Normies don't seem to understand that sexual attraction isn't a rational choice, it happens on a primal physical level. Being nice or mean to someone isn't going to affect whether or not they're sexually attracted to you.

76  2018-05-09 by Jsm96



No bro women are attracted to confidence, just lift, shower, get a haircut/good wardrobe bro, hold frame and spin plates bro.

This tbh bro

Disregarding the redpill stuff, this is spot on. Take control of your life and the rest will follow. Don't sit there wallowing, what kind of life is that? Unless you're in a wheelchair or were born with a butthole on your forehead, you have the ability to make a change. Hell, even wheelchair dude can lift.

Can the wheelchair dude lift his legs without his hands?

This fucking sub. You are bringing positivity and go to -5 upvotes. What the hell.

Hahaha I knew what I was getting into when I posted here :p

truth makes people salty

Lol normans are always so arrogant and stupid at the same time. If you think you're spewing the truth then you're lower IQ than women are.

Tell me how I'm wrong. This is something I assume you love to do given your attitude, so lemme have it. What's the real world like there, bud?


Now fuck off

This is correct. However, if you want to have a better shot, being the best you you can be certainly helps.

I am short, ugly, and Indian. There is no better shot, I am in the bottom 10%,, possibly bottom 5%, of men.

If you were a short ugly ripped well-off funny motivated and personable Indian guy, you'd be a lot higher up on the pole. I ain't shootting on ya man, I legit want to see most of you fellas do well. An attitude change is all most of you guys need. I used to be a short fat ugly dude who didn't get any play either. Just kinda quit caring and focused on getting my shit in order and now I'm grinding out 65 hours a week, I'm at 165 and I'm getting married in a month. If I can get out, you can get out man.

Lol trust me, I spent 2 years becoming all that until I realized nobody cares about your effort if you're unattractive. The only thing all that self improvement got me was female friends and when I dared to ask them out a bunch of "awwwwwww that's so cute but I don't see you in that way". The only way to generate sexual attraction is through your face, if you're face is fucked you will only ever be a friend, never a lover.

If I wasn't so paranoid about the interwebs, I'd send you my mug so you could feel better lol.

Hang in there man, you sound like an intelligent guy. Don't poison your heart, you'll get yours.

Eh it's pretty much over for me now. Being a 20 year old virgin puts me in the bottom 10% of men statistically, and I doubt women could ever genuinely be attracted to a bottom 10% man.

If it helps my girl's ex was WAAAAAAY worse than you just based on this conversation and he lost his v card at 36 to a 19 year old. Dude was a complete piece of shit. You're not.

A pretty face can get you sex but it wont get you a lasting relationship.

There are beautiful people out there still looking for someone to settle down with because they never put in the effort to make their life meaningful or make their personality one that people want to be around.

I'm trying to be less hateful but seriously, how is that supposed to make me feel any better? I would happily kill myself if it meant just a week of being able to get sex without being able to get a lasting relationship. Also it's not like a "good" personality will get you into a relationship if you're ugly to start off with.

You're right, if you're ugly out the gate you're going to have a much harder time in life and in finding a relationship or someone to sleep with.

But you can have it and you will if you keep working on yourself. Its just going to take more time. Dont let the negativity drive you down and if it does find someone to talk to about this. Do you have anyone in your life you trust enough to unload your feelings on?

Im sorry you have to go through this but It's going to be OK if you stick it out and seek help if its needed.

It's because they probably hear this shit every day and this person is typing it out like it's anything new. The arrogance is an added bonus to that. Especially with his reply to this comment.

It's possible to complain and joke about things without wallowing in self pity. People don't like when you assume things of them. None of these jokes are stopping me from doing things I like to do.

He should move that to /r/2meirl42meirl4meirl

He says it because it helps. I used to be absolutely miserable but it was this kind of positive thinking that helped me. Plus, I never resorted to insulting people saying it even though I didn't plan on changing for most of that time.

