Inceltears Meetup

93  2018-05-09 by keyandfeels


Notice how the only girls flashing their tits are the ugly ones.

and you are surprised women don't want to sleep with you?


Calling women ugly (true or not) is going to get you far in the world of dating /s

It's not like I go around doing it irl. And besides, plenty of abusive men have relationships. Chris Brown beat Rihanna, one of the hottest women out there, and she stayed with him.

Yeah but Chris Brown has a personality, money, and probably didn't call her ugly or other women ugly until (like most abusers) got her hooked on his "love".

Your attitude will show through no matter how good you are at hiding it. Trust me I know, I use to "hate" on women online only all the time but that attitude was picked up on the women in my life even though I thought I hid it.

I call men ugly online too. Why is it ok when I do that, but not with women?

Because unless you are seeking men that is why. Also men (are suppose to or considered) to have a "thick skin" and thus insults don't effect them (it is a stupid gender norm to be true). Think of it this way if a woman calls a man she sees on the street fat but that man isn't you do you look at yourself and "I have been packing on the pounds lately" and get depressed? Probably not. That is what happens when you are critical of women, women then look in on themselves and think if he thinks that woman is ugly then what does he think of me?

First of all, you're lumping all women into one category. You don't know with certainty that a woman would get depressed by such a comment. Second of all, by saying it's ok to insult men for their appearance, but not women, you are perpetuating the idea that women should only be valued for their looks. If women are truly valued for more than their looks, then an insult about their appearance shouldn't be treated any differently than an insult about a mans appearance.

Look I don't think it is alright to insult men's looks either, as I pointed out this is a stupid gender norm based on cultural influence.

Obviously women valued for more than their looks as they are caring independent intelligent humans just like men, however to just ignore how this makes women feel in real life interactions ignores the many faceted features that make up a woman's self esteem.

Just don't go around calling people ugly and expect people to be jumping up and down to sleep with you is all I am saying.

Shut up faggot lol

I am certainly a fag thanks for noticing ;)

That's not something to be proud of lol

Maybe not for you but I let my fag flag wave high and proud.

Yeah, that's part of why our nation's fucked.

Nah that is because of Trump and all the crazy nazi people pushing to take away rights.

Lmao, what rights is Trump trying to take away?

What national socialists are you referring to?

And again, what rights are they trying to take away?

So far the only people trying to take away rights are the liberal leftists, whose backing are a legion of fags, trannies, bugmen, feminists and cat ladies. (See free speech, and 2nd amendment. Hell I'll even argue they want the 4th gone too)

probably didn't call her ugly

I'll bet mid beating he said that or something worse

So because you couldn't hide it, nobody can. Nice logic you got there bro.

And I'm sure being a 28 year old balding man playing pretend at being a "woman" and posting in polyamorous subreddits is the way to being successful in the dating world!

You're more pathetic than everyone here could ever be. Literally becoming a porn-influenced caricature of a "woman" because you failed as a man and didn't want to cope with it like everyone else.

Incels may be permanently single, but at least they won't poison their body with titty skittles and mutilate themselves purely because of a fetish. Your transition timeline is going to be a car crash

You are the lowest of the low on the humanity totem pole.

Oooooo someone read through my post history. Jealous? Envious? Well what ever, anyone who believes in a "humanity totem pole" or any other hierarchical Bull Chit isn't worth my time.

The thing is while you are depressed and angry at yourself all the time I am actively pursuing my own happiness and succeeding. Not even sure why I wanted to look through this subreddit and I only felt engaged enough to post because people shouldn't go around calling others ugly.

lmao triggered

I seen this exact same comment, when this pic was posted again lmao u thief cunt

You're missing one.

Kind of curious what those two 6/10 asian chicks are doing there

Everything about this picture makes me rage.


Small penis and no friends

Nobody asked you to describe yourself boyo

The women who are showing their tits look exactly like the type who visit this sub.

The men are all fat pathetic beta cucks, pretty much how I imagine most redditors.

The women who are showing their tits look exactly like the type who visit this sub.

The men are all fat pathetic beta cucks, pretty much how I imagine most redditors.

Wtf how small is that manlet in the urban pants. How do these guys even have gfs but i dont theyre all disgusting

mfw they're probably nice people who are fun to be around and have a positive impact on the people around them

Because the rules incels beat into each others heads about how the world works are total garbage.

they are all disgusting.

Idk the asian chick on the left in the turquoise is a qt3.14

The biggest tits there don't even belong to women jfl

Pretty interesting how the only normal looking people here are all ethnic.

This is what the people who say "chad here" look like irl

I despise fat people.

you get downvoted, but the truth is, fat people are disgusting

This was from a real reddit meet, yeah?

I'm completely okay with them flashing tits

Even the most perversed rapist wouldn't be attracted to them

Holy fucking shit

lmao first pic in and they got that nu-smile going

Jesus Christ it's like a my 600lb life meetup.

Why do the really fat ones always look so smug? I wonder how many hours he has spent debating christians lol

only fuckable chick is on the right and she's prolly not from the group and was passing by

brb bein incel till rest of my days if that's what they count as normie

Is this real? Please be real.

If real, then KEK.

They just look like average young people.

where the fuck you live at homie lol

Dumbass kek

I'm alone due to being as picky as a woman


in the gaming or anime club LOL

you guys are mean, they look like they're having fun

this will never fail to make me LOL because it's 100% what those retards look like.

Nice pic of boar_gaming and friends

Lmao, what rights is Trump trying to take away?

What national socialists are you referring to?

And again, what rights are they trying to take away?

So far the only people trying to take away rights are the liberal leftists, whose backing are a legion of fags, trannies, bugmen, feminists and cat ladies. (See free speech, and 2nd amendment. Hell I'll even argue they want the 4th gone too)