Now.... when we call them CUCKTEARS... we mean it.

136  2018-05-08 by Madeon929


This is making me wanting to rope twice

With three big, black ropes?

it's over

holy shit!!

what did this world come to

SHARIA NOW (I'm not even muslim lol)

who is this cuck downvoting comments

I have no idea.

Probably inceltears.

not probably. certainly.

The dude in the pic.

I mean even if I had the urges to do such things, I would suppress them because I couldn't live with myself being such a cuck.

Cucks are the lowest form of humanity, actually subhuman. I'd wager many of them have low IQs as well since they will never admit they are mentally ill, they actually think someone banging their wife while they get treated like a loser is normal

Swingers are okay imo but only if they established they are open to begin the relationship. Open relationships lose my respect unless you’ve been together for over 10-15 years and even then it shouldn’t be a constant affair of the girl getting dicked it should just be occasionally like once a year which is still disgusting and I don’t fully respect it but I get it being with one person for 10+ years is probably mind numbing. And then theirs cucks. You’ve got to literally be the most gullible person in the world to convince yourself you enjoy watching your girlfriend or wife get fucked I mean literally can cuckolds just type out why they aren’t mentally ill? You cannot tell me that’s a sexual fantasy or fill you’re not even doing the sexual thing! That has got to take a toll on your already shit mental psyche.. mind boggling honestly. How many female cuckolds are their? 5 in the world total? Lmao

Swingers are okay imo but only if they established they are open to begin the relationship. Open relationships lose my respect unless you’ve been together for over 10-15 years and even then it shouldn’t be a constant affair of the girl getting dicked it should just be occasionally like once a year which is still disgusting and I don’t fully respect it but I get it being with one person for 10+ years is probably mind numbing. And then theirs cucks. You’ve got to literally be the most gullible person in the world to convince yourself you enjoy watching your girlfriend or wife get fucked I mean literally can cuckolds just type out why they aren’t mentally ill? You cannot tell me that’s a sexual fantasy or fill you’re not even doing the sexual thing! That has got to take a toll on your already shit mental psyche.. mind boggling honestly. How many female cuckolds are their? 5 in the world total? Lmao

i know it will sounds fucked up, but i wanted in one istance to be a cuck. Well maybe not in the standard way. And happened with a gf that was shy and insecure. She used to make me so upset with her behaviour, she was like a fucking child. Don't get me wrong i would love an innocent anime irl girl, but most of shy irl girl are more psicologically manipulative then slutty girls.

So i wanted to see her fucked by a big black dude like a piece of meet. Yes that's how far i've pathologically angry and resentfull i become with her, because she kept making me jelous with her class mates.

She used to write me that she sit on their legs like it was all normals or even stay hugged with one of them because "she missed me" and needed someone that would resemble me. Like what the fuck.

Lol, why didn't you fuck her than like a piece of meat and make her cry, why did it have to be a big black dude?

because she wanted to fuck me so there is no escalation factor involved. what i love is the person to first think "oh no way this is gonna happen i mean it's absurd" in full denial then realize things are gonna happen anyway. That's the beauty of horror movies or films like Cloverfield lane. People think nothing can happen to them and that they are immortal gods.

So if i tried to fuck her in a more rude way, considering femoid mentality, she would indeed be happier and this is a common thing above shy girls.

If it was another person, different from me, a "friendly looking guy" but a full tower man, she would probably be devastated by it.

You may think "welp that's rape then". Yes, i didnt wish a drug addicted raped her in the park at night, the important part is that he had to be a grown adult man, better if big and tall. I need to underline that this is what i think a young girl would not like, but then i look at my same age girls 5'5' tall engaged with 10 years older man and suddendly i realize how it won't be that devastating. The problem is that i idealize relationships being about two person of same age, especially when young, so you can grow togheter, have similar mentality, similar struggle and challenges, it's so romantic in my view.