He says it because it helps.

You're under the assumption that none of these people (me included) are trying, which is incredibly disrespectful. I wouldn't react that way but I know first-hand how annoying they/it can be, so in all honesty I'm not surprised.

I'm a former IT user, and as someone who has tried all attempts to improve and still had the blame thrown on me by people in IT even though I agreed with their sentiment that improvement helps is annoying. You do all you can to improve (Their exact advice) and you recieve a reply treating you like an incel. Fuck'em.

I never resorted to insulting people saying it even though I didn't plan on changing for most of that time.

You must not know how often people come here to say that.

Hey, Uggocel, just a quick heads-up:
recieve is actually spelled receive. You can remember it by e before i.
Have a nice day!

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Hey, u/CommonMisspellingBot , just a quick heads-up: You’re a douchebag and a buzzkill to all. The human mind is not a computer. It ¢an R3AD thangs dat r M!SPELLED. Furthermore, predictive text and spell-check are sometimes the cause of these typos. You’re not providing a useful service. Have a nice day! The parent commenter can delete this post by leaving Reddit.

Hey, /u/bad_misspelling_bot , just a quick heads-up: Whoever made you must've been really embarrassed when their spelling was corrected. In many cases, typos can impede understanding or make someone's writing appear unprofessional, so the bot is potentially helpful to those who made legitimate typos not caused by predictive text. You're a jerk. Poor misspelling bot is just doing his job! The above commenter can delete this post by actually studying for that 3rd grade spelling test.

I'm not sitting here wallowing. I'm out making money to support my family. I work on myself and am trying to get better education. Just cause I'm a loser in one area of my life doesn't mean I'm a loser in all other.

The thing is man if you keep doing like you do and just don't think about how you're a loser all the time you're gonna get what you want. It sounds like you're doing all the correct stuff man, keep hammering at it. Just keep in mind, the fact you're doing all this makes you de facto not a loser.

I know I'm not a loser. It's the girls. They just see me as a useless ugly boring work dummy. That's the thing.

Dude I gotta tell you unless you're quasi-goddamn-modo, it's not the girls that think that. Or rather, some may, but just like men there are loads of shit women and you gotta disregard them. Learn a lil comedic timing. Don't be afraid to talk to them like people, if they don't like it they can fuck off, those are the ones to avoid.

But dude, fuck all the girl advice because they're all different. What you really need to know is that your attitude about yourself shows. If you can be cool with you, you're a thousand miles ahead. That's all "confidence" is, really. Feeling competent and not second guessing or downing yourself when you don't need to. You're a man who works hard and takes care of his. Take pride in that man! There are millions who can't say the same.

Again, you're missing the point. I'm not doubting anything. I know I do good job and am competent. It's the girls. They literally see me the way I described above. And no amount of confidence will change that.

I didn't miss the point man, I'm going off what you're writing. It's this shit:

They literally see me the way I described above. And no amount of confidence will change that

Do you realize how absurd this is? I'm not trying to be a dick either, I'm trying to help. You're telling me 3.5 billion women see you the exact same way? It's not them man, its your attitude. So Suzy and Kate think you're boring or whatever. Fuck 'em, Jennifer wants a man who handles business.

The worst part of all of this is that you're fighting me about it being all women and not something you can change. To me this kinda seems like giving up. Why man? You're like 80% of the way there!

You're telling me 3.5 billion women see you the exact same way? >It's not them man, its your attitude. So Suzy and Kate think you're boring or whatever. Fuck 'em, Jennifer wants a man who handles business.

All of this, just for the attitude platitude. Here's the thing, He's never met a 'Jennifer' when all he finds are 'Suzies' and 'Kates' being indifferent with him(at best). Telling him to try some more is already a bit insulting, because he's still trying. Never in his responses did he said he gives up. Maybe he's tired of people telling him to keep running on the treadmill when he's been running more than an hour every day of his life.

