Cambridge University confirms roast beef theory - Roasties BTFO

147  2018-05-07 by CANNOT__BE__STOPPED


No roasties here lmao. They will fight against this MEME to the death.

Roastoids BTFO

LMAO brutal

Nuclear roast beef pill. Wow.

Nulclear stupidity. Wow.

pls be my gf

Shes taken

There are no single women in current year

There were a few female single sightings this year but unfortunately the witnesses belong to the tinfoil hat group (aka beta orbiters).

Holy shit, litterally EVERY incel theory has been proven by facts. This is an atomic blackpill.

Not necessarily. What if OP has it from a PDF document?

I haven't been able to find ANY trace of this on the Internet, there's a reason why OP didn't link the source.

Ok ok

The fact that there’s such a huge sample size of 15+ dicks but so few under 5 should give t away.

I mean yeah, there are a lot of sluts out there, but come on.

Literally all femoids have taken 10+ different dicks by the time they're 16. After that it just skyrockets because they have their own cars and can drive themselves to new dick.

lol so naive

It's not though, they are concealing the research because it would hurt roastie feelings. Next thing you know they'll be organizing boycotts of Arby's because it reminds roasties of what they have between their legs.

J. Rusells

If you fall for this you're a newfag

Owned, worthless CUNTS

Don't talk to the incels that way, they have enough problems as it is.

The blackpill backed up by scientific evidence once AGAIN.

It's fake. Try finding it yourself.

Not fake tbf, you need a very high IQ to find the source.

this study was only shared on the most dark and secret cambridge incel circles, the society isn't ready for this yet

In other words it’s made up. Google the names of the so called researchers.....

That person you just replied to was joking. The OP probably was as well, but brazilian most certainly was. Stop taking everything so seriously.

Or did he think it was real because he really really wanted to believe it. Get called out by a lot of people, realize that he’d made a complete fool of himself and then it’s “just a joke, don’t take it so seriously”

this study was only shared on the most dark and secret cambridge incel circles, the society isn't ready for this yet

only shared on the most dark and secret cambridge incel circles

Jesus Christ. How can you not see it's a fucking joke.

Retarded dumbshit, if you didn't notice, the person who made that reply isn't OP.

No need for name calling.

My point is that it only becomes a joke after he get called out for posting fake data.

I also researched the scholarly article. It's bogus, like the idiots who believe this shit.

They just won't even do the Google search.

It's just a THE_DONALD level shit post.

Tf is that? Who doesn't use Google reverse image search

You're supposed to go along with it you fucking autist. This is why reddit never comes up with any good originial content.

Well when this post was an hour old it seemed like most people here believed it, I don't like supporting the spread of harmful false information.

roasties on suicide watch.. watch them around knives and deli slicers, they might try to trim it down to disguise how long they rode on the carousel.

They already do that, it's called labiaplasty.

This is fake.

The fact the average for partners among the roasties is between 10 and 30 is fucking disgusting.

well done you're retarded

Lol poor roasties are mad because they know they are whores. That's why they hate us.

Yeah that is a lot lol. That beef has loosened sure enough.

Lol!! At 35+ I'm thinking we have entered Shredded Chicken levels!

^ found the iqcel

Lol fuck I can't you're wrong but it's not just that. Also the humor-is-always-lost-on-the-weakcel according to the downvoting whores and roasties lmao.

The fact the average for partners among the roasties is between 10 and 30 is fucking disgusting.

Literally no statistics back that up. Average is like 5 to 7 lifetime partners for both men and women.

LOL! I love how the roasties go "it's only like 5" lol. Okay, go tell Chad I'm sure he'll be here soon white knighting.

Just repeating what all statistical evidence tells us.

In my personal experience, of the people whose partner counts I know for a fact, 5 to 7 seems to be the average.

I do however know two men who have slept with more than 30 women each.

Lol what's your number?

First, I'm a man.

I've slept with 5 women and I'm in my mid-30's. Two fairly long term relationships and three much more short term situations.

Of the women I know only one has a count above 10.

Lol damn Chad you showed up to white knight quick! Lancelot speed even! Maybe crazy feminist or roasty be here soon keep ya eyes peeled now.

It's white knighting to state facts, apparently.

Don't be mad just because reality doesn't resemble crazy incel claims.

Lol @ facts made up by who? Roasty? Okay then Chad, don't forget the Arby Sauce. Don't be mad at the virgins that the women are whores if the number exceeds 1 and that 1 is the 1 they are with. You wanted to smash whores and take the easy route out Chad, you choose this, trying to validate yourself and roasty to me is just kind pointless I ain't fucked any of ya'll or your girls.

