This is what happens when you try to bring up male issues on IT. Men have no issues, it's all in your head guys.

131  2018-05-08 by SaltShaker8383


How does one have no issues at all? God almighty himself has issues.

Issues specifically due to being a man?

Just think about any difference at all between man and women and you can find an issue men might suffer from that. Women too of course.

What kind of fairytale land does he live in that men don’t have any issues in life at all or over women? Ohhhhh guys I get it now. He lives in Saudi Arabia now it makes sense

No he lives in bluepillandia where his balding egg head, round large eyes no jaw no eyebrows no eyelashes recessed maxilla no zygos no browridge pasty wide hipped no height pencil dick small frame cucked brain lives.

No problems because he is so "happy" being a bluepilled faggot

What the fuck?

[long list of appearance] cucked brain lives.

You fucking losers are just as bad as the inceltears. All you do is tear other incels down. Are you even an incel or are you an inceltear troll in disguise who sees an opportunity to shit on everyone and takes it?

"All you do is tear other incels down."

what the fuck are you on about? I'm talking about the so called "chads" of Incel Tears

bullshit. i grew up in saudi arabia. and women here are treated like queens. hell, even here, men commit suicide more.

It’s over for everyone

That person is obv a troll. Everyone has issues, no matter what gender, race, religion, etc. they are.

Issues specifically due to being a man.....?

Having our foreskin lopped off at birth against our will

I literally would not doubt that they were not a troll... unfortunately



Children need fathers, not visitors.

I repeatedly posted studies all indicating men do better in situations of stress, in scenarios of violence, recover better from emotional traumas, maintain a higher level of focus under stressful conditions... in other words, are (on average) psychologically tougher in almost every aspect, AND YET men commit suicide 4 times more often than women. 4 fucking times.

If men are more resistant to psychological and emotional issues, why do they kill themselves 4 times at the rate women do? Aren't their lives supposed to be easy and privileged?

I think this is likely due to the lack of support for men seeking mental health resources. Men are often expected to hide any form of "weakened" and internalize it, whereas it's more ""socially acceptable"" for a woman to seek help for mental illness. This drives men to feel isolated and deepen their illness to the point where they don't see life worth living anymore.

seeking help doesn't mean you'll find a solution. If a man can't find a job he'll get some sympathy at best, get told to keep trying then go homeless and eventually kill himself/get killed. If a foid can't find a job she can find a nice betabux or get actual help from the government

So there are zero men on food stamps, is that right now? Also there is a lot of networking that can be done online to find a job. Also, you're definitely not going to get better if you don't ask for help or try to seek help for yourself. That's just defeatist.

Women experience homelessness too dude, it's not an issue exclusive to males and tends to have a lot more extenuating circumstances than just not being able to find a job. Again, you guys minimizing issues in an effort to make them seem black and white.

Low iq post, banana. Of course some men get help but they are the minority, the rest are left alone and without help

Nice job ignoring the rest of my point. Low iq response.

In people who get real help

I'm not trolling. I agree, men ARE the minority in people who get help. And there are very systematic reasons for that, such has society's refusal to allow men to express emotion since it's perceived as a sign of weakness. I wasn't denying men have issues and often get the short end of the stick when it comes to mental health assistance. I feel like we're both arguing for the sake of arguing? It appears we both agree that men are far less likely to get the help they need.

No free drinks at a bar

No monopoly on sex

Generally unfair treatment in court

Much harder to sell your body (prostitution, stripping but also things like being an instagram model or twitch streaming), any girl could make decent cash out of these things

Generally gets child custody, but the man still has to pay

The ability to marry a rich man instead of building an actual career

The list goes on

Tag her here OP. These are a few of the issues affecting men:

  • Violence. Men are more likely to be murdered, more likely to be both the perpetrators and victims of violent crime, more likely to join gangs and more likely to get our asses thrown in jail.

  • Education. Studies show a vast gender gap opening up in education. In pretty much all measures of attainment, men are trailing women by an embarrassing margin. Sixty percent of all Bachelor’s degrees in America are held by women with similar numbers in Britain. Education systems are better suited for girls/women than they are for boys/men.