Guess you should just not do anything then, just sit there and be sad. The math of the world just doesn't work out for you....

... Speaking of wastes of time.

This is just world fallacy. You do realize this right? Go Google "just world fallacy". This is LITERALLY you.

What the fuck is your major malfunction?

There's actually a wheelchair currycel who lifts at my gym. His legs are noodles, but his upper body is bigger than your average person.

True story.

Even a disabled fucking currycel is is gymcelling. What faggy excuse can anyone possibly have to not improve that aspect of their life - an aspect that is entirely in their own hands.

Amen buddy.

Fucking gains bro

I actually started doing all of those things and found success

You were already good looking but just needed a boost. Get out of here for your own good.

If i was good looking I wouldn't have been a 20 year old virgin

in that case u just needed confidence, it wasn't your looks

Before i had no confidence now i have 1% confidence

are u still a virgin?


how are u an incel? You probably aren't as ugly as u think

I never said i was an incel

Same for me. Body fat % seems to have the biggest effect. The difference between 15 and sub 10 in the face huge

I'm attracted to personality sometimes. Ugly girls start seeming a lot prettier when they're nice to me, lol. Maybe it's just my desperation

it's not desperation that's actually pretty common

That's perfectly normal for men. Femoids aren't like that though. Femoids are only attracted to looks.

That doesn't even fit evolutionary theory. Looks don't bring home meat, or drive off predators.

You have it backwards, men who look like they bring home meat and drive off predators are the ones that are said to have good looks.

good luck trieng to be nice to women tho xDD

If you can understand that attraction is primal, and people don’t choose who they’re attracted to, why are you so angry with women who aren’t attracted to you?

I'm not angry at women who aren't attracted to me, I just don't like all the lies surrounding what attracts women.

Can you elaborate? By “lies” do you mean women who say looks don’t matter?

Yes, that's probably the biggest one, among many others.

While looks play a big role in attraction (for everybody), what I see most is incels claiming women only want the Chad types. I’m not attracted to men who look like gym rats with fake tans. I like men who have lots of tattoos, beards, and a dad bod. And I’m not being facetious. I can understand that people like Chris Evans are conventionally attractive, but that’s not what I’m most attracted to. So looks may matter, but not everyone is searching for the same physical appearance in a partner.

Incels fight tooth and nail to deny the idea that women have types so good luck trying to convince them.

Chad is just any attractive male.

For years we grew up being told that men are more "visual" or "shallow" and women are sooo turned on my personality. Then we grow up and realize that it's bullshit, women are more shallow than men, they'll openly and explicitly turn down any man under 6ft, you'd never see a man say some stupid bullshit like "I don't date girls with boobs smaller than C's."

And that "personality" bullshit is just masculinity, women are attracted to masculinity. They don't actually care about anyone having any interesting ideas or perspective on things, no they don't want any unique personality, they want masculinity, they love SUBMITTING to men, women's attraction is actually deeply disturbing.

They want normie men with STATUS. Being attracted to status is shallow, and women are obsessed with it. The red/lack pill has been told in rap music for decades, but when incels/robots/mgtow/trp try to explain it's a great evil that must be eradicated.

My husband doesn’t have status. When we met, I made more than him, he was in a lot of debt from student loans, and was in between jobs.

Honestly, what kept me captured was his sense of humor. He told me a sacrilegious joke that cracked me up. Then on our second date, we went to a bar and spent hours just people watching and making up backstories for everyone in the bar. We were inseparable, and moved in together less than 6 months later. Now we’ve been married 7 months, and just bought our house.

Status isn’t everything either. It’s easy to say “Only looks matter” or “women just want status”. But in reality, some people click and some don’t, regardless of status, looks, money, whatever.

Money isn't the only form of status, was he a social outcast/recluse/misfit? I doubt that. I'm sure he is a neurotypical, which all women want, just like no guy wants to be seen in public with a fat woman, no woman wants to be seen dating a man who doesn't have any form of social status. It's the same level of shame.

