From /r/tinder. Apparently girls can't just say no, they have to hit us where it hurts

86  2018-05-07 by ButtholeEmoji


You really shouldn't use r/tinder bro

Yeah ik. I linked it in one of the fakecel threads and I succumbed to the temptation to read a few posts. This was literally the third one I read

Retort : I thought RC Cola was flat until I saw where your tits are supposed to be.


For the record I think this is creepy and overly forward and I wouldn't do it (unless I looked like this). But she didn't have to do him like that

Whatever you say, Mike

its over for TooPussyForFinasterideCels

"Touch my butt and buy me pizza" is literally peak female personality. Only Chad gets to though.

What did he expect? Imagine being a good looking girl. You've got guys making comments and staring at you and pestering you online all the time, saying stuff like this and much much worse. Wouldn't you get sick of it after a while?

So it's okay to single people out from the accumulated frustration of others of their kind. Now you understand why we do it

No, I'm not saying it's ok at all. But it's difficult to see what this guy thought might happen. The chances of a woman agreeing to have her bum fondled by a random on tinder after such a rude request are minimal, he must have known being insulted in kind was a possibility.

I'm not attractive enough to have been the subject of that sort of attention, but imagine being asked for the time every five minutes. It wouldn't matter how cheery or polite the request, it would get very annoying.

If you've ever Chadfished, you'd know the femoid would likely take this as friendly banter

Depends on the woman I suppose. Clearly not in this case.

He had a receeding hairline, most likely not a chad

How would you have replied, in her situation?

Well, if it was someone I found attractive enough to match with, I probably would have played along with it, or if I was offended I would have unmatched them. There's no reason to go for the jugular with some pretty benign banter. Seriously, with her reaction you would have thought he said something like "I want to fuck you in the ass, fucking bitch!"

I think you're holding a double standard here. He's being very clumsy and rude, but she needs to protect his feelings somehow? Why can't she express how tiresome she finds approaches like this?

Because she is taking it way too far. It would be like if a woman I found unnatractive said "can I touch your butt" and I said, "in your dreams, fat cow"

Look at it this way. As far as we know, this is the whole conversation. So that means that this guy's looked at her pictures, ignored her profile and opened with an expression of what he wants to do to her body. No 'hi', no feigned interest in her profile, he didn't ask, just a bald 'I want to touch you'. Just like the vast majority of guys who contact her do. That's where the entitlement that feminists talk about comes in, the casual assumption that women are there to be commented on in any way the man looking at her feels.

I know that all sounds a bit feminist but that's the breakdown of what's happening here, and why she reacted like she did. As I said previously, I wouldn't have retorted like that- anyone who sends me intimate pictures gets one of my cat's arse in return.

People asking you out all the time? My god what a problem to have I feel so bad for them :/

Oh don't get me wrong, it's a first world problem if ever there was one, but I've got a very attractive friend and men just won't leave her alone. I mean I love cats but if they were swarming me constantly it'd get old.

I'm a bisexual man who gets flirted with by men constantly. I've gone to gay bars and have been groped, followed, "harassed," all sorts of shit. I more or less go through what a woman who receives a ton of people clawing at them goes through and it doesn't bother me one bit.

Of course, while it at times can get a little uncomfortable it's more flattering than anything. I've also lived a large part of my life as a fat neckbeard who couldn't get anything sexual wise, and that was hell. I'd take being constantly approached for sex than never approached ever.

Women are the choosers, men are the chasers. When I hear a woman complain about it, you know what I also see them do? Egg them on. Look at all the posts on a sub like r/creepypms. If you didn't want the attention why are you replying to their obvious attempt at getting with you? You know what I do when a dude hits me up asking for sex and I don't want it? I ignore him. I don't say "no thanks" or really anything to him. He continues I block him and move on with my life. If you are going to sit there and freak out about something like this in my opinion you must be very boring. You shouldn't be giving these people the time of day and the fact that many women do tells me that they secretly like the attention.

That happens to you at gay bars, ok. Imagine it happening at work, or in a pub, or on the bus. Sure being approached a lot is better than never, but there's a limit.

I'm not freaking out about this. I never got an awful lot of attention while internet dating or out and about so it's not something that particularly affects me. I was explaining why she responded as she did, I didn't say it was right.

