Lifecycle of a incel

227  2018-05-08 by Kharsack


not relatable

that's /r/MGTOW not /r/incels

It’s not mgtow. There’s no name for this new phenomenon tbh where women constantly discard relationships to ride chad cock. Eventually your heart is a husk and you just give up - it’s like lovecel or smth - I don’t want casual sex I just want my loving wife but no millennial woman wants the role (except the fatties)

The difference between /r/MGTOW and /r/incels is that /r/MGTOW believe that there is something wrong with women, because they treat them badly. They assume that women treat all men badly, and therefore all women are bad.

/r/incels know that women treat them badly because they lost genetic lottery, while Chad is treated like a king.

There is nothing wrong with women: they are not attracted to ugly guys, the same way we are not attracted to ugly girls.

Yeah but what if you can get all the sex you want but you can't get commitment? What's that?

you can't get commitment

you are not Chad


but what if you can get all the sex you want

I don’t know, but that’s not incel.

chad gets ditched too when he needs them shoutout to calum van moger

shoutout to calum van moger

You lose your Chad privilege if you got a deca dick

the same way we are not attracted to ugly girls.

The parallel is incorrect. Females are hypergamous, men are not. If women behaved like men in dating, there would be no incels. Hence the gaypill.

The parallel is correct. We don't want ugly women, they don't want ugly guys. The threshold, however, is different.

Right, the threshold is different, a LOT different.

MGTOW knows about Chad

They assume that women treat all men badly

The divorce rate for first time marriages is 93.4%, and 80% of divorces are initiated by women. The other 20% of divorces are initiated by men (most likely because the women cheated). So there's that.

Women hate marriage, but love "commitment" (paying for the babies)

Another inaccurate assessment. That's not the main difference. The main difference is the attempt to seek purpose and self actualization outside of female approval. That's why you'll find posts on r/mgtow about vacations, financial planning, enjoying life without the stress of dealing with women, etc instead of suicidal depression

The main difference is the attempt to seek purpose and self actualization outside of female approval.

In theory, yes. Communism is great in theory too, but we all know how it turned out

That's why you'll find posts on r/mgtow about vacations, financial planning, enjoying life

In my personal experience, 95% of posts on /r/MGTOW are an even mix of

1) sweeping generalizations saying that "all wiminz r ivil", and

2) "this particular wummon iz ivil" with "REMEMBER: ALL WIMINZ R BAD!" in a top comment.

/r/MGTOW is an echo chamber of misogyny, bitterness and censorship

MGTOW is based on studies of facts, reality and intelligence. not like some retard on braincels. #notall

Not even the fatties dude, I love big girls and they don't even want me.

Jesus. LDAR all around.

Thats all there is for us.

Actually hypergamy is a word and this isn't a new thing at all. Monogamy forced people to split the wives 50 50 and that's not every culture in history.

Fatties don't want that role. Fatties settle for that role. Important distinction

Thats mgtow you retarded dipshit

wanting a woman in my life


are you a spastic?

If you choose that "fatties" aren't good enough and you choose to be alone because of this you're mgtow you fucking fag, suck it up.

having reasonable standards

It's almost like you have no idea what it is to be a sane human. Imagine my shock. Enjoy your mental problems.

You're not involuntary celibate if you got high standards you dumb ass motherfucker

MGTOW is based on studies of facts, reality and intelligence. not like some retard on braincels. #notall

Why'd you have to make the bad guy balding tho

because the way they cope is by whiteknighting and feminism

This is accurate for mem I know some guys had a different path. I was more into barbar and stardusk during my formative years

I’ve done everything in 2011 and 2013 lol.

But from the messages you’re not an incel

"FWB - maybe more?" = not even close to incel.

sleeping with women

Lmao get this shit out of here

Hodgetwins hehehe.

High iq post tbh. It is not over the top a lot of posts here. Most of the people here can get a gf for some time but most of them are too ugly to actually someone to truly love them. This is super relatable.

Keeping a girlfriend is much harder than getting one. Theirs always someone better than you

Mhmm most girls treat relationships like jobs. Once they find a better opportunity they will easily quit their current position

yeah not incel, I got my first text message from a femoid in 2016 lool

You forgot the Elliot Rodger Manifesto in 2014

I don't know - I wish I had memories of that many girls to look back on, especially when I was young.

I wish I could relate but I've only gotten close to 4 women and all of them broke it off with me in under a month each. Most of them just ghosted on me without ever letting me know what was wrong, 1 of them got mad at me when I said I wanted to just start off as friends and let things happen naturally, and the last one got turned off from me and told me why.

No matter what happens to you in life, you guys always victimize yourself and blame women for your suffering. Do yourself and the world a favor and rise above that.

Rise above that? In their eyes women and chads ARE the true enemies and have to be taught a lesson or something, aka that's not gonna happen.

low iq comment

spread false propaganda somewhere else.

How should they rise above that? Let's say incels are the only reason for how they feel. Can you give them just one practical tip to improve? Something concrete that an incel can start doing today.

Seriously? Do something creative, productive, learn a new skill - ANYTHING that isn't destructive.

Cool! Thanks for sharing.


Mission accomplished.

oh lord

>all those experiences with women

>female 'bff since childhood'

>that persistent quasi-bluepill (""redpill"") outlook

lifestyle of a Nu-male/normie bugman, you mean.

Ironically the most relatable post here. While there are many truly celibate incels, The truth is there is a significant portion of incels here who find themselves in this situation, where they are rejected, cucked and abused by women on a daily basis because of their looks. Just because you can get one girl to use you for a free dinner (and then get ghosted later) doesn’t mean you are a fakecel. There are probably loads of incels like these who keep these facts secret for fear of being called fakecels and barred from the only online community where they can relate. Remember, it is well aknowledge that inceldom includes all manner of escortceling, be it hookercelimg, mail order bride ceiling, sugar daddy ceiling or betabux ceiling.

Great post.

annnnd he got cum on my face i hate him lol

brings back those shit feels from high school.




This isn't an incel. Get this shit out of here.

It's more PUA / MGTOW and some incel / volcels. It's a lot of men, though.

But I agree it's not true incels, the guys 100% removed from all female interaction who are 1 or 2 in looks and probably suffering from multiple personality disorders or issues. But that really isn't the whole of incels, as incels are a wide range of men.

LMAO is the orange haired dude supposed to be Walter Fate?

The 2018 pic is why I keep my mouth SHUT and just do my work and go home. I only talk to 3 trusted Male co workers.

You may not know it but, you are surrounded by SJWs and white knights in your daily life.

way too accurate

That was amazing and depressing. The rope is calling.

Relevant for both MGTOW and incels. Excellent meme.

not incel; girls don't even reply to incels

I'm seeing the story of a guy who goes through a series of shitty relationships. Doesn't look at all like the story of someone who can't have any sex or relationships at all.


former relationships


2015 was reasonable on the woman's part. Why should she go alone to an unrelated guy's house if they're not planning to bang?

wtf is that writing on what looks like a phone?