If you're ugly, short, introverted, or different in any significant way that doesn't garner superior social status it's over. Women all want the same, normal, "socially adjusted" masculine guy.

Personally I'm a 5'7 slightly obese, with skin problems(psoriasis) and an unattractive face, with a basket of mental problems ranging from major depression to ptsd. With very little confidence at all, yet after 6 months of hanging out with this solid 9. A 4'11, 95lbs, A-cup bombshell. I landed her, even though she curved me 4 times. I hung out with her as a best friend, we just talked a lot about a lot of things. She told me she didnt see me as anything more than a friend, and i was okay with that. However, she got to know me and knew that I would be there to help her when she needed it and i could make her laugh and make her happy. Now I have her. I bet you guys would have dipped out after getting curved. Try being friends with women before trying to get one to fuck you.

What a classic feel good story! too bad you omitted the part where you get stepped on by your girlfriend and forced to wear a chastity belt while your girl fucks a much better man.

Nah man. She's by my side. She was having fun in her sexual liberation, but when we got together she stopped. I can look at her accounts whenever i want, i don't because i don't need to. Make it even better, shes a cam girl and going to be a stripper. So while guys like you lot pay to see her naked I'll be tapping that on the regular. There is a point when people grow up and realize that they don't need to be fuckin about. Its nice.

oh lord. And somehow you feel like you ended up winning. Classic cuck

Why don't you message me and tell me your story. I came here to be positive and learn about the community.

Good LARP.

Why would i need approval of incels? I don't have a reason to larp. I'm cool in my skin. I'd post pics if I wasn't worried of being doxxed, but I spent enough of my formative years on /b to fall for that.

Here, I'll bite. Censored of course to keep her anon, but you get enough of my face to see im ugly

Just from that I can tell you're not even close to being incel ugly. The downside of incels going mainstream is it attracts insecure normies like you who think they're in the same boat as actual incels with a truly fucked face. Your height is a minus, but by no means makes you anything close to an incel. You're average.

Yeah I'm sure you're tall white boyfriend got you with his sense of humor.

What a fucking joke lol. Come back when you're dating a 5'2 Indian janitor because of his "sense of humor"

  1. You're a woman, which means you're a natural born liar, so why should we believe anything you say?
  2. Even if what you are saying is true, who cares? You like guys with attractive faces who are sightly pudgy. Join the club. That's extremely common. None of us look like that.

We're more like "looks like a 12-year-old in his 30s, can barely even grow facial hair."

  1. Just because I have the ability to lie doesn’t mean I’m constantly doing it.
  2. For every goat, there is a goat fucker. People like different things. Some men are chubby chasers. Some like Amazonian women.

Nope. Women only like men with certain types of faces, and certain types of bodies.

There are women who like muscular Chads, women who like teddy bear Chads, and women who like actor Chads.

No women like men who have acne and can't grow facial hair and could be mistaken for a 14-year-old.

Would you be angry if someone raped you?

Very. Regardless of primal urges, we are an evolved species.

Do not take what doesn’t belong to you.

Lmfao, bitch. We are not an evolved species. Rape is natural and you are not allowed to hate nature. Therefore you shouldn’t have any emotions towards rape.

Nice try, fuck head. We are the most advanced species in the known universe, so that blows your argument out of the water to begin with. Second, I’m “allowed” to hate whatever the fuck I want to, because I’m my own person. I know you want to believe that you own women and they should do what you tell them, but that is LAUGHABLE. You reek of desperation.


high iq debating skills

Regardless of primal urges, we are an evolved species

Tell that to the women who date thugs and gangbaners because they make their cunts drip.

Women should be our slaves.

😂😂😂. Even if women were owned, what would you have to offer? The rich and powerful would buy you out.

