"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth" - African Proverb

343  2018-05-07 by Detoxification-


Nope. I think you can stop this now.

you can't stop it, it's already over

Youโ€™re not embracing us

I don't want to embrace you.

Then prepare for the inevitable

You're posting in our sub. Leave


Excuse me what? Are you from another country or something?

Well, you guys don't want me here. I don't think I have to answer your question any more. Good Bye!!

Shit you! I hate you so much


Take that negative karma out the door

Please sir step away from the ledge you don't have to do this

shit you? lol

Shit you!


lmao check this guy's profile. a literal betabuxx

Crazy as shit and tries to call us pathetic. Wew

We'll spit on you and step on you and expect you to shut the fuck up. If you lash out all it means is that you were deserving of the derision.

Tee Hee

  • European Proverb.
  • American proverb



It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

LMAO some instance of school bullying or whatever here and there aside, it's incels that draw first blood before they start receiving such treatment.

If you're uggo / sub-par whatever, there are certain behaviors that you can avoid so that you don't become a target of hostile ridicule - such as being smug and arrogant regarding the league you're in, doing the "I rate 2/10" thing, or complaining/disliking about women or more successful males.

"Knowing your place" but not acting like a submissive serf or something won't earn you contempt, not visibly lusting after high league women won't activate the repulsion instinct in people, and developing other qualities like skills or knowledge or jobs or whatever, is going to earn you extra respect even though probably no sexual desire from women.

Incels get made fun of for being circlejerking assholes.

Shut the fuck up degenerate dipshit.

Truth may hurt, but now you know what to do and what not to do - and that's gotta count for something doesn't it.


Fucking manlets and ugly goblins think they're people. When will they learn?



Well put

I like it.

Incel: Made in America.

Well, it's a new term, but inceldom has always existed and will always be there. Evolutionary genetics is a bitch.

I want to live in Africa.

No one is stopping you

How do you know I'm not in a wheelchair or something?

I'm being mogged by the Atlantic ocean


Maybe a local tribe will take you in. You can provide them with some much needed diversity.

Fuuuuuck...this quote is deep

And a good justification for preemptively dealing with those who're not embraced by the village - probably a reason for it in the first place, and now they're even a ticking time bomb? Things can be done.

And a good justification for preemptively dealing with those who're not embraced by the village

What do you mean by this? What are you suggesting be done?

dunno how much wisdom there is to take from africa

A lot, clearly.

We wuz kangz n shiet

WE wuz kangs.

It's logical. Look at the rat utopia experiment. Eventually the gigaincel rats started killing the Chad alphas and females that caused them to become as such. Will happen with humans 100%. Actually, it already has a few times in history.

Yes, and then the incel rats refused to mate despite there being no chad anymore, and spent their whole time grooming themselves, until the entire colony died out. That experiment is mind blowing.

Seems like they were already so busted by being sexually invalidated for so long that they couldn't even care to mate even though the colony depended on them. They basicaly became looksmaxcels and let the world burn.

One can draw some parallels to human society.

The study was deeply flawed. All the rats became dysfunctional as time went on because the researchers would clean everything in their environment, making it so that no territory or strcture could be formed.

Sounds suspiciously like Leftism to me.

Sounds suspiciously like Leftism to me

That was the point of the study though. If motivation and structure and drive are taken away things go to shit.

Oh I see.

making it so that no territory or strcture could be formed.

sounds like ur talking about any major metro city in Murica or Europe with insanely huge population densities.

There were 2 categories of incel rats, if I understand correctly. 1 group was outcasts who attended to interact with the masses but were rejected and formed violent groups of their own. The other group of incel rats were nonviolent loners who rejected the mass population, avoided violent interaction and kept their bodies well groomed. Seemed more like volcel in the second group though

This was only in phase C. In phase D of the experiment, eventually all males became what Calhoun called "the beautiful ones", essentially volcels who refused to mate and spent all their time grooming themselves.

From the original paper :

At this time, only the 'beautiful one' category of males, and their female counterparts, remained at an age normally compatible with reproduction, but they had long since failed to develop this capacity.

incel rats


Holy fuck that is exactly what is going to happen

Because fuck women at this point. I've logged out; I don't want anything to do with them anymore. It's the ultimate cope, but one I can easily appease with a sex bot.

tfw when ratcels are more based than humancels

tfw when ratcels are more based than humancels

Even rats can organize a beta uprising. Why are humans so cucked?

because we are more complex than rats.

