I wish I could say something to ease your pain. I know it sucks man. But you haven't failed. Look at all the things you have done, those are successes.
Keep working on yourself and ignore women. Keep yourself occupied so you dont feel the loneliness as much.
Failure would have been giving up on yourself.
Think of it this way...you're just one of the millions of lonely men. Probably average looking...maybe even above average. But average doesn't cut it anymore.
That tables are titled. The game is rigged. No one seems to notice but us.
I know I can't cheer you up, but I just had to try to give you an outside view. Hang in there friend.
Its impossible to amount to anything, really. I work a dead end job and have a sub 90 IQ. I haven't been to college and I don't see myself making any progress for now. Its over.
I know things can seem really horrible, but your life is far from over, you’re still young. You still have time to find your way, to find your purpose.
You are more accomplished than many people your age, and that is something to be proud of. I’m sorry you feel so down right now, PM me anytime if you need to talk.
You find something that you enjoy, that makes you feel accomplished. Do you like working on cars? Writing? Computer programming? Painting? Whatever it is that brings you feelings of success, you pursue that doggedly. Self improvement of the type that you enjoy is key.
You aren’t doing it to gain someone else’s approval, or because you think it will attract a woman; but because you actually want to be skilled, and because you enjoy the activity. As you get better and see the fruits of your labor, you’ll be happier. Long term happiness is based primarily on accomplishment.
I’m not saying you should become a MGTOW, but their subreddit can offer good advice in regard to self improvement, and building an accomplished and purposeful life. So it might be worth at least asking around there, even if you don’t fully buy into their philosophy.
Making more male friends is important too. We are strongly shaped by our peers, so you want to surround yourself with people with similar goals and values. Ideally, men who also want to find some purpose and have the drive to do it.
I found religion to be helpful, as it affirmed my worth as a human being, no matter my flaws. And I knew that no matter what, I’d always be loved by God. But if you’ve swallowed the black pill, this probably won’t be your kind of thing; thought I’d throw it out there just in case.
Sorry for the novel. If you want to talk more, or if you have any questions, I’m available.
Just have to find a worthy cope..but not for others..but for yourself.
I started buying comics that I absolutely loved as a kid you know like , Tintin , asterix & obelisk and the others and I am as happy as a kid again. Stopped gymcelling for hours and now only go for light jogs now.
I hope you find your own cope that makes you happy.
Its impossible to amount to anything, really. I work a dead end job and have a sub 90 IQ. I haven't been to college and I don't see myself making any progress for now. Its over.
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-08
well that was a bitch to read
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Existence is a bitch.
1 itsbeenover 2018-05-08
life's a bitch and then you die
at least we've got each other
1 nkaed_snake 2018-05-08
I wish I could say something to ease your pain. I know it sucks man. But you haven't failed. Look at all the things you have done, those are successes.
Keep working on yourself and ignore women. Keep yourself occupied so you dont feel the loneliness as much.
Failure would have been giving up on yourself.
Think of it this way...you're just one of the millions of lonely men. Probably average looking...maybe even above average. But average doesn't cut it anymore.
That tables are titled. The game is rigged. No one seems to notice but us.
I know I can't cheer you up, but I just had to try to give you an outside view. Hang in there friend.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Its impossible to amount to anything, really. I work a dead end job and have a sub 90 IQ. I haven't been to college and I don't see myself making any progress for now. Its over.
1 mrThesselrot 2018-05-08
It's over bro. It's over. No biggie though.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-08
You've earnt the right to LDAR bro. Opt out of a society that has given you absolutely nothing in return for your efforts. It's a rational choice.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-08
how are you a born again incel?
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-08
Holy damn I have never seen anyone admit their IQ while it was lower than 130. That's some real honesty
1 Hydroeletric_ 2018-05-08
There is hope: Plastic surgery.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Its too expensive for me, man.
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-08
Not just expensive, you need to be at least a 6/10 for it to work. If surgery doesn't make you pass the 8/10 barrier, it's not worth it
Eat chickens and lift heavy objects to cope
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
I gymcope every day and sportcope too. Its all a waste of time though.
1 hh_95 2018-05-08
I know things can seem really horrible, but your life is far from over, you’re still young. You still have time to find your way, to find your purpose.
You are more accomplished than many people your age, and that is something to be proud of. I’m sorry you feel so down right now, PM me anytime if you need to talk.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
How do I do that? How do I find my purpose?
1 hh_95 2018-05-08
You find something that you enjoy, that makes you feel accomplished. Do you like working on cars? Writing? Computer programming? Painting? Whatever it is that brings you feelings of success, you pursue that doggedly. Self improvement of the type that you enjoy is key.
You aren’t doing it to gain someone else’s approval, or because you think it will attract a woman; but because you actually want to be skilled, and because you enjoy the activity. As you get better and see the fruits of your labor, you’ll be happier. Long term happiness is based primarily on accomplishment.
I’m not saying you should become a MGTOW, but their subreddit can offer good advice in regard to self improvement, and building an accomplished and purposeful life. So it might be worth at least asking around there, even if you don’t fully buy into their philosophy.
Making more male friends is important too. We are strongly shaped by our peers, so you want to surround yourself with people with similar goals and values. Ideally, men who also want to find some purpose and have the drive to do it.
I found religion to be helpful, as it affirmed my worth as a human being, no matter my flaws. And I knew that no matter what, I’d always be loved by God. But if you’ve swallowed the black pill, this probably won’t be your kind of thing; thought I’d throw it out there just in case.
Sorry for the novel. If you want to talk more, or if you have any questions, I’m available.
1 FourIsANumber 2018-05-08
Become a productive member of society! :D
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-08
Yes goyim, Mr. Shekelstein’s new Maseratti isn’t free. Now get back to work.
1 jotaro_kuj0 2018-05-08
The curse of eternal sadness and solitude.
Just have to find a worthy cope..but not for others..but for yourself.
I started buying comics that I absolutely loved as a kid you know like , Tintin , asterix & obelisk and the others and I am as happy as a kid again. Stopped gymcelling for hours and now only go for light jogs now.
I hope you find your own cope that makes you happy.
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-05-08
Just shower bro
1 phoneticau 2018-05-08
Im thinking to go full Red pilled & MGTOW become a social & economic hermit, go off grid & ghost
1 Shazig 2018-05-08
I'm sorry but why did you waste money on a car instead of spending it on a college education or training?
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
My grades weren't good enough despite trying my hardest. I can't get into an engineering program and that was my only hope.
1 Shazig 2018-05-08
What race are your parents?
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Indian Dad and Arab Mom
1 Shazig 2018-05-08
I'm sorry
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Thank you.
1 ForceFetusKing 2018-05-08
"Just be confident, change your personality"
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
It is one of the biggest scams out there.
1 ForceFetusKing 2018-05-08
It doesnt work regardless of what they say.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
True. People are very shallow.
1 SpartanShitlord 2018-05-08
Have you tried showering once in a while?
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Everyday, dude.
1 SpartanShitlord 2018-05-08
Maybe you should focus on improving your personality.
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-08
I relate too much to this post, another reminder that I need to hang myself soon. I bought the rope it's just sitting in the closet
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Its impossible to amount to anything, really. I work a dead end job and have a sub 90 IQ. I haven't been to college and I don't see myself making any progress for now. Its over.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
I gymcope every day and sportcope too. Its all a waste of time though.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
My grades weren't good enough despite trying my hardest. I can't get into an engineering program and that was my only hope.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-05-08
Thank you.