Femiods aren't entilited to free food,free housing,free transportation,free physical protection from other people,free drinks and the list goes on....

47  2018-05-10 by Incel_cure


I went out with a girl recently for a meal and, when I asked what she wanted to do with the bill, she said she'd rather I paid because she's traditional like that.

Traditional? No, just sexist. She'd described herself as a feminist before hand, but I honestly don't think she knows what that means.

Well of course women have no idea what they really want they want equality when it benefits them lol.

Wow, what an entitled attitude for her to have. Splitting should really be assumed unless someone insists on paying.

I hope you didn’t cover the whole bill.

What did you do then?

We split it, and i didn't talk to her again. Not a big loss if she's gonna be like that tbh.

You should make her pay it, just for asking that question.

Girl i've been seeing has literally spent more on me than i have on her.... does this make me chad?

Your trying so hard

What? I am actually blackpilled i'm with you guys. Just asking.

Oh yeah. They don’t want to challenge traditional gender norms when it’s about their power but get the knives out if a man even has a semblance of a spine.

Seriously, feminism was about power and never about equality. And anyone who falls for that bullshit deserves the pain he causes himself.

I do know 'proper' feminists who actually care about equality, but there are so many vocal examples that it gives the entire movement a bad name.

Feminists originally wanted women to be able to choose how to live their lives, whether that was being a total slut or a virginal housewife. Too many of them now see conservative views on feminity as deridible when it's a perfectly legitimate choice.

To them, it's just 'girl power' and 'dae hate men? Lol'. Bunch of cunts.

There are definitely people with good intentions. But with retards like Anita Sarkeesian getting popularity, someone who says, "Everything is sexist, everything is misogynistic," I don't believe there's a future for such a movement.

Feminism gives power to the worst elements in women. And it won't stop until men control their women again.

Free women, are humanity's undoing. Their power, their movement, its all nonsense. They're drunk on hedonism and they have no sense at all.

Lmao, liar.

I haven't paid for a lot over the years for women, but it's enough for me to regret it. Probably a few hundred bucks at the most.

But some have split and paid half, too, quite often offering to split. I think it's fairly common. That's just a token gesture, though, their long-term goal is your house and car.

When I go out with friends, I either pay my own way it split it. I went on a date last year and I paid half.

thats cause your fat and ugly

You have no idea what I look like.


I paid on the first date with my husband.

We were meeting at a restaurant bar around 7. I got there early and had dinner and a drink or two. He arrived and had one beer, maybe two. So the bill was my dinner, my 3 or 4 mixed drinks, and his beers. He offered to pay. I didn’t let him. My items were like 85% of the cost.

He still tells that story as if it’s the moment he knew I was the one for him. I was just being fair.

Nah my ex payed sneakily as I went to the bathroom. Wifed it and she kept trying to throw me dough. I gave it all to her mom because I'm a swell guy.

My girl wants to pay most of the times when we go out, to the point that a few times I had to actually ask her to not pay because it was making me feel bad.

If she doesn't want to pay for a date, change the goal posts/plan.

If she mentions going out before you (ideally), persuade her in to paying somehow.

If she doesn't pay for dates, try just "meeting up."

If none of that works, tell her to go fuck herself.

Most couples I know trade off on bills and split things relatively equally.