Normies have no answer to this.

87  2018-05-09 by xxxrivenmainxxx


Foids tell ugly men they aren't entitled meanwhile chad gets to rape.

It's not rape if you want it. Stop it.

Chad cannot rape because all females want it lol.

I really just have more questions. You imply he'd be in a lot of relationships since he cheats. But also say he pumps and dumps. Which is it?

you can do both

Not simultaneously.

Says who?

common sense.

If you have a girlfriend, you haven't pumped and dumped. Pumping and dumping is picking up a one-nighter and never calling her again. I know you guys aren't familiar with how it all works, so I'll forgive your ignorance on the matter.

clearly, you've never cheated on a girl. news flash: chad has.

your logic is for it sub-normies

It's not logic dumb-ass. That's the meaning of the term. But, for the record I cheated once. I always found it more exciting to be the one she cheats with on her man/husband. I'm not a pussy. If I'm done with the relationship, I'll break up with her.

bruh, you can have a girlfriend, and pump and dump another girl. it's not hard. so why are you giving people shit about it? faulty logic is what you get when you're in a hurry to be a dick to other people.

Just look at his subscribed subreddits.. all the answers can be found there. He's some 30 year old closet incel

Stop showboating buddy, you are subbed to all the classic 'dated a fat chick once and got dumped' subreddits. You don't know how dating works for attractive men who have control.

Lol ok. And I'm not your buddy chief

My favorite thing about this cesspool that keeps me coming back is how incels all think they know everything about dating and women and how it works, when you plainly know nothing. Otherwise, you wouldn't be an incel.

Someone in a relationship can go behind their partner's back and pump&dump girls.

you can be in a relationship and bump&dump sidechicks

then they aren't sidechicks. Sidechicks hang around on a semi-regular basis hoping you dump your gf for her. That's why they're called sidechicks.

yes, they arent sidechicks after being bumped&dumped

Like I said, I'll forgive the ignorance, since Incels don't know any better.

Ha ha that puss is soppy wet for Thadius.

"sportz" tattoo made me lol

A lot of us grew up thinking that "nice guys" finish last when that's not true at all. I know many Chads and most of them are pretty standup guys.

Unattractive guys. Now those are the real losers.

true. NiceGuysTM wont get laid, not because "theyre not actually nice", but because they have a unfortunate bonestructur.

It is funny that r/niceguys wont admitt this. They keep contradicting themselve by saying that 1)being nice is the bare minimum 2)that however nice guys arent nice 3) and that assholes deserve to get laid because theyre atleast honest

Between a bad-boy Chad and a good-boy Chad, foids will choose the bad-boy Chad.

But I agree that looks take precedence over everything else.

Hit up /r/BlackPillScience

I think the distinction is that bad-boy Chad gets more roastie flaps, but who wouldn't wanna settle down and have a family with a good-boy Chad?

Nice (without being a pushover) > everything. You can be a 'nice' 'bad-boy' I guess - devil may care attitude - but if you're a good looking twat you just get labelled arrogant.


Face is 90% of what matters.

what is LMS?

Looks money status




Here's your answer:

That's completely fucking stupid. I don't know a single woman, not ONE, who would love to bang the guy who brags about cheating and treating people like shit.

Probably because I pick my friends with care and associate with smart people.

What a shock that incels only real life examples of women are braindead sluts with no self respect. That's basically what incels admire and aspire to. No personality. No kindness. No depth. Just fuuuuuuuck and move on.

associates with smart people

writes low iq comment


Low IQ comment = anything that disagrees with your retarded charicature. Got it.

Edit: also, "lol" apparently qualifies as intelligent discourse. Lol indeed.

explain why the cute, quiet nerdy girls love chad so much then? You think that cute smart asian girl with glasses in your math class is adorable but you dont realize that she wants chad even more than the normal roastie. Your comment is low IQ because it makes no sense. ALL femoids are like this

Your comment is low IQ because it makes no sense.


You somehow know all this without even talking to the nerdy girl. You'd think you'd be able to use your powers of mind reading to get laid instead of bitching about "femoids" online.

Nothing you said is true. Women like a variety of men. Generally nerdy girls are looking for nerdy guys, not the captain of the football team who's just going to cheat on her with a cheerleader.

braindead sluts with no self respect.

They’re all like that. They all want good looking bad boys. The popular hot blonde, the chubby awkward nerd...they’re all the same sexually.

"I don't know anyone like that, so it's not a thing."

Bro. You yourself said you only associate with smart people. That's 20% of the population at best, less for women only. Why do you think you are qualified to call over 80% of women "braindead sluts"? Pretty misogynistic, one might even say.

Also, what makes you think every incel here is a supergenius just like you apparently are? Maybe they just want a gf that is of average or below average intelligence, and are out of luck because those girls are "braindead whores"?

Also, what makes you think every incel here is a supergenius just like you apparently are?

There's literally a post every hour about how "high IQ" and "self-aware" incels are. They trumpet their own supposed intelligence at every possible turn.

So do most people, including those of average and below average intelligence. Your point?

Most people don't walk around thumping their chest and screaming about how smart they are. If you're actually smart you just demonstrate that by being smart. You don't loudly proclaim it to everyone who will listen unless you're profoundly insecure about your intelligence.

I really don't know where you are going with this. I already said that I think there's a lot of incels with average to below average intelligence.

Anyways, you seem to be more interested in derailing my points, so have a nice day.

