I wish they'd prove us wrong.
121 2018-05-07 by hugeostrichegg
How liberating would it be if the IT fags were right? That women really do value personality to a similar degree that they value looks. They think we enjoy being victimized by factors outside of our control, as it would absolve us of any responsibility for our plight. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that I would gladly admit that I was wrong. My journey of self improvement and bettering my personality/social skills would begin immediately.
For guys like us, the blackpill is entirely devoid of all hope. No one WANTS to live without hope for better days, it's nothing but a reaction to one's experiences. How can we buy into their bluepill bullshit when we see real life examples of blackpill theory with our own eyes every day? The only arguments that they use against the blackpill are ad hominem attacks against incels in general. They ignore stastics and anecdotes alike in order to pretend like we deserve our fate.
The blackpill isn't some kind of dumbass religion. It's common sense, backed by experience, observation, and actual science. Incels would love nothing more than to learn that blackpill theory is bullshit. Despite our wishes, no one's been able to prove that it is thus far.
1 Salvador66 2018-05-07
It's pretty much over for STEMcels. Anyways, the black pill is indeed the truth. When will IT learn?
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
Too real. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's proof out there somewhere, but IT was just too dumb to find it.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-07
Real life experiences are all the proof I need.
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
That's not enough imo. If you just look at real life experience, it comes down to "Jeremy Meeks" vs. "balding 5'2" indian janitor" he-said-she-said. Scientific studies, like /r/blackpillscience, are what really seal the deal.
1 Purple_Politics 2018-05-07
That's literally like getting robbed by a black person and then thinking all black people are criminals...
1 Moist___ 2018-05-07
Well when it happens time and time again hundreds of times it's not really irrational to think that huh?
1 Uggocel 2018-05-07
I mean yeah, if you're irrational.
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-07
And then looking at the statistics and realising that they are criminals in every country on the planet and questioning if maybe the observations could be correct
1 Whyuthinkthis 2018-05-07
I don't disagree that the stats say that, they do say that quite clearly. But you have to take them in context, if you do that and it's still making sense to you, then OK. Too many people seem not to do that.
1 thatzombieoverthere 2018-05-07
>implying they're not
1 A1C_SubZero 2018-05-07
Yeah just went over there to see what the fuss was about. It's fucking cancer over there.
Full of fags, trannies, fat bitches, and little cuckboys.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
Am a complete insider to all this but heres the problem i have with this line of thinking
1) People are autonomous individuals. Whilst what you're saying might be true for many, maybe even most individuals, but there are plenty who hold factors other than looks in higher regard when looking for a partner.
2) You've got shit luck if you're born unattractive. People value looks. Complaining about it achieves absolutely nothing though. When you get a shit hand in poker you dont flip the table over and direct your rage at those with the good hands - you develop your hand and run with it for as long and far as you can go.
3) People, in general, are very good at manipulating reality to fit whatever they want and avoid addressing their real problems. If you post and read negative shit about women all over these forums all the time, you're going to develop a deep subconcious hatred for them that they will pick up on in your interactions. You will get rejected more, continue the cycle, become worse, and fail more.
Im not saying women dont value looks, im saying forums like these only serve to fuck you up and make you toxic for everyone else in the process.
1 FinalFantasycel 2018-05-07
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
So I'm supposed to suffer through worse chances at getting a job and people avoiding me and negatively judging me in hopes that someone someday might throw me a bone and go out with me despite how I look? Yeah fuck that.
Would you tell that to literally any other disenfranchised group?
Just no to all of that. The "subconscious hatred" bullshit only applies if you're under 18, the rest of us are smart enough to keep this sub from influencing us like that. And you can have actual outwards hatred of women and still get dates if you're attractive.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
1) Plenty of unattractive people have great jobs and/or friends. I dont know anything about you, but another cause of that could be a lack of confidence or pessimistic personality. Not saying it is, as again i dont know you but that it could be. No matter what you look like having some good energy will impact that more than being an attractive guy with bad energy. I know a fair bit about how to change that sort of thing so if you want more info let me know, if not thats cool.
2) Not that i can think of. I've not really seen other disenfranchised groups discussing people not wanting to date them as an issue though, so this is fairly unique in that regard.
