Lol in reality he wouldn't need a Nintendo Switch, as soon as he told him to open his mouth the submissive numale would get onto his knees and start sucking him off.
Black men (7% of the adult pop.) comprise almost half (~50%) of the perpetrators of both reported violent crime and violent crime convictions in the US.
Black people serving time for sexual assault are three-and-a-half times more likely to be innocent than white defendants that have been convicted of sexual assault. The bulk of the racial disparities in sexual assault convictions can be explained by white victims who mistakenly identify black assailants, said Gross, particularly when the victim is a white woman and the offender a black man.
Gross said white people are less likely to accurately identify black faces -- a concept known as "own race bias" in cross-racial identification.
Even if that is taken to be entirely correct (which is honestly dubious), that still doesn't explain why qualitative reports of violent crimes match up almost perfectly with the convictions for those crimes; i.e., for almost every individual reporting an assault, rape, etc. by (an assailant whom they describe as) a black male, there is a black male convicted for the same crime. Even if the individual alleged perpetrator is misidentified, that's irrelevant to this phenomena and the conclusions that may be drawn from. This can be explained therefore either by virtue of the assumption that black men are simply arrested appropriately (considered holistically, i.e. as a statistical category) for the crimes they can reliably have been said to have committed -- or, there's an epidemic of many tens of thousands of violent assault victims consistently yet falsely claiming (knowingly or otherwise) that their attackers were of evidently African extraction. I know which explanation makes more sense to me.
Evidently there's an epidemic of Dravidians, Australasians and dark-skinned Amerindians being mistaken en masse as African by their victims during their violent crimes. These thuggish curries MUST be brought to justice.
But I will point towards the fact that due to lack of generational wealth, many blacks are poor, ergo more likely to commit crime.
The debate over the directionality of the causal relationship between poverty and crime (particularly in black communities) is one that is ongoing and furiously argued on both sides. Personally I think that whilst the two are inextricably interrelated (causally bidirectional; i.e., poverty establishes a precondition for crime, but likewise crime establishes a precedence for poverty), the ultimate effect on (and the ability for it to be singularly or even predominantly blamed for) the wildly disproportionate black violent crime rate is dramatically overstated. My $0.02 is that it can more reasonably be attributed to sociocultural inconsonance between a (sub-)nation that is irreconcilably distinct from its host nation, and is probably irreparable (on account of the fact that culture is demonstrably a product of race, which is unfortunately not understood by a lot of people). This kind of violence seems to me immediately symptomatic of a nation either not understanding or not being content with its place in broader society.
Black people are unfairly and disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. Not the answer you were hoping for right you secretly racist liberal hypocrite?
Nope because there's no penis study of enough men by doctors to determine that. You could however claim Asians IQ of 105 is slightly higher than Whites IQ of 103, either way its miles above your Black IQ of 85 in U.S. and 70 in Africa.
Can you admit to me what a fucking loser you are? Go watch some more porn to feel better about yourself you absolute pathetic dweeb lmao
yeah these white nationalist types just make up "facts" and twist shit as long as it benefits them. when it doesn't benefit them, they say the science is wrong.
History will reflect upon the soyboy as a mysterious and repugnant creature, a perversion of nature that by all means shouldn't and oughtn't exist. A lamentable specimen.
You may not be numales, but you guys are beta as fuck. Thats just as bad as numales or cucks.
You, cucks and numales all belong together in the same group, trash.
If you depend on women to live happy (thats what incels do), you are a beta.
Why would an IT poster be in jail in the first place? I predict they will be inline next after incels because they have no sexual value to women, only the one that provide good money will be saved from jail...the burger flipping ugly white knights women right activists will be all jailed.
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-08
fucking kek
1 azucel 2018-05-08
1 BetterIncel 2018-05-08
Lol in reality he wouldn't need a Nintendo Switch, as soon as he told him to open his mouth the submissive numale would get onto his knees and start sucking him off.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-08
Those thumbs up
1 Geleg456 2018-05-08
This is amazing, more pls
1 lili_neesee 2018-05-08
Well done. Top lul
1 dekentfinker 2018-05-08
Why it always have to be a black guy?