Don't be mad at the virgins that the women are whores if the number exceeds 1 and that 1 is the 1 they are with.

Haha, okay buddy. I'm sure you'd know best!

Lol I would indeed because I am not a whore.

Lol Chad I mean no ill will towards you, but I must asked bemusedly, and perhaps this will blow your carnal mind. Do you think the roasties average is 5 because it is as you say that 5 women that you have now fornicated with?

Do you think the roasties average is 5 because it is as you say that there are 5 women that you have now fornicated with?

No, I think that because that's what CDC research says. And it matches the lives of most of the people I've talked to about the subject.

Lol Chad, you know that even if it were true, which let's be honest it isn't, but if it was, they're still whores Chad. 5 is a big fucking number when you are at 0. You're not supposed to be a whore Chad, you're supposed to be married to 1 or go out as a saint with none.

Lol Chad, you know that even if it were true, which let's be honest it isn't,

I know you have difficulty with concepts like "true" and "facts", but I'm inclined to accept the research of a huge organization like the CDC. But I realize that, to an incel, anything that doesn't reinforce their ideas isn't real.

You're not supposed to be a whore Chad, you're supposed to be married to 1 or go out as a saint with none.

Sounds pretty awful to be stuck with the girl you lost your virginity to. I've had far, far superior partners since then.

Wrong Chad I know the truth and speak it for I am a virgin with no guile. What reason does a male virgin have to lie? I understand how many whores must validate themselves with such irrational ideas that 5 sex partners isn't whoredom. I am aware that billions of dollars is spent by many companies manipulating the Carnal-minded.

It is a much more glorious and powerful and valiant path to be a male virgin, but being rightfully married and loyal and loving your One is a good thing too. Being the whore though, the curses against themselves that they sowed, they shall even reap in tears at the end of the days unless they shed them in this life genuinely and repent, but let's just be frank, most will not.

You sound like a judgemental prick, so you're certainly in good company here.

I'm sure that attitude will lead to lots of happiness for you.

I see a small problem with this theory: the number of sexual partners has no strong correlation with the amount of sex

Pretty sure if you graphed those you’d find a pretty high correlation between them.

I you only take sexually active people, no, there won't be. Stable young couples who live together have sex several times a day, sluts have periods of downtime in between hookups. The result is unpredictable.

You’re getting downvoted here but you’re right. This logistically makes no sense. I’m open to stuff that makes better sense but this is incorrect and someone in the comments below can’t find it on google so this is likely fake

Who says those girls don't have boyfriends? Cheating is pretty commonplace these days

sluts have periods of downtime in between hookups.

Minutes to hours.

Stable young couples who live together have sex several times a day

lol what?

maybe for the first week or two lol

Maybe if you have low libido? (due to age, or naturally).

Young guys jerk off many times a day, and, when they have a GF with a matching libido, there is no reason to fuck any less.

Maybe number of sexual partners increases the probability that she had sex with a big ass Tyrone dick that destroy the labia.*

Dude, this whole "theory" is just a troll aimed to collect salt from female lurkers. It's not intended to be taken seriously.

LOL I know. It so beautiful seeing them triggered.

Different partners have different sized dicks, different stamina and so on. A higher number of partners increases the probability of bigger dicks. Pretty simple, brainlet.

It is weird as hell seeing men fixate on Black dick.

And it's weird as hell to know there are black male users on here who let "jokes" like this fly.

It's not the compliment some of you think it is.

Why are y'all obsessed with tyrones dick? Is incel actually code for stuck in the closet?

no, and it’s not surprising to see a Norman like you fag bashing and hoping no one calls him out

they’re insecure about their little dicks, not gay

Aww I fall apart

Do I seem like someone who cares about your fucking nerds calling me out on gay bashing when YOU'RE ALL CLEARLY GAYCELS

I have a hypothesis.

Normies say all the time that the vaginal muscles "adapt" to the shape of the dick. So if a woman has sex with all kinds of different dick shapes, the vaginal muscles could stop doing this?

explain this inceltears

Fake news

You are fake news. This is real shit. Roasties have become the roasted!

LMFAO roasties take the LABIAPILL

You know its fake right lol

Yeah but it's still funny

It's not though, look down and see how it matches up with your sexual history. Checkmate roastie!

It doesnt really actually 🤔🤔🤔 wonder why 🤔🤔🤨🤔🤔🤔🤔


Can anyone post this on IT and in many threads lol? I'd do it myself but they've given me the banana lol.

Mods sticky this.

I dont understand this. What is the difference between sleeping with 1000 men or sleeping 1000 times with the same man? Its the same friction.

