According to IT femoid can just claim rape if she decides she was manipulated

104  2018-05-09 by fukworld_2


warning to all the surgerymaxxers out there, if she ever finds out you're going away for a long time boyos!

By 2020, breathing in the same room as a foid as a sub8 male will be considered rape, since you're involuntarily filling the room with your air. Did the foid consent to being subjected to your breathe?

I hate woman on my class how can i keep distance from them on a good way? They try to use me for notes etc.. And I hate women teacher they are full of shit, talks to much... Help me plz :(

I am the one in question that was accused of sexual harassment. I do a liberal arts course, so imagine how many people hate me now and won't ever speak to me because of FUCKING consensual sex.

Tbh do you even want to speak to those people

Now you know why ancient religions said sex before marriage is forbiden. Because women will accuae you of rape if you have sex with them before marriage. Its funny that feminism itself is basically imposing biblical morality now.

First time I completely agree with an incel post. That first commenter is as idiot.

Fuck off whore.

But if feminists advocated for this, you wouldn't care.

I would care because it's completely untrue and the person that wrote it sounds very immature. I have a lot of men in my life, partner, friends, Dad and I wouldn't wanna see any man having his life ruined by a false claim and that would definitely be a false claim.

Isn't it weird how all Inceltears faggots are all left winger libtards? They all think there's 5000 genders and that rape victims are always right and that men are evil and they're all estrogen filled dickless feminists. I've never seen a right winger make fun of us or harass us the way these normcunts do.

I'm neither but I'd definitely be more to the right if anything. There's two genders, rape victims aren't always speaking the whole truth, I definitely don't think men as a whole are evil.


IT faggot

Delusional bullshit. The right hates us just as much as the left.

I vote for whoever is most likely to give us UBI. In my country, that's the left.

Right wing Youtube political commenters have actually been pretty sympathetic to incels. They realize that the sexual/dating market is a competitive zero sum game, and as such, some people will lose out on it. Libtards think sex comes from the same horn of plenty as government money, and also think all men are privileged oppressors, so their ideological framework prevents them from sympathizing with incels.


Ubi language, an Afro-Asiatic language spoken in Central Chad

Universal base income I believe he meant, basically everyone getting paid for example atleast 1000 euro a month without working anything on top of that is suplementary

Thank you!

yeah good luck with ubi, that's china and middle east country dream. Start increasing taxes to corporation and business, while not having an Earth government that apply it to every country...what could go wrong

yeah good luck with ubi, that's china and middle east country dream. Start increasing taxes to corporation and business here in the west, while not having an Earth government that apply it to every country...what could go wrong

that's china and middle east country dream.

Earth government

Am I retarded for not being able to understand you?

no, let me explain what i ment.

How are you gonna get the money for ubi? by increasing taxes to businesses

If taxation goes higher here and china or other important economies dont apply the same taxation all businesses would flee to those countries

Ok thanks. I now understand what you said.

i mean you what is the most stupid aspect of the ubi?

Those big corporations that can afford to buy robots and automation got there with a huuuuuge help from governemnt. look at any financial statements of s.p.a. business and u see they get a lot of public money.

If gov didnt help them in the first place now we wouldn't even need the ubi.

Delusional bullshit. The right hates us just as much as the left.

This. Incels have no political power, nor any affiliation. Ugly outcasts are ugly outcasts.

This. Incels have no political power, nor any affiliation. Ugly outcasts are ugly outcasts.

Incels are the natural enemies of the Left, which includes feminism, for five unforgivable crimes:

  1. Being male.
  2. Being heterosexual.
  3. Being cis-gender scum.
  4. Being ugly.
  5. Being "Nazis/alt-right" (not happily bluepilled cucks).

Incels therefore are assigned to the right, whether they like it or not.

Plus right now it's the left who wants me to become a minority in my own country. That's despicable. There's no benefit to being a minority. Already am a global minority. I don't want to get beat up for only knowing English I don't want to get hacked to pieces for being white I don't want even more of my money going towards people who hate me. I have to vote against globalism. Even if both parties suck I have to give some support to the one that currently cares about the fundamental concepts of borders and self-defense.

Incels have no political power

I still have the right to vote.

The only reason IT consists of the 5000 gender morons is that all the other bullies can operate in real life.
Also, the other bullies have better things to do than dwell on an obscure subreddit.

Right-wingers would definitely make fun of you if you made your complaints to them. They probably bully you already in real life.

They are extreme far left cunts. They literally got their name from far left feminist who had "white male tears" t-shirts and coffee mugs lol.

Their principles are circumstantial, so it's hard to take any argument from them seriously.

And wildly, often made up, anecdotes

To be fair, when it comes to defining gender roles for men, western leftists and rightists are pretty much in agreement - both sides promote a strict enforcement of male gender roles and punishment of unattractive men. I'm sure there are rightists on IT as well, it just doesn't really come up given the material.

I am the one in question that was accused of sexual harassment. I do a liberal arts course, so imagine how many people hate me now and won't ever speak to me because of FUCKING consensual sex.

Yeah, cause that's what (((cultural marxism))) does to you.

The soyboys, the cucks, the feminists, the trannies, the fags...they're the end goal of the (((Frankfurt Institute))).

They're going to be the people running shit and soon too, if things aren't changed. That's why the blackpill must be spread. Lest this cancer get any bigger.

What they really mean is a guy implying that he has money, prompting a golddigging femoid to sleep with him, only for him to later reaveal he's actually not rich. Literally rape in their eyes because she only slept with him for the potential of getting a betabux.

so she is saying that women are irational? Does that mean they should be stripped of the rights? And be treated like children or mentally disabled?

God I hate this cucked world

First, it's not rape if there are no bruises, plain and simple (unless she was unconscious, which is a lesser rape anyway because the victim did not experienced violence).

Second, the damage rape causes to a woman is blown out of proportions to collect maximum victim points. In reality, rape is no big deal.

I'm not an Incel so don't try to frame them for my own opinion.

Anyone claiming "rape" when it's actually just a change of mind after the fact, (and I do mean after, not during the act) and then wasting police time with their claims should be penalised for it. Heavily.

Females who falsely accuse men of rape should get life sentences.

"Manipulate a woman into letting her sleep with him"

When normies inadvertently tell you women have the mental ability of a toddler.

Plus right now it's the left who wants me to become a minority in my own country. That's despicable. There's no benefit to being a minority. Already am a global minority. I don't want to get beat up for only knowing English I don't want to get hacked to pieces for being white I don't want even more of my money going towards people who hate me. I have to vote against globalism. Even if both parties suck I have to give some support to the one that currently cares about the fundamental concepts of borders and self-defense.