Inceltears user posts a pic unironically proclaiming himself as a """"""""""CHAD""""""""""

424  2018-05-08 by niveasoftt


They have no self awareness, we have too much.

I think it's funny you're making fun of him. He has a normal life, has sex, gets along with people, goes to parties, is accepted etc. You guys make fun of him, but he is that much better than you LOL.

Name checks out

Yeah, not only that, you guys whine constantly about the "chads" that had made fun of YOU, but if anything you're worse. The lack of self awareness here is crazy.


Ouch that hurt, an incel called me a loser.

"Chads" just say it as is you don't have to sound like just a douchebag. We're genetically inferior trash whats your point.

I don't think you're genetically inferior, I think the reason he feels like a Chad is because he gets treated like one because he doesn't act like an angry jackass all the time.

Or he has a high ego. I've met people who were treated like shit and they still tried to larp as a Chad.

Who are we even talking about

Heres a wetnap to wipe that foam off your mouth

If this dude has a normal life and is so happy why tf is he online making fun of depressed virgins

Point this guy thinks he's attractive when in reality he looks like an incel

Yeah, he probably get treated like he's attractive because he has an attractive personality.

Lmao you think a guy bullying incels on reddit and is that deluded with how he looks has a well balanced attractive personality? LOL

He’s definitely not lying or anything, right?

I don't think people lie on the internet.

I’m going through these comments seeing this guy get ripped to pieces, meanwhile he’s a decent looking fella, looks like a typical average guy who has had relationships and has friends.

You can't rate for shit

Well considering most normal people don’t rate everyone on a scale for attractiveness to decide whether they are worth anything, you could say that I can’t rate for shit.

He looks approachable. I’m an old married lady who didn’t use dating apps to judge people on whether they were worthy of my attention based solely on a photo. What wrong with him? He’s bald? He also has dimples, broad shoulders, and a nice beard. This guy doesn’t have problems with the ladies.

why do you feel the need to argue? are you doing this out of the “goodness” in your heart? let me guess, you wanna “help them, and change their minds.” well newsflash, you aren’t helping anyone. and if you’re just on here commenting for LOL’s you’re the most pathetic one here.

The first step to being on IT is no grasp of reality

"Ive had sex with a 2/10 landwhale, you guys would probably call me chad"

If that guy is a 10/10 chad then I'm a gigachad...

If that's the case call me giga Chad lmao

Why are you a virgin then?

I'm not, I'm a professional harpooner, hence the comment.

I mean, if he's still getting some, he's not an incel.

he's not an incel

that's all he is

I saw a 2/10 landwhale today with a disgusting large stomach jutting out a few feet where her coochie was supposed to be. Not pregnant, it was flabby fat.

She looked at me like I was a rotting piece of hamburger left out on the sidewalk in the summer heat for a week, and I almost have abs.

That's how repulsive y'all are, even those women wouldn't fuck any of you.

2 more than you have, so wouldn't that constitute a Chad?

wait...bald 30+ cuck laughing at a fart joke is now "chad"?

Who is this Jason Blaha looking phaggot?

Exactly what I thought

Is it not him?

Our boy Hemmingway

Lol exactly what I had in mind.

Also link to post?

Innnnur ciiiiityyyyyyyyy


Lol. Rekt

I knew it jason bloho posts on cucktears

The notorious numale beard

I feel more pity for these people than they could ever feel for me. It's incredible how lacking in awareness and basic sentience people can be. Allahu Subhana Wa'Tala forgive us.

Yet they're not lacking on happiness. Strange how that works.


Not typically negative towards everyone but those who strictly subscribe to their ideology, typically doesn't post threads about how shit their life is, how sad they are, etc.

I could find you a source claiming most people are more happy than sad if you like, but I think we both know you're being pedantic.

