isn't it annoying when incels make fun of outie vaginas?

218  2018-05-09 by 0987654343

it's genetic, it's not your fault, there's nothing you can do about big labia.

-now imagine if your vagina was permanently visible at all times

-no surgery you can do to fix it

-the majority of men will rule you out of the dating pool based on the size of your labia

-both men and women will mock you and respect you less based on your labia

-you will make less money because of your labia size

-you will be more prone to suicide because of your labia size

-it is totally socially acceptable to make fun of your labia in all forms of media

-any grievances or insecurities will be laughed at and labelled as you having a complex

this is the life of being short as a man


Can you imagine if we started posting pics of dicks and saying that certain traits, like a snapped banjo, was unacceptable?

Doesn’t matter because incels don’t get as far as even showing their dicks

They haven't seen a vagina either, but they still post about them.


for a 40+ year old, post wall, fat roastie you sure are concerned with how actual women are perceived.

I take it you see a problem with that?

theres nothing wrong with being spoiled milk, but you wont have a place in my fridge. :2

And again in English instead of gibberish that means absolutely nothing in the context of this conversation.

oh? :2 regardless

I shall try to remember to disregard you in future. No promises, mind you, since my memory is a bit piss poor because of my meds, but I'm sure you'll get over it.

You must have had trouble in English class if you can't figure out that metaphor based on context.

No trouble at all. I just have trouble with the whole where my age fits into the context of how women are perceived, especially since labial aesthetics have nothing to do with how many sexual partners someone has had.

Porn exists.

And using that as a manual for what a vagina looks like is like looking at any Hollywood movie to see what romance is like.

There's HD porn now grandma. You can literally see the sweat off of their tits. I think it's pretty accurate.

I think you missed the point.

Unless she thinks porn stars somehow alter their vaginas, I think I haven't missed anything.

him<--------- -----------> The point

I'm not sure how to say what I want to say, but if you don't get it off of what she said then you won't get it anyways.

amateur porn exists too, you know.

If a woman had only seen dicks in porn do you think she would have an accurate idea of what the average penis looks like?

I'm pretty sure that everyone in here has seen a vagina. Anyone with internet access has seen one.

How is this annoying roastie not banned yet? You wouldn't have survived 1 minute back on r/Incels.

Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?

I don't possess any feelings.


There we go! The good 'ol petty and generic attempt at an emasculating insult. It's funny because it tends to be a projection of the user's own hurt feelings, and is trying to deflect it back at the person who hurt their feelings lol.

My feelings are just fine. Some anonymous person on the internet said something. Big whoop.

Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?

What? Some random nobody on the internet? Nope. You actually made me smile, since I found your comment wryly amusing to be honest.

Think what you like sweetie. I'm still smiling.

There are worse things in my life than some wee boy with a keyboard, hun.

back at it again with the attempts at patronizing emasculation lol

I'm still smiling.

Naa, but it's bugging you way more than you'd care to admit, isn't it?

Poor wee lamb. Can't cope with the big old mean roastie not giving a fuck about his insults. Awwww

Think what you like sweetie. I'm still smiling.

There are worse things in my life than some wee roastie with a keyboard, hun.

What's up numbnuts? Can't think up any on your own? Need everything spoon-fed, huh?

I see your starting to get more creative with your insults! Good for you! :)

Rising anger? Wow... No idea where that's coming from, since it ain't me...

Never mind sweetiepie, you'll figure it out eventually.

You're getting boring. No fun at all.

It's all just the same old thing, over and over. No imagination whatsoever. Kids these days. Just no stamina for the long-haul insult-fest.

My point exactly. Ta-ta babycakes. You're boring.

[My point exactly. Ta-ta babycakes. You're boring.](My point exactly. Ta-ta babycakes. You're boring.)

well obviously i'm interesting enough to illicit a response :)

If explaining your laziness with that pathetic excuse is what helps you sleep at night, have at it... Toodle oooooo

Not really. If I did I wouldn't be sitting thinking up insults for someone so unimaginative.

[Not really. If I did I wouldn't be sitting thinking up insults for someone so unimaginative.](Not really. If I did I wouldn't be sitting thinking up insults for someone so unimaginative.)