I had roast beef since 14 when I was a virgin. So if I have a bad start I will end up with them around my knees?

Well here is the solution:

lol. how triggered do you have to be to google a labioplasty video, screenshot it at the right time, upload it to an image site and then make a post about it on a forum for pathetic virgins?

you roasties are funny.

How am I triggered? I said I have roast beef because I dont mind it. I dont see it as a flaw. I can laugh at myself.

I dont think you guys are pathetic virgins. I think the blackpill is real and I support you guys. i think you are right.

I think these roast beef memes are funny. I just posted on recently.

I said I have roast beef because I dont mind it.

Does anyone here have a dick too huge that all women refuse to have sex with him?


:))))))))))))))))))) lol. Yeah, it funny. But unrelated.

you're retarded

Fake, doesn't show up on google.

JFL. I mean is it really that hard to believe?

high iq post

This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It’s not real, google has no results and the researchers are bogus. Also why would Cambridge University research something like this?

Yeah this is also true.



Send nudes

Send nudes.

No u

Send nudes. I need something I can fap to.

Send nudes, I need something I can laugh at

Send nudes.

Stop linking me gay porn.

Aww send nudes

This picture would be exponentially better for each man you stacked. It's funny how the pieces all fit together like that!

Looks like an onion article. You actually believe this?

XD Lol at "Labia elasticy index", you guys go so far as to make studies? And then others BELIEVE it? Thats top notch material right there XD

t. roastie

Why are you so triggered?

This is honestly really funny in how badly you guys want validation that your beliefs are true


It's real, pubmed doesn't lie. You simply don't have a high enough IQ to find the article and understand it.

Oh yeah, you're completely right. Thank you for making me see clearly 😚😚


Lead author is J Russells, lol

I believed it for like 30 seconds though

Oh God. This is brilliant. Roasties BTFO.


so fake but still lol'd

The plot and article are fake. Try searching in Google Scholar for the title of the supposed paper (which doesn't even have a journal stated in the reference, I might add).

Search any other academic database... the paper is a fake.

But yeah, whatever false narratives make y'all feel better about yourselves...

If I saw a dripping labia I would have to insist on getting a blowjob or a handjob (or I would just GTFO out of there).

BTW - I actually P2P and I notice the women don't have dripping labias but I imagine prostitutes probably get plastic surgery on that area if they do start dripping.




it's real, OP cropped the graph out of a different pic from the pubmed article. It's true, it's damn true.

Show me some evidence.

Numbers seem too low



Hahahhahahahhaaa y'all stupid as hell

"tHaTs nOt hOw wOmEnS aNaToMy wOrKs"

This is so obviously fake lmao

This makes me think some of those okcupid figures were just made up in your Photoshop ad well....

Sure it does.

They’re correlated though

why isn't this much more upvoted top kek

The only girl that I've fucked that also had a hamwallet "stopped counting" after 23 guys.

So not saying it's a cause, but there's definitely a correlation.

How does that labia "know" the difference between having sex with 1 guy 100 times vs 100 different guys 1 time?

That's one magic biometric labia....

Literal misinformation

I’m weak

You people......smh

IT once again throws an autistic fit.

They had to make a post investigating this joke image. This is why everyone hates reddit.

You idiots.

Elasticity is the ability to return to your normal shape. You want more elasticity, not less. The chart above implies that a vagina is tighter the MORE partners they have.

In fact women better be jumping on as many cocks as they can, apparently that shit is better then Kegels!

This study is not part of any scientific literature and is quite literally made up. Taking advantage of scientifically illiterate people to try to push fake science.

Lol damn Chad you showed up to white knight quick! Lancelot speed even! Maybe crazy feminist or roasty be here soon keep ya eyes peeled now.

Maybe if you have low libido? (due to age, or naturally).

Young guys jerk off many times a day, and, when they have a GF with a matching libido, there is no reason to fuck any less.

Wrong Chad I know the truth and speak it for I am a virgin with no guile. What reason does a male virgin have to lie? I understand how many whores must validate themselves with such irrational ideas that 5 sex partners isn't whoredom. I am aware that billions of dollars is spent by many companies manipulating the Carnal-minded.

It is a much more glorious and powerful and valiant path to be a male virgin, but being rightfully married and loyal and loving your One is a good thing too. Being the whore though, the curses against themselves that they sowed, they shall even reap in tears at the end of the days unless they shed them in this life genuinely and repent, but let's just be frank, most will not.

Aww I fall apart

Do I seem like someone who cares about your fucking nerds calling me out on gay bashing when YOU'RE ALL CLEARLY GAYCELS