I'dcargue anyone who needs to laugh at others, no matter the reason or how "justified" it is to feel better about himself isn't really happy and is coping with insecurities

I'm not talking about "most" people, I'm referring to IT cucks

Not really to elevate ourselves up, but just to take notice of the extreme, flawed sentiments held but the mentally unhinged. We don't base an identity around being in inceltears is the thing. We are just people who happen to subscribe to that subreddit. It's not a apart of us, like inceldom.

You say that but the amount of time and sometimes effort you put into "taking notice of" things borders on obsession and mental illness for many of you

It's a mere fraction of the time incels spend on here. You may think what you wish.

Of course you should spend less time here than actual imcels lmao, you say that as it is an accomplishment. And even then some of you are very mentally ill and spend as much of more time here than other incels just to argue and stir shit

But relative to how you're supposedly "normies" many of you spend a disproportionate amount of time and effort on things that you claim make you upset. I don't understand the point nor appeal of that, unless it's to make yourself feel better.

You may think what you want as well

I'm not upset though. It's funny to me to see how deranged and out there some incels are. It's a small fraction of my day at best. Sometimes a binge late at night in bed but it's usually just a small part of me being on reddit. I mostly lurk.

What are you blabbering about this time

Could take that a bit more seriously if you people didn't spend all your time denigrating women

I'd be happy too if I was that fucking deluded lmao

Instead you're not deluded and not happy. Sounds like a bizarre way to live your life.

I mean if I wanted to be happy living a lie I'd just be religious. Questioning widely held belief systems is interesting but if you're not into that I still respect it. That's the difference.

There's questioning and believing it is out to get you, thereby resigning yourself to eternal sadness.

I mean I may as well be a thinking loser. I'd advice you do the same.

I do, but I'm not deluded enough to believe the world is out to get me when the vast majority of people are successful.

I'm not deluded enough to believe the world is out to get me

Was he stating that?

vast majority of people are successful.

By what metric and what number are we talking about?

Being able to live under a roof, eat and afford luxuries from time to time seems pretty successful to me. Being generally content with your life too.

Being able to live under a roof, eat and afford luxuries from time to time seems pretty successful to me.

That's a pretty low bar, don't you think? Because that kind makes me successful, in this case.

Being generally content with your life too.

That's more of a philosophical realm.

Well yes that is success to me at the most basic level.

Living under a roof qualifies as success to you?

Well... Yes. It's one of many things

It's one of many things

Exactly, there we go.

...Never said otherwise. Not sure what your point is.

lmao if that's what success is what the fuck is failure

Not being able to eat regularly or have a place to sleep sounds pretty good.

How can you be sure? I thought they're people with loves and hates and passions just like mine.

How do you know for certain that they're happy than us? Are you talking "us" as a collective? Because we aren't.

Well incels state sex is a primal need. On average most normies have more sex than an incel. They are not adverse to relationships and often have fulfilling ones.

Not to mention they don't consider themselves subhuman, put themselves down a lot and vent online about how bad their life is. They typically don't hold hatred to an entire sex either.

I'd say I'm happier than the vast majority of people here.

You still didn't respond my question.

I'd say I'm happier than the vast majority of people here.

I doubt it. I see your account coming back again and again with disparaging remarks. I know that this place is "morbidly fascinating" for people like you but if going by the logic of people like you, then it's not right.

Is something wrong with your life? Why do you enjoy seeing other people in pain? I know about me but what about you?

I did answer your question. Not sure what you think I didn't address.

I don't really enjoy seeing actually pained virgins suffering. I do enjoy the inane extremism held by what seems like the vast majority of incels. Stripping away women's rights, regulating the clothing the wear, spitefully reducing child support and adjusting abortion laws to hurt women and even justifying open rape on women.

And that's just today with 20 minutes of browsing.

Stripping away women's rights, regulating the clothing the wear, spitefully reducing child support and adjusting abortion laws to hurt women and even justifying open rape on women.

Links please.

Hard to do on mobile, but if you think I am exaggerating, then you may be in for a surprise.

