It's over if you're above 5'6

220  2018-05-07 by finnanut27



Tallcels on SUIWATCH

Yep, that‘s me on the left

6‘4“ lanklet tallcel ogre

AMEN to this

I'm 6'1 and 6'2 in shoes. I'm skinnyfat, skincel, lanklet and wristcel. It never even began for me.

FACE then FRAME then height

This, for god sakes mosts chads i see in the street only get to my neck.

Manlets seriously like to cope thinking that a tall subhuman can slay like gold.

Yeah man

How tall are you?

5'11, but i live i'm south america so i'm the equivalent of a 6'2 dude.

i’m 6’4”, and whenever i visit chile everyone looks at me like i’m a freak, which is what i am.

6'5" subhuman lanklet here. I look just like the guy in the pic, but more yellow... ricecel dickcel squintcel. Guess what? I've subjected over 50 girls to my 2 inch pathetic excuse for a cock. Lookswise I've got nothing going for me but height... and somehow it's enough.

I had 0% matches on Tinder. 0. Then I put my height in my profile and a pic mogging a manlet... and instant matches.

Height denying is manlet cope. They cope because they can't reach the noose to rope.

Go to the gym then? I mean like it fucking works if you have a shred of commitment to it.


I‘m in the gym 6 times a week

Bulking doesn‘t work that easy if you‘re a lanklet


Roids fuck me up

At least you have height

Doesn‘t work if your face is genetic waste

being a manlet is suffering

thanks. as a 4’10 male this is incredibly inspring.

4'10. Bro even if you had really good looks, a 6' normie still mogs you to oblivion

> 4'10

There is no God for you.

but i have a good personality

Do you have a good rope?


Even the rope would be too long

as a 6'3 male Im not sure i agree

At this height you should probably just become a woman, men love short females.

Height doesn't mean crap when you're ugly af.

Well congratulations, if you have a good personality, and go to the gym so it takes away from your face, you too can get laid. Thats what you want right? to get laid? or am I still missing it?

Wtf, the majority of us is tin the gym a few times a week.

And why are you guys so sex obsessed? All you can think of all day long is sex.

All us incels need is someone that genuinely cares about us. Someone we can love, someone that loves us. Someone we can talk about whatever subject, gazing at the stars, cuddling each other and holding hands. True love.

But obviously you non-incels only think about getting laid.

It certainly seems like your issue is not sleeping with women when that’s what incel literally means and stands for

Not true. We are involuntarily celibate. And that means not getting a relationship.

I don‘t really care about Sex. Maybe in a relationship.

But all we wont is a woman we can genuinely trust, a woman that genuinely loves as.



Dude, I never think about getting laid, I’m telling him how to cause he eluded to it. Now my ex? We loved eachother a shitton, and why? We took care of our personal problems before we got in a relationship. We were already happy as people way before that. Now you might be saying why did you guys breakup? We were too scared of letting go we stopped loving eachother. And now? We’re better than ever. You aren’t owed anything and there is not true love, it’s letting another person into your life and experiences with that person that make it worth every second. Now maybe you should stop blaming the rest of the world, and look in yourself. I did and now I’m happier than I ever been, I have great relationships with my family friends, and my ex who at this point I’m still sure once our careers are almost over we’ll get married. But until then just focus on myself, and that’s what you should too, you don’t seem like you can love yourself at all. So why should anybody love you if you can’t do the same?

you don‘t seem like you can love yourself at all

Uhm of course I don‘t? That‘s why this sub exist.

How could we ever love ourselves? We all know that we are ugly subhuman genetic waste. We shouldn‘t have ever been born.

Umm find something good? Do something productive? Learn a skill, say hey, I did that. Take a shower, get a haircut, find love in bettering yourself every day. Like I look like shit if I don’t take care of myself, I get a nasty fucking mullet. My acne pops up like a fucking chemical attack on my face. My body looks fucking disgusting. And my skin has a greasy sheen to it. My eyebrows look like a Greeks. And all of this I take care of and I love myself for it. I go to the gym. I use acne creams, I take 2 showers and still wash my face. I get my eyebrows threaded. I get a short crewcut once every 3 weeks. I go to the gym daily, and if not at least 3 times a week. And all of this is hard work but I love myself for it.

The thing about normies like you is that you think we did never improve ourselves or don‘t take care about ourselfs. Every incels cares A LOT about their looks and personality.

It‘s just that we‘re genuinely ugly. Is this so hard for you normies to understand? You always come with the same old shit and act like as if we aren‘t already lookmaxed.

„Just get a haircut. Just shower.“ - L O L

I go to the gym 6 times a week, have a fresh haircut, shower everyday, play the guitar and trombon

Then be more confident and quit being bitchy about it. Be happy about it retard. People like you way more if you’re not a bitch and complain all the fucking time like Jesus

„Be more confident“

I try for a long time and still try to

He has to be tall - but not *too* tall, or like weird tall?

top shelf!

I feel identified by this. I've seen 5'3 ethnic Chad manlets who get 6'0 Stacys

were they buff and had square jaws

Where the fuck do you live?


lmao wouldnt doubt it tall girls r insecure

Yeah, which is a huge reason why tall women (women in general) refuse to date short guys.

is compact enough to hide in small creivices and cupboards after fucking rich married women

How come manlets get with more married women than lanklets? it's gotta be because that's all we can get right? And lanklets don't do it since they can sex anytime they want? Is that accurate?

proportions like a dying tree lmao

Dank meme

Never met either kind of person.

Pretty sure people here are above that height

Holy shit left IS ME


I‘m in the gym 6 times a week

Bulking doesn‘t work that easy if you‘re a lanklet

Then be more confident and quit being bitchy about it. Be happy about it retard. People like you way more if you’re not a bitch and complain all the fucking time like Jesus