I tried to be the nice guy for a moment. However, you can't reason with these people. I tried. I am done.

75  2018-05-09 by BackSeatMotherFucker


IncelTears gets off on bullying incels, the sub should’ve been shut down as soon as they got the original incel sub banned

they're retarded yeah

For sure.

Yup you can't reason with everyone

Waw, they'll go to any lengths to justify their "just world" ideology. This shit got my blood boiling. "It's not hard" This fucking hypergamous cunt, she would kill herself in 24 hours if she was in our shoes.

Save your strength brother. You can't help these people they have sold intelligence for delusion . There is no reasoning with them.


"It was easy for me therefore it must be easy for EVERYONE." You know who else perceives the world along the same lines? Toddlers at the age of 3.

The very wealthy who inherited their positions as well. What's quite edifying is seeing normies mock these people when their advice to the desperately poor is "pull yourself up by the bootstraps". They're incapable of making the connection between their disgust for that attitude, and what they're saying to you guys. They're just incredibly stupid; I would advise not interacting with them.

lmfao what a lovely personality



It's because they actually want us to kill themselves because they hate us. Conversely, most people here who glorify suicide do so either ironically to cope or because they've come to the conclusion that suicide is the only solution to our suffering

That's kinda a bullshit answer if you actually look what is posted.

A lot of people of this community do write pro suicide posts and they are well received.

Are you daft? Its because they are sympathizing with incels. While when an IT failed normie tells an incel to kill themselves, they actually mean it. How hard is that too understand


low iq post

If this is your attempt to insult me, you need to up your game.

extremely low iq post

That's all you got. I mean are you just reduced to what they want you to say. Are you that far gone.

If someone kills you on your way to assisted suicide, it’s still murder. Encouraging suicide is still encouraging suicide whether one wants to suicide or not.

Also, whataboutism.

There are tons of posts that are glorifying and encouraging suicide on this sub.

I don’t think you follow.

I do follow. You are a tad hypocritical when it comes to which suicide posts you hate and which you turn a blind eye to.

If someone kills you on your way to assisted suicide, it’s still murder. Encouraging suicide is still encouraging suicide whether one wants to suicide or not.

Also, whataboutism.

Man you are fucking idiot.

I’m going to spell it out for you, since you’re apparently low IQ, “others do it too” is not a compelling argument.

INlike how you say you put yourself out there and it doesn’t work, but since he’s a brainlet that can only parrot the same lines his group says to him, he immediately says that the reason you’re an incel is because you’re not putting yourself out there

someone you love?

They hate incels and everything related.

The best way to tear them apart is if there was a community of misogynistic Chads making fun of incels and pretending to be on their the IT side.

IT arnt necessarily against us but our view of women which is science based so they make fun of us for being virgins and rationalize it with shitty personality.

If you have a group of untouchables confirming what we say and support our view but make fun of us that would hurt IT a lot. Because then they would have to change to Chad tears but we all know the only salty liquid coming out of Chad is shooting on ITs wife's face

They hate incels and everything related.

No. I'm a feminist normie and not remotely incel. No one hates you because you're having a hard time finding a sexual partner. It's legitimately difficult. It's hard for everyone, especially for men between 18 and 24, because you have competition from older guys (whereas 25+ women tend to date men their age and older).

There are plenty of women, too, in their 20s and 30s who are virgins but don't have anything wrong with them. They just haven't met the right person.

our view of women which is science based

No, it isn't. It's disgusting pseudoscience that should have died out decades ago.

Women are people. No better, no worse. Some are outright terrible; some are wonderful and even heroic. The same distribution that exists in men, also exists in women.

we all know the only salty liquid coming out of Chad is shooting on ITs wife's face

Honestly, you guys think about Chad's penis and semen more than the "Chads" do, and more than women do. I feel like a lot of you get your ideas about sex from shitty porn. You do know that 75% of men aren't "shooters", and that almost no one does facials in real sex, right? That's literally not how it works.