That's simply not how it works in genuine monogamous patriarchies. Women aren't "bought" with money, but there is an implicit stipulation in the marital contract that the husband owns the wife.

It's because anger is likewise a primal emotion as well, particularly when one's needs aren't being met.

But there’s a huge difference that nobody has mentioned. Let’s say I’m angry because I’m broke, and only have enough money for ramen. Does that give me the right to bust down another persons door and steal what’s in their refrigerator?

No, because you typically have other options at your disposal (e.g., food banks, soup kitchens).

Cool. What about prostitution, masturbation and mail order brides?

Neither of those things really satisfy an incel, though.

Do you think people leave the soup kitchen feeling satisfied?

That's simply not an accurate analogy. There isn't a psychological need for food that tastes brilliantly, so long as one's nutritional needs are met. Conversely, there is a psychological need for sex.

Read up on the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.

Read up on the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

I have a degree in psychology, I’m fully aware of Maslow’ Hierarchy. There is not a physical need for food that tastes brilliant, but just the calories and nutritional makeup to keep our body running. One could argue that there is no psychological need for food at all, as evidenced by those who live on a feeding tube and do not actually eat. However, it has been proven that the quality of food you eat can affect your mental status. For instance, fast food has been linked to increased mental distress in young adults.

For instance, fast food has been linked to increased mental distress in young adults.

Okay, but something affecting your mental status doesn't imply that it's a need. It's a matter of degree. Does having a crappy, junk-food ridden diet result in poorer mental health outcomes? Probably. But is it single-handedly sufficient to ruin your entire quality of life? No, probably not. Conversely, loneliness, romantic isolated and sexlessness is very much sufficient to ruin your entire quality of life.

One could argue that there is no psychological need for food at all, as evidenced by those who live on a feeding tube and do not actually eat

That's probably pushing it a tad bit. I can't imagine living a fulfilling life without any food at all.

Romantic isolation and sexlessness I agree that those components can ruin a persons mental health, but that’s not the point I’m making. There are options to have sex with people, like prostitution that would fill the most basic level of that need, like a soup kitchen would for a starving man.

I’m sure it’s not a great life, I would be very upset if I couldn’t eat anymore. My point is that the act of tasting/chewing/swallowing is not a psychological need that will result in death if the subject is denied these things.

The human social contract doesn't apply to primal emotion, so yes.

Tell you what. If you get hungry, come break down my front door. If you can make it past my two giant dogs who will definitely attack you, and my husband and his guns, you can have whatever is in my fridge.

I live in an open carry state. If anyone tries to take what’s mine, I have no problem exercising my rights.


I don't disagree . When arranged marriage works it's great.

Even the ugliest currys in India get poon

Sorry just arguing small details. This is only true if your family has money and land or you live in Jukay or Amreeka and Kaneda. Men are much more numerous than women especially Punjab and Haryana where some of decently well-off guys can import wives from Eastern provinces but if your family is poor and doesn't own anything and you're very ugly, then you are very fucked. Muslim (15% of the population) chads are legally able to marry multiple women so it sucks to be Muslimcel too.

Hence rape is high, many disatisfied men. There is just not many Indian women for us. Parents are picky with who they gave their baby girl too. At least if you work hard and smart then you have a good chance. West is more fucked, because baby girl has choice and she chooses pretty dumbass.

OP Sexual attraction is only partly physical your personality absolutely matters in keeping them attracted. People who stay with degrading/mean partners generally have emotional issues like growing up in an abusive home or some such.

So being an asshole will at best land you in a relationship with someone damaged or much more likely you'll just be told to fuck off.

>So being an asshole will at best land you in a relationship with someone damaged or much more likely you'll just be told to fuck off.

It won't land you in a relationship with anyone unless you're physically attractive enough to get into a relationship to begin with.

