NEETcel, ricecel, mentalcel, my brain and environment is no good in forming stable relationships. Hell making a friend to hang out with is out of the question at this stage in my life.
true and also all women will lie about their preferences when it is actually just chad which is a very definable type of face and yes chads include black men
Black men-or any other race men cant give me any tingles. I am from Romania and there were only white people there and the brown people were the dirty gipsies so I can never be attracted to someone outside my race--white
If you are legitimately mentally ill than sure you can be Incel. But if you're just a social failure or have anxiety then you're a fakecel. You have to NTmax.
He just looks so fucking sad, like brighten his outlook a little bit more, be happy, get off porn for a few days, hit the gym and be confident, he'll be sleeping with someone in a week, no joke.
Being happy makes you look ten times as attractive, like I don’t know how you can even argue that. It shows women that you’re at least confident in yourself
Honestly, he's on the handsomer side even - great hair, nice face, decent clothes. Slap on a face mask, bulk up a little bit, stop bitching about women on Reddit and get a hobby, and get those eyebrows done and I'd even consider him hot but whatever
Go gymcel
Skincare routine
Grow out your hair ont the top longer and the sides slightly longer, look up bollywood haircuts for some hair inspo to take to the barber
get nicer clothes, H&M, UNiqlo has some good clothes for cheap, fashion inspiration from instagram
you can easily ascent to upper normie, actually not even upper tier normie maybe bottom chadlite for an indian.
Easily? That's building discipline all the way and really working towards it.
Go gymcel to get muscle and loer bodyfat, your jaw will show
That'll take a long time and hard work.
Skincare routine
Takes discipline and money
get nicer clothes, H&M, UNiqlo has some good clothes for cheap, fashion inspiration from instagram
Are you a f*king tool? chic n stu.
It's not 'easily'. But some people have recessed chins here with really bad face structures and even bad genetics for muscle building. They should do their best otherwise they will be even more miserable.
I look pretty good and have decent muscle-building genetics but saying "Easily" just gives false hope
Haha I started coming here for the lols initially but started resonating. At least this got me off my lazy ass and I started working out. Ah tea tree oil, I've heard about it. Thanks :)
4.5, your eyes and eyebrows aren't lined up fully with eachother. That said, you're close enough to average that you could benefit from: redpill, looksmax, careermax, etc.
Bottom far right, are guys like this exist? Fuck I can't even imagine what their life experiences look like. How on earth are we same species? we are not
NEETcel, ricecel, mentalcel, my brain and environment is no good in forming stable relationships. Hell making a friend to hang out with is out of the question at this stage in my life.
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-07
I’m NEETcel so I can stay
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
NEET alone tself is not a reason to be an incel.
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-07
NEETcel, ricecel, mentalcel, my brain and environment is no good in forming stable relationships. Hell making a friend to hang out with is out of the question at this stage in my life.
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
You're a mentalcel only if you have a diagnosable mental condition that cannot be effectively treated. Autism is a good example.
1 trevmon 2018-05-07
you're showing some guys here with great faces but they may have genetic abnormalities in their brains that you can't see
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
Im mentalcel trough ragecel and angercel
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
Nice try, but rage and anger aren't preventing people from fucking.
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
True but if u cant go to social events ur still fucked
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
Whatever you say, but people don't walk around angry 24/7. Such mental disorder does not exist. Fakecel confirmed. GET OUT.
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
Eat shit homo
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
Also fuck u lol homo dont reply
1 Scrub_TLC 2018-05-07
ASD, here I get plenty of ass... Get over your shortcomings or get crushed under them...
1 DeutschUberAmerikkka 2018-05-07
Autistcel here
End my suffering
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
Middle bottom guy has a legit reason to be incel though.
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
No, he does not.
1 PuleaSpataru69 2018-05-07
I;m a girl and he does. Black men are never attractive.
1 VartanX 2018-05-07
That's just your preference, I mean entitlement. Go ahead, make a dating profile with his mug. White stacies are gonna be drooling over him.
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
There is no such thing is female preference, all females are attracted to the same men.