Somebody's feeling's got hurt


Oh sweetie... what a doozie of a fiddly-flap that was. Honestly, Dearie, its ok schnnookums, no need to get cranky wanky in your little pajamy--wammies, did you tinkle your wittle boy undies? Oh lolipop honey muffin, it'll be okay baby bear buttercup sweetie mommy will read you a story and change your diapies so you can stop crying. So show us how much of a big boy you are and don't go kaboom in your baby blanket little sailor big boys dont throw tantrums like that Donny Wonny my little sweetest shnookie dookums butterfly raindrop did you get an outhcie on your butterfly raindrop did you ouchie on your butter baby bottom? Come let mommy put the baby powder on it honey darling sugar plum so you so you won't get a rashy washy on your cheeky weekies mommy doesn't like when her brave little toaster is BABY BOOTY BOTHERED.

you already do it for height, why the fuck not start with dicks too? it's already over. it's been over.

I don't do it for height. At 5 foot 2, it's a bit difficult to mock anyone for being short.

At 5 foot 2, it's a bit difficult to mock anyone for being short.

one would think so, but femlets still want 6'+ men without compromise and then spit out some manlet fucking son to keep the incel cycle going

I'm not fussy on size. I can't have kids anyway, so it's never been any kind of issue about me spitting out brats of any shape or size.

Because everything is about you

Is it all about you instead? Tell me about you? How tall? Weight? Eyes? Got any of those? Hmm?

I’m not incel, it’s not about me. What I’m saying is MOST women care about looks more than you. Grats you’re self proclaimed to be less shallow I’m sure you can hear everyone clapping for your virtue signaling

I'm more thinking along the lines of "I can't be the only one" because if I am, then I will have completely lost faith in the modern female.

You’re not alone but you’re in the minority if you’re under 30

She's 45.

She’s coping then lmao

Height has almost no bearing on women.

Height has never really been a factor in my choices of men.

we're talking about REAL women.

What am I? Chopped liver?

Nope, you are roast beef.

ZING! Ok, I'll see myself out.



"I dont even care if Chad isnt exactly 6'3""

"I like short guys too. My last bf was 5'11."

Height has almost no bearing on women.

Are you trolling? Or are you really that stupid?

Figured people would read that the wrong way. I mean women aren't judged on that.

It’s in the human nature for women to want a taller partner. You can hate on women all you want, in the end it’s not a decision who you’re attracted to, same goes for men.

then sterilize all short women, because they're going to keep making short incel sons

Instead of sterilizing short women, men could do the same and just pick tall women. But that’s not in the nature of men.

The hypocrisy lies principally in the woman because despite her own sexual aversion to short men, she is voluntarily choosing to create offspring who she would otherwise immediately dismiss as a potential sexual partner.

The partner of the short woman isn't to blame, or at least not as much. He may very well not care about people's height at all, so he's not a hypocrite for wanting to create potentially short offspring.

It's like an individual with a genetic disorder voluntarily choosing to get into relationships and breed. That's not to say shortness is a genetic disorder per se, but it's undeniable that in Western society, shortness is a clearly negative attribute for a man to have.

So you are saying people with genetic disorders shouldn't reproduce?

Fuckin hell man doyou realize what you are saying? I've seen plenty of ugly and short mens having ONS or relationships with girls they were attracted too. The most importantthing here is trust. That's what 90% of women are looking for, and afterfaking it for a while,you'll actually trust yourself

Ever tried?

So you are saying people with genetic disorders shouldn't reproduce?

If someone with a genetic disorder wouldn't date someone with the same genetic disorder that they have, then no. They fucking shouldn't reproduce.

In this case - shortness. If you view short men to be inferior, and you're a short woman, then you're also inferior.

And surprise, short people do hate women for it? What are you going to do about it, sweetheart?

It's not human nature. It's a cultural thing. See, for instance, this, this.

What's a snapped banjo? Can't find anything on Google except for actual banjos

It's the bit of skin that goes from the head to the foreskin, and it's actually called the frenulum of prepuce.

So how does it affect the look of your dick when it is snapped?

It affects the look about as much as a slightly oversized labia does for the female anatomy, but the guys here love being picky about female bits.

Labia is just about the same thing as male foreskin wouldnt you say? And depending on where you live, very many women dislike uncut dicks. But when a guy doesn't like beef flaps, it's oh so wrong?

