Chad and incel's endless tale

164  2018-05-08 by Nintendude280197


We can't escape Chad.

"One day the bullies will be working for you!"

The greatest lie parents ever told

Parents are the biggest coping blue pilled fucks on the planet.

"You're handsome sweetie"

"All the girls are chasing you"

"The bullies will get their due karma when they work for you"

"Get a degree first then party later darling, the good girls always wait for the good men"

The western world went to shit when parents stopped beating their kids

Lol. My parents said "it's over for you but the world is what you make it out to be". I love my parents. Never once did my mother tell me I was handsome and that helped in not being a blue-pilled numale.

Well, in the OP picture the Chad is fed by the incel's taxes, so in a way he is working for him. :P


Poor substitute for incelinside.

First lesson in life kids should learn is that Chad always wins

He’ll get drowned when chad inspects his penis and it’s below the pleasurable limit.

It's like poetry, it sort of rhymes.

What's a swirly

When they stick your face in the toilet and flush it. See it in movies a lot..

people with anime avatars are always incels or neets