if you push normies far enough, you'll get them to admit that it's absolutely over for some people

36  2018-05-09 by itsbeenover

but they refuse to believe that we are those people

fakecels who post pics aside, there's absolutely no reason for them to post here if they're just going to agree with us anyways lol

their rationale is that there are people who are salvageable, but at what cost? they shit on those people who it's over for

do i want to hear normies talk about how women are okay with 5-6 dicks, when we joke about women wanting 8+? no, bitch, i know 5-6 is okay. but mine is way smaller

i'm way uglier

this is how it is for most of the people who post here regularly

normies should only be posting here if they're telling us how many letters they've sent to their government officials, pushing for the right for incels to die


if you don't believe it can ever be over someone, they you're saying attraction isn't even a factor in dating, and if you're saying that, then i'm saying you're a retard

if you don't believe it can ever be over someone, then you're saying attraction isn't even a factor in dating, and if you're saying that, then i'm saying you're a retard

The thing is, even if you’re THAT ugly, there’s likely still somebody out there for you. I believe that. Is it going to be a large pool of women? Nah. Probably not. Is it going to be some skinny model? Nah. Probably not. Does that mean it’s over? Nah. It just means you need to work harder than the rest of us to get the same things. It’s not fair. You got the shit end of the stick and I’m sorry for that. But I don’t think anyone is out of reach of having a meaningful relationship. You just have a much harder road to travel.

oh dearie me, the world is brutally just for you isn't it

lmfao, clown

Sorry you feel that way.

i'm sorry you feel the way you do, i can't imagine being that bluepilled, sounds like you live in a world devoid of the shades of black and grey that make the all the other colors look nicer

I wish I did some days. I’m not even entirely sure why I’m responding to this to begin with. Something about what you wrote just felt like the first real shit I read on here. I’ve seen the black and grey. I even went down the rabbit hole and stayed for a while. All for very different reasons than you. I think for just a brief moment, I thought about my brother. Minus the anger, he’s a lot like you all. Even got cancer. Like the guy didn’t have it hard enough to begin with being a 34 year old virgin.

I love him though. And I admire his love for making people laugh, and his love for me, even when the rest of the world looks down at him. I don’t know you. I don’t know where you’re at. But I’m a terminal optimist. And whoever you are, wherever you are, I hope you keep going. That’s all I was getting at.

would you say it's like someone who lost an arm being able to sympathize with someone who lost a leg?

lol that sounds about right. I kinda get it.. but I know the only way to really get it is to be in the middle of it. To an extent I even get the anger. This sub pissed me off for a while but if I’m being honest it’s changed how I think before I interact with people I wouldn’t have given a second thought to.


well here's what i said the last the time a guy said he 'kinda gets it'

good for you, i'm still rotting and looking forward to the rope. again, nothing you say applies to me because 1) i'm not full of hatred for others, 2) nothing you said has a basis in reality

Like I said, I’m sorry you feel that way.

I'm sorry you are the way you are, I'm sorry that, despite all this supposed 'change' you've gone through, you're still a condescending, self-righteous person, I'm sorry that you're insufferable but aren't able to see it

If you want to make a positive contribution around here, please send a letter to a local government official and ask them to euthanize the incels and post the results

you lack the intelligence, decorum, and most importantly, imagination, to do anything else

Why is euthanasia the only answer? You can insult me till the sun comes up, I’m not offended that easily. If you really all feel like death is all there is, why are you all here..? You congregate in a support group for what? Pass the time?

Pass the time

yep, just rotting, my life is done, i'm just coping with the guys on here, trying to get normies who hate us to kill us, i'll do this until 25 and then kill myself, just like most of us are going to do

just change your looks and personality bro. Don't even bother, it's over. forget about it.

What? Obviously there are people that die never having had sex/ been in a relationship, and there always will be.

It has absolutely nothing to do about your looks though.

you don't got it

Obviously there are people that die never having had sex/ been in a relationship, and there always will be. It has absolutely nothing to do about your looks though.

Who are those "people"? Children who die young. A small percentage of people who are very religious and become celibate clergy, monks or nuns. And +99% of the time, people who are too ugly and/or low status to find mates, with looks being a factor even in povety/status cases, because an very good looking poor person will find a mate regardless. Thus, it has absolutely everything to do with looks.