As you may see this doesnt make much sense, it's complicated, and even if i still like the concept of "escalation" i don't want to find my self in the position of whishing something like that to a person i love, and i would do anything in my power to prevent this to happen. As soon a girl starts making me angry in a similar way i will ghost her.

They both need an exorcism.

They both need an exorcism.

They need jesus

to forgive them of their sins? No, they need the OT god to kick their ass.

They need st.blackops2cel

Beam me up Scotty I'm done with this shitty M planet

All femoids are degenerate but nothing is more degenerate than a cuckold.


I want to fucking puke


HOLY SHIT! I know them!

That smiley looks a little like Pepe.

No wonder black women hate white women.

When you want to be anonymous but not really.

They are both a disgrace,hope she gets prego by one of the tyrones

lol @ the attempt to blur his face

I didn’t do that.

Didn't think so I was just saying whoever did didn't do a very good job lol

I know right. Liberal CUCK

Hey you went too far bro. Trump watches Melania bang her personal trainer Jose on CCTV from the whitehouse. Thats why she stays in Cuck Tower.

hey OP you're black and tall. Why don't you go to R/cuckold and start applying to be a bull?

No thanks.

lol why not? I would do that is I was black and tall. Better than being an incel.

Too degrading



There are whole subreddits of women, some of them hot, that will take your ebony cock no questions asked. Volcel.

I don’t want to be a bull.


You might have low testosterone or something. I would for sure be a bull and destroy these hoes if I had the opportunity.

I’m black and I’ve been asked to do this a few times and always refused. I’m not tryna fuck a woman while her creepy old man sits in a dark corner and beats off. It’s fucking gross.


Admire your integrity.

what's wrong with being a volcel?

this is disgusting , the world today is depraved , evil femoid - erm, did she take more photos of the act? Want to see how dirty it gets so I can dissaprove

You trying to call your haters cucks is just a massive cope with the fact that they have what you cant get. Its not the way it is, even though you want to imagine it that way, just so you can spit out false claims to feel better about yourself.

If you legit think that being on IT means you are into cuckoldry, then you are fucking stupid. Thats just the way it is. There are probably people from all kinds of groups who would be interested in cuckoldry, and yes, even some incels who would if they had a chance.

Calling everybody who "hates" on you a cuck is just stupid and not accurate. I know you like to call those people cucks, but the reality is that they are probably not. Find another way to cope, claiming that everybody who is against you is a cuck is objectively wrong and makes you appear like manchilds. Grow up

Grow up

You shitheads are always going out of your way to make this place feel bad by punching down people who are sad/mad, easily agitated, despite being told to fuck off more than thrice.

I think you're the one who needs to grow the fuck up.

We? Maybe the reason people harass you is because you are spitting out one shit post after another. Ever thought about that? You are the ones who need to grow up. Im not the one who goes on reddit and calls other people cucks for no reason, im not the one insulting other people or chicks or blaming them for my problems.

You guys are manchilds, nothing else. Weak ass betas who blame all their problems on everybody else.

Why the fuck do you bother coming here? Does fucking with people who are fucked by Mother Nature make you feel like a large, in-charge bull mama? You fucking obese lesbian shitmouth, I wipe my ass with your soul.

I wipe my ass with your soul.


Gotta admit, that was one of my better ones.

Im not the one who goes on reddit and calls other people cucks for no reason, im not the one insulting other people or chicks or blaming them for my problems.

Yet call people here fucking stupid and idiots, but you he is not insulting anyone on reddit... what a hypocrite you are.

I do only in defense so fuck off. You guys are actually the ones who start insulting people so dont get upset when people invade your sub and shit on you.

I do only in defense so fuck off.

No one attacked you personally to defend. You just felt offended by a post, maybe resonated with the content lmao and grabbed your white knight cape and started typing.

You guys

Again being a hypocrite. You say incels put everyone in IT in the same cuck label but yet you put everyone in here in the same boat saying everyone here insults people.

shit on you

You just shit yourself with your dumb logic and hypocrisy.