Fucking racists
1 sussinmysussness 2018-05-08
Always remember that feels > reals to these people. Comforting lies are all they know.
1 ChromeHomeDome 2018-05-08
Black people make up roughly half of the prison population. This comic features two inmates, one white and one black. This is pretty accurate.
1 dekentfinker 2018-05-08
My problem is with the constant depiction of black men as the rapist on your little homo-erotic sub fantasies.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-08
Don't read the sub then, cuck limp wrist lol
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
liberals get more sex than you ever will
1 EntroPete 2018-05-08
So do serial killers, wife beaters and literal cuckolds. Your point?
1 CommunityCollegeHogg 2018-05-08
No one who posts on this sub made the comic in the first place, retard.
1 Plague-Lord 2018-05-08
in prison people prey on weak individuals regardless of color, a mouth-gaping soyboy would be turned out in the first week.
1 PublicMoralityPolice 2018-05-08
Not really, the other half is mostly mexican.
1 MozzerDozzer 2018-05-08
Are Mexicans not white?
1 PublicMoralityPolice 2018-05-08
Some are, but not many, especially not the ones in prison.
1 ChromeHomeDome 2018-05-08
A minority are.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-08
Black men (7% of the adult pop.) comprise almost half (~50%) of the perpetrators of both reported violent crime and violent crime convictions in the US.
1 eyewant 2018-05-08
I blame it for shit like this.
Gross said white people are less likely to accurately identify black faces -- a concept known as "own race bias" in cross-racial identification.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-08
Even if that is taken to be entirely correct (which is honestly dubious), that still doesn't explain why qualitative reports of violent crimes match up almost perfectly with the convictions for those crimes; i.e., for almost every individual reporting an assault, rape, etc. by (an assailant whom they describe as) a black male, there is a black male convicted for the same crime. Even if the individual alleged perpetrator is misidentified, that's irrelevant to this phenomena and the conclusions that may be drawn from. This can be explained therefore either by virtue of the assumption that black men are simply arrested appropriately (considered holistically, i.e. as a statistical category) for the crimes they can reliably have been said to have committed -- or, there's an epidemic of many tens of thousands of violent assault victims consistently yet falsely claiming (knowingly or otherwise) that their attackers were of evidently African extraction. I know which explanation makes more sense to me.
1 niveasoftt 2018-05-08
IT: Duh it was curries who committed those crimes since they also have dark skin, they should be the ones in jail. Not my beloved Tyrone <3.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-08
Evidently there's an epidemic of Dravidians, Australasians and dark-skinned Amerindians being mistaken en masse as African by their victims during their violent crimes. These thuggish curries MUST be brought to justice.
1 eyewant 2018-05-08
Well written. I can't argue with that... for now. I will do some research and hopefully find some conclusive evidence on why it's always black dudes.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-08
The debate over the directionality of the causal relationship between poverty and crime (particularly in black communities) is one that is ongoing and furiously argued on both sides. Personally I think that whilst the two are inextricably interrelated (causally bidirectional; i.e., poverty establishes a precondition for crime, but likewise crime establishes a precedence for poverty), the ultimate effect on (and the ability for it to be singularly or even predominantly blamed for) the wildly disproportionate black violent crime rate is dramatically overstated. My $0.02 is that it can more reasonably be attributed to sociocultural inconsonance between a (sub-)nation that is irreconcilably distinct from its host nation, and is probably irreparable (on account of the fact that culture is demonstrably a product of race, which is unfortunately not understood by a lot of people). This kind of violence seems to me immediately symptomatic of a nation either not understanding or not being content with its place in broader society.
1 Plague-Lord 2018-05-08
watch out, the SJW police might try to arrest you now for the crime of citing statistics.
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-08
you are right to question this my man,but i dont think it was the OP intention to be racist
1 not_good_looking 2018-05-08
Black people are unfairly and disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. Not the answer you were hoping for right you secretly racist liberal hypocrite?