Hard to do on mobile

Nah, nu-uh. If you have time to browse this website on mobile and find outrageous material, then you have time to provide links to prove your point.

Not really sure you're in a position to tell me how to manage my own time but here is one. I'm not going to go fetch anything else. If you don't believe me, I can't help you. I'm not really here to dispel ignorance as I am to enjoy the sight of it.

You forced me to search for myself but yeah, this one's truth. I'd say it's more of sexual frustration but then you'd get all haughty on me again.

So that's

regulating the clothing the wear


Anything else?

They all are. Again I'm not going to fetch links to prove what I saw in 20 minutes of searching. You can go on inceltears yourself and enjoy your kind acting up.

enjoy your kind acting up.

This dramatism again.

your kind.

Again I'm not going to fetch links to prove what I saw in 20 minutes of searching.

Well, too bad, because if I'd make a statement, I'd do my best to provide a proof for it. Shame you can't get on my level.

Again on mobile. I've already proven one point, I can easily prove the others but again, I'm not going to find singular posts to copy and then come back here to paste. If you find what I said unbelievable, you may be new to incels.

Again on mobile.

I don't particularly care that you are. If you have time to respond, you have time to provide proof to your statement.

I can easily prove the others but again, I'm not going to find singular posts to copy and then come back here to paste.

If you can't do it right now - don't respond. If you don't want to do it - don't respond. Don't you realize that this sounds like an attempt at an excuse? Come on now. You know what logic is, right?

I mean you can remain in disbelief and continue your delusion. Pedantry will only get you so far.

Hold on a second. Where is that screenshot from? It's not in any reddit app. It's not a screenshot from desktop. There's no username whatsoever or evidence of a username being blurred.

Do you read any of the comments in your own community? Virtually every thread degrades into how you all deserve sex and it’s everyone else’s fault that you don’t have what you want.

Good arguments to the contrary are met with “low iq comment”.

Advice is met with “we didn’t ask for it”.

Sympathy is met with “you can never understand, nobody has it worse”

You’re basically all jerking each other off and drowning in your own tears.

Get up and fight for yourselves, you pathetic twats. Stop blaming women for your misfortune, you’re the only ones who can change it.

You are the modern day EMO kids.

And all of you have enough money to have access to the internet. Tell me again how bad your lives are. Jesus.

What’s wrong with emos?

I don’t respect the self-pity. Other than that, absolutely nothing, and they truly don’t deserve being compared to INCELs. Sorry, my bad.

Do you read any of the comments in your own community? Virtually every thread degrades into how you all deserve sex and it’s everyone else’s fault that you don’t have what you want.

That's not how it works. Provide proof or you're simply full of shite.

Good arguments to the contrary are met with “low iq comment”.

Which "good arguments"? The reductive ones, that were spoken thousands of times before and are really reductive?

Advice is met with “we didn’t ask for it”.

Have you had parents? Didn't they teach you that advice should be given when asked for? I mean, come on.

Sympathy is met with “you can never understand, nobody has it worse”

Usually, what you posit as "sympathy" is a half-arsed attempt at it for virtual grandstanding points.

Get up and fight for yourselves, you pathetic twats. Stop blaming women for your misfortune, you’re the only ones who can change it.

What if we use this place as an emotional dumping ground? We have jobs, we have lives but sometimes it gets a bit too much for us. Ever thought of that? Of course not. You came here for, again, same virtual grandstanding points, to show how good of a person you are, calling us out on all the shit. But you're just another brick in the wall.

And all of you have enough money to have access to the internet.

I pay 5.5 quid for my internet. It's hardly a dent compared to the rest of the stuff I pay for and it's essential in this day and age to get employed. How stupid can you get? Mush, get your head out of your arse, alright?

You are the modern day EMO kids.

Saying this when incelqueer is populated by actual goths. Kek.

I was referring to the apathetic whining.