You guys fuel each other

And you gawk just as uselessly.

Not trying to be useful


Didnt expect anything else from you stupid idiots. You guys always talk about rational discussion but all you offer is "cuck".



Childchild. Go jerk off and complain about it online


And you? Massive dope!!!!

You obese lesbian fuckwit

You defend the cuck and the coalburner in the pic though. IT are a bunch of soyboy SJW losers from what I've seen.

No, its not about the picture. Yes, they are cucks, thats obvious and disgusting aswell. But thats not what i mean. Its not about the people in the picture. Its not about them.

The issue here is that you purposely search for pics from cucks and post them here saying they are from IT or any other group that hates on incels, thats just ridiculous.

Yeah i get it, IT users hate on you. But does that make them cucks? No.

The definition of a cuck is a guy who enjoys watching his wife getting plowed by other dudes. Hating on incels has nothing to do with cuckoldry.

I didn't search for anything I'm just posting in the thread. Anyways whats more pathetic, them searching for pics or you making a subreddit to literally bully incels, many of whom are diagnosed with mental problems?

I cant remember creating Inceltears. Probably alzheimers. Its not really bullying what they do, in fact its what you do without being aware of it.

You put people into labels such as chad, roastie, normie. Then you insult them and talk shit about them. And now that they stand up for themselves you call them bullies? Thats pathetic.

Trust me, if you guys were decent people and wouldnt talk trash about women or other people, Inceltears wouldnt exist. It lives from your shitposts blaming other people for your problems.

You guys are White knights, I've browsed through incel tears and according to you women can do no wrong. it's a pathetic cuck mindset. You are right dude, its the incels fault for being born 5'4 and having premature balding, its the incels fault that he could still be a great guy and unless hes very rich he will never get a gf and even then shes only with him temporarily for money.

See, thats the problem right here. "You guys are white knights". You see a few people being white knights and then claim that the entirety of IncelTears are whiteknights. To be realistic, thats just another way for you to cope.

Women can do wrong and people who deny that are just as dense idiots as you incels who claim that everybody in IT is a whiteknight.

The issue is that you blame everything on women, they are not responsible for your issues. You are either ugly, not making the best out of yourself or a mentalcel. But they all have in common that it is your fault. I know you cant choose how you look, but its still your fault. You are the reason they dont want to date you, not them.

You blaming it on women is against the laws of nature. All animals look for fit mates, and now you come here and say that it is wrong and they should act against nature and pick lower tier mates? You really think thats going to happen? Thats against nature.

Humans are animals aswell and you dont seem to understand that. Its perfectly normal for chicks not to date you, thats how nature wants it and nature is never wrong.

I mean you can go on and complain about it but its not going to change your situation. You guys should quit this sub. It only makes your situation worse. Accept that its over and trying to find love is pointless, and find something else to live for.

You being an "incel" is not an issue unless you make it one.

You just wrote another paragraph of drivel absolving western feminist women of any responsibility or guilt for their actions. You literally believe they can do no wrong.

Enjoy being a White knight loser buddy, just don't be surprised when communities like this or The Red Pill and MGTOW continue to grow.

Damn you are one stupid fucker. Women can do wrong things. What im saying is that having standards is not one of them.

I have standards aswell and have rejected girls because guess what, attraction and looks play a role.

You gigantic, drooling roastie whoremother

Everything okay? Need counseling or something? Looks like you have severe issues

My only current issue, is that you sound like a fat lesbian bull on meth.

Nature is never wrong? So rape stealing infanticide and murder is ok now?

Correct. Or do you think nature is wrong

I think nature has no moral concept and therefore isn't suited to be an argument in moral discussions.

soyboy SJW losers

Jesus dude get a grip on reality. 99% of people probably never even think about that shit and the fact that you and everyone else here obsess over soyboys, cucks, and SJWs and then apply those labels to anyone who doesn't fit your narrow and polarized worldview is part of the reason why no one takes you seriously. Learn to move on and stop focusing so much on those issues that don't truly matter in the slightest.

