Are the numales starting to wake up?

124  2018-05-09 by keyandfeels



Women make garbage choices because they are garbage people

Then why are you upset you dont have one?

they come to cope but I won't say I have the experience with them to prove their honesty at this moment supposedly

And you’re assuming I’m heterosexual based on what?

Welcome to the Dark Side

About fucking time

Yep. Get woke, get made fun of by rape victims online for being too nice... Turn incel. It's Gina happen one by one

This is from 2015, so obviously not


damm, clicking "other discussions" is super sui-fuel.

r/niceguys, r/cringeanarchy and r/whiteknighting . All agree that hes right, even explain why assholes get laid and niceguy dont and yet blame him for stating a fact. jfl at this world

yep bunch of stupid cunts

Femoids are the worst

Hey don’t call me a fuckboy just because I can get women

We don't call you that because you can't lmao

Numales are sad individuals lol

Niceguys and white knights have been around forever

please. this is just your typical niceguy (TM)

LOL looks that way!

He's slowly realizing that personality doesn't matter, and he's been fed lies. He'll learn the truth, someday. Hopefully others follow.

They might but women won't change