"Betas" are just chads who aren't leaders lol - way too few real incels and way too few of them effective in any significant way; if you start becoming too much of a nuisance, the "bullying" you think you're receiving now is gonna make you nostalgic - and should you become a serious mass threat (on the off-chance LOL) society's gonna turn fascist and cleanse the population.

Not good for most people! But especially bad for you. So keep dreaming lmao

Eventually the gigaincel rats started killing the Chad alphas and females

where did it say this? I thought that the chad alpha rats formed gangs to attack/bully all the beta and lower rats and hog all the female rats.

And the beta rats dropped out...of the rat race so to speak and became the self grooming "beautiful ones"?

I recall something about the rats that could not mate becoming aggressive and violent. Could be wrong and don't care enough to confirm right now.

Don't hold your breath, keep yourself safe.


Skin hunger is not a light problem. Even african tribes are aware of it.

This is the first time I've seen the term "skin hunger", so I've decided to Google it, opened the first link I got, lo and behold, it's an article by a woman, using a lonely woman as an illustration https://broadly-images.vice.com/images/articles/meta/2016/09/27/the-life-of-the-skin-hungry-can-you-really-go-mad-from-a-lack-of-touch-1474996955.jpg

Who would have thought.

Delet this. Or else the normies might realize that we are actually accepting of all races and arent racist like the MSM thinks we are

"we just want to be left alone"

"we don't encourage violence"

"Burning the village down" is to be interpreted metaphorically, not literally.

And I'm not advocating for or against anything, just sharing some timeless African wisdom.

yeah i mean i get you're doing the plausible deniability thing here, but i don't know why

you guys can do your thing, but you shouldn't act surprised when the public uses your thinly-veiled calls to violence (see also: front page picture glorifying two mass shooters) to paint you as dangerous

front page picture glorifying two mass shooters

Those are memes, you idiot. Look all over Reddit and you'll see all sorts of distasteful memes. Hitler memes, Mao memes, Hillary Clinton memes, etc. all of whom are much worse than ER.

"i was totally glorifying those mass murderers as a joke. i don't get why people think we're dangerous!"

Yeah, jokes are jokes. You're allowed to joke about distasteful stuff. Are you triggered?

yeah, i'm not your mom dude--you're "allowed" to joke about whatever you want

the public at large is also "allowed" to judge your community based on the stuff you say and upvote

Go ahead, judge, lmao. This is a struggle; a war. We recofnize that.

Sounded so quotable until you said recofnize


Do you really think that anyone falls for that. You can't say certain ideas and then think that the "its a joke" defense works.

No one on this subreddit unironically calls for violence, and if they did they'd get insta-banned by bbw_gaming. Elliot memes are clearly jokes.

If you can't recognize that, you're more socially inept than any incel here.

Most people don't joke on the side of mass murders.

Most people have a far different level of perspective.

So sure. You are making jokes. About committing acts of violence towards women. So don't just say it is a joke. Explain what the joke is about.

Most people don't joke on the side of mass murders.

Actually, they often do. You see lots of Holocaust memes online, for instance. Just use Google! It's dark, cold but ultimately just humour.

So sure. You are making jokes. About committing acts of violence towards women. So don't just say it is a joke. Explain what the joke is about.

Some people here think violence against women is funny. Just like women are entitled to reject us, we're entitled to laugh at their suffering when Chad beats the shit out of them. Is that so unreasonable?

Most normal people don't make jokes that glorify a mass murder killing innocent people.

Normal people with a dark sense of humour do.

Continue to try to justify it in any you see fit.

Just understand that others are going to see through your bullshit.

You can't really say, "Hey. We are totally non violent. We just make jokes all the time that glorify mass murders." and think that anyone other than people in this bubble are going fall for it.

kek, you seem triggered

So shall I assume that you are reduced to insults you don't have anything else to say. Because that seems like all you have left.

This is why your bullshit doesn't last in the real world.

