Daily reminder that Inceltears only exist to bully ugly people to a point of suicide while claiming to be SJWs

113  2018-05-08 by HungIncel69


Isnt that doing everyone good

you know it’s bad when being an SJW is the better option

Lol that's the whole point of SJWs though.

It's easy to go reverse-SJW on them by pointing out the fact that many of us here are ethnics, and they're mostly privileged, well-off white women.

every1 knows male virgins are neo nazis

For once it’s SO true (as in, they literally view this sub that way), that’s it’s not funny.

I'm a jew but SJWism has really made me see the reasonable position of the Nazis wishing to ouster commies, faggots and disruptive Jews (thinking Sally Kohn etc) from their society. I can't fault em.


women are higher on oppression scale, therefore you can't unless you turn gay

nah, ethnics are higher. Note how progressives allowed the rapefugees into Europe.

Why even acknowledge that they exist if they are sjws not worth the time

Daily reminder than inceltears exists as a thread that catalogs evidence of incels wishing violence on women and even incels admitting to molesting children or being tempted to.

Also a daily reminder that inceltears has never caused a violent massacre.

We’re holding a mirror right in your face. If you don’t like what you see, then do something to change it.

If it weren’t for inceltears keeping a tight leash on you, you’d just go back to promoting rape and genocide on your disgusting subreddit.

Braincels has never caused a violent massacre

Braincels buys into incel philosophy and the incel cause. This is the same philosophy that caused these massacres and braincels promotes and spreads it.

Yes, braincels has caused a violent massacre.

There is no incel cause. In your own words, what is the incel cause?

Yes, there is. Or there wouldn’t be a “black pill” philosophy, there wouldn’t be people demanding that women be enslaved and used like sex slaves, and there wouldn’t be people driving cars into crowds of people in order to start an “incel rebellion”

So what is the cause? You've given a vague description of some guy who just decided to run people over.

No, I’ve given a very specific description of a self proclaimed “incel” trying to start a “rebellion”.

Stop playing dumb and stop moving the goal posts.

lmao you can't even describe what this "rebellion" is. It's like you're making shit up to antagonize people. What is it? What is this cause?

Holy shit dude are you retarded? Check the news. Google Toronto and incels. Do some fucking research

I know what happened you dumb roastie, I asked you to explain your reasoning as why you think there is a "cause" by incels as if it's some deviant masterplan, and to state what it is. You can't, therefore you are making shit up saying the same thing over and over. jesus christ you're dumber than neomancr.


See, this is the shit people hate you for. Because this place is literally dedicated to denigrating women and thinking of them as escaped sex slaves.

How much mental gymnastics do you have to do in order to simultaneously believe that incels are non-violent victims and yet do shit like this? Why is it only incels that do this shit and no one else?

This is why you're incel

Yep, I’ve officially won this argument

You know, I’m still not sure how I feel about either subs, but if you want a “cause” you could always look at how braincels is a breading ground for hateful and obsessive thinking. With that being said, it doesn’t really seem like inceltears is any different. I think all of you need to go back to your own corners are chill. Of course, I don’t think that the promotion of rape or any other crime against ANYONE, not just women, is okay. It is absolutely not okay. I just don’t think it’s very productive of inceltears to fuel the fire, so to speak. I will always stand out against bullying, but if braincels likes to dehumanise women or other people is society, can they really stay on their high horse?

I have done a lot of research. My conclusion: you are a fat, ugly lesbian.

You have a violent brain tumor, roastie.

Incel is a cause of peace. The violent incels are outliers and do not represent the peaceful majority. Don't let the actions of a few mentally ill individuals make you a bigot against an entire social class of people.

I did mention that you ought to lay off generalizing the subreddit, right?

For real though im on IT and thats not even slightly helpful, no offense to you personally. IT doesn't help, they just make it worse by being cruel so often, although not all of them

Incels are not being “cruel” by telling these men to stop threatening women or blaming them for their problems. The last incel subreddit here got banned because users were literally trying to research how to date rape someone without getting caught. An incel just drove a van into a crowd of people. And you’re telling me efforts to keep you guys in check is “cruel”?

It’s only cruel if people are mean to you but you can kill anyone you want?

"Keeping in check" does not work as well as engaging like intelligent and kind humans. Seriously no offense dude, but hating on it is SO EASY, and of the tens of thousands of people on here, it's unreasonable to think they're even 90% terrorists.

They openly lament being ostracized and lonely. Ostracizing them might feel right, but it makes it worse. If we want to fix it, these people will need help. It takes a lot of humility and maybe it's not for everyone, but a lot of people on IT get frustrated and say nasty things that make it worse in so many ways

intelligent and kind

You guys are neither intelligent nor kind. Don’t kid yourself.

These are people who have so many problems with acknowledging that women are human that they refer to women as “femoids”. They insult women daily with derogatory insults like “roasties”. The whole basis of this “black pill” thing that is pushed is that women are the root of all of their problems

Yes, that is not intelligent or kind. But humans are, underneath all of what society pushes us to, intelligent and kind. If we tell incels they are just ugly trash with no morals, they'll stop ever hoping to prove they have love and kindness anywhere in them. Trust me, I know about the awful shit they can say.