3.1) Then we disagree on that. 3.2) Being more attractive does mean you will be more likely to get dates, some women may date someone who is hateful but attractive if they value looks over personality, i dont understand what your point is with this one though
1 ButeoNordicus 2018-05-07
You haven't looked very hard. For example, one of the complaints that transwomen have is that cis lesbians don't want to have sex with them because of their dicks. They call it the "cotton ceiling". http://sjwiki.org/wiki/Cotton_ceiling
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
I'm talking about general trends, not things that specifically happen to me. Don't say you're an "insider" if you need this shit explained to you.
That's not all we care about (see above link). We suffer many of the same issues as women and racial minorities, yet if you tell them to "just deal with it" rather than change the system, you would be correctly labeled a sexist/racist. But for the record it's pretty common for groups such as black women and asian men to discuss people not wanting to date them due to negative media stereotypes and western beauty standards.
My point is twofold. First, the whole "this sub will influence you" argument is bullshit unless we're talking about a literal child. Second, claiming misogyny makes you unattractive to women is wrong. Being physically ugly makes you unattractive to women.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
1) I realise that. I meant to say outsider. As in i had just stumbled across this sub. From what i have seen here the people are generally pessimistic and severely depressed.
2) How do you propose to change that system, or get any backing when so many CEO's, those in high paid jobs etc could easily be considered incels based on their appearance
3.1) Again, we disagree. If you're posting about - for example - you are angry that women reject you in a place where other people will agree with you and confirm those views they will only get stronger. If you dont think thats the case there isnt really anything i can say to change your mind, unless i found some decent peer reviewed psych articles on the topic. Spending time on internet forums, especially ones like this is only going to increase depression and feelings of hopelessness because so much of what ive seen on this sub is suggesting things are completely hopeless.
3.2) It completely depends on the person, and what type of misogyny you are talking about specifically, but in my experience most western women do not. Obviously you have had very different experiences, so i wont try to contest that.
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
Okay well now that you realize there are general trends that hinder unattractive people from succeeding in life, do you see why "one day someone will love you for who you are" is not good consolation?
Wow you really haven't done any reading, have you? Among the U.S. population, 14.5% of men are six feet or over. Among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, that number is 58%. This is because taller people are seen as better leaders - textbook lookism. Getting people to take this seriously is the first step in changing the system. What's stopping us from getting support the same way other facets of social justice have isn't the facts, because anyone who does even the slightest bit of research will see that lookism is incredibly prevalent. What's stopping people from taking us seriously is a general disdain and lack of sympathy, exemplified by your comment that we need to just "play the hand we were dealt."
3.1. All I'm going to say is that it's possible for a mature individual to hide feelings/thoughts and keep them from influencing your words and actions.
3.2. I suppose so.
1 everythingshewants7 2018-05-07
1 gufestus2 2018-05-07
When you get a shit hand at poker you fold. But normies consider suicide wrong so we can't even have that.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-07
you cant play poker with uno cards.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
Bad analogy, you're right.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-07
Nah, with the uno cards, it's the perfect analogy, and describes accurately the types of hands we've been dealt while playing "life poker." Somehow, I wound up with a pokemon card in my hand.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
I meant my analogy was bad.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-07
Fair enough.
1 WhyNotLayDownAndRot 2018-05-07
1 blackwingsreef 2018-05-07
If the outcome of the game was your mental health, I wouldn't blame you for flipping the table. The poker analogy also doesn't work, if you have a shit hand, you should just fold.
I personally don't get why so many incels blame women, because there's nothing deliberate about female behavior, they are just acting according to their nature. That said, self-hatred and depression are reasonable responses to being ignored by women because men fundamentally desire romantic relationships.
I almost laughed out loud at this rubbish. While incels may harbor resentment and self-hatred this isn't necessarily apparent in their social conduct. This is a common theme amongst people who suffer from depression. Deep-down, they feel worthless, but project a self image that contradicts their internal reality. Some incels may operate in the same way. Consider theredpill as another counterexample to your point, they constantly get ass but many also harbor disdain for women.
Women can't sense misogynistic views, incels don't walk around with a sign on their forehead saying "Incel! Do not approach!" No, many incels are just normal human beings who lost the genetic lottery. Many continue to try to approach women in non-creepy ways, but get shutdown all the same.
Forums like these are where people who're already fucked up beyond words come to vent.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
You don't think that women can pick up when a guy has deep negative attitudes about women. You really think that guys don't broadcast their feelings?
1 blackwingsreef 2018-05-07
No not really. Many deeply mysogynistic men are in relationships including users of theredpill. People's opinions don't leak, I doubt that it's difficult to behave normally around women despite biases against them. People often hate their boss and coworkers but don't act out in order to stay employed. Similarly if you want to fuck a woman the last thing you want to do is project misogyny.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
Think that women are that stupid at your own peril.
