Plastic surgery (accutane + rhinoplasty + jaw implants) can turn an incel to a chad

30  2018-05-08 by Sad_Anybody


I wonder if it was worth it for him

It had to be, think of all the female attention he gets now

It's amazing how people on this subreddit spend all day looking comparisons of themselves, and shirtless pictures of men. Are you sure you're looking for a girlfriend?

Almost kinda looks like Henry cavill after, damn

Hope for Mark Zuckerberg

Both mog me

Holy shit life fuel.

He had a good eye area and chin before, there is NO surgery you can do to fix NCT, bug eyes, and a retruded maxilla. This does a good job of showing the importance of a good lower third though.

Lmao, don't you even know Lefort 1-3 and orbital decompresion?

He doesnt look a chad, more like high level normie...still he got a nice improvement

Can turn a 5.5/10 into a Chad*