Again, you're made up of goths, numales, bugmen, obese landwhales, cat ladies and neckbeards who created an entrie subreddit dedicated to whining about our opinions and doing absolutely nothing about it. You are the quintessential whiners and slactivists. You really shouldn't throw stones.

Nope, not correct. We try to understand you guys, and your fucked up opinions, but patience gets met with hate. So I’m responding on your level. Also, links or it isn’t true 🙄.

Anyways I’m at work. Coincidentally at a job where I don’t need the internet....I was told these jobs don’t exist?

I do enjoy the inane extremism held by what seems like the vast majority of incels. Stripping away women's rights, regulating the clothing the wear, spitefully reducing child support and adjusting abortion laws

Wait, you're against those things, and therefore against Islam, and thus an Islamophobe and racist, and you're guilty of "hate speech/crimes" according to the laws of various countries like Canada right? What country do you live in, btw? Totally not going to report you to your government, honest, just curious, yeah, that's the ticket.

You can report me. I live in Canada.

You can report me. I live in Canada.

Then you should have better things to do than troll an obscure forum for their views, when your entire country is slowly coming under Shaira law, and even the Left makes opposition to Islam a crime and a target of street violence by Leftists.

Muslim Activists Blocked by ANTIFA to March at Pride: Mainstream Media Silent:


Hahahaha oh man you showed him. Gotta love that single-source evidence. Must be true.

On average most normies have more sex than an incel

also most bits of bread

Ah yes. So happy and content. 100%. Excuse me while I Google the percentage of Americans on meds real quick. Haha.

While you're there, Google what a strawman is

While you're there Google what the words ek voel 'n fok mean.

Also, a parrot in a cage who eats seeds every day is happy. Doesn't change shit.

You tried for a comeback. See it was witty when I did it because you were already going to Google something.

Saying it to me when I had no intention of going onto Google is just... I mean it doesn't make sense. Low iq for sure.



Are you fucking 12?

Is that why they read and post on incels all day?

Yes. They don't let a meme cult define themselves.

Tbh linking information on Incels, from IncelTears is pointless, because it’s been proven multiple times how you guys like to fabricate shit to make these dudes look bad.

No they just all happen to post on reddit, unironically all look like the guy in the pic, and all play Nintendo switch.

No cult following there.

They don't all look like the guy in the picture though. They have hobbies and lives outside of reddit. They don't identify enough with a subculture meme-tier cult to call themselves a part of it. You rarely seen anyone identifying themselves as IncelTears209323 or some shit. "geneticwaste3232", "subhumanmanlet69", "<insertNonIssue>cel", is such a common occurrence around here. You let it define you so much, it's pretty sad.

Lol they all look like him. Every fucking bozo who comes on here vomiting platitudes ALL post on Nintendo switch, usually a few on IT, and IF they post their picture its always some guy with a shitty beard and glasses who is either 50% body fat, or couldnt curl a 3 lb dumbbell


Lol destroyed

Its the mark of a very happy and well-adjusted person to spend a lot of time on /r/braincels to argue against the hivemind. Strange how that works.

A lot is a pretty big exaggeration. Not sure an hour while sitting in a waiting room counts for much, but okay.

Don’t mock islam you piece of shit.

Astagfur Allah و العياذ بالله

the ultimate blackpill is realizing you would be happier if you were bluepilled


Ignorance and delusion allow one to wear a shutter over one's eyes and not be aware of the truth. Unfortunately I am a truth seeker and always will be, and the truth is ugly.

You must release your attachment to your ego to see the true beauty. There's more to life than the survival struggle of mere humans. Be in the oneness. You are made of stars.

Allahu akbar.

Lmao.. Look at this mother fucker Female with down syndrome would still cuck him

1) source link. Want to lol at him

2)Most of IT are either incels or lower tier normies in denial that they only get laid 1 every two years. The chances a Chad or even semi high value male would waste their time there is slim to none

I genuinely mog the fuck out of this dude.

