Anon explains the average girls life

77  2018-05-08 by Blackpilltales


I don't believe anything that i read on 4Chan. Fuck Anon. I'm a kindcel who rejects the incel rebellion and Elliot Rodger. I don't hate women at all. In a good looking man with depression and anxiety. I had many chances to have sex but I was too scared. That's incel.

Nice larp

You're posting on this sub. People are still going to hate you. Trust me.

"I'm a good looking man."


Our moms tell us the darndest things... Like, "I wish I aborted you."

Fakecel Troll strikes again

I’m a pussy ass bitch and respecter of women

Being a faggot is not the same as being an incel

In what universe does this happen. I'm an 7 or 8 out of 10 female and this never happens to me. You are all living in a delusional fantasyland.

For the people that write crap like this, it "must" be true. Women live life in gold houses with diamonds as cabinet pulls, and are given every luxury they can desire.

Then there's reality.

It’s called embellishment you fucking retard. The core of the story is still true.

Normies tell you to get social skills, yet they fail to detect sarcasm, hyperboles or analogies.

Their social skills consist "omgwtflolbrb y'all" and pictures of their food and feet.

Boar_gaming is as socially handicapped as can be

Tits or GTFO!

Why would you even want your life to be like this?

I'm an 7 or 8 out of 10 female. You are all living in a delusional fantasyland.


u wouldnt last a second in our shoes

7 or 8 out of 10 female

Yeah, right...

"Female" Stopped reading then

That’s because you don’t count the 100 ugly guys who hit on you everyday.

Understand that this is an overexaggeration but with some truth to it

Just because your lying sack of shit friends, and beta white knights who add +3 points to every single female because of how thirsty they are says you're 7 or 8, doesn't make it true.

cook me a hot meal and suck my dick off one good damn time bich

Pics tits or btfo

actual 8 psl posting here

Lmfaooooooooooooooooo, it’s over, girlo


Obviously not every female lives like this, but the majority do. You are kidding yourself if you believe most women don't live this life. Being an attractive college girl is living life better than previous kings

I was just about to write this. And even if this is true that’s not fair she’s getting so much better than me

Women have it hard guys. This is an evil subreddit eeewwww. Just keep gobbling up whatever the lamestream media pumps you, just like how you gobble up chads cock as he pumps you and tosses you aside like yesterdays news.

Thats a pretty accurate summary.

And you know that... how? Do you have any experience of living as a woman?

Ugh yeah I don't know how those NASA scientists know what the sun is doing when nobody has ever even visited the sun let alone been the sun and experienced its life

You're seriously making that comparisation? Women are people, not stars or planets. You don't know 100% what someone's life is like unless you are them.

A woman who farts on social media would get way more attention then someone who studied for NASA and graduated, under what rock...

So your knowlenge about women's lives is based on social media? If that's the case you only know about women who use social media regularly. And even then you only know about things they choose to share.

the amount of likes they get is directly related to whether or not they show their face no matter how trivial the activity it is, it's a huge difference.

Yeah? My point still stands. You only know things about women who regularly use social media, and even then you only know about things they choose to share. With that information you can't claim to know what her life is like, let alone all the women who DON'T use social media that much or at all.

I still don't understand what these "orbiters" are. Male friends? What's wrong with having male friends?

What rational person would want this sort of life?

implying females are rational

Good joke, friend!

im not read all that

More like...

Wake up at 7:30, get dressed. I don't use makeup for work so I just put on some deodorant and eat breakfast. Probably no texts, 1 or 2 at most, from my friends. Leave for work, the subway is full so I stand like everyone else (no one offers their seat). Arrive at work, greet my boss and open my computer. Work until 16:30, buy some crickets for my tarantula, probably climb a tree because why not. Arrive home, watch anime, play video games, read books, hang out with my friends (probably not). Eat with my family. Might go to a club (about once a month at most), probably 1 or 2 guys try to dance with me, I don't dance with anyone regardless of their face since I'm just there to dance with my friends and I don't want to give the wrong impression. For the same reason I'd decline from drink offers, if I ever had any. If I'm not at a club I just wash my face and brush my teeth and go to sleep.

We don't give a fuck about your useless female life you aren't important and never will I didn't even read that fem shit

I just wanted to point out how much bullshit that post actually is. If you don't want to read it, that's fine. No one's forcing you.

No one is forcing you to post on braincels since you hate it so much... Plus women problems don't mean shit.

I'm a simple woman. I see a ppst full of stereotypical bullshit, I tell my opinion about it.

I'm a woman, so of course women problems are important to me. I don't know what that has to do with this post though.

"I'm a woman"

Stopped reading then.

I think l'll leave that there.

U go to a club like a typical whore. Youre not unique. Youre just hiding behind a facade of look at me im so cute tee hee activities

I'm not claiming to be unique. I'm just telling you that women (in general, not just me) don't live a life like that.

probably climb a tree because why not.

"lol I'm so kooky and childlike! Aren't I endearing?"

Interesting pet choice though, tbfh.

Might go to a club


It's something I do often, so I included it. I didn't mean it to sound like I included it for attention.

And yeah, I've liked spiders since I was in elementary school. I wasn't able to buy one for a long time because my mom is arachnophobic, but I finally got her persuaded.

What's disgusting about going to a club every now and then?

Spiders terrify me, yet fascinate me at the same time. It's an odd sort of feel.

Clubs are a combination of a human meat market and multiple peacock displays. Everything that is superficial about human social nature all under 1 roof. I've been to a few in my younger days. Worst nights of my life.

I don't see clubs as meat markets or peacock displays. I just see them as a place to get drunk and dance with my friends. As I said I don't dance with guys and if someone offered me a drink I wouldn't take it either. I'n not there to look for a boyfriend or an one night stand, I'm just there to have fun and get drunk.

I'm just there to have fun and get drunk....

Fill in the gaps: ...and to meet chad // laugh about creepy incels // ....enjoy all the betacucks trying to be nice

Did you even read what I wrote? I'm not there to find "Chad". I don't dance with guys.


I'm not claiming to be differrnt than "all the other girls" because "all the other girls" are now how OP thinks they are either. I'm just pointing out the bullshit.

Nobody asked for your life story you cunt


im sure its women romance fiction and not a real person, just made up one, albeit a grain of truth mostly

Delusional mate, just trying to over exaggerate to get some pity on your own life, you wonder why you're so unwanted by girls

"THIsYYourAInZEL" nice meme lol


Browse more you'll get it

Where the hell are the women that are living like this XD WHY AM I NOT CHOSEN

Open thy legs and thou shall recieve

Hey, TouchedOnlyByMom, just a quick heads-up:
recieve is actually spelled receive. You can remember it by e before i.
Have a nice day!

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Fuck off incebot

You guys are so socially inept if you actually think this is how the average girl lives day to day. Unless this is a shitpost that went over my head. It's hard to tell with this sub tbh.

U lack intelligence

You** lack common sense.

normies tell us that we lack social skills but can't understand humor


And don’t forget: post all over social media that men have it so much easier in life than women.

Yeah nah, if that’s the way to get it, I’m good how I am now. My legs are clooooosed.