Brutal blackpill from Abraham Lincoln

107  2018-05-08 by Dingus_Incel


Not even Lincoln could abolish inceldom

Damn. It’s over

Lincoln is proof of height theory, if he wasn't 6'4 he'd have "Napoleon complex" or whatever the fuck its called

he height maxxed even more with a huge stove pipe hat too

Yeah but this is the guy who freed the slaves so we can take his words with a grain of salt

Hey nobody is perfect, don't be too hard on the guy

he is so well qouted

By his looks was a abraham lincoln a incel?

Yes but he was a 6’4 richcel

Goddamn why are all american so blackpilled yet haven't done anything for incels. Why was the 19th amendment passed?

He was murdered by a Chad. Maybe the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center should look into Chad's online activities.