I agree with you that spinning men on so you can post what they said on reddit is foolish. You can't tell men that certain approaches are like, ew, creepy, and then give exactly those messages the most attention, even if it is negative. Also, I'm not going to lie to you and say men get equal treatment, a crude opening comment might be seen as cheeky when sent by a good looking man but be received poorly if sent by an ugly bloke. It's not fair, and I wish everyone got an equal crack, but they don't.

It's all so shallow, and I have no idea what can be done to make dating a more dignified and considered process. Swiping one way or another and dismissing someone before you know anything about them is just about the worst way of finding a partner I can think of.

That happens to you at gay bars, ok. Imagine it happening at work, or in a pub, or on the bus.

It has lol. It just doesn't nearly as much since people don't know I'm bi, it's not as obvious if you saw what I looked like. The gay bars were just one example.

Sure being approached a lot is better than never, but there's a limit.

Again, I'd take slight annoyance over crippling loneliness.

I'm not freaking out about this.

Didn't say you were freaking out about this I meant "you" in an objective, example sense.

I never got an awful lot of attention while internet dating or out and about so it's not something that particularly affects me. I was explaining why she responded as she did, I didn't say it was right.

I understand m8 no hard feelings.

I agree with you that spinning men on so you can post what they said on reddit is foolish.

But it's not only just to farm karma on reddit I see this happen constantly in both real life situations and elsewhere. But I'm trying not to get into too many anecdotes.

You can't tell men that certain approaches are like, ew, creepy, and then give exactly those messages the most attention, even if it is negative. Also, I'm not going to lie to you and say men get equal treatment, a crude opening comment might be seen as cheeky when sent by a good looking man but be received poorly if sent by an ugly bloke. It's not fair, and I wish everyone got an equal crack, but they don't.

So you admit there's a double standard and looks matter more in regards to finding someone to at the very least have sex with if not begin to date?

It's all so shallow, and I have no idea what can be done to make dating a more dignified and considered process. Swiping one way or another and dismissing someone before you know anything about them is just about the worst way of finding a partner I can think of.

Why are you arguing with the Incels? You seem to acknowledge their points are accurate, I've explained what you just talked about to women and they disagree with me.

I understand the incel position, as I said I can empathise with a degree, even with their anger. But there's a tornado of misinformation on here, and it seems to be designed to find the very, very worst examples of female behaviour and display it as representative of all of us. It would probably take me ten minutes to knock up a few similar posts about men killing their partners' children or serial rapists and make men look pretty terrible. I first came here to try and bring a little reason to some of it, and I still do. I don't think the crazy stand in a line for your government issued woman incel is common- I think the rest are frustrated and feel better having a place to bitch about women.

For a lot of women, this behaviour passes with age. Looks are important for most young women, mostly because at that age you're constantly comparing yourself to others. That's not to say the relationships they have don't mature into something beyond looks, but it's an important consideration to them. Ugly/fat/weird women are either single at that age (me), try and fail to get together with a hot/popular guy (which can be excruciatingly humiliating) or cast their eyes on similarly ugly/fat/weird guys. That sometimes works, but you're still basing the relationship on looks, so it's just as shallow in its way.

There are inequalities in dating, it's undeniable. We still expect men to make the first move, he's still expected to stage a way to ask her out that shows how keen you are but how totally cool it is if she says no, and it's a lot of pressure to place on a young guy, particularly if you're not the most sociable type. Also a girl of that age is likely to try and get over her embarrassment by giggling with her friends, and the rejected guy feels awful. That's why we 'normies' go on about confidence, but it comes across as if we think incels can buy it over the internet. It's the confidence not to care that incels are lacking.

I understand the incel position, as I said I can empathise with a degree, even with their anger. But there's a tornado of misinformation on here, and it seems to be designed to find the very, very worst examples of female behaviour and display it as representative of all of us.

Do subs like r/niceguys or r/inceltears not do the same thing? I agree with you, there's a ton of misinformation on this sub but let's not pretend it's one sided.

I don't think the crazy stand in a line for your government issued woman incel is common- I think the rest are frustrated and feel better having a place to bitch about women.

