107 2018-05-08 by Dingus_Incel
1 semperfresh 2018-05-08
Not even Lincoln could abolish inceldom
1 HomelessJew- 2018-05-08
Damn. It’s over
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-05-08
Lincoln is proof of height theory, if he wasn't 6'4 he'd have "Napoleon complex" or whatever the fuck its called
1 trevmon 2018-05-08
he height maxxed even more with a huge stove pipe hat too
1 Platos_Queef 2018-05-08
Yeah but this is the guy who freed the slaves so we can take his words with a grain of salt
1 m41aspd 2018-05-08
Hey nobody is perfect, don't be too hard on the guy
1 phoneticau 2018-05-08
he is so well qouted
1 toukabestgirl 2018-05-08
By his looks was a abraham lincoln a incel?
1 This_Is_Pulse 2018-05-08
Yes but he was a 6’4 richcel
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-08
Goddamn why are all american so blackpilled yet haven't done anything for incels. Why was the 19th amendment passed?
1 tfl38yrs 2018-05-08
He was murdered by a Chad. Maybe the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center should look into Chad's online activities.
1 semperfresh 2018-05-08
Not even Lincoln could abolish inceldom
1 HomelessJew- 2018-05-08
Damn. It’s over
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-05-08
Lincoln is proof of height theory, if he wasn't 6'4 he'd have "Napoleon complex" or whatever the fuck its called
1 trevmon 2018-05-08
he height maxxed even more with a huge stove pipe hat too
1 Platos_Queef 2018-05-08
Yeah but this is the guy who freed the slaves so we can take his words with a grain of salt
1 m41aspd 2018-05-08
Hey nobody is perfect, don't be too hard on the guy
1 phoneticau 2018-05-08
he is so well qouted
1 toukabestgirl 2018-05-08
By his looks was a abraham lincoln a incel?
1 This_Is_Pulse 2018-05-08
Yes but he was a 6’4 richcel
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-08
Goddamn why are all american so blackpilled yet haven't done anything for incels. Why was the 19th amendment passed?
1 tfl38yrs 2018-05-08
He was murdered by a Chad. Maybe the FBI and Southern Poverty Law Center should look into Chad's online activities.