You mog gigachad?

Lol my 5/10 firend kinde mugs him

Jason blahacel

'if i post enough there they will bang me ehehe'

Numale kek


This cannot be real

posts on inceltears

I'm totally a chad even tho i waste my time on a website bullying losers xDD

Some chads are mentalcels believe it or not

Chadlites maybe.

Yea I wasn’t talking about jason blaha lol

The textbook definition of a numale.



looks exactly as expected. lol.

Nu-males make me grateful I don't have a jawline so embarrassing I have to hide it with almost-as-embarrassing facial hair

Hey incels. I’m probably what you would call a “Chad” and I have a question. Why are y’all so hateful?

pics or dont care, literally, I too can call myself "chad". this guy is delusional and increadibly egocentric to think he's actually good looking, fucking lol

this is what chad looks like.

You didn’t answer his question.

sub 70 iq mong spotted.

I answered you brainlet, the """"chad"""" from inceltears is delusional as fuck and we put him in his place.

Cuz giving someone an honest rating is now "hateful", fuck you guys make me laugh :')

How is that sub I.Q. you social reject?

And “brainlet” hurts deep.

I’m sure that “Chad” is reeling from the lashing you dealt him with your pale, delicate fingers, clacking endlessly away on a keyboard. You showed him!

sure buddy

I’m not your buddy, pal

no shit sherlock, do you miss social cues irl too? fucking aspie

It’s a Southpark reference. And you only spelled 7 words correctly in that whole sentence.

I’ve got more friends than you have brain cells, you gross little INCEL.

except am not incel (view post history you sub 10 iq mong)

My lack of interest in who you are is a reflection of your personality, not my I.Q.

then why do you assume am incel? you undo your own arguments for me you fucking donkey

Because you talk like one, and are an active member on an INCEL sub? Crazy assumption, I know. Easy with the name calling there champ. You’re getting really cranky, and it’s kind of annoying.

what are you on about? retard?

Binging with Babish is the only guy I've ever seen who can pull off bald with a beard. What is this guy doing?

What about VSauce Michael?


LMFAO That guy is Incel, maybe borderline Normie. he mogs me but hes FAR from a chad.

take the finpill

Daily reminder that ledditors are not normal people

Daily reminder that IncelTears ledditors especially are not normal people

Lol he's not even a 5/10 for a guy, more around 3-4/10.

I'm a deformed subhuman and I mog him by like 4 points. JFL

Link to the post?

soyboy. i'm sure he's perfectly happy being some feminist whore's weekend husband

Why do you have such a problem with how he lives, as long as he's happy?

ey someone give me the link

Asian women probably gave him this entitlment. He's an 8 on tan tan.

Im a chadcel. Can I post a pic w a timestamp but cover my face and tattoo?

How tall and what does he do?

He´s all right looking in my opinion.

well, he does have a nice skull

Why do they always look like that I wonder.

  • Fat. Right off the bat I suspect this is satire, as anyone who’s fat would probably know better.

  • Soyboy/numale beard in the typical messy, unkept fashion. It looks terrible.

  • Bushy Jew eyebrows. Looks like Eugene Levy.

  • Glasses. Only a few guys can pull off glasses. He’s not one of them, and those aren’t stylish.

  • Squinty eyes, and not in the sexy male model way. More like a deformed French Stewart squint.

  • Bald. At least he shaved his head and has a normal skull shape, but because he’s fat he just looks like curly. Again, this can’t be pulled off well by everyone (easier than glasses tbh).

Bushy Jew eyebrows

bushy bros arent a bad thing

but yah the dude is a numale

This guy is low tier normie to be honest. I've seen some Incels here MOG him. Can you link the original post OP?

Soyboys are like the Uncle Toms of Incels.