Fuck off, you know it's true

Keep telling yourself that if it helps you cope, but it isn't true.

Tell me how an ugly person who has low self-esteem because of being mocked for being ugly, awkward and a virgin will ever get laid?

Fuck off

People will use whatever hurts the most to bully others. You're insecure about how you look, so people took that and ran with it. It's not rocket science, same thing happened to me growing up (about weight not looks).

Do you think posting here is helping you or hurting you?

It doesn't really matter if it's helping or hurting me. Right now all my highschool/university bullies are living their best times of their lives, having sex and partying.

That is demoralizing, what's the point.

Yeah, it does matter - and the fact that you'd avoid it gives me your actual answer.

Why do you give a shit what people you don't interact with are doing now?

I'm bitter. Pieces of shit like can live their rest of their lives blissfully, meanwhile the literaly emotionally, psychology and socially stunted me.

It's already over for me.

Whether you believe it's over for you or not, you're right.

People will use whatever hurts the most to bully others. You're insecure about how you look, so people took that and ran with it.

I might be in the minority on this sub, but never got ‘bullied’ for being ugly. Yet I know that I am, because 1. I have a mirror 2. I’ve requested ratings and 3. I’ve been rejected enough times by women in ways particular enough that I knew it was about how I looked. You don’t have to have experienced bullying to know these things about your appearance.

Yeah ive never really been bullied either

People have a savior complex. Especially average folk who rarely get to feel superior to anyone. So they see this sub and they're like "hey! I've had sex, I can help!"

I did it on this sub for like 2 seconds until i realized what this place was and dropped that routine.

Idk, if you can't be good looking you better be good at something.

you got it

It's a 2 part thing. One thing incels have an unfair life and deserve happiness assuming they aren't completely awful. The second thing is many incels are completely awful and society is better off without this kind of rabid misogyny. So essentially it would be symbiotic to you and society for you to find someone that snaps you out of this way of thinking. However you can be a good person even if you don't find someone. And personally I like to be to have a non delusional world view, so dropping some of the dumber aspects of your theories might be worth it in and of itself.

Funny how the most successful civilizations were all misogynistic in nature. They knew about hypergamy and what it does, and they tried to control it. The modern world being cucked is what drives people like us to extremes, and being a "good person" doesn't get you laid. Never has, never will

It's ok if you're short, I dated a 5'11 guy once teeheehee

They are not interested in truth, they just want to hate you. You could post your timestamped pic and look like St.BlackOpsCel2 Himself and they would STILL come up with some BS excuse how it's not all over

LOL i've already offered to send a timestamped pic of my disease-ridden flaccid 1 inch wonder

got no replies to that one

They come here claiming to help, while simultaneously looking down on us. I suppose people who fail at life will want to find people who fail even more at life to feel better about themselves.

No, some of you are really ugly to the point that it’s hard for women to be attracted to you and you’re automatically in the friend zone. It would take a lot of personality to overcome that, but it’s not impossible, as the late Stephen Hawking proves.

However, most of you really aren’t that bad and it’s fixable with some effort, but you all have that crab in the bucket mentality and tell each other it’s all over. Misery loves company I guess.

Just be world renowned scientist bro...

Seriously, you guys are all fucked in the head

He wasn't always a world reowned scientist. Once upon a time he was just a dorky college kid. That was where he met his first wife.

But don't let me stop your pity party since you seem to be having so much fun.


LOL is that him? wtf he mogs me to oblivion, skyrim, daggerfall, etc

and he was already a relatively well known scientist then

this isn't a pity party, you're just saying things that don't apply to me lol

He met his wife before he got famous. ;)

But anyhows. The only thing he has going for him in that photo is his face is symmetrical and he has a beautiful smile, good teeth and good hair. The last three are achievable for anyone with good nutrition and dental work. If that STILL mogs you to oblivion, in a way that diet and exercise cannot fix, then that probably means you need surgery. Sympathies dude. Start saving for it?

I think you're laboring a bit under a wrong impression here. People challenge you on your believes that physical attractivness is the sole determinant in human attraction. That doesn't mean that you in particular are guaranteed to escape your inceldom eventually.

So shit on me and all the trucels here who basically say our looks are so irredeemably bad that any other aspect of our being can never be a factor in attraction