Dude, Stephen Hawking got married, divorced, re-married and had 3 kids while completely unable to move and speak by himself. Looks only really matter for hook ups.

being this dumb

Being this unwilling to improve

Literally be one of the most intelligent and well respected person in academia bro. Its so easy. 🙄

For every Stephen Hawking there are thousands of cripples who suffer with severe depression and either end up killing themselves or live a painful life.

I could also talk about my disabled neighbour Willem and his wife of 20 years but I figured you don't know him.

Or my grandparents who are still together while in their 70's.

And Hawking got married before he became famous.

Just try to look before you give up.

Anecdotal evidence isn't statistics. I'll look up some studies for you.

Now that you can't get around the fact the disabled can find someone it's anecdotal. Great. If you honestly think that just the 1% of men can get laid how would there even be a human race anymore?

Who said only 1% of the people get laid? Wtf. Don't put words in my mouth.

You seem to believe that only the most attractive men can find someone, if that were true how come our species has survived?

There are somewhere close to 17 women ancestors for a single male ancestors. That means a single guy got along with 17 girls. That's how.

Right. So all my male ancestors had 16 bastards running around. That sounds believable.

Yes. Most likely.

Does that really seem more likely than ugly people finding someone?

There's literally scientific evidence for it.

I found one article. This was the case... 8000 damn years ago. And the explanations is that either a virus that only affected men started killing off millions of them or transitioning to agrarian soceity.

Yes. That's why the human species exists. Because of things that happened a long time ago.

Just because there is one period in history where that's true doesn't mean you can apply it to all of history. Do you think a musket is as effective on a battlefield as 400 years ago?

This very article says that it was temporary

Damn, you really know a lot about me.

It's on display

Rich celebrity.

Not with his first wife, and his second wife was his nurse.

He wasn't in that state when he met his first wife.

Not quite, but since his doctors told him that he wouldn't even survive 2 more years it didn't really matter that much.


Personality makes it easier to be attracted to someone. At least it is for guys.

What the fuck is this? No it isn't. People don't just fuck like animals, and if someone acts terribly, it might just turn you off from them.

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

People don't just fuck like animals

Implying humans aren't animals, lol.

The distinction was PEOPLE.


Writing in all caps doesn’t make you right or wrong, but it makes you look like an idiot.

r/abusive relationships

r/nice guys

there you have it. women make fun of nice dudes, and fuck bad dudes.

you can get away with a lot of shit if a femaloid is sexually attracted to you and it wont matter. On the contrary, you can be litteraly jesus and it wont matter if shes not sexually attracted to you.

Did you really just try to link Niceguys as if it isn't a reddit where people expose creepy monsters pretending to be nice? Not every girl has daddy issues and not every girl likes abuse. God damn you guys are dumb.

Did you really just try to link Niceguys as if it isn't a reddit where people expose creepy monsters pretending to be nice?

Thats not what the sub is. They post pictures of people who complain about being single while being nice, and make fun of them.

Not every girl has daddy issues and not every girl likes abuse

but plently of them do or dont mind it enough to leave the abusers.

my point stands. The first thing that matters to women is LMS, if you dont meet the looks/status/money requirement no personality will help, even women admitt that. Meanwhile if you are good looking you can treat her like shit and she wont care.

Oh shut the fuck up That reddit is for creep cringe.

then why call it nice guy? calling overthetop creeps "niceguys" already shows the agenda of the subxD

They call themselves nice and then prove tp be not nice

That's what creepyPMs is made for, niceguys is just a circlejerk about nerds being the next Hitler and some facebook posts from frustated young men. We're not the ones on TV saying incels and MGTOWs are a national threat you fucking moron

Maybe actually fucking go there

My girlfriend would not have sex with me if she didn't find my personality attractive. I can almost guarantee that no matter what I looked like she would still have sex with me.

thanks, that made me laugh :D that someone can be this delusional in 2k18

I'm not sure whether you're saying I'm delusional or OP is, I stand by my statement though. She's a hard Christian and wasnt looking for a sexual relationship at all, it just slowly turned into one. She liked me because I was sweet, I'm definitely not the best looking kid in my school and she could have had her choice with anyone.