  • Domestic abuse. Forty percent of all UK domestic violence victims are male. In America, the numbers are almost as bad, yet men’s shelters remain almost non-existent. In the UK, for example, there are 33 beds available in the whole country, compared with 4,000 for women. Worst of all, police officers are often unsympathetic to abuse victims, leading to a frighteningly-low conviction rate, even by domestic violence standards. Our culture continues to see men who are abused by women as pathetic, unmanly and even undeserving of sympathy.

  • Prostate cancer. Comparing it to breast cancer; one in eight women will get breast cancer in their lifetimes, while one in seven men will get prostate cancer. But, unlike breast cancer, no-one has yet been brave enough to start a media discussion about prostate cancer.

  • Workplace deaths. Men account for ninety three percent of all workplace deaths in America.

  • Homelessness. In 2007, a survey carried out by the US mayors’ congress found that nearly seventy percent of American homeless people were men. Amsterdam placed the percentage of homeless who were male at eighty eight percent. In Australia men account for over fifty percent of the general homeless population.

  • Family courts. Women win sole-custody battles five out of six times.

  • Toxic masculinity. Society teach boys to lash out instead of restrain themselves. In our culture we teach men to hide their emotions even if it kills them. If you aren't an aggressive alpha Chad, you're treated like trash by everyone.

First comment here I've seen that ACTUALLY addresses real men's issues, these are all excellent points.

Are you a foid?

No because blackpill assumes that only arbitrary assumptions of attractiveness affect quality of life which is untrue. Nice try tho ;)

You don't know anything about the black pill. There are core tenets of the black pill that are actually true.

Then educate me. With evidence.

Looks aren't everything as a lot of incels say, but it matters a lot more than society says it does. The whole "Everybody deserves to be loved" or "There's someone out there for everyone" is just horseshit. Because there are people out there who are just too ugly to get a girlfriend. Good looks gets your foot in the door, but personality keeps you in the room. However, you need to be above a certain threshold lookswise to have a chance. Obviously there are exceptions, some people are just so handsome that even if they have a shitty personality they'll be successful, people like Meeks. There are also butt ugly people who manage to find a unicorn, someone who actually doesn't care about looks.

Another core belief is the racial hierarchy. Being white means that you have an inherent advantage in the dating world and being ethnic is in fact a handicap. The majority of women, regardless of race, prefer white guys. So you'll have lots of Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, Black etc. women who refuse to date men of their race, they spread lies about men from their own race and they only date white guys.

Survey done by OKCupid shows how all women prever white men

Link to the actual survey: It's archived because OKCupid deleted all the blackpilled studies.

One tiny infographic that shows no source, no information on sample size, no information on demographics other than race, does not show who funded the research, no information on who performed the experiment or who analyzed the data.

Wow, you really got me.

What? I included the source at the bottom. It was done by OKCupid.

Here's the link again in case you can't see it:

Ahhh ok, sorry, the link the first time I clicked it just rerouted to the image. Currently reading.

Ok source has been read! While it did answer the most important question of sample size (500,000 is a good number), it seems like the issue only applies to race and not structural attractiveness (face shape, build, height, all these other things you guys state are crucial). If anything it only seems to prove racial bias in the dating pool; just look at the numbers for men responding to women. Black women receive extremely low replies, and white males have the lowest reply rate of all (not trying to cry "wah what about us", just stating an observation).

Also, it appears the racial biases are much lower in same-sex relationships. So my follow up question would then be: does lookism only exist in the straight community? What would then explain this ""apparent"" disparity in lookism among same-sex and different-sex couples? I thought lookism and blackpill was a universal concept, but maybe I got that wrong.

Also, it's one source. If oh want your argument to be properly valid, you'll be able to cite one source to prove multiple points of your argument. This just proves to me race affects dating life, which I already knew.

Ok source has been read! While it did answer the most important question of sample size (500,000 is a good number), it seems like the issue only applies to race and not structural attractiveness (face shape, build, height, all these other things you guys state are crucial). If anything it only seems to prove racial bias in the dating pool; just look at the numbers for men responding to women. Black women receive extremely low replies, and white males have the lowest reply rate of all (not trying to cry "wah what about us", just stating an observation).

It's a survey about how your race affects the reply rate. It proves that being ethnic in 2018 means that it's over and that all women prefer white guys over ethnics. Black women can still easily get laid, all women can easily get laid. They can find someone thirsty enough to have sex without any complications.