Just don't be shocked when they want nothing to do with you. Bu sure blame yooooour looks.
1 blackwingsreef 2018-05-07
I'm not saying women are stupid. I don't think anyone, man or woman, can read minds. The burden on proof is on you to tell me how it's possible for women to know what men's opinions are and vice versa.
I'm personally not an Incel and have been in relationships. The women I dated didn't really find out much about my opinions on women or anything for that matter.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
Do you really think that an incel can hide how insecure they feel around women. That's where the hate comes from. Fear and insecurity.
If you spend most of your time bashing women on the internet, you can't turn that off like it is a switch. It will bleed through. Remember that a lot of their ideas are based on gross generalizations of things they feel all women do.
1 blackwingsreef 2018-05-07
Misogyny and being insecure around women are different. We're talking about the former. Hating women doesn't necessarily lead to insecurity in men.
You can. As I've repeatedly pointed out, theredpill users get ass all the time. Lots of misogynists have girlfriends, they're just good looking and charismatic. You're conflating having biases against women with social incompetence.
How? Why do you think it's so difficult for people two hide their true opinions? We do it all the time. People aren't open books.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-07
"Just go for one of the seventeen females in the world whose sexual drive is completely warped for some reason bro"
You know what else achieves nothing? Everything else, because nothing can be done about it.
1 not_good_looking 2018-05-07
No. Humans, especially women, are painfully simplistic. Thinking that they are not, deluding ourselves into thinking they are mysterious and “complex”, is what led to so many guys being incel in the first place.
I agree
Not really
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-07
I wish it was all true... Then I wouldn't have an issue with scoring above my league. Why is it these certain girls just absolutely love my personality, but if they get a bit prettier then I have no chance? Because looks are the most important factor. Just admit it, cucks. Leagues are a thing, too. Just fucking admit it lol.
1 ManGoingtoTOWn 2018-05-07
The only choice for incel, imo, is volcel and MGTOW.
Isaac Newton never got married, and as far as I know he wasn't queer. What does that tell you about the value of pussy? It isn't worth a shit.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-07
what does that tell you about the value of intelligence :2
1 Purple_Politics 2018-05-07
Well...have you had sex? I feel like you're just projecting here.
1 DeutschUberAmerikkka 2018-05-07
THIS. This my fucking dudes. I've been going my own way for about 2 years and I've never been happier.
1 nkaed_snake 2018-05-07
MGTOW is the biggest cope of all.
1 randomaabetaplayer 2018-05-07
Yeah, I feel you, man.
I guess the symptom of this is the possibility of suicide starting to sound like a really good idea. I am probably not really suicidal, doubt I will ever be able to do it, but it does start becoming apparent to me, that it's the only rational choice left. Like, compared to living through the whole life in quiet suffering and loneliness just the thought of ending it quickly and painlessly does have a positive feeling to it.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
Yeah I'd love it if it were true but I know personality and confidence is nothing. They basically want us to shutup,accept being alone,and dissapear and never bring up how bad women are again.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-07
Hey, bengalsturntup5532, just a quick heads-up:
dissapear is actually spelled disappear. You can remember it by one s, two ps.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 ShrewdSilver 2018-05-07
Sticky this tbh. The core of the black pill
1 AntiAbleism 2018-05-07
We see it everyday with the ugly people guilty and terrible and the beautiful people get away with everything.
1 Purple_Politics 2018-05-07
HAHAHAHAHA This sub is amazing, do the guys here who actually think ALL women put looks over personality? You're bat shit crazy, guys. The hypocrisy and low self-esteem here is unreal. If you really can't find a girl who will give you the time of day then there's something the matter with you...not with women.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
Nice strawman. You seem to have preconceived notions about the sub, so I assume you were directed here by one of the "anti lonely men" subs. I didn't claim anything was women's fault. After all, it's simple biology for them to want the top few males. No one desputes the idea that we're fucked for being in the bottom tier of attractiveness. Logically, why would a woman want that when she could do better, regardless of her looks? There's plenty of real evidence for the blackpill, if you have the intellectual integrity to look it over without bias.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
That how your sub works. You just can't see it.
I'm 100 percent sure that either my wife lies to me on a daily basis or that she isn't only with me just based on my looks.
So when you claim that all women want someone based on looks that's just you.
So which of us is wrong. My wife or you?
