I hate my life.

61  2018-05-07 by MajesticSubhuman



I hate your life too


Are those piss bottles? You playing Warcraft or League?

Me too.

Are those white spots jizz? You know people can smell that pancake batter smell


piss bottles good grief

We've all been there, brother. It sounds cliche, but try having a walk or a bike ride (if you have a bicycle), smell the fresh air and the pleasure of being alive. I'm always going to suggest therapy in these situations, of course, but if you can't bring yourself to do that, then a walk or run can help. You can also try getting into a new hobby, it's a way to meet people for friendship at least. Friends help you realize how valuable you are as a person.

Well said I’ve been there too and realised 90% of my mental problems were because I am a person who needs alot of physical activity and I was getting 0. Humans and especially males weren’t made to sit around. You gotta fucking run or bike hard and push yourself.

JFL @ all the people the can’t run 8 miles but call others cucks here. 😂😂

8.0 miles = 12.87 kilometres.

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Hey, Chadbutblackpilled, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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What if one has already tried all of these things?

Therapy is often a case of finding the right therapist. If one therapist only made things worse, try to find a better one. If riding a bicycle doesn't work, get the book Stalking the Wild Asparagus and learn to forage for food. If you got into tabletop gaming and you found it didn't really work for you as a way to become more social and have friends, join a local glee club or community theater instead. The thing about this sort of advice is that it's not "here's this one cool trick that SJWs hate!", it's that there are a lot of vectors, and you may need to try a lot of them before you find your way out of the hell your life is in.

Just as a much more minor example of a problem that I didn't know had a solution, I suffer from generalized anxiety that sometimes is severe enough to cause panic attacks. About a year ago I learned to knit and I had no idea when I learned but knitting is A FANTASTIC way to keep my brain from death spiraling - it gives my mind something to do when it wants to go down the drain. It's a great meditative act.

Now knitting may not be your thing, but there are lots of other things. Learning to play guitar or some other musical instrument is a good social one, for example. It also can have a meditative quality, but with the added bonus that if a girl hears you play a heartfelt song she's more likely to want to get in your pants and know who you are (if you follow up her interest by talking about the blackpill, though, you'll turn her panties into a desert).

Go find your thing. Go find your interest. If you gain a passion for things, people will gain a passion in you.