Or to have a place to air their grievances at all. Name on "manosphere" forum or group that isn't popularized as a hate group.

For a lot of women, this behaviour passes with age. Looks are important for most young women, mostly because at that age you're constantly comparing yourself to others.

I mean doesn't that just reinforce the idea that women only want "Chad dick" until they hit the wall and have no choice but to settle for someone else?

That's not to say the relationships they have don't mature into something beyond looks, but it's an important consideration to them.

I would argue that in today's dating world, it's literally one of the most if not the most important considerations for women. This is coming from someone who has dated both men and women, I know from experience men are a lot less shallow. It sucks since I prefer to date women, but most of the women I encounter are vapid and uninteresting yet expect you to be stimulating and interesting. Most women don't need to put as much effort in.

Ugly/fat/weird women are either single at that age (me),

At what age? lol

try and fail to get together with a hot/popular guy (which can be excruciatingly humiliating)

Why would an ugly person go for a hot/popular person? I wouldn't do that because I know it's fruitless.

There are inequalities in dating, it's undeniable. We still expect men to make the first move, he's still expected to stage a way to ask her out that shows how keen you are but how totally cool it is if she says no, and it's a lot of pressure to place on a young guy, particularly if you're not the most sociable type. Also a girl of that age is likely to try and get over her embarrassment by giggling with her friends, and the rejected guy feels awful. That's why we 'normies' go on about confidence, but it comes across as if we think incels can buy it over the internet. It's the confidence not to care that incels are lacking.

I mean there's a lot of things incels are lacking but I do think you're right that not caring is key in a lot of ways. The moment I stopped caring I began to get laid, but objectively my looks aren't as bad as a lot of other people's hence why I try to be mindful of people like Incels.

I think it comes down to assumptions. If an incel's contact with women is limited to those giggly teens I referred to, he might well think all women think/behave like that. Equally, if someone on here calls me a disgusting roastie and says he hopes I lose my breasts to cancer, it would easy to believe they all think like that, especially if no one disagrees.

Both sides need to see each other as a broad mix of individuals rather than a homogenous group that all have the same agenda.

The chances of a woman agreeing to have her bum fondled by a random on tinder after such a rude request are minimal

Pickup lines like this work constantly with good looking people

How do you know this?

Blackpill experiments

Also just in general I've been living on Earth for the past 21 years and know the shocking concept that attractive men are more likely to get away with saying something cheeky like "I want to grab your butt" than an ugly man

The oldest girl I can see on there is 21, you can't assume that all women act like this in the presence of a handsome arsehole.

For starters there is only one image that shows the girls' ages but so what?

I'm 21

Because you're looking at young immature women using an app that is notoriously shallow and looks based, and extrapolating out to cover all women. It's not representative.

Ahh yes the classic "tinder is not real dating" argument

Look man I don't know what to tell you if you don't think women will be more receptive to things an attractive man says vs an ugly one

I've argued that exact point, but there's no point in being bitter about it. Don't men do the same? They respond very differently to attractive women and ugly women.

I've argued that exact point, but there's no point in being bitter about it.

You're really in the wrong sub

“Too many people are attracted to me! It’s terrible!”

Honestly. It's like a fat kid complaining he doesn't know what to eat, while children in Africa are starving. Fucking hell roasties. Learn that you have privilege.

If the guy was good-looking, she would be happy about that message.

What I would do to receive compliments and constant validation all the fucking time. Women are fucking privelidged to the highest fucking degree.

Not everyone gets that sort of level of attention. I'm big and ugly so I might as well be invisible a lot of the time.

Fit ugly chicks def get complimented, my sister is an example. One's fit and a little below average and ones somewhat overweight and slightly above avg. They're twins and when we're out my fit sister gets complimented pretty frequently. Lose some weight and try again. A saying on here is that fatcel=volcel, and it applies to women as well.

I'm fine thanks, I have a partner. I never got much male attention partly because of how I look, but also I'm not the flirty type and have never been able to react to it properly.

Why is that woman called Mike?

His name is mike it's from her perspective. Makes her look even more like a vindictive and narricistic bitch that's she's bragging about it

this is nasty behavior, idc what you look like. even if the guy was chad i genuinely would be put off. so disrespectful


What if she was being serious

All the white knights in that post were flirting with her. Fucking sad

ok... we've got a deal

A woman named 'Mike'? Hmmm...