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
Perhaps she isn't. But looks are the single most important factor, by far. So when she says she isn't JUST with you for your looks, she could very well be telling the truth. Here's a fun thought experiment: do you think you'd have ended up together if you were a few inches shorter than her and had more facial flaws?
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
So stop making excuses for your sorry self and quit blaming your looks.
Someone just as ugly as you is fucking someone tonight.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
Nice. I congratulate them on being such outliers.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
Or you're the outlier. There is always that option as well.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
You also didn't answer my question. That's because the answer goes without saying, isn't it?
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
She's 5'2. I don't it would be physically possible to be shorter than her.
Does it really scare you that much that there are women out there whose main want isn't just looks? Does it scare you that much that it probably isn't your looks that are turning off girls.
Fugly people get into relationships all the time. They have sex all the time.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
Guys shorter than 5'2 don't exist? 'Ight then.
It makes me happy that there are women who aren't focused on looks. However, they're a vast minority. I don't expect to be one of the lucky ones. I'd be ecstatic to learn that my looks aren't turning off girls.
Women with no options sometimes settle for fugly men. Others just get lucky. Some have immense status to compensate. Either way, this is three minority of cases.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
After seeing your comments here, I realized that you're definitely just here to talk shit and act like you're superior. I didn't even check your post history. I looked at other posts and saw you spraying your brand of fuckery across the sub. There's nothing to gain here if you aren't willing to debate in earnest. You're obviously looking for someone lower than yourself on the totem pole to shit on.
1 everythingshewants7 2018-05-07
Exactly. Spot on.
1 LinksLight 2018-05-07
I don't think it's fair how they say forever-alone men are lazy considering how many of them have a history of gruelling gym workouts, emotionally exhausting PUA courses where they humiliated themselves creeping on loads of strangers, etc
1 Bumbling-failure 2018-05-07
Every single fucking time I bring up my best friend and her boyfriend you fuckers somehow still say that no woman ever would pay attention to you because of your looks, much less an attractive one.
She's hot, he's ugly and they love eachother.
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-07
Of course exceptions exist. I'm not denying that your friend is happy in her relationship. However, there IS a general trend.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
If you were correct then exceptions shouldn't exist.
All of my ugly friends should be single. Instead they are seeing people, married or with kids. Ugly people. Fat. People Short people. Short and bald people.
All those people, per your idea, should be excluded from love, sex and relationships. But they aren't.
Do looks matter? Certainly. Are they the only thing that matters? Nope.
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-07
No, outliers for a general trend can exist. It is much more difficult for ugly people to enter into a loving relationship. All of your friends don't exclude the evidence of this supposedly uncontroversial idea, as well as the mountains of anecdotes and stories here.
You're right insofar that looks aren't the only thing that matters. However, if you're ugly, a lot of doors are going to be closed before your personality comes into play. Think of a job application. If you hand a recruiter a shitty resume, your chances of getting an interview are unlikely. Is it possible? Sure. Are there people with shitty resumes that have gotten jobs? Yeah. However, it is much more difficult for the guy with the shitty resume to get an interview in the first place. Now imagine having a permanent shitty resume that, while you can change the formatting slightly here and there, it's still a shitty resume at the end of the day.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
Then all of my ugly, short or balding friends should be incels as well.
That's your conclusion. My reality says that either my friend group is the luckiest, ever. Or that your conclusion is flawed.
If you want to claim that looks are the only thing that matters, you have to address my situation. You can't just reject it because it harms your position.
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-07
Again, it is much more difficult for ugly people to enter a loving relationship. Not impossible. It's not impossible for anyone here, just not as easy. I can't speak about all your ugly friends without having seen them lol, but I can talk about my experiences as an ugly male. I've also talked with and read other people's experiences here.
My conclusion is that there are a number of inhibiting factors that affect one's likelihood of getting into a relationship. Some of these factors include looks, ethnicity, and height. Like I said before, it's not impossible. But it's not as easy. Especially for those of us that check all 3 boxes.
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
Sure it is more difficult. Which means that some guys have to work different angles. And those guys happen to be successful all the time. It just takes a little work.
And this sub seems to have a hard time with that idea.
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-07
Oftentimes, the likelihood isn't contingent on internal stuff though. It's more contingent on external factors, such as being lucky enough to find someone that loves you for who you are.
Saying, "you just need to work harder" diminishes the plight of a lot of people here because many of us (myself included) are looksmaxxed or in the late stages of looksmaxxing. I've put a decent amount of work into looksmaxxing and have jack shit to show for it lmao. It's not OVER in a literal sense, but the likelihood is low. That's why people come here and vent lol, because they put in the work, but they haven't received a paycheck yet.
