205 2018-05-08 by EvilBananaManRD
1 shadowcat211 2018-05-08
Pretty much.
1 NeckUP 2018-05-08
Fellow cel spreading the word o god
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-08
I never said i was an incel. A BlackPiller in any case.
1 SugioSnoipar 2018-05-08
But wasn't it actually because he smelled or am i remembering the episode incorrectly
1 KingNoah0405 2018-05-08
Bad breath from a sundae
1 wtang1996 2018-05-08
He should have just showered
1 maskedcel 2018-05-08
Patrick is like a chubby Chad. Recall the tan episode where he got picked up by a car full of fishoids.
1 rachelcorriepancake 2018-05-08
And SpongeBob is a weak unattractive manlet. It all makes sense now.
Blue eyes theory btfo.
1 Tentacle_Mayhem 2018-05-08
Lol @ fishoids. Fish thots is good too.
1 BetUrProcrastinating 2018-05-08
goddamn it why won't people just take the spongepill already?
I've been waiting for someone to post this. Thank you!
1 Zaadfanaat 2018-05-08
(literal translation pls no bulli)
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-08
Spongebob is an incel
Short, yellow, works a minimum wage burger flipping job, nerdcel, weakcel, cantdrivecel.
1 Poltergeist_92 2018-05-08
You are implying that he's a gook?
1 25OverHeat 2018-05-08
"Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-08
Just don't eat sundaes bro.
1 shadowcat211 2018-05-08
Pretty much.
1 NeckUP 2018-05-08
Fellow cel spreading the word o god
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-08
I never said i was an incel. A BlackPiller in any case.
1 SugioSnoipar 2018-05-08
But wasn't it actually because he smelled or am i remembering the episode incorrectly
1 KingNoah0405 2018-05-08
Bad breath from a sundae
1 wtang1996 2018-05-08
He should have just showered
1 maskedcel 2018-05-08
Patrick is like a chubby Chad. Recall the tan episode where he got picked up by a car full of fishoids.
1 rachelcorriepancake 2018-05-08
And SpongeBob is a weak unattractive manlet. It all makes sense now.
1 maskedcel 2018-05-08
Blue eyes theory btfo.
1 Tentacle_Mayhem 2018-05-08
Lol @ fishoids. Fish thots is good too.
1 BetUrProcrastinating 2018-05-08
goddamn it why won't people just take the spongepill already?
1 Tentacle_Mayhem 2018-05-08
I've been waiting for someone to post this. Thank you!
1 Zaadfanaat 2018-05-08
(literal translation pls no bulli)
1 TrueLifeIncelStory 2018-05-08
Spongebob is an incel
Short, yellow, works a minimum wage burger flipping job, nerdcel, weakcel, cantdrivecel.
1 Poltergeist_92 2018-05-08
You are implying that he's a gook?
1 25OverHeat 2018-05-08
"Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end."
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-08
Just don't eat sundaes bro.