Well of course, when men do it they're picky pieces of shit.

I would say it was about right.

This is definitely a cultural thing, here in the U.K. hardly anyone is circumcised, over the years of playing hockey and showering I’ve seen maybe 2 or 3 guys circumcised and girls here are surprised if you are circumcised. As I understand it it’s more popular in America?

nibba you lowkey gay

Labia is just about the same thing as male foreskin wouldnt you say? And depending on where you live, very many women dislike uncut dicks. But when a guy doesn't like beef flaps, it's oh so wrong?

It's just another classic example of female hypocrisy. Women shame uncircumcised men, so men should definitely shame women for having large and/or asymmetrical labia - or simply for having a clitoral hood (which is the female equivalent of the foreskin).

My housemate snapped his while I was doing a lady. I have never heard such screaming. It bleeds like a bastard as well.

They already make fun of small penises

I was concerning myself more on the aesthetics rather than size, given that's the direct correlation with the look of the labia.

You just love to argue just to argue don't you

I seem to be in the right place for it.

Show us your milkies

How about No.

Now peasant

Can you imagine if we started posting pics of dicks and saying that certain traits, like a snapped banjo, was unacceptable?

Women might not be posting pictures of dicks, but they are making disgusting and dehumanizing comments about uncircumcised dicks and dicks that aren't big. Not to mention all the disgusting and dehumanzing comments about short men.

Women already do stuff like that.

We don't tend to nitpick about foreskin length or torn frenulums though...

That comment was about having a foreskin, not about the aesthetics of the one being sneered at.

not about the aesthetics of the one being sneered at.

I mean, she literally called uncircumcised penises ugly. That seems an awful lot like she's talking about the aesthetics of it.

Besides that, what difference does that make? That seems a lot like semantics to me. Either way, someone is being insulted for how the genitals they were born with look.

My point exactly.

I mean, your original comment was:

Can you imagine if we started posting pics of dicks and saying that certain traits, like a snapped banjo, was unacceptable?

So how was what I said proving your point? Your point seemed to be that men would feel bad if women made comments like this about them but they already do make comments like this about them.

And you find it just as annoying as women do when you make silly comments about labias.

you make silly comments about labias.

I don't make comments about labias. I was just pointing out that women make comments like that because you seemed to think it never happens.

Some women (particularly Americans) dislike foreskins entirely, and prefer circumcised dicks. Baby boys are routinely circumcised in many cultures and parts of the world. Labias come in all sorts of looks, and those looks are as determined by sexual encounters as whether a dick is uncut or circumcised.

Labias come in all sorts of looks, and those looks are as determined by sexual encounters as whether a dick is uncut or circumcised.

...I never said that labia size was affected by sexual encounters.

All I was pointing out was that women engage in body shaming as much as men do. Your original comment was implying that they don't. That's it. I'm not agreeing with derogatory comments about labias, I don't care about labia size, I'm aware it has nothing to with the amount of sexual partners. Just pointing out that derogatory comments of all kinds are made about both men and women.

I was only suggesting that if women started being as picky, as in things like snapped banjos (not circumcision) then there would be outrage.

It was said with a hint of amusement, but taken oh-so seriously by people with dicks.

I was only suggesting that if women started being as picky, as in things like snapped banjos (not circumcision) then there would be outrage.

... but women are picky about stuff like that, that was my whole point.


Labiaplasty is basically make up for vaginas.

No it isn't

Found the roastie.

Labiaplasty is fine if you want it but isnt comparable to makeup. That's like saying a nosejob is the makeup of the face

What about the females that are born with "roast beef" vagina are they all whores. It's something they are born with just like the incel "genetics"


Yeah, that is the whole idea of this post. Incels are just using the roast beef meme to give normaloids a taste of their own medicine.

but you guys are the only ones that make fun of big labia. That's their point. No one else does, it's just you. You discriminate against women although you claim women discriminate against you because of something you're born with, nor rather not born with. Whoosh to you guys cause that's what their point was.

Normaloids come here and tell us that being genetically short/ugly/deformed doesn't matter and it's our actions that keep us single. When it's actually genetics.

We're giving the normaloids a taste of their own medicine with the roast beef labia meme.