Enjoy your bubble. I'm going to leave it.

normal people with dark humor make offensive jokes all the time

nuh'uh, they don't!! That's not true! If you find offensive jokes funny you're a bad person! My perception is the only right one

Enjoy your bubble btw!

LMAO you outraged sjw snowflakes are hilarious

Define "normal" for me, you little outraged snowflake.

Are you under the idea that insulting me makes your argument stronger.

Most normal people don't make jokes glorifying the actions of a mass murder. This really isn't a hard idea.

That's why you have a small corner to play in and others have a lot more space.

Have a long life pal.

If you're so easily offended, I suggest you get off Internet altogether.

You still, however, haven't defined normality, so until you do - we can't have even semblance of a proper conversation.

That is, of course, unless you came to be shout over others and be outraged. In this case - you do you.

I'm not offended. I just think you are an asshole.

2 different ideas.

Keep on saying your jokes. You might as well just advertise that you are human slime mold and should be be avoided at all costs.

But keep on blaming your lack of a relationship on your looks. I mean your attitude and belief system has nothing to do with your status. Nothing at all.

Oh, I'm sorry, you're not offended. You're just triggered.

Fair enough, sorry we rattle your sensitivities by making jokes like that. I keep forgetting that thought police is real.

You don't rattle my sensitivities. You do broadcasts who you are. And then you get shocked that women don't want anything to do with you. I mean it can't be your deeply seeded woman hating ideas. It has to be your looks.

Keep being outraged, buddy. ;)

Keep being hopelessly single?

I will do. Cheers.

Go say the same thing about Hitler and Stalin memes on r/dankmemes, r/meirl and such.

You are glorifying a mass murder.

I don't give shit for your bullshit justifications.

Sorry our discussion ends here.

Bite me.

a proverb explaining human nauture

How is this encouraging violence? Are you retarded or something? This place didn't even exist when ER went on a rampage.

Ironic that this is an African proverb.

Do they have a different standard for albino children or are albino children just magic and foodstuff?

I read things fall apart and chinue achebe described how twins were taken to a forest and left there because they were a bad omen

Africa is a huge place with many different types of societies

That's funny. I don't remember turning on Discovery Channel.

genuine question: do you guys think that there are enough incels in the world to cause a shift in social customs?

Try japan

Our numbers will only keep on rising the worse hypergamy gets

In b4 FBI.

AKA 'chimpout'.

(no offense, my dusky brothers)

No offense taken. After all, pale ppl more closely resemble monkeys....

Chimpout indeed.๐Ÿ™ˆ

Not as far as intelligence is concerned, haha ๐Ÿ™ˆ.

Remove voting rights for women and all things will come back to normal.

Quit posting shite like this and people will stop bullying and making fun of you.

first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they get angry at you and then you win.

They wouldn't be "laughing" at you for chauvinistic views if you weren't a lowq incel in the first place - if you're not gonna be humble and keep your head down, you'll get abused more.

And no if it comes to the point where people are "angry" at you, no one's gonna start caving in to you lmao - caving into you more like it.

Hmm. Half the normies on twitter want to kill or imprison incels. Maybe its hatred or maybe its anger. Doesn't really matter since both cause each other.

The first time I've ever heard the word "incels", it was already strongly associated with bitter angry stupid violent misogynistic attitudes - would seem like those attitudes are a direct result of this behavior.

Before "incels" were ever a thing, frustrated males with angry attitudes about women because they couldn't score any, were associated with MRAs and similar groups. Don't remember people ever just bashing on some random dudes who said they couldn't get any and didn't otherwise act like twats.

When ER did his thing, no one ever said "incel" - people said MRA a lot though. Incels are viewed as an outgrowth of those same older circles, except they're seen as the lowest tier and hence "ridiculed" the most.

If incels had just been some online groups of guys group hugging or hanging out because they couldn't score, no one anywhere would give a fuck and throw hostilities their way all the time. It's specifically their belonging to this spectrum that drew the negative attention, the same negative attention that was already drawn to the other groups and labels before that.

Western society will collapse in the next 15-20 years. The number of incels (unaware or otherwise) is constantly rising.

Not that fast but 50-100 years it will be like the fall of roman empire

How do those things have anything in common?