1 trevmon 2018-05-07
true and also all women will lie about their preferences when it is actually just chad which is a very definable type of face and yes chads include black men
1 trevmon 2018-05-07
your brain thinks that but your tingles says otherwise
1 PuleaSpataru69 2018-05-07
Black men-or any other race men cant give me any tingles. I am from Romania and there were only white people there and the brown people were the dirty gipsies so I can never be attracted to someone outside my race--white
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
You're a damn liar you ain't no femoid
1 IllAudience 2018-05-07
I think they're incredibly ugly too but lots of women disagree
1 minoxidilcel 2018-05-07
yeah jeremy meeks is a notorious virgin its over for him because he is ethnic
1 IRL_Melb_Dating 2018-05-07
Middle bottom guy has the wrong photo. Needs to be ricecel or gtfo
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
All ethnics are inferior to whites.
1 IRL_Melb_Dating 2018-05-07
Yeah but there's a hierarchy to ethnicels
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
Yea, It's
White >>>>>>>>>> Latino > Black > Asian > Indian > Arab
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-07
Arabs are above Indian in SMV.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-07
There are also Chaddams who can be white passing, which puts them at the top.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-07
Yup. Us Indians are God's worst creation. I don't understand why he made us this fucking ugly.
1 xxxrivenmainxxx 2018-05-07
low iq comment. race doesnt matter
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
Females are racist, you've got to be blind to deny this.
1 xxxrivenmainxxx 2018-05-07
the only races femaloids know are sub8 and above 8. race is cope.
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-07
then why do females prefer chad over tyrone?
1 xxxrivenmainxxx 2018-05-07
they dont? its 50/50 depending on the femoid
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
Mine goes black> white>latino>Arab >indian
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
And yes black are taking over all the white girls
1 scurvyneville 2018-05-07
Lol at incels talking about genetic superiority
1 DumbledoresFerrari 2018-05-07
That's trey songz ffs he's considered very attractive
1 SucculentMedjool 2018-05-07
lol @tehgymcel420
Putting ethniks down everywhere you go.
1 tehgymcel420 2018-05-07
I'm ethnic.
1 DankIncel 2018-05-07
You forgot the so called mentalcels and social failures. As well as the non-NTcels. Fakecels out.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-07
If ur sub7 and mentally ill u are mentalcel ---> trucel
1 DankIncel 2018-05-07
If you are legitimately mentally ill than sure you can be Incel. But if you're just a social failure or have anxiety then you're a fakecel. You have to NTmax.
1 DankIncel 2018-05-07
Truecels upvote this to the top. Fucking god damn fakecels.
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
Turbomanlets BTFO l0000000l
1 PuleaSpataru69 2018-05-07
They are all attractive except the black guy and the asian guy
1 CommunityCollegeHogg 2018-05-07
The balding one is a legitimate complaint.
1 trevmon 2018-05-07
true I think his point is the guy in the pic is not really balding, he is slightly receding but it is not over yet for him
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-07
Just keep it short and grow a beard, bro
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07 how over is it for me?
1 Snoepdoos 2018-05-07
Mogs me
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Currycels can never mog anyone.
1 Plagerising 2018-05-07
Racist twat
1 scurvyneville 2018-05-07
What does mpg mean
1 Snoepdoos 2018-05-07
Miles per gallon
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
You mog someone when you look better than them.
1 scurvyneville 2018-05-07
Does it stand for something though?
1 mental_cel 2018-05-07
Pretty sure it comes from the old PUA term "AMOG" or "alpha male of the group". To AMOG is to be more alpha/attractive/masculine than someone else
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
Sorry boyo , betabux is your future with me
1 UnyieldingBR 2018-05-07
Very average, not objectively ugly in any way in my opinion
1 Cobyp999 2018-05-07
He just looks so fucking sad, like brighten his outlook a little bit more, be happy, get off porn for a few days, hit the gym and be confident, he'll be sleeping with someone in a week, no joke.
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Lmao that's the insomnia on my face.
1 deadmedium 2018-05-07
he looks sad because he's ugly, you retard.
your advice literally amounts to "become more attractive and he'll be sleeping with someone in a week" -_-
1 Cobyp999 2018-05-07
Being happy makes you look ten times as attractive, like I don’t know how you can even argue that. It shows women that you’re at least confident in yourself
1 deadmedium 2018-05-07
attractive people are merely happier :2
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-07
Sharia LaBeouf?
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Nice job figuring out what curry type I am lmao.
1 SmokeyMcBlunt 2018-05-07
be a janitor
1 Vrishkin 2018-05-07
Lift and chew gum. And don’t be a nice guy or you’ll get stepped on
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Chewing gum, never thought about it as a jaw exercise. Thanks!
