Wow you guys are pathetic
116 2018-05-08 by Kar98kSnipe
Alright now that’s out of the way, would any ladies be willing to date a gentleman such as myself? I will defend you on the Internet and let you use my Nintendo Switch. Don’t worry about me being jealous of other guys, being a feminist myself I would gladly listen to your sexual encounters with other men whilst I drink my soylent
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
Yeah, that sounds nice mayby you can tell me about your other sexual encounters too, it's more fun that way in a fwb situation.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-08
How much food do you eat a day?
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
How much do I need to eat so I never attract someone like you ever?
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-08
Why are you so upset? It was a legitimate question. I just don't get how people can be fat.
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
I don't get how people can be so creepy... any woman who reads your post history will be terrified.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-08
Hit a treadmill fatty.
1 Kar98kSnipe 2018-05-08
Says the one posting her succulent roastie flaps. Come on baby I have two dogs and my sisters puppy at my house what more could a whore want?
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
Well, I mean I was down before this, hard pass.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-08
Nasty used up roast beef pussy.
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
Touche, good thing my girlfriend likes roast beef.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-08
I guess she's fat like you?
1 Kar98kSnipe 2018-05-08
I’ve changed baby, you probably don’t even live in Ohio
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
I guess you'll never know now
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-08
Show your damn face so I can see if I recognize you from ohio,I can't recognize a fat ass
1 not_good_looking 2018-05-08
How is calling someone fat “creepy”? Creepy is for people stalking you, following you around the block or someone who has joker face paint. “Rude” is probably the word you are looking for. Seriously, wtf is wrong with female vocabulary these days? Do you just throw that word around for anything which you don’t like? If you are trying to prove that you are a smart independent woman to misogynists, having a limited vocabulary doesn’t help.
1 droppedmyvcard 2018-05-08
Creepy is purely a judgement of looks. If a girl is calling a guy creepy, it just means "he's unattractive". Whatever a man is doing that is deemed to be creepy, if Chad was doing it, it would not be called creepy.
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
Creepy: causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease.
Its obviously not looks since I never saw a picture, it's the ideals that are posted that are creepy.
1 droppedmyvcard 2018-05-08
Because you imagine the person saying it, in particular certain assumptions would be made if it was posted by anybody here.
If it was said by a tall handsome man in person then the context would be changed.
1 trevmon 2018-05-08
til every woman ever is creepy
1 Plague-Lord 2018-05-08
swap genders and your male looksmatch would be incel. So, you already are at that point, you just lucked into being born female so you can get away with being obese and still getting dates. Not for long though, the wall is approaching and your 30s are gonna a lonely place and time.
1 CupOfCope 2018-05-08
Cope. She has a nice ass and carries her weight well enough to post it all over the Internet for thirsty fucks to admire
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-08
Them are the bbws that I like ,not the real big hambeasts
1 Kar98kSnipe 2018-05-08
This was a joke but I’ll take your offer I live in Ohio and I’m fit come over ASAP no rocky
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-08
1 aryancel 2018-05-08
fucking DISGUSTING post history, brothers where is my acid
1 pandalovexxx 2018-05-08
So weird that I got a few more likes on those posts.. what a weird coincidence.
1 aryancel 2018-05-08
Yea well lots of people like it when women degrade themselves to a hole, im not one of those people.
1 AggressionSsb 2018-05-08
Holy christ your post history makes you look insane.
1 efficientglove 2018-05-08
You are a naughty girl.
1 ThunderstormRTB 2018-05-08
Massive cope
1 JoelBloomSlayer 2018-05-08
I know you’re joking but that’s actually how white knights think
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-08
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-08
Yes, yes, the future is female.
1 neetrobot 2018-05-08
The soy meme is the meat industry trying to strawman vegans.
1 DixonCheese 2018-05-08
Very funny, but most of us 'normies' and male feminists aren't like this.
Just now me and the gf were going deep, I think we actually reached my large intestines at some point.
I got a touch of the misogyny and told her I won't be cleaning the dildo until after I made dinner, so relationships are not all fun and games.