Fucking Disgusting Roastie Pimps Out Her Own Kids

85  2018-05-09 by keyandfeels


Fucking Disgusting Roastie Pimps Out Her Own Kids

That is despicable. This is why you should not have sex. If the condom fails and she gets pregnant, she'll end up pimping out your kids.

News like this make me want to leave this earth and never return.

I’ll go with you. We can have a pillow fight up in space with our eyes closed.

Sounds pretty gay. Count me in.

People like that should not be allowed children in the first place. Sterilise the bitch if she isn't already.

BT1000s aren't even human

do you watch Tommy Sotamayor too? TNNRaw?


Except she not black

This is why there shouldn't be unwanted children in the world. Push for more sex education, birth control, and keeping abortion legal.

Oh they were very wanted. They were paying her bills.

[vomiting in the background]

Don't forget, she's gonna claim them on her taxes too.


Push for more sexual responsibility, less promiscuity, and the abortions thing. ..yes, but only because of the main group that gets them.

lmao moral preaching from somebody who sent nudes to get their mod position. hilarious

I never did that.

Strawman. You shouldn't be here in the first place.

This is why there shouldn't be unwanted children in the world. Push for more sex education, birth control, and keeping abortion legal.

No, this is why there shouldn't be women with agency in the world. Push for no more government funded education for women, no more free birth control, and outlawing abortion. Oh, and no more welfare or other government handouts, and children automatically get placed with the father, or the father is unknown or unfit, then the closest know male relative gets priority in custody, finally the state takes control of children, and a single mother never gets them. 99% of all social problems solved.

This guy. This guy right here.

We need social engineers like you to unfuck (LOL) this societal mess we're in now.

So fucking men rape these children. And your conclusion is because some demented bitch who failed as a human allowed this that women should not have agency?

I am happy your life is the way it is. You prove here that your opinion, if it mattered, would be harmful to society.

All is as it should be. Freak.

How do you know they were unwanted?

nope. Just stop sending aid to africa and that's it.

Just curious, what's the demographics for this particular crime.

I feel like I know the answer just want to hear it.

Ahh yes.

Georgia showing the rest of the Union how far we’ve come since Jim Crow.

While that is objectively horrifying. The men paying to have sex with a 5/6 year old girls deserve the firing squad too.

I’ll go with you. We can have a pillow fight up in space with our eyes closed.