Found the cuck! Say 'hey' to Tyrone and his anus-destroying posse.

Im single atm and never watched anyone fuck my ex gfs. You are wrong.

Calling everyone a cuck is just massive cope

'Cuck' is just a general term. Get off the sub if you can't handle some name-calling, cuckboi.

Lol faggot i know it is. But its still stupid to use that term. You guys are pathetic

gets upset over strangers getting called cucks on the internet

calls others faggots and pathetic

The only thing you KNOW, for sure, is that you are a gigantic lezzie bitch.

Why dont you go rope? So people dont have to deal with your stupid posts.

First I shall enjoy a few years of LDARing. The rope is patient..

Being a cuck is worse than being an incel. Incels still have a chance of finding a gf and being normal, this guys a complete fucking failure and a laughingstock. Incels > cucks

Cept No one fucking cares apart from you shutins

if incels have a chance of being normal why are there so many still around

Cope. If you get off on watching your wife fuck other dudes, and want it, you are not cucked, you are getting your sexual desire fulfilled.


that is the literal definition of cuckold LMAO

You have no idea. People do all kinds to get their rocks off. Are you a Cuck if you go to a sex club or an orgy? Hella cucks out there having a better time than you

Wow it’s almost like some people have a cuckolding fetish. Maybe you should work on yourself instead of whining about what gets other people’s rocks off in bed.

d-don't kink shame meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Stop whining about it. Maybe you should work on yourself if people shitposting about your cucked life bothers you.

This actually isn’t my kink. I don’t need to be into cuckoldry to recognize how stupid you’re being. You’re the one whining about this, not me.

Yet here you are a self proclaimed princess bitching at incels in THEIR space about things that they find stupid. What a loser lol.

Lmao my username means that I’m a self proclaimed princess?

I’m bitching because this is literally a club for talking about how much you hate women and how is their fault for all of your life failures. This is a bullshit subreddit and it’s not a “space”. Everyone here either harasses women and tells them to get raped, or they stay quiet in their rooms silently blaming women and cheering on those who actually act cruelly towards them.

Yet here you are. Fucking idiot lmao.

You know, if you guys have a subreddit dedicated to misogyny at least have the balls to admit it.

No its dedicated to facts but Even if that was true that says more about you for being in the subreddit. Obviously its not for you but your too much of a entitled dumb bitch to stay out of it. Im black you dont see me in alt right or white nationalist subreddits because im not a butt hurt attention whore that thinks im special and i beleive in free speech.

Idiot lol.

Hey, Fogfroof, just a quick heads-up:
beleive is actually spelled believe. You can remember it by i before e.
Have a nice day!

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There’s nothing factual about this subreddit. This is a hate group and you are part of a hate group. Idiot.

And she stops replying fucking topkek

Why the fuck are you here then? GTFO, roastie scum.

Maybe you should work on yourself

All your comments are such fucking low iq parroted phrases it's legit cringe to read, I'm glad you were banned

Atomic, cancer inducing cuckoldry. May Saint blackops2cel have mercy on his soul.

average inceltears user in 2018

Why three?

The one thing i agree with incels om. Wanting your woman to be bedded by other men is one hundred percent a mental illness.

Do people not realize this is fake? I honestly can't tell.

And this is what porn has done to the minds of mankind. The age of the cuck is here.

You can see the photoshopping on the paper

Im here if needed

Wow luv ur wife for her boldness!

Didn't think so I was just saying whoever did didn't do a very good job lol

I cant remember creating Inceltears. Probably alzheimers. Its not really bullying what they do, in fact its what you do without being aware of it.

You put people into labels such as chad, roastie, normie. Then you insult them and talk shit about them. And now that they stand up for themselves you call them bullies? Thats pathetic.

Trust me, if you guys were decent people and wouldnt talk trash about women or other people, Inceltears wouldnt exist. It lives from your shitposts blaming other people for your problems.