Uhh yeah.. calling women "femoids" and assuming other people are normal(oid), making yourself abnormal but still entitled to an opinion about someone else's genitals even though you claim you've never been allowed near those... all genetics. Absolutely not your fault. What a delightful poor soul you are.

You just missed our point again. You don't give anyone a taste of anything. No one except of you makes fun of big labia which makes you the perfect hypocrite. Also, if "normaloids" come here and tell you it's not your looks, how exactly is it "giving them a taste of their own medicine" when you start making fun of their looks? What?

Can you read?


oh yeah. one femoid wrote. It's such shame seeing handsome but short man

This is true lol or you can use titty size

honestly, small tits really aren't as anywhere near debilitating to women... as long as you have a pretty face the size of your tits don't even matter.

My sister is totally flat chested... I don't think she can even fill an A cup, but she's beautiful and slim, and men literally fall at her feet.

I know but if pleople start sdhaming them,then theyll feel insecure lol

Omg taytay wants to date me but I measured her cups and they just aren't big enough so sorry but she's just not good enough

- Nobody ever

This is EXACTLY the same thing as having a small penis as a guy! It's not exposed all the time, nothing you can do, and people will constantly make fun of you for it

no one except for manchildren who have never touched a woman sexually make fun of big labia lol

Good find. This loser gets his daily dopamine high bullying virgins on the internet

How is it bulling if I merely pointed out that you make fun of women for being born in one way while you whine about women who apparently make fun of you for being born one way? No one except of you makes fun of big labia, maybe that's the issue here?

Except that making fun of small penises is okay throughout society while roast beef memes are only acceptable here.

They won't suggest you're a slut though

Yo but no satire though I prefer outties. Not a total incel here but got some when I was 15 then not again. 19[M]

Come back when it's been at least decade boyo. Then you're back to born-again territory.

Yo your like a black belt in virgin jitsu

Forget the Labiaplasty. She can just shower bro.


the sad reality is that these things STILL don't even compare.. most men don't even give half a shit what your labia look like. They've seen all kinds of vaginas, and as long as it's tight and wet and doesn't smell bad they're going to dive right on in with enthusiasm.

Men don't exclude women from their dating pool based on labia size. If there are men out there who ACTUALLY care, they are few and far between.

I'd rather wear my labia on my forehead than be a short man, tbh..

don't exclude women from their dating pool based on labia size

I have, several times. It's why I never went down on my ex-wife.

never went down

Ex wife


Our divorce was mostly due to her schizophrenia.

Not an intel, but I recently dated a girl with long lips and I did not like it. We went out for about 6 weeks and I made an excuse and ended it. I’ve had lots of pussy in my life and only a handful of chicks with huge labia. Men do care, because that’s not the norm.

Yeah but then there are men who fancy big labia. Just about every variation of women has it's admirers, this is not true for men.

No, it's hilarious.

The only way you see it is if you're here trolling, or "observing the zoo." That's the only way it triggers you is if you're here to be a shitty person.

So, again, it's hilarious how you come here to get triggered by content specifically made to trigger you because you come here to be a controlling, dismissive, ass.

read the full post before replying, gigasperg

It's five lines long fakecel.


Not agreeing with you doesn't give someone autism. You're not a good writer, you have nothing intelligent to say, and your metaphors are weak without the parallels necessary for them to stand on your own.

The worst part is you probably thought you were really clever with this one...


Jesus you need to get a life lmao

"the majority of men will rule you out of the dating pool based on the size of your labia" Lol, no? You guys maybe but definitely not "majority of men". "both men and women will mock you and respect you less based on your labia" lol WHAT? No? Who the fuck would do that (besides maybe you lot). People in the real world don't do that haha what the fuck :D

You realize he started the post with

-now imagine if

Right? No way you can be this stupid.

Oh look a fucking retard that can't read, good stuff mate.

Stop using the R-word inappropriately.

Low IQ retard, /r/woosh

Incels want all pussy to look like dolphin smiles.


Don't fuck every chad you see and your vag won't be disgusting.

What how did making less money come in to this?

Roasties are grotesque.

Best post of Braincel so far. Hope women learn from that.

Sorry. Can't relate.

