High IQcel

174  2018-05-09 by keyandfeels


Women hate feminine-looking men the most. So of course, they will try to emasculate this type of men.

They don't hate Prettyboy Chad

I am feminine-looking and by no way a Chad.

Define feminine. You have prettyboys who are Chads.

That's actually you?


You look fine.

Thank you. Do keep in mind that I am a 24 year-old man and 5'3".

It's been over

I know. I just love telling that to lurkers.

So what? So that eliminates all the women who won't date a dude who is 5'3. Go find one of the rest.

Lol. That eliminates 80% if the foids with any value


The other 20% want rich hot guys that happen to be short

So what?


So no one then? Why not just tell him to shower more lol

yeah, no 5'3 guy has ever had a girlfriend lol

i hate the stigma against short men. Almost all stigmas against men are something out of their control. Dick size, height, facial structure. Its over for us shortcels

Your face looks fine. You're definitely a normie. But you have some Chads who have feminine looks and a very pretty face, they still slay.

I am glad to hear that. I am a 5'3", 24 year-old man by the way.

Yeah, the height sucks. But your face is normie tier, so it could be worse.

You are good looking, experiment more with the angles in your selfies tho, and use better lighting, taking selfies is a skill. Sadly I'm a gay man so I don't think you would be interested, but take it as a compliment, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. It's true that you look to"young" for your age, and you are short, but it's not terrible. Btw, women are insecure too, the reason they don't go for smaller dudes is that they don't like feeling like a giant, it's more about them than you.

Explain how feminists have co-opted effeminate gay men as part of their political strategy.

Bitch the gays Co-opted them. None of this "my gay friend" bullshit, they are OUR straight friends.

You can't even write a coherent sentence.

They don't though. There's feminine and there's feminine.

Definitely. I noticed this personally a few years ago. What I've noticed is that women love calling men pussies, bitches, or telling us to "man up." Fuck women.

yeah fuck them. "man up", as if a woman knows shit about being a man.

And then women have the audacity to preach about how "toxic masculinity" is such a bad thing, yet they're the ones who perpetuate it by rewarding alpha douchebag Chad's with sex and relationships. Women have 0 awareness.

Women also cry about bullying in high schools, then proceed to reward the biggest bullies with attention and sex. Even when it results the victim into killing themselves.

What a women thinks she will do and what a woman actually does are two completely separate things.

You misunderstand what they are doing. The whole toxic masculinity thing is a shit test to see if you are enough of a toxic man to tell her she looks pretty when she opens her mouth, and later tells her to shut the fuck up and make dinner, then blow me while I eat. It's just a shit test.

Unfortunately your common beta male actually takes women seriously and idiotically believes that by doing what she wants, as in serving her and naturally putting himself beneath her, she'll respond liking him more. It's the exact opposite, but hell if you can convince a beta or an incel of this.

Incels really believe in shit tests still? Lol

No, we don't, this rogue agent is still under the impression that women aren't subservient to attractive men.

Dude toxic masculinity and all of the other feminist buzz words, are meant to separate the blue pilled from the rest, so that the women know who will gib beta bucks without making any commitment towards that dude in the first place.

You all need to stop grouping us ladies together... Personally I completely disagree when anyone puts a man down for showing emotion. I find men who are more in tune with their emotions make better partners and fathers.

It's been proven that one of the many reasons men tend die earlier than women is because of this stupid double standard.

Honestly if you really think about it, it's not just women who are guilty of this men will do it too. Society and media is fully to blame for this bullshit!

For years if a man showed emotion it was dubbed as being feminine which was considered negative. It formed because women were looked at as the weaker sex due to them being more emotional then men, so if a male was emotional you were therefore weak.

This is one of the many double standards I really hope is on its way out, so stupid. Don't let small minded idiots put you guys down for having emotional needs, it's called being human.

Post a picture showing you aren't a disgusting land whale

Check your inbox

you lost any credibility lurking this sub how fuxked in the head you have to be to lurk this sub while being a women?

Pretty fucked I guess, since that's the point you wish to prove... I personally suffer from horrible social anxiety and depression so who knows maybe that's why I lurk, but then again lurking would mean I never comment when Infact I comment a lot. Anyway just wanted to offer another perspective and if you wish to dismiss it over something so silly it's your call. I'm a huge advocate for men's mental health and find that men have a harder time in society if they have these mental issues. Believe me or not I'll leave the choice up to you.


you just like hearing yourself helping so it gives you a cope that at least when you are depressive and anxious that you are doing something in life helping others while the truth is you are as worthless as us incels ,if you wanted to help you will date an incel instead of saying you are a women in every post.

I'm 29 and in an 8yr relationship... Half these guys are either teens or early 20s, kinda creepy don't you think? Plus I'm basically married so I'm sorry but I can't really help there but I can offer my perspectives and advice. Who knows maybe it is a cope, but to me I just like sharing my opinions and support soo call it what you want. I don't think offering support is a bad thing.

As for your worthless comment maybe it's true but I like myself and feel I have a lot to offer so I'm okay with your opinion. I may not be worth something to you but I wouldn't say I'm worthless.