"it was easy for me, so why cant it be easy for everbody else?They must do something horrible wrong, or be straight up evil"

this is your argument

I haven't said anything about anybody doing anything wrong, or being evil. I'm just saying that the statement, "females do not care about personality, only physical looks", is untrue and it made me laugh that someone can be this delusional in 2k18.

If you say that females do care about personality, and not about looks then the conclusion is that people who are single are bad people.

If you think you the extreme? There are plenty of people that are perfect relationship material that are single. Not once did I say that single people are bad people. I understand how you got to that conclusion, but that's not what I meant by that.

Fundamental attribution error

HAHAHA, go drink some soylent.

"Nice or mean" is a bit of an oversimplification, but yes, the involuntary physiological response of 'attraction' has been demonstrated to be affected by interpersonal impressions.

wow, that's completely true. Anyone who tries to debate against this has no idea of simple science.

Actually almost everyone on both sides gets the personality thing wrong.

It's true that if life dealt you an amazingly shit hand in the genetics department then a good personality is like sprinkling some sugar on a dog turd. It doesn't make eating literal shit any easier, no one cares that it's poop with some sugar now.

All a personality will do for you is act as a multiplier for your default value. If you have zero or even negative value, then surprise, a multiplier will still leave you with zero or negative value.

However, if you've been given a decent hand in the genes department, a good personality could maybe increase your value. Women will prefer a good looking guy that's the life of the party and has enough charisma to control rooms over a good looking dude that's boring as hell. Both will get pussy, but one will get a ton more.

This is why normies always give the "have a good personality" advice, they say that because it actually works for them. As in normies already have some decent traits to begin with, so personality can act as a modifier for them to supplement those traits.

However their mistake is in not realizing that some people are beyond the hope of saving. No one will date a 5' 2" obese dude with cystic acne that's balding just because he has the charisma of Dwayne Johnson.

tl;dr Genetics >>> personality, but if you're a normie then good personality is worth cultivating.

Actually it definitely can affect sexual attraction levels if you get to know someone and like their personality. But I think the issue is that many of the guys can’t get to the point where a girl would get to know them, they just get rejected.

We understand it just fine. It's why people trash incels. Being mad at women for aiming for the men we are attracted to makes no sense. But every other post pours hate against us for human nature.

You people are inconsistent as fuck.

You people are inconsistent as fuck.

If that's what you think, I could easily just point that reasoning to you. I'm tired of failed normies giving conflicting advise.

Being mad at women for aiming for the men we are attracted to makes no sense.

Hold the fuck on, it's a lot more than's the dishonesty and lies told to their faces.

I dont know what you consider normie advice. Everybody-Who-Is-Not-Incel do not speak for me.

I won't downplay shit.

Men demand these lies. So that's what they get.

You know what happens if I tell a man the truth about my exes dick being bigger than his? I risk getting punched in the face.

Know what happens when the REAL reason we don't want to give you a phone number is because you are not cute, desperate, or I'm just fucking busy and uninterested? Anything from names like roastie to acid in the face.

Men are bigger and stronger. So long you placate them, you have chance to make it to safety.

Hurt the wrong man's feeling and it's another national conversation about mass murder. You call us emotional while you do this shit. Micro level macro level.

Men do not want the truth. The few of you that receive it literally call it a black pill and meme about suicide (rope)

Cut the shit

Incels fight tooth and nail to deny the idea that women have types so good luck trying to convince them.

Chad is just any attractive male.

For years we grew up being told that men are more "visual" or "shallow" and women are sooo turned on my personality. Then we grow up and realize that it's bullshit, women are more shallow than men, they'll openly and explicitly turn down any man under 6ft, you'd never see a man say some stupid bullshit like "I don't date girls with boobs smaller than C's."

