Friendly reminder: FatCels = VolCels

54  2018-05-10 by celaway1696


He wasn’t that bad off

He was pretty ugly compared to how he looks now.

No. He is cute in his before, hot in his after. Never ugly.

Here is another side by side comparison:

He's very ugly. Especially when you compare it to his after pictures.

Maybe it’s the hair but he looked even better in that picture than in the original

He's a low tier normie and a fatcel.

Sorry no. He could hit.

He has the right build, nice features, and so easy to see his potential.

This guy is not ugly on any level.

He is, lol.

How am I, a girl who would fuck the before pic, coping.

Stop with the catchall.

This is pretty odd. I'm starting to think a lot of these incels are gay for muscle-men. I think he looks better on the left but more ripped on the right. Guys on steroids at that low of a bodyfat percentage usually can't even have sex unless they are on gear for life.

How do you know he's on steroids? And acknowledging how attractive some guys are doesn't make you gay.

You know he's on steroids because he is more muscular and lower body fat perc than world record bodybuilders before steroids were invented. Steroids give you more gainz when literally not doing anything than daily hard workouts without steroids.

The only women who don't like fit, active men are pathetic, useless, lazy wasters who are intimidated by someone who isn't a pathetic, useless, lazy waster.

Funny how you very. very rarely see a fit, active woman date a fatty/tubby/"dadbod"


Stop larping dude, it's pathetic.

You're an idiot and probably an incel. I think he actually looks pretty good in his left photo. Yes, he needed to drop some weight, but he looks like a good entertaining guy.

In the right photo, he might look hot but he also looks miserable. Guys that take steroids and remain at that bodyfat percentage are notorious for not even being able to climb a flight of stairs without sweating and being out of breath. You can see the dread in his eyes of knowing how much meal prep and chicken/rice/broccoli he has to eat to maintain that physique. I've done it myself minus the steroids and it is brutally unfun and your libido suffers.


he looks like a good entertaining guy.

lol wtf. How do you look like an entertaining guy?

He has a good brow/eye area and mid face. Look at his fucking palate, it's wide as fuck. Anyone who knows how facial aesthetics works can tell you that this guy would be attractive after he lost weight. People can also tell if someone is a lost cause.

It's pretty difficult to tell how someone overweight will look before they actually lose the weight though. Some people don't really lose a lot of fat in their face, so it stays chubby. Others lose a lot.


From normie to chad.

Low tier normie.

TBH, you can tell hes an attractive dude even with all that fat on that body. he has a great genetics, because he doesnt even need to cut down that much to see his defined face

He has no jaw in the before pic.

Meant to say you could tell he has decent jaw bones underneath all that fat

Yeah. If both of them hadn't lost the weight, it'd be impossible to tell with accuracy what they'd look like.

cope, not everyone can achieve that

Obviously its not JUST gymcelling. A lot of showing and brushing teeth were probably involved in his transformation

and steroids. I wasn't sure from that pic but in the pic linked below its obvious he cycles.

Not all women can be a size 2 but that doesn't stop incels from saying they can be.

yes they can just be anorexic, which most femoids already are

Everyone can lose weight you fat lazy slob

Lose weight yeah, but not everyone can be a standard size or body type.

femoids don't have to be a standard size, there's people with a fetish for every shape and size of female.

Its also moronic to compare simply dieting (which is all a foid has to do to be attractive) to the amount of lifting, dieting and steroid use that is needed to look like the guy in OP.

What does that even mean?

The difference is that the female body has insane SMV, when it's in its non-fat/in-shape form. The male body has very little, unless halo'd by a good face.

There is no such thing as "fatcel". If you're fat you're volcel.

Which is what my title said.

how tall is he?

188 cms.

fucking hell


You'd be surprised how easy it is to be motivated for the gym when you take steroids and drugs. And do not even try for a second to say he's not on gear you fucking idiot.

Who cares? Almost every bodybuilder uses growth supplements and performance enhancers. Nothing wrong with that.

it kinda sucks cuz that shit is bad for you and he'll die at 50 then again that's better than me dying at 75 after being an incel

It's not like you can't get big legitimately. You just gotta put in more effort if you like to stay "all natural".

You clearly have no idea how steroids work. Been watching too many Instagram muscleheads or something.

I don't follow any muscleheads or anything like that. I do spend some time on r/bodyweightfitness (really helpful for getting into it) though and workout myself. And I know that you can't reach the looks of Connor Murphy or Instagram models like him without steroids, but that doesn't mean that you can't get in good shape without them.

Cope. Britney Spears is 163 CM

And look at that , there is no way thats gonna be 25 CM difference

He is about 5'11 , 180 CM

She could very well be standing on a rock that's more elevated. We don't really see their feet and they're on uneven ground. But who knows, i'm just writing what google says.

I been losing a lot of weight recently still ugly only have 20 pounds to go i dont think that will do much of a diffrence

20 pounds can make a big difference for your face.

Lets just hope

For some reason when I weigh 190 my face looks terrible but when I weigh 180 I'm like .. dayum maybe I should model. You never know til you get there unless you are hideous

I would recommend adding some intermittent fasting to clean up your skin if you're that close.


Fuck lazy people

If they don't slave away, rope

You can tell he looks decent in both pics tho

Man I want that stubble, how do you get that as an asiancel

It's difficult for RiceCels to get a decent beard.


Framecel is the worst kind of incel, there's no hope

Nope, he was attractive before the weight loss. Op has to cope :( I don't blame him.

Only a brainlet would think he was attractive before the weight loss.

he was already chad just had a dumb look on his face in first pic

Obviously its not JUST gymcelling. A lot of showing and brushing teeth were probably involved in his transformation

Not all women can be a size 2 but that doesn't stop incels from saying they can be.

femoids don't have to be a standard size, there's people with a fetish for every shape and size of female.

Its also moronic to compare simply dieting (which is all a foid has to do to be attractive) to the amount of lifting, dieting and steroid use that is needed to look like the guy in OP.

What does that even mean?

The difference is that the female body has insane SMV, when it's in its non-fat/in-shape form. The male body has very little, unless halo'd by a good face.