I liked the wet crotch part

Except that it's likely not true?

likely not true

apparently never visited r/nice guys and r/abusive relationship :D

I have and even in cowge I haven't seen this bizarre supposed trend of girls only or mostly going after the jacked pretty boy who is a complete tool.

't seen this bizarre supposed trend of girls only or mostly going after the jacked pretty boy who is a complete tool.

its called tinder

Even my plain looking brother manages to get laid using tinder. Furthermore that's not really a dating app so much as a hookup app

See stereotypes like these are proof that incels don’t have the ability to have a normal fucking conversation and make friends with girls that have some sort of values lmaooo

yes, everbody who ever posted a hyperbolic comic never had a conversation in his life. only people who have no conversations in their life post hyperbolic comics

Women don't want someone who's just a nice guy. Nice is useless. Nice is harmless and meek. What women actually want is a tough guy, a guy who can get things done, who doesn't have to be nice to get what he wants. Now, being moral and being nice aren't the same thing, you can't be honourable if you're harmless. Virtuousness necessitates the ability to be challenging and intimidating and break rules when the situation demands it. But tempering intimidation with being trustworthy, and you get respect. And a woman can't find a man attractive if she can't respect him first.

I mean, you're not really asking a question, so yeah there's no answer to the failure to question. But if you want to know how "normies" see the scenario, it's that the tall douchebag works hard in the beginning of a relationship to seem like a nice, likable person, and not like someone who will cheat on her. He makes her feel wanted, he makes her feel special with his attention. Whereas your stereotypical "nice guy" treats her as if any woman will do, and that she is not special at all. He throws his sexuality to the wind, hoping it hits something, and all the women around him notice it and know that he's not focused on them he's just looking for anybody. Once said to me by a guy I was dating: "It's nice to be sitting with someone like this again." And I called him out - no woman wants to just be a placeholder someone. We want you to be there because there's something about us, in particular, that you like. We want it to be because you think our Mass Effect themed tattoo is cool, or because you're also into Orienteering, or because the two of us had an in-depth discussion about the politics of Game of Thrones, or whatever thing we share. The "chads" of the world make that effort - even if, in some cases, they're lying about what they like just to get laid. The "nice guys" of the world don't. They see a pretty girl, and think telling her that she has nice legs, or that he thinks of her when he masterbates, or that he's glad she keeps her hair long because that's more attractive, or whatever incredibly vague looks-based compliment will be enough, and then get annoyed that girls want to be something more than a body.

wow, thats the stupiest thing ive ever read. Nice guys are people who dont put effort into making the girl feel special? did you really just say that? and did you just say that the "tall chad" who says that he pumps and dumps girls left and right does make you feel special?


Yeah, dude. I'm talking to you as a former "nice girl" myself, who has met many a "nice guy." I know, from experience, that you don't see yourself that way when you're in that headspace, but it's true. A "nice guy" falls for a girl the second he sees her face, and doesn't think about whether his personality matches with the girl he "fell" for, whether he would really even enjoy a relationship with that person, or what she's doing in her life and how cool it is. Even if "chad" is pretending (which, I should point out, you don't really know; there are a lot of different kinds of people in the world, and just because a guy is handsome and smooth doesn't mark him automatically as an asshole), "chad" at least knows how to ask a girl about her interests and appear interested in them; "chad" lets her talk. "Nice guy" talks to show her how much he knows, he tries to impress her instead of listening. His attempts to woo her are completely generic things that could apply to any girl, such as, "you have such a cute smile!" or "I sure like spending time with you!" And again, a lot of nice guys radiate that shit out to every cute girl in the room, so that they all feel creeped out by it. The worse "nice guys" even try to mentally "mold" the girl he likes into his idea of what a woman "should" be, again instead of looking at what she actuall*y *is and enjoying that. "You would never need to work again if you married me!" What if she enjoys work? What if being forced to be some dude's domestic servant and having to give up her IT career is the stuff of her nightmares? "Nice guy" never even stops to consider that.

again, very nice move from you to change the definition of "niceguy" into something not nice just in order to keep the just world fantasy working

Aryan supermen will purge the earth of true incels if they can't get a family under traditional, socially enforced monogamy. It's nothing personal, just a matter of safety

WTF, I'm balding, with severe acne and a fan of Iron Maiden. Nobody asked me to use me in a comic strip.

it's over

Nah I got a simple answer: nice guys finish last, being nice isn't sexy go be an asshole and get sum pussy


"when will it be my time to have a relationship", as he's talking to a woman. That doesn't scream "entitlement complex" at all.

Anyone, no matter what he looks like, who goes up to a woman whining that she should let them "have a turn" deserves the rejection he gets...

if it was a Chad saying that she wouldn't reject him at all.

entiltment= complaining about anything as men

just lol at 2k18

I’ve dated both through my life “chad” and “nice guy”. Chad my be an asshole but at least he admits it. Chad will resolve conflict with you. And a lot of the time fight to get you back after such conflict. Nice guy... well nothing is ever his fault. He is always a victim of the situation and whines about it. At least in my experience.

"nice guy"

strawmens a not nice guy

clearly, you've never cheated on a girl. news flash: chad has.

your logic is for it sub-normies

Like I said, I'll forgive the ignorance, since Incels don't know any better.

Low IQ comment = anything that disagrees with your retarded charicature. Got it.

Edit: also, "lol" apparently qualifies as intelligent discourse. Lol indeed.

Someone in a relationship can go behind their partner's back and pump&dump girls.