I know you are angry but what I find funny is when a lady does try to help or understand she is met with bullshit excuses and insults.

Nothing I said was insulting or degrading to anyone apart of the incel community. In fact I agree with a lot of the bullshit double standards you all speak of. So please realize, you don't know me or my story you just know my gender. Don't let someones sex interfere with a healthy positive message. Positivity never hurt anyone, the world is dark enough as it is.


didnt even read you are not entitled to a welcome here

Lol geez you are angry but regardless sounds good, have a nice day!

Hope you find what your looking for.

If a person intends to insult you, they pick the thing they think will hurt you the most.

It their insults hurt, it means you are insecure about that subject.

Just lol at this educated gentleman.

That's intellectually dishonest...

"It's fine to call black people I don't like niggers because that word will hurt them the most. I'm not racist tho"

Insults are a form of verbal warfare. War is hell. If you mean to insult someone, why be kind?

Oh fuck no, Jesus did not die for our sins so you could write something that fucking stupid. "War is hell" lmao how the fuck would you know, from your 300 confirmed kills on Call of Duty?

Have you ever seen an exploded corpse, or had to give a dead person CPR? Ever dug a grave for a bloated corpse, and watched it disintegrate as you pushed it in? Do you know that smell? Have you been beaten and bloody, and still got back up to fight?

Stfu, child.

I hope your loved ones and you get cancer for writing this.

Why? These are (some of) my irl experiences.

Lol you're such a tough badass

Flexes. Yuh, brah! My testes are like, SO big and some junk.

Are you sure you're not a woman?

I'm still loling over you saying war is hell over internet arguments between losers

Ah, you're just upset I didn't take your race card bating.

A fight is a fight. If you start a conflict game, play to win, or surrender. No half measures.


taking internet forums this seriously

That guy is a leddit meme war veteran lmao

jesus this fucker is hilarious

"If you start a conflict game, play to win, or surrender. No half measures" Fucking cried when I read that shit. I guess he watched saving private ryan on tv yesterday fucking kek

FYI, that's from Breaking Bad.

I thought it was poetic myself.

It's a meme older than you, sonny. Go clean your room. And give that coconut back to your mother. I don't want to find it full of maggots under your bed.

WAR IS HELL!!!!! lmao if you're a soldier no wonder we're fucking losing

If you are the mind of the new generation, we're all doomed. Can't comprehend metaphor, or propagate the species.

Every person in the world, "Life is complicated, but there's beauty and wisdom to be had."

Incels, "But, muh dick!"

War is hell

Muh dick!

Holy shit that burn ahahahaha

Have you had to be displaced because of the war? Have you had to experience the terror of not knowing what comes next, because a man with a gun might have a different opinion on what future holds for you and if he did - there'd be nothing you could do about it?

Stfu, child.

You get it.

Do you think that was pasta?

Your comment? No. I assumed you were speaking from your own experience.

In no universe is you serving and seeing that stuff go down with your own eyes a reality. You need psychiatric medication and a nurturing environment for your recovery, friend.

Where did I say I served in the military? That shit happened in my regular life.

Very low IQ comment

Dunning-Kruger comment

You don’t need to have a high IQ to know your comment was extremely stupid.

Alright. Present evidence that contradicts it. What's your argument?

Women can’t argue and instead use insults. And you normalize this behaviour by saying every person does that. No, sane men don’t insult with each other’s insecurities when arguing. They try to reason and listen to each other.

However, women can’t reason apart from some notable exceptions. They’re too emotional. They don’t think logically.

You literally used an insult to start this conversation. Are you really trying to argue that men don't use insults to dominate each other, and to dominate women? That's the main thing that happens on this sub.

That's quite the generalization (though, that's apparently the norm in this subreddit). Do you have any evidence supporting your statement? And N-of-1 anecdotal evidence is not what I'm looking for.

Is your theory based on an idea that all women are of lower intelligence than men? That all women are 'right-brained' and therefore illogical? Do you have any basis for your claim at all?

Let's be honest - throwing around massively generalized, unsupported, dismissive statements in an attempt to invalidate everything you dislike about an entire subset of humanity is simply not logical.

The evidence is your comment you, Mr. Smoothbrains.

That's deep.

If their insults hurt, it means you are insecure about that subject.

No shit, Sherlock.

Ah, I see what you are saying.

OP was saying that insults are petty and patronizing. Well, no shit sherlock. That's what insults are for. But maybe they aren't picking those insults because they are women. They are picking them because they are people, and they have cause to insult him, so they picked what they thought would be insulting.

So it proves that liberals don't actually believe a word of what they keep saying. Their entire ideology is based on 'insulting' a.k.a being edgy.

Please understand a few things. 1. I'm not a liberal

  1. I do not speak for all people

  2. Understanding machaivellian techniques is one part of understanding people. It's a skill, not an ideology.

  3. Whether an insult is being used by you, or against you, it's still a power play. You don't have to believe it is true. See it as a volley.