How thirsty for pussy are you?

Your putting women on a pedestal like it's ok for them to ride the carousel until 25 and then look for a beta loser like you?

Since your feminist I'm guessing you are a leftist in general who denies evolutionary biology applies to the brain. Therefore everything you say means nothing to anyone with any semblance of intelligence because you are religious and won't look at the world for what it really is.

How thirsty for pussy are you?

I'm married. It's a good life, if you choose the right person.

Your putting women on a pedestal

No. Putting women on a pedestal is demeaning. It also doesn't work. It's not attractive. You should treat women as... (wait for it)... people.

ride the carousel until 25

You realize that most women don't do this, right? There are a lot of women who never have casual sex. And the women who do like to have unattached casual sex can (contrary to your "Wall" theory) continue to do so long after that age. Even old people have casual sex. This isn't 1960 when it was some weird youth counterculture thing.

I'm guessing you are a leftist in general

I'm politically liberal and culturally conservative.

who denies evolutionary biology applies to the brain.

No, not at all. The brain is a product of evolutionary biology. I don't buy into shitty pop evo-psych, though. A lot happens over millions of years; we aren't simple creatures.

you are religious

On average, people on the left are less religious, not more.

If you have a group of untouchables confirming what we say and support our view but make fun of us that would hurt IT a lot.

Wouldn't this just be MGTOW and TRP?

Yeah but a lot of mgtow is tfl/incels that have taken the better road and TRP is full of simps

You can't really talk to some of them like they're normal people. It's why I despise the word "normie" in certain contexts. Consider that a significant number of them are much more socially maladjusted than we are, and use that lens to try and talk with them if you want.

You made a good point. It’s not Beta Billy the accountant with his average looking wife Jacinta and two kids who is posting on IT. It’s jobless overweight leftards with nothing better to do than pick on the one group of people they think are lower than them.

Human meanness is a constant, but do you want to let that meanness prevent you from being kind? Wouldn't it be way cooler to be kind in spite of people like this?

Cucktears are bullies full stop. They were never a watchdog group or a support group for incels. All they want to do is make fun of us and want us to kill ourselves.

All they want to do is make fun of us and want us to kill ourselves.

Some real talk from someone who was incel-ish once and is now a feminist normie. In my late teens (15 years ago) I got taken in by the internet misogyny cult. It was different then– more of a focus on being a "player" or PUA than this incel defeatism– but it hasn't changed much. So I understand the logic of it quite well. It's self-reinforcing. If you have shitty attitudes about women, you're likely to run into shitty women– women are no better or worse than men; they're people, just like us– and then you'll start to believe the nonsense.

We don't want you to kill yourselves. We want to crush your shitty logic because, ultimately, you guys are victims of this nonsense too. If you really start to believe in the bullshit that gets propagated here, you're going to have a hard time with life. These ideas are poison and it can take years to get them out of your head.

We want to crush your shitty logic

If 'crushing shitty logic' includes making unwarranted condescension towards people like OP, who by the way didn't make an insult in his approach, then don't ever expect us to take that kinda of crap.

Until you understand that tough love makes some people more hostile and alienated, don't bother 'helping.'

I stopped wanting to kill myself. As long as I got two legs arms and breathe and am incredibly creative. Why not turn it around while i am still here. Killing myelf would only make normies laugh and give me nothing.


What's your point asshat


Most redditors are fucking losers, inceltears is a huge concentration of the saddest ones.

“You’re jobless because you deserve to be. If you fix yourself and get out there, you’ll find a job. It’s not hard. And nobody is standing in your way but you and those other dole bludgers we are here to mock”.


I've tried to be a nice guy forever. I don't think the 3 people that sympathize with you is worth the effort of dealing with these obnoxious pricks, honestly.

The weak shall inherit the dirt

Maybe he took you assumption of him never feeling you pain the wrong way idfk

But yeah he shouldn’t of done that

Sounds like a landwhale white bitch tbqh

How long have you been married? Its 50% divorce rate per year