1 Cirquey_ 2018-05-07
..... is he joking?
Honestly, he's on the handsomer side even - great hair, nice face, decent clothes. Slap on a face mask, bulk up a little bit, stop bitching about women on Reddit and get a hobby, and get those eyebrows done and I'd even consider him hot but whatever
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
OGRE unless you get a fresh skin fade on the sides and start mean mogging whilst running mexican prisontattoo game and vatoMAXXING
1 harambeazn 2018-05-07
I have a few tips
Go gymcel Skincare routine Grow out your hair ont the top longer and the sides slightly longer, look up bollywood haircuts for some hair inspo to take to the barber get nicer clothes, H&M, UNiqlo has some good clothes for cheap, fashion inspiration from instagram
1 kurdishpower01 2018-05-07
Easily? That's building discipline all the way and really working towards it.
That'll take a long time and hard work.
Takes discipline and money
Are you a f*king tool? chic n stu.
It's not 'easily'. But some people have recessed chins here with really bad face structures and even bad genetics for muscle building. They should do their best otherwise they will be even more miserable.
I look pretty good and have decent muscle-building genetics but saying "Easily" just gives false hope
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Thanks, I've started working out. Gonna do more cardio now. And yes acne is something I've always struggled with. Appreciate the advice
1 dekentfinker 2018-05-07
i had acne till 21 for a lot of people it stops a bit later.
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
I turned 22 last week :p. Still Going strong for me. Let's see how much longer.
1 dekentfinker 2018-05-07
Leave this place,and never look back. Your 100% normal, and could easily up your social value bettering yourself. This place will kill you.
Buy tea tree oil facial wash if you can. That as well as not eating junk made a big difference for me.
1 Moiz1253 2018-05-07
Haha I started coming here for the lols initially but started resonating. At least this got me off my lazy ass and I started working out. Ah tea tree oil, I've heard about it. Thanks :)
1 Life_is_sad 2018-05-07
not chad = wymen wont settle
1 RandomDudeOnReddit 2018-05-07
You're not ugly
1 Incel9876 2018-05-07
4.5, your eyes and eyebrows aren't lined up fully with eachother. That said, you're close enough to average that you could benefit from: redpill, looksmax, careermax, etc.
1 IckeSvensk 2018-05-07
You are pretty average. You have the potential to be 6/10 if you looksmax
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-07
1 changeIsTheWay 2018-05-07
1 Mpandingare 2018-05-07
Where’s u/dontcomplain and his virginity that resets every full moon or some retarded shit
1 Plagerising 2018-05-07
This sub hates fakecel, but at the same time encourages catfishing tinder lol.
1 escapetheinceldom 2018-05-07
Tf is this supposed to mean?
1 TheMubarak1 2018-05-07
Bottom far right, are guys like this exist? Fuck I can't even imagine what their life experiences look like. How on earth are we same species? we are not
1 Parkinmyyard 2018-05-07
We need a verification system. Only truecels should be allowed to post.
1 DeutschUberAmerikkka 2018-05-07
Fuck these fake pieces of shit
1 Ms_Berlin_White 2018-05-07
Almost like a shit ton of people are insecure and people suck at telling how attractive they are or aren't.
1 fishjob 2018-05-07
ITT: OP googles men he finds attractive
1 GREYnRED 2018-05-07
1 SucculentMedjool 2018-05-07
You really think guys who look like that browse this place?
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-07
1 SucculentMedjool 2018-05-07
People here resemble hamlossus and onecooldude, not chads/chadlites
1 Triyntoloseit 2018-05-07
I’m pretty sure a lot of us have BDD.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-07
They mogg me by far, so i'm confirmed truecel?
1 someblokexd 2018-05-07
2nd dude is a legit incel though. its over for asians who arent at least a 9.23743/10
1 acoverover1 2018-05-07
i'm sick of western blackcels pretending like they can't mog most whites, evif they are ugly.
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-07
NEETcel, ricecel, mentalcel, my brain and environment is no good in forming stable relationships. Hell making a friend to hang out with is out of the question at this stage in my life.
1 Chadbutblackpilled 2018-05-07
Eat shit homo
1 dekentfinker 2018-05-07
i had acne till 21 for a lot of people it stops a bit later.