Generally society tells men that anger is the only acceptable emotion to have. And then, even when they're angry, they still get shit. Just engaging with them can say "it's ok to have FEELINGS like a human," and we can all go from there. Some of their grievances are legitimate, and I won't even argue about that if you disagree because I'm sure you have many reasons to believe what you do.

They are people. People need love and patience.

Ever heard of tough love dude? No amount of “patience and love” will get through to these people. That only enables their behaviors.

I’m simply pointing out holes in their logic and explaining to them why their behavior is cruel and harmful. But that’s “bullying” to you

You might not bully them, but it happens on IT. they're not all the same on braincels, it's all different people. Have you tried patience and love? It's hard and frustrating, and it requires taking some hate and still loving them back, the way that will help them. They don't care if people want to refute their logic. It's not about logic. They say they're lonely and feel completely isolated because they're ugly. Those are feelings, they can't be disproved. Let's just listen

I have yet to see an actual bully on IT. And this is coming from someone who was severely bullied growing up. Again “patience and love” is not an option for a group that endorses driving vans into crowds of innocent people.

There's a thread on braincels showing some IT users being dicks, look for it. I was bullied too, I know exactly how it feels, I recognize it in a lot of these incel posts that they have been too. We dont know these people, we don't know what they're going through. Not all IT people are assholes, not all incels are violent, we are all different individual people. There are some horribly sad stories these people have shared, enough to make anyone see that they can be victims too. You don't know what they all look like, you don't know how they all act. There's thousands of them, you can't know.

Open your heart dude

You're not helping. How do you not realize this? Are you dense?

You're justifying their entire ideology that "normies and femoids are dumb"

You are going to drive them to commit violent acts by bullying them. It's throwing flames on the fire the same way US intervention in the mideast causes terrorism. Do you really not understand this?

There are PLENTY of bullies there, roastie.

And more generalizing bs. Warned you before.

Permabanned for multiple rule violations.

I've been told that incels should all be killed. She doubled down on it when I asked if the non-misogynistic incels should be killed too. The comment got 45 upvotes before it was deleted.

On another occasion, someone told me that he hopes my life will be miserable and that I will die alone. Go check my posting history, you won't find anything that justifies it.

And that's just the public comments.

Do you have a screenshot please?

Did you see the collection of users on Inceltears wishing painful deaths on incels? Probably couldn't see it from your ivory tower.

So, 'tough love'-ing us is YOUR mandate? Tits, or GTFO.

The terms 'roastie' and 'femoid' were invented to describe wastes of carbon such as yourself, roastie.

If it weren’t for inceltears keeping a tight leash on you, you’d just go back to promoting rape and genocide on your disgusting subreddit.

It's probably more b/c of board_gaming removing posts that violate ToS so the sub doesn't get banned

Explain how fighting hate with hate is going to work to win anyone over?

Still laughing that you stated that you hate me even though I don't hate you and you think that you are a good person.

Inceltears doesn't keep anything on a leash. Cherry picking the crazies here that promote rape and genocide (actually haven't seen this before) and ignoring their fundamental complaints does nothing but create even more anger and frustration.

Quoting someone saying 'men deserve female slaves' or 'Elliot Rodgers did no wrong' does not hold any mirror up - incels will just be like 'well i dont think that at all'.

The main fault here is the wallowing in self pity and resentment instead of focusing on being happy. Inceltears does nothing to rectify this at all.

I hate sjw insensitive bullshit too. If you want to defend people who get shit on, then defend them for THEIR sake, not just because you're offended. I feel for you guys for real.... I didn't realize how many people on IT HATED you so bad, it's not really necessary and it's super unproductive for reducing suffering

There are some sincerely good intended guys there, but I can't deny the fact that a lot of them are just SJW attacking what offends them.

I guess that is why I no longer follow that subreddit anymore. I still dislike many of the things you do, but they are no better in much cases.

Same I unsubbed from IT because people were getting so cruel and nasty

Hilariously enough you hideous nerds are so dense that you actually think that the psychotic left are on your side. They want you all to die, anyone with any fucking sense knows this, and you act all shocked when your grovelling and sniveling to them doesn't work.

incels are apolitical lol. we have nothing to gain from either the "left" or the "right" because no one cares about we think since we have nothing to offer

Lefties have co-opeted the ethnic vote to get body rights and free socialist goodies and white privileges for their white women.

Hilariously enough you hideous nerds are so dense that you actually think that the psychotic left are on your side. They want you all to die, anyone with any fucking sense knows this, and you act all shocked when your grovelling and sniveling to them doesn't work.

Lefties have co-opeted the ethnic/degenerate marginalized groups vote to get body rights and free socialist goodies and white privileges for their white women.

Funny watching all these blank slate social redistributionists going full Randian objectivist as soon as the people suffering aren't the right demographic.

No one claims to be sjw un ironically byd

SJWs are hypocrites? Who knew!

I hope everyone who posts there gets murdered.

That is mercy compared to what they really deserve

Why even sweat cucks? This place scares many of them, they're weak limp wrists.

Man, sure are lots of victims in this thread.

If you use this sub-reddit seriously, why would you even look at the content on IT knowing full well what youre gonna find?

So what is the cause? You've given a vague description of some guy who just decided to run people over.

No, I’ve given a very specific description of a self proclaimed “incel” trying to start a “rebellion”.

Stop playing dumb and stop moving the goal posts.