Also, it appears the racial biases are much lower in same-sex relationships. So my follow up question would then be: does lookism only exist in the straight community? What would you then explain this ""apparent"" disparity in lookism among same-sex and different-sex couples? I thought lookism and blackpill was a universal concept, but maybe I got that wrong.

Gay men can't be incel. Because guys are thirsty enough to bang anything. When I put my tinder profile to show men, I got hundreds of matches. When I tried Grindr I also had a good amount of success. I never did anything with them, I just wanted to see how i'd do if I was a GayCel.

Also, it's one source. If you want your argument to be properly valid, you'll be able to cite one source to prove multiple points of your argument. This just proves to me race affects dating life, which I already knew.

Out of 2999 women, 2070 said they wanted white guys

This just proves to me race affects dating life, which I already knew.

It proves that women hate ethnic men. Even if I had been a handsome ethnic, i'd still not be good enough for women in my country because of my race and skin. The bottom 10% of white men are seen as more attractive and desirable than these Chaddams by all women in 2018. They'd be incels like me if they lived in the West or if there were more white people living near them.

If you're going to cite a source, make sure it's credible and can be backed up by actual scientific analysis. Anyone can make a chart with some words on it; you can't be so stupid you expect me accept this as a real, valid source, can you? Have you not written a research paper before? If you wrote a paper and tried to use this image as a source, you'd be laughed out of the class by the professor and given a failing grade. Try again.

Are you retarded? I already told you it's done by OKCupid.

SAMPLE SIZE. FUNDING. WHO/HOW IT WAS ANALYZED. Was it from all regions, or just one? What was the age demographic? What's the analysis of the data by a credible researcher?

> your source isn't credible because i dont agree with it

If you read my continued comments, you'd have seen that I actually addressed the issue and found the proper link. You have also seen that I don't ""disagree"" with it, I was being critical of its applicability. It's a good article with some very damming points, which definitely work to your favor. It definitely explains and gives solid evidence to show racial bias has a huge impact on dating experience. Which is something I noted.

My ISSUE was that I don't believe that, or those other articles, address the other aspects of blackpill, namely why people within their own race, particularly white women, have a stigma against "ugly" men. None of the other citations talk about the impact height, weight, or facial structure have on the dating pool, which I distinctly remember being a common complaint for you people on Reddit.

They are all good sources, and very convincing ones at that. But I wasn't asking to be convinced of racial bias; I already know that exists. I was asking for evidence of ways blackpill, and blackpill theory, are true as supported by studies. So far, I don't feel so enlightened.

So no, I don't "disagree" with the article. Try another strawman.

Also men on trial get sentences about 63% higher than women who committed the same crimes

True. I forgot to mention that.

The bias against men vs. women in court is 6x stronger than white vs. minority bias.

And roasties and normans are silent

Amen on the breast cancer. All the promotions and charity events as well! Just a day ago, Overwatch the game by Blizzard launched a charity event that will probably end up raising a few million for wahmins issues cause that's all the world cares about.

unironically trying tk argue with IT cucks

O i am laffin

Oh let me see... Unfair settlements in a divorce, bias when trying to get custody of children, they are subject to the draft, they are much more likely to get hurt on the job, much more likely to get killed on the job, if they become homeless few people would be willing to help them, more likely to get killed, very little sympathy if they get raped or are abused, much more likely to suffer a mental illness, and much more likely to attempt suicide and succeed at it, just to name a few, and that's just off the top of my head.

She wants examples of female privilege that isn't alimony and child support?

what possible issues can you have as a man?

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no I'm sorry, no. I might unsub from IT now.... Like stop, men are human and that shouldn't need to be said even

What sub is this from?

I reckon if people got the opportunity to switch gender, most women wouldn't switch, and most men would. At least in the West.


What is IT?

Guilty until proven innocent, divorce rape, losing custody battles, #MeToo, etc.

Hey if people really want sources and multiple studies on how women have more privileges than males. Just visit everything is sourced.

I would be glad to enlighten you, IT poster, but your sub is an echo chamber that has banned me for disagreeing.

Honestly this is why IT is literally a cesspit. I don't like you guys much, but i dislike them even more.

Buy him a gallon of soy milk

Behold the Cunt Privilege List:

Issues specifically due to being a man?

What? I included the source at the bottom. It was done by OKCupid.

Here's the link again in case you can't see it: