Two femoids bully a fat disabled guy trying to better himself at the gym until he leaves. BUT WOMEN CAN DO NO WRONG WOMEN ONLY CARE ABOUT PERSONALITY! THEY'RE SAINTS!

32  2018-05-07 by dankmaymes


Only solace in this game is that when it's all over the incel and the thot go back into the same box. And then what happens after that is up to the player the served. Don't worry boys, ultimate justice is inescapable for all of us.

Cope. Religion and divine justice is all cope. This life is the only chance we get at experiencing anything, and then we fall back into inexistence, and we are spending it rotting alone.

Unverifiable claim thus irrelevant. Just like mine.

Ohhh no buddy, that's not how the burden of proof works. YOU have to show it exists , otherwise it doesn't by default.

If I tell you there's an invisible spaghetti monster right now above your head, it is unverifiable. Yet the default position is that it is not true unless I give you some sort of sensible evidence.

The classic fallacious abuse of burden of proof. The burden of proof lies with a truth claim, whether it be for or against something changes nothing. The strong position is the one reliant on proof. I did not make a truth claim. I don't give two shits about saying whether something that is metaphysical is true or not. I donot know, neither do you. I do not claim a strong position, you do. I accept the subjective nature of my statement, you present yours as absolute. So don't be low IQ with your burden of proof usage.

I honestly don't give a shit. I'm an agnostic-theist so if it's a debate about God you want you are barking up the wrong tree. It's chaff in the wind because it's a metaphysical concept and we are as of right now physical.

So you think denying a metaphysical claim qualifies as a strong truth claim?

Claim: "There is no invisible spaghetti monster hovering over your head right now" Is this claim too strong to be assessed without evidence? Should I not make in fear I would be making a "truth claim" without evidence?

I'll remind you lack of evidence constitutes evidence.

The nature of the claim does nothing to alter the position it takes. Period. You claim certain, absolute knowledge of a thing. Thats is all.


The flying spaghetti monster is NOT a non-existent entity.

Boom. I just made a negative claim which forces you to make the positive counter-claim that "the flying spaghetti monster IS a non-existent entity. Does that now mean the burden of proof is solely on you just because I take the negative position? Nop.

Lack of evidence is irrelevant when no claim that requires evidence is made. You seem to think I claimed God exists which is odd aince I already told you I died and became one with the Speed Force. Do you want me to produce evidence that I had a dream about cars last night?

Let me spell this out for you again. I do not give a single FUCK about debating the existence or non-existence of God or any metaphysical entity or force. I take an agnostic position so the entire basis of the discussion is absolutely detached from me. If you want to argue this go find an uppity Christian. I do not have a horse in the game nor do I care to. Understand?

Go sleep bitch boi


I hope you got some good sleeps BITCH


God doesn't exist dumbass

Neither does your IQ. Zero empirical proof.

Yeah because IQ is also bullshit lmao

Their offspring lives on. Incels don't' have any offspring.

Or maybe, just maybe, this is a good excuse to not do what he doesn't want to do?

And maybe Hitler was trying to save us and Michelle Obama is a man. Thsnks for you substantiation of the issue though.

uhm, sweatie, maybe, just maybe...farts cum ...maybe im always right sweatie...

Or maybe, just maybe, the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese?

Thank God he actually wants to lose weight he might not make it to 16 like that

I want to give him a hug.

isn't this the guy from the drinking mana gif?

Show it to me

yeah it is but I can't find the gif

This guy needs to eat healthy more than go to the gym. So many people think going to the gym is how you get skinny, but you actually don't burn that many calories at the gym. Working out obviously has its benefits, but you're never gonna lose a significant amount of weight unless you start eating healthy food and fewer calories. You need to be at a calorie deficit every day and you will lose weight. Working out only plays a small part in that equation.

healthy food

You can lose weight drinking pure lard and nothing else as long as your calories in < calories out.

Sure. But you’ll have an easier time eating fewer calories but also satiated if the food you eat is nutritious and healthy. Most unhealthy food is high in calories.

The best method for losing weight is probably the ketogenic diet which is almost all fat...but you eat almost no carbs or sugar, which is what most fat people like the guy in this video consume almost exclusively.

Pure carbs, pure sugar, pure protein. You can lose weight on any of it as long as your caloric intake is below your caloric expenditure.

Of course. But you’re gonna have a way harder time keeping your caloric intake low when you’re eating a lot of carbs and sugar. You can have like 4 donuts in a day and nothing else. Good luck functioning on that.

Yeah and pure protein is going to hard as fuck on your kidneys. Of the three, pure fat is definitely the best option.

I've definitely been bullied at the gym. THIS SUBREDDIT has shamed women for going to the gym. Once again, this is the life lesson you should learn: Individuals are shitty and should be called out, but once you try to make the crimes of an individual as a pointer that an entire group is bad, that's where you're making your mistakes in logical thinking.

The exception to that, of course, is in cases like this subreddit/incels in general, where certain "rules" are demanded of the group, and anyone who changes their mind or has a differing opinion is shamed and shunned. IE, it's OK to look at a cult, like incels or Scientology, and say "that cult is bad.", but it's not good to look at an entire demographic - like women age 18 -35, or all French men, etc, and say that entire group is rotten, because those are not people following a rulebook, they're just born a certain way.

THIS SUBREDDIT has shamed women for going to the gym

You can't just say that and not give a link.

Also I love the thought process of your reply. Cognitive dissonance + mental gymnastics, literally no other way to describe that

I know I saw one yesterday but too lazy to search it out, so /shrug.

I'd like to know where you think my logic is flawed, walk me through it.

That's funny, I remember seeing a post on inceltears where the mods all admitted to being members of ISIS. Too lazy to find it though 🤷

I'd like to know where you think my logic is flawed, walk me through it.

With pleasure. Here's my guess as to what your thought process was, given you replied to your own comment qualifying it like a politician tweeting:

Incels insulted a group that you were a part of based on the actions of a few individuals (well not really, but I see why you would interpret it that way. That made you angry. So, you typed out a comment (based on evidence that totally exists) that said that judging groups based on the actions of a few individuals is wrong and hit save. However, you realized that if this were true, as a regular of a subreddit that literally exists to insult a group based on the actions of individuals, this would make you an enormous hypocrite - especially after you were so preachy about it. That's cognitive dissonance. So you had to come up with a way to get from point A (insulting groups based on individuals is bad) to point B (insulting groups based on individuals is bad but insulting incels based on individuals is ok) using whatever logic you could. That's mental gymnastics.

But anyways let's look at the two points you used:

where certain "rules" are demanded of the group

This is garbage. Literally every subreddit has rules. Reddit as a site has rules

anyone who changes their mind or has a differing opinion is shamed and shunned

Not really. If you have a different opinion but present it in a way that isn't an empty platitude or an unsubstantiated claim then you probably won't be.

Well, to be clear, I know that at least some of the people in incels are just sad, lonely guys who look to this group for support, even though your reaction to those people is tearing down their looks and hating on them for your own weird, weird reasons. So yeah, even with this group I look at individuals and not as a group situation. But the group itself is toxic, and the nature of the community is built towards making men hate themselves and facing that hate outward towards nebulous "others" like women. So it's not cognitive dissonance. If you said to me, "People involved with the Nation of Islam are racist radicals" I'd agree with you; if you said to me, "all black people are racist radicals" I'd say you're full of shit. Not cognitive dissonance, but different situations to which different judgments can apply. Makes sense?

I know that at least some of the people in incels are just sad, lonely guys who look to this group for support, even though your reaction to those people is tearing down their looks and hating on them for your own weird, weird reasons

Classic IT black and white thinking. Wow, you're so progressive for saying that there are two whole types of people on this subreddit. Also I have to ask, did you even read my comment?

"People involved with the Nation of Islam are racist radicals" I'd agree with you; if you said to me, "all black people are racist radicals"

That's the issue though. One could say that what you're saying is true for any type of ideological group that you join by choice and not birth. So republicans, democrats, incels, antifa, J. Cole fans, etc. But you said in your comment that it's only true for a very specific subset of ideological groups which, presumably, conveniently leaves out inceltears. That's bullshit and you know you only convinced yourself that so you can come on here and criticize our sub without having to think about what a giant heaping pile of shit your own sub is.

Incels are not a "born into it" group. That, again, is the hateful ideology of inceldom - it turns it's hate even upon itself in the most self-cannibalizing way imaginable. If IncelTears espoused hateful ideology, it would also fit the bill of a group you could wholly reject, but it doesn't. IncelTears is entirely based trying to get people to break out of a hateful ideology. It's like the anti-KKK to your KKK, if you will.

Incels are not a "born into it" group

I fucking know that, where did I say it was?

If IncelTears espoused hateful ideology, it would also fit the bill of a group you could wholly reject, but it doesn't

I'm trying to say that ideology is ideology. Groups are groups. Which groups are hate groups is subjective. I mean, this sure looks like the work of a hate group to me

IncelTears is entirely based trying to get people to break out of a hateful ideology

No it's not, read the sidebar. It's meant for aggregating screenshot of incels saying dumb things.

It's like the anti-KKK to your KKK

Good lord you people are self-righteous

To put it another way: If I didn't think you were a valuable human being who could, in time, be steered away from hateful ideology, then I wouldn't be here talking to you. But that doesn't redeem incels as a group, because the group espouses hateful ideology, and anyone who wants support for loneliness is better off finding it in a place that is not also a hate group.

Holy fuck lmao. Yeah you better keep replying or else I'll become a misogynist lol. Pls rescue me the incels are gonna drag me down into their crab bucket :(

For real though, I believe maybe 10% of the things that IT thinks I do. I mostly come here to vent about normies who just don't get it. I think you'd be surprised how many people think the same as me.