Incel toms



beard+bald+glasses+soygrin. you literally can't make this shit up. THIS is who calls you entitled incel scum online


Confirms that every inceltear poster is an incel in denial or a low tier normie/landwhale

This thread is cope.

That cuck is not Chad... but he still gets more pussy than you. If you guys really do mog him, you're fakecel volcels. Go shower bro.

Lmao do I qualify as chad or is any decent looking guy just hated?


Massive cope again OP Just because you are ugly doesnt mean everybody else is. There are good looking people in IT, deal with it. Lying isnt going to make your situation better.

Fat slob. Not surprising. Pretty much every incel would have him kissing the curb, lol.



Wow, I'm shocked

He's not really bad looking

-Good looking -Bad looking -Not really bad looking -Really bad looking

He’s still bad looking.

Everyone has their own standards lad


Get off your high horse, phaggot.

Learn to spell , twat



Fuck off this sub, you bully.

Retaliation for you calling me a 'phaggot' is bullying now?

That’s a stupid question. You called me lad, so I called you phaggot.

I called you lad in the same tone I call some random guy 'buddy'

Yeah. Sure, you did. Then you called me “imp” which means a small, mischievous devil.

After you attempted to insult me. Was I just supposed to take that and say "Oh you"?

Has to be a bully on the internet because he doesn’t have the guts to do it any other time.

I'm problematic and I find this feminist.

Goes to show that if he can get laid, maybe it’s more than just your looks holding you back.

Said the Goth dating a neckbeard.

That guys a fucking loser, the fact he thinks hes a chad is hilarious

If he’s chad then I’m super sayan god mode chad 🇹🇩

Theses inceltears male feminists are always whites with a neckbeard. Why?

The guy in the photo looks like an ugly bald Jew suffering from myopia. I guess he could be slaying a lot of women if he was living in Thailand (and paying them) or somewhere in China where there aren't many white men.

I mog him into oblivion.

If he is chad then that means im uber chad

He looks high as shit


If you look carefully the Chad is actually behind the baldie. Cause he's fucked bitches lmao

a literal soyboy

Nah he's robust and has good bones, and a big tall head, he can slay, plus he's not Nerdic. don't be angry that he's fucking girls and you're not

I would love to see the "girls" he's "fucking" lmao

Maybe in his Jewish circles this qualifies as a Chad.

Jews are feminine as fuck

I mog him

Kratos from god of war if he drank too much soy

You can't make this shit up lmao


Ugly virgin.

Bring your phone into the bathroom and put his picture beside your face in the mirror.

Now shut the fuck up.

nice job replying to an almost three week old post faggot

If he’s a chad then fuck what am I

Nobody outside of r/Braincels unironically uses "Chad." He's likely just screwing with you guys.

Jason balha

It's a mere fraction of the time incels spend on here. You may think what you wish.

Of course you should spend less time here than actual imcels lmao, you say that as it is an accomplishment. And even then some of you are very mentally ill and spend as much of more time here than other incels just to argue and stir shit

But relative to how you're supposedly "normies" many of you spend a disproportionate amount of time and effort on things that you claim make you upset. I don't understand the point nor appeal of that, unless it's to make yourself feel better.

You may think what you want as well

You can report me. I live in Canada.

Then you should have better things to do than troll an obscure forum for their views, when your entire country is slowly coming under Shaira law, and even the Left makes opposition to Islam a crime and a target of street violence by Leftists.

Muslim Activists Blocked by ANTIFA to March at Pride: Mainstream Media Silent:

Chadlites maybe.


While you're there Google what the words ek voel 'n fok mean.

Also, a parrot in a cage who eats seeds every day is happy. Doesn't change shit.

Hahahaha oh man you showed him. Gotta love that single-source evidence. Must be true.

Lmao you think a guy bullying incels on reddit and is that deluded with how he looks has a well balanced attractive personality? LOL

I don’t respect the self-pity. Other than that, absolutely nothing, and they truly don’t deserve being compared to INCELs. Sorry, my bad.