Chad can order roasties not to say certain words

97  2018-05-09 by keyandfeels


I love how some girl is going to come in here and do the "not all women" BS as that thread continues to get upvoted probably to around "200 points/80% upvoted"


"Yeah but not all ince-"


Kind of like how the top post here claims you're not all terrorists like that Toronto van guy.

Not all incels.

Your argument means you all are I guess

OK then show me a thread calling for violence with 200 votes and an 80% upvoted ratio since what I said analogizes perfectly to incels.

So either I do your legwork to prove the obvious to an incel or I'm a liar?

Believe what you want.

"Your legwork". You challenged me, not the other way around. The onus is on you so put up or shut up. If you're going to just make drive by comments to troll while cowering from any pushback then please fuck off.


The onus? I dont owe you shit. Especially since you aren't speaking with me in good faith or basic respect.

No, I think I will just enjoy the pleasure of you lying to yourself, your inability to deal with societies pushback, AND your frustration with my right to be here and saying whatever the fuck I want to.

What is that even trying to say.

"Im ready to compromise my attitude and values for chad"

but he's... SO...GOOD...IN...BED... LEIK omg xD

Women are degenerates

"Not all women"

Too many of them though.

I sometimes wonder if the crazy decline in men's masculinity, both physical/biological (much lower testosterone, less boy hair, etc) and social (changes in men's social behavior), over the past century is what's driven such a big push for abolishing male dominance.

Women haaaate unattractive, effeminate men. It might be that once you're "Alpha male", "Chad", hyper-masculine man women will accept it and even celebrate it when you order them around.

Maybe that's what western civilization did wrong. They put "wusses" in the throne of "men", and women hated seeing effeminate betas where they wanted to see masculine alphas. When they see strong men in power they think "this is how things should be, this is good", but when they see weak men in power they think "this is NOT how things should be, this is bad" and start trying to end those weak men's dominance.

All of this is just speculation, though. Not necessarily how things worked.

They want their fix of dominance without the risk of physical harm or insult to ego. Having their cake and eating it.

i am done with this sub.

this sub is dead the moment redpillers joined and ruined the blackpill.


What kind of reaction even is that? I don't understand what that woman's face is supposed to mean

Pretty sure that reaction is basically someone going “yeesh” to the idea that some dude told her that, or possibly that she’s willing to put up with it, or both.

my new fwb

Favourite white boi

literally not even mad at women, I hate men who talk like this too. Literally who would take time out of their day to create a post saying this? what compelled them to share this aspect of your life... not to mention I know what women are like after you sleep with them enough, they become attached quickly. literally 1/10 post, the only redemption coming from the fact I could actually read it as a sentence. I'm just not a fan of this level of openness to random strangers, or even friends, it's just not interesting.

Is it dude or bruh that he doesn't like? She switched terms throughout the title so now it just makes no sense.


And incels dont have that pover? Not even the most extravert, most happy good samaritan qt will ever tell you "I love you" or "hi" to make your day better even for a second.

God I fucking hate women lmfao

When females try to be funny

Women are human trash. Fuck all women. #yesallwomen

Person in the streets, object in the sheets.

person in the braincels object in the 2xchromosomes

"But he is so good in bed" translated i would have left him in a millisecond if he wasnt attractive, actually it would have never started if that wasnt the case😉

This is just what having a girlfriend is normally like.