1 favorthebold 2018-05-07
That liberation is literally at your fingertips, man! It may require more than just saying you believe you can get what you want through personality, because most of us don't have the kind of willpower that can force our brains to think that way - but that's where therapy comes in. Therapy can get you a long way on that road, it can change your life, IT CAN LIBERATE YOU FROM THIS HELL. I agree that you all are living a hellish existence! But I promise you that the most hellish aspects of what you are experiencing really are, genuinely, all in your head. That doesn't mean there aren't evil women out there (just as there are evil men), but that's not ALL that the female population is, I would argue it's not even most of the female population.
The key to living a happy life is, when someone is shitty to you, you remind yourself: That was one shitty person, that was not a representative of an entire tribe. I'll hate that person instead of everyone who vaguely resembles them, thus I can connect with other people who AREN'T assholes."
An even better way to live is if someone dumps or rejects you, that you remind yourself that they're doing you a favor. Being with someone who doesn't actually like or want you sucks ass. Being with someone who is afraid to tell you that they aren't attracted to you anymore, for example, is shitty as fuck. When someone breaks up with you, they're giving you the freedom to find someone who will actually treasure you the way you deserve to be treasured!
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-07
If you wanted to live a life without depression and hopelessness why did you lock yourself up with a bunch of depressed and hopeless people.
And if you really want to think that your ideas are bullshit why do all filter out anyone who tell you a different story.
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-07
I want to be genuinely happy with my reality. That doesn't mean that I should bury my head in the sand. I'm not going to listen to bullshit platitudes from people that don't understand what I've been through nor what the hell they're talking about.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-05-07
I've always wanted to believe the blue pilled worldview, and had tried very hard to for so much of my life. It was reality that eventually tore me away from the blue pill and all the hope it gave, not any desire on my part to wallow in misery. I gave it my best, and in the end, my best just wasn't good enough.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-07
Prove? Shit it's like they can't even provide a working thought experiment, much less actually prove their retarded worldview.
1 Idk12344482305 2018-05-07
Strictly speaking, the blackpill is not an ultimate truth. Some ugly guys have girlfriends. It’s just a lot less likely than what normies think.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-07
Incels resist the blackpill, the red pill and all the other pills. They fight reality and pretend it is not that way.
1 RKnievel 2018-05-07
I'm not sure that I can say that women value personality as much as they value looks. But I guarantee you that you should start your journey of self improvement. Bettering yourself will only help you, it can't hurt you. If you wallow waiting for a reason to improve yourself, your lot in life won't change, I guarantee that
1 phoneticau 2018-05-07
redpills turn into blackpills after a while
1 based_meme 2018-05-07
ITfags being right?
Laughs in incel
1 ButeoNordicus 2018-05-07
You haven't looked very hard. For example, one of the complaints that transwomen have is that cis lesbians don't want to have sex with them because of their dicks. They call it the "cotton ceiling". http://sjwiki.org/wiki/Cotton_ceiling
1 ButtholeEmoji 2018-05-07
I'm talking about general trends, not things that specifically happen to me. Don't say you're an "insider" if you need this shit explained to you.
That's not all we care about (see above link). We suffer many of the same issues as women and racial minorities, yet if you tell them to "just deal with it" rather than change the system, you would be correctly labeled a sexist/racist. But for the record it's pretty common for groups such as black women and asian men to discuss people not wanting to date them due to negative media stereotypes and western beauty standards.
My point is twofold. First, the whole "this sub will influence you" argument is bullshit unless we're talking about a literal child. Second, claiming misogyny makes you unattractive to women is wrong. Being physically ugly makes you unattractive to women.
1 Spaghettijoe211 2018-05-07
Bad analogy, you're right.
1 everythingshewants7 2018-05-07
1 realmonkeycel 2018-05-07
Oftentimes, the likelihood isn't contingent on internal stuff though. It's more contingent on external factors, such as being lucky enough to find someone that loves you for who you are.
Saying, "you just need to work harder" diminishes the plight of a lot of people here because many of us (myself included) are looksmaxxed or in the late stages of looksmaxxing. I've put a decent amount of work into looksmaxxing and have jack shit to show for it lmao. It's not OVER in a literal sense, but the likelihood is low. That's why people come here and vent lol, because they put in the work, but they haven't received a paycheck yet.