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-08
You'd bitch harder if it were 2 white guys.
Fucking dumbcuck.
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-08
It's not racist, its realist. Black males commit the most crime per capita generally the most aggressive in starting conflicts with people.
How about instead of crying "racist" like an SJW bitch you go try and help Black people commit less crime?
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
It's realist to say that white men have smaller cocks than blacks and lower IQs than Orientals too lmao
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-08
Nope because there's no penis study of enough men by doctors to determine that. You could however claim Asians IQ of 105 is slightly higher than Whites IQ of 103, either way its miles above your Black IQ of 85 in U.S. and 70 in Africa.
Can you admit to me what a fucking loser you are? Go watch some more porn to feel better about yourself you absolute pathetic dweeb lmao
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
so when science proves that youre inferior, its insufficient, but when it proves you're better, its 100% set in stone, right?
you're the incel loser who women reject in favor of low IQ blacks, that means you're inferior where it counts.
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-08
When one thing has 100 times as much research and concrete proof behind it and the other is conjecture, yea it does.
You have an inferiority complex thats why you come on here with "muh dick" comments.
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
so you don't go around on reddit making comments about oriental dicks?
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-08
Uh no, I don't spend my day thinking about dicks thats what you do, look at your username loser.
You are Asian aren't you?
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
im indian, but some girls think im black lol, does that count as asian?
1 Uggocel 2018-05-08
No because that makes him look bad and it only applies if it makes him feel superior. Dude's a fucking loser.
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
yeah these white nationalist types just make up "facts" and twist shit as long as it benefits them. when it doesn't benefit them, they say the science is wrong.
1 EBZGod 2018-05-08
Makes sense that an ugly virgin would cling to the one thing he hasn't accomplished.
1 YouAreWrongKid 2018-05-08
you're a faggot
1 EBZGod 2018-05-08
1 RopeBunnyCupcake 2018-05-08
Edgelord extraordinaire.
1 neetrobot 2018-05-08
Don't visit the manosphere if you want to have things sugar coated.
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-08
Most prison rape is black on white.
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-08
am black. and i don't see a problem with this. its just a comic ffs. calm down.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-08
History will reflect upon the soyboy as a mysterious and repugnant creature, a perversion of nature that by all means shouldn't and oughtn't exist. A lamentable specimen.
1 renownedquietkid 2018-05-08
High IQ comment
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-08
Why's it gotta be a black man?! Just kidding, I'm not some numale faggot lol. TYRONE GON GET U
1 ThunderstormRTB 2018-05-08
It user? Lol This guy looks like an incel to be honest
1 deadmedium 2018-05-08
incels arent numales. we're just ugly.
1 ThunderstormRTB 2018-05-08
You may not be numales, but you guys are beta as fuck. Thats just as bad as numales or cucks. You, cucks and numales all belong together in the same group, trash. If you depend on women to live happy (thats what incels do), you are a beta.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-08
nope, we're just ugly. :2
how many relationships have you had?
1 ThunderstormRTB 2018-05-08
1 deadmedium 2018-05-08
that wasnt my question :2
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-08
I like the manboobs.
1 jotaro_kuj0 2018-05-08
1 RopeBunnyCupcake 2018-05-08
I don't get the Nintendo Switch thing.
1 Drink_the_ocean_dry 2018-05-08
Top tier high effort meme.
1 futmut 2018-05-08
Why would an IT poster be in jail in the first place? I predict they will be inline next after incels because they have no sexual value to women, only the one that provide good money will be saved from jail...the burger flipping ugly white knights women right activists will be all jailed.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-08
Beware the male feminist. They're mostly made up of rapists.
1 Gravel_Roads 2018-05-08
great art. Really fluid and full of motion. A+ moob action.
1 BBC_theory 2018-05-08
It's realist to say that white men have smaller cocks than blacks and lower IQs than Orientals too lmao
1 EBZGod 2018-05-08
Makes sense that an ugly virgin would cling to the one thing he hasn't accomplished.