mean it’s “I just want a girl to love me as long as she’s a Stacy virgin because I believe weird things about vaginas?”

To come out of inceldom most guys here would have to betabux, or get into an open relationship because they are that ugly. And most guys here would agree they’d rather be virgins the rest of their life than sacrifice their dignity and self respect. Basically saying why should they be forced not to be in a monogamous relationship just because they’re ugly. Yes #notallwomen but these women are already in relationships or won’t date an incel because they don’t want to date an ugly guy and stay monogamous with someone they don’t find attractive which is fair enough but that’s what the incels here are arguing

So Incels think guys who look like the dudes in that photo can’t be in monogamous relationships unless the woman is in it for the money or something like that?

No their are definitely outliers but if you read the posts here their are numerous times people will post girls basically paraphrasing they “are ready to settle down” which I’m sure you’ve seen or heard a girl say before, and by settle down they mean find a nice guy with a nice job even if he’s not the kind of guy she used to hook up with which is why a lot of older men here 26+ are upset because these men didn’t experience hooking up from 18 to whatever age and now are expected to be basically settled for I.e. weren’t good enough for me back then but now that I’ve lowered my standards and seeing all that time you spent on your degree and career, you’ll do.

is it weird if I think she's actually pretty attractive



Then it's weird.

Well then

It's not weird at all. What is weird is gauging someone's attractiveness via another dudes opinion.


I agree, the guys are dating up.

I can promise you her bmi is >25.

Kind eyes, good smile. Those dudes look pretty hagard tho.

If that bitch demanding that they suck each other's dicks I'm sure these numales would oblige lol.

I honestly think that is why most of them do this.

"Bro, it's not gay if it's a 3way"

Why is it always two guys and one girl in these pictures.

They all look like shit

She's cute. Would bang while the two "chads" watch.

id fuck her sloppy cunt while the frogbeast and osama bin laden watch

Dat description doe.

Imagine being so hilariously pathetic that you create strawmen of other people so you don't have to wake up to the realization that you're all incels because you have shitty personalities, don't take care of yourselves, don't know how to interact like normal human beings, treat people like shit, etc.

The sadness in the eyes of the guy on the left. Knowing he has to let the guy on the left fluff him just so he can get some from his girlfriend.


Chad Ibrahimovic does

Oh, you're teheeing, sorry.

Yeah, definitely don't invite her to your mom's basement.

Absolute lunacy

Gonna play devil's advocate here for a sec. Looking at her bonestructure if she'd lost all that fat. She'd be a 7 or 8. Perhaps a 9.

Nao she's an annoying fat pig.