120 2018-05-09 by MajesticSubhuman
1 D_Gandy 2018-05-09
We don't see women as trash bro, only feminazis and whores.
Women offer lifes greatest gift and being in love is the greatest feeling on earth.
Not all women are bad
1 PM_ME_DEATH_THREATS2 2018-05-09
All femoids are trash, "bro".
1 GREYnRED 2018-05-09
Woman are woman Just creatures of instinct. There's no such thing as good or bad when driven with instinct.
1 imadethistoshitpostt 2018-05-09
1 youreallmeatanyway 2018-05-09
How you see women. How you want people to think you see women. How you wish you could see women. How you only get to see women.
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-09
1 MaleficentCourt 2018-05-09
Inceltears posers, alt right play the whole women are trash thing. The real incels say the female gender have an advantage, but it is still all about looks.
1 HalalHaramKabab 2018-05-09
Both men and women are trash.
There needs to be a virus that wipes out all human life on earth.
1 MoneyBall_ 2018-05-09
That's what I'm sayin
1 thumpar72 2018-05-09
1 Fogfroof 2018-05-09
1 D_Gandy 2018-05-09
We don't see women as trash bro, only feminazis and whores.
Women offer lifes greatest gift and being in love is the greatest feeling on earth.
Not all women are bad
1 PM_ME_DEATH_THREATS2 2018-05-09
All femoids are trash, "bro".
1 GREYnRED 2018-05-09
Woman are woman Just creatures of instinct. There's no such thing as good or bad when driven with instinct.
1 imadethistoshitpostt 2018-05-09
1 youreallmeatanyway 2018-05-09
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-09
1 MaleficentCourt 2018-05-09
Inceltears posers, alt right play the whole women are trash thing. The real incels say the female gender have an advantage, but it is still all about looks.
1 HalalHaramKabab 2018-05-09
Both men and women are trash.
There needs to be a virus that wipes out all human life on earth.
1 MoneyBall_ 2018-05-09
That's what I'm sayin
1 thumpar72 2018-05-09
1 Fogfroof 2018-05-09