The incel lifecycle: hope, cope, rope.

129  2018-05-07 by human-cannibal


When do we start getting girls

in hell

That's why I say the quicker we get there the better. Time to jam my head in the oven and crank the heat. It's over for livingcels.

Save up some water for me when u get there boyo

Theres no hell if you die you die .lmao

In hell we will get cocks shoved up in our buttholes instead. Kek

You aren’t entitled buddy boy. Only for Chad, there is plenty of rope to go around though, I want state sponsored euthanasia.

Cope. There's plenty of DYI options for the resourceful subhuman.

I thought you were going to rope an hour ago?

When you remove yourself from this echo chamber and commit to self-work on everything from your self image to how you present yourself to the world. When you finally understand that taking personal responsibility empowers you to grow.

Or you can keep bitching to the wind....see where that gets you.

we can only delay the rope but never avoid it.

Why delay? Nothing is more pathetic than existing as an incel. I’m going to see how far I can get through a bottle of bleach.

Because while femoids deserve only Cyclon-B and certainly not our own existence, there are still things in this world that I'd like to help - like animals or male children. The world isn't disgusting because it's invented by men, only females are. When I know I've achieved enough: rope.

Zyklon B


Don’t hurt yourself just because you’re an incel.

Again with the platitudes. Mods please ban these virtue signaling liars.

It’s not virtue signaling. It’s not a platitude.

Stop giving false hope, it's not healthy for us.

Don’t talk to her like that dude she’s just trying to help

Why do you care about how I talk to these hypocrites? Whiteknighting cuck.

She’s trying to help and you repay her by calling her names wtf

Out, normfag.

She's just spouting bullshit platitudes. She doesn't know we can't be helped

Yay! You just saved many, many incel lives today! Thank you soooooo much

You're such a good person. Clearly special and different. Everyone should see your comment!

Look I get you think you're helping. But believe me you're not. This is the lowest effort you could have put in helping. You genuinely didn't want to help beyond copy pasting a suicide prevention site. It just comes off as patronising and virtue signalling.

Oh yes, the HCR cycle.

I wish they would get to the rope point earlier ;)

What would be enough then? Does she have to come over and watch you blow your load before you can get your pants down?

You guys ever considered fucking ugly or fat chicks. Or both. 🤷🏻‍♂️ not understanding your inability to get laid.

Who wants to fuck ugly landwhales? Ewww

thanks bro never thought of that before

Incel logic

  • Incels: Femoids are so gross and shallow..... they only want tall, rich, buff guys with hunter eyes.... I, an intellectual, don't care about looks and just want some genuine love affection and sex from a nice girl. Also, all wymen are subhumans and, by being female, literally owe us sex. We should make rape legal because that's the way it works in literally all of nature (citation needed) and femoids are only good for child rearing and sex because that's just the way it's supposed to be. I like slutty girls who would sleep with me, but I also think that girls should cover up and wait for marriage. Islam was right. I'd literally sleep with any girl though. Just not any of those freaking liberal land whales. Or liberals. Or any girls over 5'6. Or any girls who weight more than 130 lbs.
  • Women: I think tall, buff guys with nice cheekbones and handsome eyes are hot, but I'm really just looking for a nice, loyal guy with a good job. I'd prefer taller guys, but it's fine as long as they're not too much shorter than me. I guess I really only like to hook up with handsome guys, but I don't really care what my husband looks like as long as he's a good guy who I love.
  • Incels: The high standards of women are why we are "oppressed"! I'm a nice guy with a great personality! I just also hate everyone who's more privileged than me.... and women.... and people who are less privileged than me... and I don't have any real hobbies.... and I work at a Seven Eleven... and I believe in institutionalized rape. But none of these things are my fault - it's just because of the roles society puts on me because of my recessed jawline and the fact that I'm 5'7. How dare they!
  • Women:🤦

I'm not saying all incels are like this. I'm just saying that it's kind of confusing the hypocrisy that y'all display.

Just saying don’t give up. Just lower your standards till you build confidence

Life without sex isn't worth living. Every living being has sex, except Incels

I'm at the cope stage. Can't wait to hit the rope stage.

Don't forget the fires of the afterlife

I thought you were going to rope an hour ago?