And that "personality" bullshit is just masculinity, women are attracted to masculinity. They don't actually care about anyone having any interesting ideas or perspective on things, no they don't want any unique personality, they want masculinity, they love SUBMITTING to men, women's attraction is actually deeply disturbing.

They want normie men with STATUS. Being attracted to status is shallow, and women are obsessed with it. The red/lack pill has been told in rap music for decades, but when incels/robots/mgtow/trp try to explain it's a great evil that must be eradicated.

  1. You're a woman, which means you're a natural born liar, so why should we believe anything you say?
  2. Even if what you are saying is true, who cares? You like guys with attractive faces who are sightly pudgy. Join the club. That's extremely common. None of us look like that.

We're more like "looks like a 12-year-old in his 30s, can barely even grow facial hair."

truth makes people salty

Lol normans are always so arrogant and stupid at the same time. If you think you're spewing the truth then you're lower IQ than women are.

Being this unwilling to improve

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

It's on display

Again, you're missing the point. I'm not doubting anything. I know I do good job and am competent. It's the girls. They literally see me the way I described above. And no amount of confidence will change that.

But there’s a huge difference that nobody has mentioned. Let’s say I’m angry because I’m broke, and only have enough money for ramen. Does that give me the right to bust down another persons door and steal what’s in their refrigerator?

You're right, if you're ugly out the gate you're going to have a much harder time in life and in finding a relationship or someone to sleep with.

But you can have it and you will if you keep working on yourself. Its just going to take more time. Dont let the negativity drive you down and if it does find someone to talk to about this. Do you have anyone in your life you trust enough to unload your feelings on?

Im sorry you have to go through this but It's going to be OK if you stick it out and seek help if its needed.

Do you think people leave the soup kitchen feeling satisfied?

I don't disagree . When arranged marriage works it's great.

Even the ugliest currys in India get poon

Sorry just arguing small details. This is only true if your family has money and land or you live in Jukay or Amreeka and Kaneda. Men are much more numerous than women especially Punjab and Haryana where some of decently well-off guys can import wives from Eastern provinces but if your family is poor and doesn't own anything and you're very ugly, then you are very fucked. Muslim (15% of the population) chads are legally able to marry multiple women so it sucks to be Muslimcel too.

Hence rape is high, many disatisfied men. There is just not many Indian women for us. Parents are picky with who they gave their baby girl too. At least if you work hard and smart then you have a good chance. West is more fucked, because baby girl has choice and she chooses pretty dumbass.

People don't just fuck like animals

Implying humans aren't animals, lol.

r/abusive relationships

r/nice guys

there you have it. women make fun of nice dudes, and fuck bad dudes.

you can get away with a lot of shit if a femaloid is sexually attracted to you and it wont matter. On the contrary, you can be litteraly jesus and it wont matter if shes not sexually attracted to you.

The distinction was PEOPLE.


They call themselves nice and then prove tp be not nice

Why don't you message me and tell me your story. I came here to be positive and learn about the community.

Right. So all my male ancestors had 16 bastards running around. That sounds believable.

Yes. Most likely.

in that case u just needed confidence, it wasn't your looks

I dont know what you consider normie advice. Everybody-Who-Is-Not-Incel do not speak for me.

I won't downplay shit.

Men demand these lies. So that's what they get.

You know what happens if I tell a man the truth about my exes dick being bigger than his? I risk getting punched in the face.

Know what happens when the REAL reason we don't want to give you a phone number is because you are not cute, desperate, or I'm just fucking busy and uninterested? Anything from names like roastie to acid in the face.

Men are bigger and stronger. So long you placate them, you have chance to make it to safety.

Hurt the wrong man's feeling and it's another national conversation about mass murder. You call us emotional while you do this shit. Micro level macro level.

Men do not want the truth. The few of you that receive it literally call it a black pill and meme about suicide (rope)

Cut the shit

are u still a virgin?