
49  2018-05-08 by squirdoxin



She would produce chad sons tbh

Looks more like Gigachad after HRT

Looks like Bruce Jenner, the new one, not the Olympic hero.

youll never be able to pull it out

Lol lock you in with them keigs

Looks even better with a 2 day stubble

Gross tranny

You're down voted for calling it a tranny?

Or for calling it gross?

I can never remember which is worse nowadays. Soon they're going to get mad at guys for not wanting to fuck these types. Everyday we stray further from God's light.

S(he?) wouldn't fuck me.

I think with one like this it would be OK to be a volcel.

Seriously though, I bet he would. Trannies are sick and depraved.

femoid mogs the hell out of me and I really mean mog. This roastie is more masculine than I will ever be

That's a man lol

Check out that Adam's apple stealth action. Fucking Solid Snake couldn't pull off that shit.


Pray tell, how much experience would one gain from slaying such a beast?

That's a man lol