the atomic bluepill

49  2018-05-07 by BasedRubby


mogs me

He can easily get two women willing to sleep with him? Kinda goes against the whole Incel ideology.

That image could be easily edited and fake.

Look at some swinger documentaries or some other documentaries about sexually open communities. They in general are no oil paintings, that's for sure.

not really when you consider that means it has to be a poly/open situation, meaning those women are also sleeping with other men--a lot of other men. Being a cuck is not a solution to inceldom.

I don't understand the whole poly thing but they look happy so who am I to judge.

I really don't understand the whole nazi thing but they look happy so who am I to judge.

They are looksmatched you stupid retarded femoid. Also I would never date a fatty. Absolutely disgusting.

I know they are looksmatched but incels say this doesn't happen now. Evil feeemails don't go for their looksmatch apparently, that's the whole argument incels use as why they are still incel. Keep up.

You lack knowledge surrounding what incels think considering how obsessed you are with us. It's a shame.

Of course femoids are going to try to date up before they settle for less.

Hard to score when you're really big... Possible, but very, very tough. Even with wymyn of a similar size, their smv is just too damned high.

If these women "disgust" you then maybe you understand why you are unsuccessful with attractive girls. I dont see why you guys bitch and moan about women having standards when you clearly have some yourself. Date girls at your own level or lower.

I'm not fat lol. I'm not dating fatties. I don't want a 10/10.

Girls find you disgusting as well, just like you find "fatties" disgusting. Fair is fair.

You deserve to be incel.

Fatties deserve to die of heart attacks.

Fat can be changed, bone can't

Not if you have low metabolism (genetics) or an eating disorder.

Still can be changed, it's just harder.

So warrants calling them "disgusting fatties"?

Yes it's disgusting. If you're fat you're not caring about your body

You clearly have no clue about how hard it is to lose weight if you have a high metabolism rate. I've come to expect the lack of empathy around here.

There's actually a lot of ways to get a faster metabolism. Having a healthy diet with a good amount of sleep is just one of them. I highly doubt anyone with an optimised diet that exercises for an hour a day and has an optimal amount of sleep and has been doing these things for at least a year is fat

I personally KNOW of two women who are close to me, who are overweight even after trying every single thing in the book. They could write an essay on here about everything they've tried and didn't work. Especially since they had an eating disorder.

It's. Not. Easy. So stop shaming them.

Then those are some rare exceptions, the vast majority of fat girls I know don't give a flying fuck about their diet, don't do any sports and eat like shit

did they tried eating lessß

I highly doubt anyone with an optimised diet that exercises for an hour a day and has an optimal amount of sleep and has been doing these things for at least a year is fat

Pray for me then, I started doing all of this 2 months ago.

The difference between high metabolism and low metabolism is like a couple hundred calories a day lol. You have to eat one less cookie Oh no! the horror! How can anyone ever expect you to lose weight with such a disadvantage?

And you think every single obese woman in the world hasn't tried that. And they choose to be fat because they never get fat shamed.

"Boo-fucking hoo I can't eat 5 donuts for breakfast anymore if I want to get my weight to start with a 1"

Fucking bullshit. I have a super fast metabolism. I have to eat 4000 kcal a day just to hold my weight, let alone gain any. Is it harder for me than it is for others? Yes. Do I hate feeling full af, or my grocery bill? Yes. Is it an excuse for not looking how I want to look? Fuck no. Unlike relationships, this is something you have full control over.

eat less

burn more

indeed very easy, requires actuall work( to hard for femoids)

Literally this. Why not these over weight women try intermittent fasting or fasting in general. Some of them could probably go for a year living off their body fat alone.

Whatever you say, fat fuck.

Lol. I'm not fat.

Then you should know better.

A fatty would not date you anyway. They would be put off by the smell of desperation eminating from you.

I would never date a fatty so whether they would or wouldn't is irrelevant. Reddit needs to bring back fatpeoplehate.

You hate fat people because they don't want to sleep with you.


I would never fuck a fatty. Absolutely disgusting. It's not hard to not stuff your face with food.

You talk a lot about fat women. You are sexually obsessed with them and want to sleep with them but if you made a move they would just laugh at you and turn their backs on you. They are unobtainable to you.

Found the fatty. Also blocked.

No worries there, doubt even a fatty would want you.

Found the fatty.

I'm pretty sure you said you'd stop browsing this part of the Internet once r/incels got banned. Why are you back?

He's not ugly, he's just fat

Fat people are such scumbags. They are self indulgent wastrels. I hate fatties so much - society needs to bully all gluttonous hams.

At least they're all smiling like normal humans.

Lmfao I recognize this. This is from a kinky porn video. Pack up you guys. This shit ain't real.

This shit is faker than 26 genders.

I don't understand the whole poly thing but they look happy so who am I to judge.

I'm not fat lol. I'm not dating fatties. I don't want a 10/10.