The woman took the screenshot, the guy she matched with is named Mike...

You ever see Eurotrip?

I mean perhaps they shouldn't lead off with "I want to touch your butt"

sssssh you'll get banned!

I suppose you're right thank you for the warning

youre stupid but ill explain it to you -if it were a chad the girl would not have said that -why ? -bc looks matter and it has nothing to do with personality

Then that girl is a bitch, so why would you want her?

all women are like that some just dont want to admit it

So relationships for anyone/anywhere are pointless?

Tinder is an app primarily based off of looks. Therefore the girl either found him attractive, or she looked past his looks and thought his personality was nice from his bio.

So either she's rejected a Chad, or personality counts for her.

See, the problem here is, to explain it to ya'll, if you approach a woman for the first time and make it entirely sexual with little to no buildup, you'll piss a woman off. Think of it as if a woman messaged you and her first message, before even saying hello, was "Please tell me your exact height." Both that, and the butt comment, are insulting, gross, and disrespectful, and so if the lady, or if you, lash back with a mildly shitty comment like the lady did here, it's perfectly acceptable. Now if the lady had gone further, had talked about cutting the guy's dick off, the way some incels talk about raping a woman who makes them angry, then that would have been too far. But an insulting physical comment in response to an insulting physical comment? Fair game.

I know that Mike was being shitty. Literally the first thing I did after uploading this post was leave a reply denouncing his behavior.

mildly shitty

If you think that, you lack empathy. Unless Mike is at least 40, commenting on a man's receding hairline is going for the fucking jugular. I won't link to the original thread, but if you can find it yourself, look at the comments. They're all well aware of that.

Think of it as if a woman messaged you and her first message, before even saying hello, was "Please tell me your exact height."

And the award for false equivalency goes to...

It's not like you even needed to come up with a male equivalent to "I want to touch your butt." Unless you think it would somehow be different if a woman sent that to a man?

insulting physical comment in response to an insulting physical comment

Overly forward and aggressive, sure, but insulting? Not buying it.

Tbh that was a pretty solid roast.

How dare that misogynistic say that to a woman of character. Only Chad is allowed to do that

If you're balding and ugly and you think that it's "holding frame" to touch women's butts for no reason, why are you surprised you get rejected for being ugly?

I always assumed men who said shit like this were looking for someone to offend -- I sure wouldn't say something like that to a person who I wanted to experience mutual trust with. Turn about is pretty fair play, her roast was just more creative.

This is why i dont ask Out girls

I understand the incel position, as I said I can empathise with a degree, even with their anger. But there's a tornado of misinformation on here, and it seems to be designed to find the very, very worst examples of female behaviour and display it as representative of all of us. It would probably take me ten minutes to knock up a few similar posts about men killing their partners' children or serial rapists and make men look pretty terrible. I first came here to try and bring a little reason to some of it, and I still do. I don't think the crazy stand in a line for your government issued woman incel is common- I think the rest are frustrated and feel better having a place to bitch about women.

For a lot of women, this behaviour passes with age. Looks are important for most young women, mostly because at that age you're constantly comparing yourself to others. That's not to say the relationships they have don't mature into something beyond looks, but it's an important consideration to them. Ugly/fat/weird women are either single at that age (me), try and fail to get together with a hot/popular guy (which can be excruciatingly humiliating) or cast their eyes on similarly ugly/fat/weird guys. That sometimes works, but you're still basing the relationship on looks, so it's just as shallow in its way.

There are inequalities in dating, it's undeniable. We still expect men to make the first move, he's still expected to stage a way to ask her out that shows how keen you are but how totally cool it is if she says no, and it's a lot of pressure to place on a young guy, particularly if you're not the most sociable type. Also a girl of that age is likely to try and get over her embarrassment by giggling with her friends, and the rejected guy feels awful. That's why we 'normies' go on about confidence, but it comes across as if we think incels can buy it over the internet. It's the confidence not to care that incels are lacking.

Ahh yes the classic "tinder is not real dating" argument

Look man I don't know what to tell you if you don't think women will be more receptive to things an attractive man says vs an ugly one