  4. Constructive criticism is not an insult. Observations are not meant to be insulting, even if they hurt. Insults are words used with painful INTENTIONS. It's important to develop the skills to tell the difference between these three types of interaction. Ask clarifying questions. Don't assume things are meant to be insults. If you are sure something is meant to be an insult, that doesn't mean you are obligated to internalize it. Figure out why that person thought they needed to be in a conflict game with you. And deal with that issue, not the insult.

machaivellian thinking is simply dishonesty and lack of consciousness rephrased as a psuedo-intellectual term.

Constructive criticism involves being constructive.

I agree. Constructive critisim does involve being constructive. Sometimes people mistake it for insults because it can be embarrassing.

Machiavellian conduct is dishonest. Definition: cunning, scheming, and unscrupulous. The employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct.

IMHO, insulting people is duplicitous. You're focusing on them, to undermine their self esteem, or to shame them in front of others. But it's coming from a control struggle within the insultee. From a place of fear, or a need to feel power from another's submission.

True, some people do this without being conscious of it. According to the definition in psychology, the more consciously you do this, the more machiavellian you are. It would probably be called reactive if the person isn't conscious of their motivations.

The reason I'm telling you all this is so you'll know you have a choice in how you react to insults.

Or, you know, do what you want. Reject all this by calling me a pseudo-intellectual. The old cope & cry. No skin off my teeth.

It doesn't matter how a person reacts to insults, it is the reaction of thousands of other people in front of whom the insults are hurled. They find it funny. Liberal stand ups, talk show hosts and celebrities resort to this all the time. For instant gratification they resort to insults and that usually brings an end to any meaningful discussion. Gun debates are usually filled with these. So is most of reddit.

I agree. It's facile bullshit. And it's scary and embarrassing when you know everyone judges you because of something they heard from people that don't get it at all.

However, it's the way propaganda works. That's part of our society. It's part of all society. Everyone that knows you had a different version of you in their head. Coming to terms with that, and living your best life anyway, is part of adulting. But it's an existential crisis when we realize there's all these external things we can't control. And we learn to control how much we let them affect our inner self. A lot of it is tuning out the bullshit, and finding good in your circle of control.

It is almost always abt the dick size, erectile dysfunction etc.

There's nothing in their head besides cock.


Men need feminism too, it would make life better for them because they wouldn't have to adhere to toxic masculinity any more

just lol

Shit test alert

Shit tests are quackery, they don't exist.


Nah that's just what they are thought in the same social climate that creates incels. God isn't behinf each of your problems

Or they simply are pushing your buttons where they know it hurts? Heh, believe me if I'm pissed off my progressive values go of the window and I jab at the heart

I still don't get why liberals call themselves good people. Being good requires effort and principle. aka not throwing away the core ideas that make up your philosophy to insult another person

We are also acutely aware that the world is full of bastards. In general we love some good old schadenfreude and we openly hate those we deem immoral it evil. I know the whole thing it's that we are snowflakes, but behind it there is always a feeling of anger an indignation at the state of the world and the people defending its status quo. Also, it's easier to feel empathy for groups of ostensibly victimized people, than it's for individuals with all their faults and stupidness.

You're also good at writing word diarrhea. Nothing against you personally, but you wrote a whole bunch of nothing. Just say "We like to be mean but pretend to be nice". At least incels don't pretend to be angels.

I don't either, I will go for the yogurt if I have to, and I don't necessarily oppose violence for political means.

hey mods why dont you ban this guy for promoting violence :^)

Ugh, what happened to the tolerant incel. Wait.

and the word diarrhea continues...... you tried to sneak in 'incel' in the common phrase 'tolerant liberal'

Yes, jk kimora

lmao soyboy pretending to be masculine. Where's your internalized feminism now? The only thing you are good at is sucker punches, like niggers.

I'm a gay guy, I like typical gay femenine stuff, and also masculine stuff, I'm into kickboxing and CrossFit. But more to the point, people like you that gave up on life doubting the willingness in others to fight? What do you know about fighting and the will necessary to take a punch to the face.

Can this subreddit drink bleach?

Right after you?

When any woman feels threatened in some way she will resort to shaming tactics. These shaming tactics are designed to guilt-trip you into submission and doing what she wants you to do. You hear the old shit all the time: "You sexist pig", "you just hate women", "women are people", "you can't handle a strong independent woman", "hahahah you're a small dick virgin who can't get laid". The list goes on.

All of these are designed to emasculate you and to make you defensive. When you're defensive is when you're easy to control. I suppose women having being born with less physical strength have instead been given much better emotionally manipulation abilities.

Proof that high IQ doesn't equal attractiveness to women. Incomprehensible ideas don't cause cunt tingles.

Ah, I see what you are saying.

OP was saying that insults are petty and patronizing. Well, no shit sherlock. That's what insults are for. But maybe they aren't picking those insults because they are women. They are picking them because they are people, and they have cause to insult him, so they picked what they thought would be insulting.

and the word diarrhea continues...... you tried to sneak in 'incel' in the common phrase 'tolerant liberal'

you just like hearing yourself helping so it gives you a cope that at least when you are depressive and anxious that you are doing something in life helping others while the truth is you are as worthless as us incels ,if you wanted to help you will date an incel instead of saying you are a women in every post.