"B-but natural selection!"

37  2018-05-08 by Shazig

When you mention how incels are condemned to live a life of loneliness and depression by society, you will eventually encounter the retarded argument that this is just how nature works and that some genes just aren't meant to survive(unless they're carried by females, of course).

Normies NEVER use this argument consistently. Animals in nature also kill chads and rape females all the time. Is that also morally acceptable, normies?

I could even apply this argument to humans. "Women are meant to be married and have children at the age of 15. Why else would they evolve to be fertile at that age? That's just nature bro. Deal with it."

Of course normies will jump the opportunity to call us pedophiles for exposing this biological fact. But they aren't psychopaths for condemning us to a life of loneliness and misery.


because normans and females support civilization, humanism, and equality every where else in life except for female sex choices. That is their golden calf. "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise" -Voltaire

you are not allowed to criticize women's sexual brutality in mating choices, that is the golden calf of our society.

Well said.

But men and women are in the same position, they are both free to have sex with whomever they wish provided it's consensual. That doesn't mean it's necessarily "correct", but it is our prerogative. For sure some sexual behaviour is wrong, like cheating; or risky, like unprotected sex, but society gave up on telling people what to do in the bedroom, and I think that's fair and necessary for human social evolution, or rather, a consequence of it.

Do you think an incel has a moral obligation to help a woman being raped?

I think a person has a moral obligation to help anyone being raped, yes. If your question leads to "then a woman had a moral obligation to give intimacy to an incel" the answer is that intimacy cannot be faked, sexual attraction cannot be faked, an honest desire is necessary to fulfill your wishes of intimacy. I feel bad for you guys, I empathize with your problems for the same reason I would help a woman being raped, I hate seeing people suffer, morality is a concious rationalization if this base urge to help those in suffering. Sadly, I don't know how to help you beyond giving you advice on how to improve your outlook in life.

Hey, Rotciv_IRL, just a quick heads-up:
concious is actually spelled conscious. You can remember it by -sc- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Hey, u/CommonMisspellingBot , just a quick heads-up: You’re a douchebag and a buzzkill to all. The human mind is not a computer. It ¢an R3AD thangs dat r M!SPELLED. Furthermore, predictive text and spell-check are sometimes the cause of these typos. You’re not providing a useful service. Have a nice day! The parent commenter can delete this post by leaving Reddit.

If your question leads to "then a woman had a moral obligation to give intimacy to an incel" the answer is that intimacy cannot be faked, sexual attraction cannot be faked, an honest desire is necessary to fulfill your wishes of intimacy.

What if an incel doesn't have a honest desire to help a woman being raped? Empathy to oppressors cannot be faked.

I feel bad for you guys, I empathize with your problems for the same reason I would help a woman being raped, I hate seeing people suffer, morality is a concious rationalization if this base urge to help those in suffering. Sadly, I don't know how to help you beyond giving you advice on how to improve your outlook in life.

Sadly, you're a giant hypocrite who wants incels to go out of their way to help women but doesn't expect the same from women.

Hey, Shazig, just a quick heads-up:
concious is actually spelled conscious. You can remember it by -sc- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Hey, u/CommonMisspellingBot , just a quick heads-up: You’re a douchebag and a buzzkill to all. The human mind is not a computer. It ¢an R3AD thangs dat r M!SPELLED. Furthermore, predictive text and spell-check are sometimes the cause of these typos. You’re not providing a useful service. Have a nice day! The parent commenter can delete this post by leaving Reddit.

I mean... I expect them to help you if you are being attacked too, of course. I just don't see anyway to coerce women into liking incels.

Banning promiscuity and sex before marriage.

How does that make incels more viable options for women?

Because if they don't settle for incels they'll be alone their entire lives?

You don't think that people in societies which historically forbid them from having sex outside of wedlock just moved their affairs into secret? They didn't just decide that they were going to marry the next guy that came along and asked. They decided they were going to form complex social hierarchies that matched people up. And just in case you think they would looksmatch in that case, it really just usually ends up being a socioeconomic endeavor, and I don't believe most incels are swimming in cash. Also, think about it from your POV. Are you looking for a woman to marry you only because it's illegal for her to have sex with someone else? What do you get out of that scenario?

You don't think that people in societies which historically forbid them from having sex outside of wedlock just moved their affairs into secret? They didn't just decide that they were going to marry the next guy that came along and asked. They decided they were going to form complex social hierarchies that matched people up. And just in case you think they would looksmatch in that case, it really just usually ends up being a socioeconomic endeavor, and I don't believe most incels are swimming in cash.

More attacks on the pragmatism when you know we are right. Incels have more money than inmates do.

Also, think about it from your POV. Are you looking for a woman to marry you only because it's illegal for her to have sex with someone else? What do you get out of that scenario?


I suspect this would be the case for me too, right? Anyways, it won't make women want to be with you more, they will still feel the same attraction for attractive men, and vice versa. The only solution I see is to reduce "Chad's" promiscuity so women are forced to consider less desirable men, I wonder why incels are so quick to hate on women but not too hate on men that keep all the "roast sandwiches" to themselves

I actually really fucking hate Chad. I even wrote a post about this called "Fuck Chad" a few months ago. Any incel who considers Chads their friends are traitors.

I do think you guys should be questioning Chad more and women less. I mean, if supermodels were fucking low tier men Willi nilly I assure you we would have a lot of pissed off women.

I agree fully.

Did you just compare helping women from being attacked, with women having pity sex with you? Thats some deep stumbling down the rabbit hole, mate.


Important to note that that was not said by voltarie, but rather by a rather prominent anti semite american in his book, and it was directed towards jews. Dont use that again or it will strawman it

Animals in nature also kill chads

They don't.

The "naturalism" argument is technically a good one. Except women and lefties don't realise that it applies to other things too because brainwashed by CNN.

It's really never a good argument. Ask any biologist, calling something "natural" and "unnatural" is an extreme oversimplification.

What exactly is the definition of natural?

Is it when animals do it? By that definition, all human behaviour is natural, since humans are animals.

Is natural something that helps us survive? Modern medicine helps us survive.

Is natural something our ancestors did? If so, our entire modern civilization is unnatural and therefore bad.

Agree with most of what you said.

Not all animals behave like this but primates certainly do, and most mammals.

No, modern medicine is not natural and an argument could definitely be made that we should stop it (overpopulation, ageing population, euthanasia debate etc).

I'm just saying alpha/beta is natural. There is n argument to be made for it. And yes I agree it contradicts most of modern society.

I'm just saying alpha/beta is natural. There is an argument to be made for it. And yes I agree it contradicts most of modern society. Again, most people won't recognise this.

I'm not going to disagree with you that in most animal hierarchies, some males get laid more than others, but this is NEVER without strive. There is a giant spectrum of "natural" behaviour and saying that what we have right now is "natural" is just very very dumb. There was no tinder for 99.99% of our evolutionary history.

i'm guessing you're 25-30 and you're jerking off to the idea of 15 year old girls?

You don't think that people in societies which historically forbid them from having sex outside of wedlock just moved their affairs into secret? They didn't just decide that they were going to marry the next guy that came along and asked. They decided they were going to form complex social hierarchies that matched people up. And just in case you think they would looksmatch in that case, it really just usually ends up being a socioeconomic endeavor, and I don't believe most incels are swimming in cash. Also, think about it from your POV. Are you looking for a woman to marry you only because it's illegal for her to have sex with someone else? What do you get out of that scenario?