Well, that's good, I'm glad to hear it! problem is when ya'll go on and on about canthic tilt (something I only ever heard about from incels. Women don't have the slightest clue what that is nor do they care) and telling guys to get a surgeon to cut themselves up in ways that are wholly unnecessary... like maybe you are just talking trash or whatnot, but you better believe there are young people who lurk in this reddit and think that everything you say is the only truth, and it feeds into their self loathing. Whether you actually believe it or not is less relevant to how you are feeding into a toxic culture. When you joke about ugly things, there are always people who are going to believe those words and not even get that you were joking.

something I only ever heard about from incels. Women don't have the slightest clue what that is nor do they care

You don't have to be able to say what a facial feature is called to know that it looks off. Before incels, if you saw a guy with strongly negative canthal tilt you probably would have just thought "that guy has sad eyes."

telling guys to get a surgeon to cut themselves up in ways that are wholly unnecessary

If it makes people feel better about themselves, who are you to say it's unnecessary? I would argue that telling people they shouldn't get plastic surgery is unempathetic. You're only thinking about what you would do in their shoes, not what's best for them. In this world, looks are everything and people should know that there are options to improve theirs.

you better believe there are young people who lurk in this reddit

I know that. Whenever I see them I tell them to get off. Only people who can separate this subreddit from real life should be here. I don't see anyone giving that disclaimer on IT, by the way. You guys give people all kinds of false hope.

By "sad eyes" you mean "puppy dog eyes"? A thing that girls like?

I make no judgement against people who want to have plastic surgery for their own reasons. I DO make judgement against men who tell other men that they're too ugly and that they NEED plastic surgery. Especially when 99% of the time when ya'll post a picture of someone you deem "ugly", it's some totally adorable-looking dude (unfortunately, adorable looks doesn't fix a shitty attitude, which maybe means they still don't get laid. Luckily, a shitty personality is something that can be worked on).

By "sad eyes" you mean "puppy dog eyes"? A thing that girls like?

No, I didn't. I was just paraphrasing something I heard an IT user say about St. Blackops2cel. And she didn't mean it as a compliment.

I make no judgement against people who want to have plastic surgery for their own reasons. I DO make judgement against men who tell other men that they're too ugly and that they NEED plastic surgery

The people who say that aren't coming up with that on their own, they're repeating the message that we get from society and women that men need to look a certain way. How about you judge them instead?

99% of the time when ya'll post a picture of someone you deem "ugly", it's some totally adorable-looking dude

Well yeah, only the most attractive people on this sub post their pictures. Actual ugly people are too insecure. And generally the response isn't "you're ugly", it's "you're too attractive to be here"

Man, I'm not even talking about the users who post their pictures (who ya'll totally DO tear into and explain why they'll never have a girlfriend), but the "side by side" pictures you do where someone photoshops a pictures to make a random internet picture look "handsome." Every time you post one of those, it makes your psychosis so clear... because almost universally, the guy is handsomer before you "fix" him. And the "fixed" picture looks like an horrible alien.

because almost universally, the guy is handsomer before you "fix" him. And the "fixed" picture looks like an horrible alien.

That's not because we're wrong about what is considered attractive, most people on this sub just aren't that good at Photoshop.

who ya'll totally DO tear into and explain why they'll never have a girlfriend

Like this one, right? Really loving the generalizations about this sub given that you've linked a grand total of 0 threads. But they totally exist though, you're just too lazy too find them.


Holy fuck I give up. First you compare us to the KKK, a group that has killed thousands and at one point made most of the country totally inhospitable for blacks and Jews, and now you're calling us psychotic? Do you realize a lot of the people on this sub are legitimately mentally ill, so what you're saying amounts to a slur against them? You inceltears fuckers are the least self-aware people on this planet. You literally didn't even know what the purpose of your own sub was, even though it's right there in the sidebar. You've ignored every bit of criticism I've given yet you have no problem criticizing us. I'm done explaining this shit to you. You don't get it and you probably never will.

Using the link you provided, teardown number 1: "slick attempt to get pms from sluts visiting the sub using pic of some random fag"

Number 2: "wtf

get out chaddam"

Number 3: "Get rid of that heat miser hair, get a close crop block cut, lower your head to make you look more masculine"

But I can find you a worse one, hold up, I think I can actually search this one because it was linked on IT.

Ah ok, I found one, though it's not a link, it's a screenshot:

The other example i'm thinking of is a former incel self-reporting, he didn't provide a link to that original post, so I can't independently confirm it.

Numbers 1 and 2 are literally what I said it would be, angrily complimenting the picture. If number 3 was left by an IT member in one of your advice threads, you would have praised him for being supportive and giving constructive advice. And that Bruce Wayne shit - that's what qualifies as a teardown to you? That reads like a My Chemical Romance song, yet everyone in that thread is acting like he just wished OP's mother would die or something. You guys have no understanding of nuance or sarcasm.

Let me put this in words you can understand: I can't even with you people

Wtf is this bullshit, actual pieces of scum.

Regardless though, just because these 2 women are pieces of shit that doesn't mean all women are.

I'm really glad this guy is trying to get healthy.