Y’all, most women prefer just an average penis but aren’t going to be offended if they get anything else as long as it’s clean and attached to a good human. Also please elaborate on the money part, need to know your logic there

Did you read the post, he was talking about being short, not having a small dick

Height doesn’t = penis size. Very interesting article though, I always knew being 5”0 was a disadvantage

It's just a meme calm down

Nobody cares about protruding labiae. It's not like people walk around naked for everyone to see what your genitals look like. The only reason I'll ever make fun of roast beef flaps is to trigger oversensitive women who'll mock short or lanky men in the same breath as they'll cry about men mocking her flat bust.

I salute each and every manlet who was able to reach his late 20s without offing himself

Lol most men dgaf about labial size

Hey, you know what? This is a pretty good post. You began your post by treating women as fellow human beings who cannot help their genetics, and you bring up a good point about stupid social standards about height. Kudos to you.

I agree that media should stop, in all cases, from making fun of people based on looks, period. Short men should be presented in media in a positive light and height should not be any kind of deal.

I don't know if you can prove a "majority" of women won't date a short man. I think it's true that young women in particular will shy away from a man shorter than them, but keep in mind they're faced with the same media deluge. They have concerns (even if baseless) that they'd be made fun of if they dated a man shorter than them. Particularly tall women have to go through life with a certain amount of branding as "too masculine", even if the only thing that makes them "masculine" is height. They have to face men who are only a little taller than them telling them that they can't wear heels because the man would be embarrassed. So while I agree it's a societal problem, and you've presented it well, I don't agree with how some would characterize it as completely a woman's fault. If you can show a taller woman that you aren't intimidated by the fact that she's taller, then you may find yourself more sought after than you think. Confidence, being comfortable in your own skin, really does make up for a lot of perceived "flaws."

i got a small pp so im not picky about a girls genitalia. if i liked her then it wouldn't matter at all to me, so thats prob why i don't really like the term roastie since it isnt really a personality trait but an immutable trait

Trust me, women who go around saying they will only date a guy who's like 6 foot plus are generally considered just as douchey and annoying as men who want women to basically not have any labia. To be fair, I'm sure there are more women who won't date someone shorter than them than there are men who won't date women due to their labia. Then again there are some men who won't date women taller than them.

It's such a stupid hang-up. In my experience (and that of other women I know) short guys are amazing in bed. Part of it's the angle, part of it is just your bodies fitting together better (with tall guys missionary is just staring at their nips), and I guess part of it is maybe a chip on their shoulder that makes them care more?

Hate to say it but I totally benefited from this bigotry. My husband is a short guy and I definitely feel like if he was taller he would've found someone better than me before he met me (I'm decently good looking but come with some baggage and a crazy family that I love a lot).

How tall is he and how tall are you?

He's 5'4 and I'm 5'7

Huh, no shit? That’s awesome, I’m happy for you guys!

Thanks! I'm a very lucky lady.

Yeah, sure. Tell a woman she has a ugly or gross vagina but still expect her to have sex with you. Contrary to belief from the 1800s women do not like to be abused and it does not make you attractive.

Sucks yeah, now if only you could be justifiably bitter about the bad hand you were dealt in life without believing a bunch of ridiculous nonsense that has nothing to do with your height

This is bullshit. There are tons of men who love big labia. We have entire subreddits devoted to men jacking off to huge labia. Where are the subreddits devoted to the love of short men? The comparison is not even close.

And not one person is pointing out that labia are part of the vulva. The vagina is internal. An "outie vagina" would require medical intervention (vaginal prolapse).

I’m all for showin short guys love, and I hate when girls say they only want a 6ft+ dude, but i think The reason people get upset about people making fun of “outie” vaginas is because alot of guys here think it comes from having too much sex/sex with many different men. When really it’s just genetics and hormones, and weather you’ve had a child or not can change it a little before a certain age. a lot of women are virgins with “outies” and a lot of women have had many many sexual partners with “innies”. It would be like saying a guy has a big dick because he had sex with tight vaginas and it pulled his dick, thus making it longer.

Hey, offbrandbarbie, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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I get turned on

"I like short guys too. My last bf was 5'11."

Awww. Did I hurt your feelings?

You’re not alone but you’re in the minority if you’re under 30

Somebody's feeling's got hurt