Large amounts of disgruntled and depressed men in any country is certainly a sign of bad things to come. Women will keep dating and sharing a smaller group of men, and it's only going to get smaller. In turn, these women end up wanting to settle even later in life, and the families they make usually end up broken because years of riding Chad dick have absolutely ruined their capacity for family life. Divorces, children growing up in broken families, less and less men wanting to have a family. Children from broken families have worse outcomes in every statistical category, this in turn will end up creating more damaged and mentally ill people (not all children from fucked up families are fucked up, but there is a correlation between mental illness and having a single parental figure). At the very least we will see a big decline in productivity and (I assume) an economical decline as well. A reliance on immigrants to increase the population is more or less a quick fix that will only make things worse in future years, Europe, and namely Sweden & Germany being a prime example of this.

Societies that give women too much freedom cannot sustain themselves and will be replaced by more patriarchal cultures that control their women.

To answer your original question, incels are a symptom of the bad times that are ahead. Mind you, by collapse I don't mean that one day shit will hit the fan and there's going to be a civil war. As society's productivity wanes and it's desire for degeneracy over hard work and achievement rises, what you will see is the quality of life slowly dropping for the average person, your pay will be less, your apartment will be smaller, you will eat less, you will have less free time to make up for the loss of productivity, etc.

I know you're probably thinking "men don't need pussy to push through life", but historically that has never been tried, men have always been motivated by family life, sex, a wife, etc. While the future is uncertain, it's certainly looking bleak.

and the families they make usually end up broken because years of riding Chad dick have absolutely ruined their capacity for family life.

Such a thing doesn't ruin capacity for family life - people are wild and party around, then settle down is the usual pattern.

> To answer your original question, incels are a symptom of the bad times that are ahead.

Incels gathering on online boards and becoming a meme isn't a sign of anything.

So, increasing amounts of depressed lonely males isn't a bad sign? I'm not talking about online incels who cope on here, I mean the large of amount of men remaining virgins involuntarily in their 20s and 30s.

Divorce rates are increasing as a result of slut culture and female empowerment, single motherhood is on the rise. Women who have had more premarital sexual partners are more likely to initiate a divorce.

I mean the large of amount of men remaining virgins involuntarily in their 20s and 30s.

They should go find some hookers who're nice to them, then they'll stop being depressed.

Divorce rates are increasing as a result of slut culture and female empowerment,

Many aspects that are wrong with feminism can and should be dealt with, although women having equal rights isn't one of them - when those problems are resolved, then you can see how much is still going down the drain and make suggestions.

The same with altrighters and similar groups - I'll listen to their grandiose ideas when the really obvious problems they're reacting to and everyone else agrees are problems too, are dealt with. If things still look bad at that point, then we'll see.

Large amounts of men who remain virgins in their 20s and 30s? I can safely assume that percentage is the same as it has always been. Just because more of them come together in forums like this doesn't mean suddenly more men are frustrated virgins.

you can safely assume that because you havent done due deligence in researching prior to stating your opinion.


Ok you're right. More men are single and not having sex. Might as well give up now because the world is doomed. /s

nice /s faggot.

I can safely assume that percentage is the same as it has always been

Ok you're right. More men are single and not having sex. Might as well give up now because the world is doomed. /s

nice /s faggot.

how about you actually respond to the data.

I gave that answer because correlation is not causation. Just because more men are single and not having sex does not mean it is a cause of our societies troubles.

Don't let your own personal feelings affect your conclusions of the world around you. Depression in the west isn't caused by women excluding men.
Divorce rates have skyrocketed after the sexual revolution for a few reasons, most of them come down to the fact that women, for the first time in history, have the choice to divorce men. Men aren't in charge anymore, which is fine.
Just because the people in this sub are heavily sexually frustrated, doesn't mean suddenly all the worlds problems are caused by the same thing that caused yours.
The future looks bleak with so many things go blame, but sexual frustration by rejected men is just an outlandishly ridiculous point.

Seems this wisdom is lost on Norman scum.

stop appropriating superior African mythology to your bullshit movement

Shit you! I hate you so much

No one is stopping you

Maybe a local tribe will take you in. You can provide them with some much needed diversity.

Keep being outraged, buddy. ;)

Ok you're right. More men are single and not having sex. Might as well give up now because the world is doomed. /s