TFW Chad has married women lusting over him in a public interview

92  2018-05-07 by harambeazn


all those hollywood actors are in open relationships anyway, they're probably all fucking behind the scenes.

They all fuck children


Elijah wood gave an interview about it. Hollywood is rife with pedophiles.

(((not surprised)))

Frodo looks like the biggest pedo of them all. One pedo to rule them all..

over if you're not running Bilbo game in 2018

I’m a tourist here at r/braincel and so far it’s a shitshow of entertainment. You guys are all great.

yea sure I'm sure you slay stacies on the reg

That must be the equivalent of the warm welcome to this subreddit lol.

I've had a blast lurking here today.

God imagine being looked at like that just once.

Kill me

women barely even look at me for fucks sake. One step closer to jumping from a great height.

just getsome confidence bro chicks dig confidence

Nah man you need to get a hobby, chicks dig that

chicks dig guys that chicks already dig.

D&D or hobby model kit building? I've had both recommended to increase my SMV with buttergolem, cat wielding feminists.

Skydiving. No, really. It's incredibly fun and you only need some basic coordination to be able to get good. Skydivers are usually nice people and passionate about jumping together, and you can hop on group trips to other dropzones or windtunnels.

Also mentioning anywhere that you have taken off on more planes that you have landed with always works to start a conversation.

I'm pretty fine with motocross and skateboarding. Not hugely into heights. Love caves though.

I'm not a fan of heights either, tbh, they make me feel really uncomfortable.

For some weird reason, though, that feeling only kicks in when close to the ground, at 12000ft I feel perfectly fine and willing to jump... and then I hate it when I get under 3000ft and ride the canopy down to landing, but the exhilaration of the freefall time completely pays off: moving around relative to other people, trying to nail formations or just goofing around, then breaking off and trying to achieve maximum horizontal speed... it's pure dope.

Then again I understand that some people wouldn't enjoy that part either. I'm kind off claustrophobic myself, nothing major (no problem with elevators and similar places) but I know I would feel uncomfortable in caves as soon as things got tight.

It angers me when people say shit like this. Assertiveness has show to correlate heavily with self-respect.

How can someone who does not feel proud of who they are and what they have achieved, ever hope to attain what they want with the confidence that they deserve it? It's just not going to happen. I was given a chance once in my early 20s, by a girl that hundreds of guys were chasing. She was Eastern European, and I was much more intelligent than the guys she had spent most of her time with. After a year and a half, she broke it off with me. I did the incel thing and blamed everyone and everything but myself. But what did I achieve? A few failed suicide attempts and several years of my life spent unproductively.

I spend 20 hours a week at the gym trying to fix multiple mobility issues that are linked to me playing video games for most of my life. I was told that if I don't manage my issues, than by 40 I can expected to have the mobility of an 80 year old. The worst part is sometimes not being able to walk for up to 25 metres; having to embarrassing limp after that.

Tight muscles, chronic achilles tendonitis, flat feet, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, poor ankle and hip mobility, anterior pelvic tilt, medial rotation of shoulders, the list goes on and on.

Working on these problems over 20 hours a week has increased my confidence, cleared my anxiety, and detached me from the internet personal that ended up becoming a real persona.

I don't give a FUCK how long it takes me have the issues under control so I can at least walk pain-free. I will break-free from this chain and once I do, I will be fucking unstoppable.

If you gave me a million dollars a year ago, I would've blown it on drugs, gambling, and whatever would give me a rush. You won't need to give me a million dollars any more, because my issue is under control, I'll be ready for the journey to earn it myself.

in other words, a drug abusing, gambling, shitshow of a person has more SMV than someone whos merely ugly.

Fucking LOL. I love how these idiot cucks don't realise that their platitudes are actually more blackpill than anything.

"I used to be a complete addict loser, but when I got my gf, it didn't last long. See incels? Is all about getting your shit together hurrdurrr"

I was ugly. My nose is big. Jaw is weak. Hair grows out different directions. Facial hair is mixed between ginger and blonde when reflecting light.

You can literally make your face look better by putting effort into grooming and a good haircut. Why does everyone neglect this fact

you're clearly not ugly, by virtue of having been sexually selected.

men and women perceive attractiveness differently so you attempting to "rate" yourself is pointless. -_-

No dude. I have a good level of self-awareness. Even some of the ugliest people can make a huge impact on their appearance. Just look at Mila Kunis.

How did you get all that shit from living a sedentary lifestyle lmao? I know people who are obese and haven't exercised since like 2003 and they have less problems than that.

His long ramble seemed completely unrelated to my topic too. I have a very ugly face. Why should care about what some immobile junkie has to say about lifting weights?

Your face appearance is literally 60% down to grooming and your haircut. If you saw a picture between me at my worst (I looked incel as FUCK) and me now, you wouldn't believe it. Yes I have a big nose and weak chin, but there are measures you can take to even out facial symmetry.

I don't know. When I was around 7, I started getting heel pains and used insoles. But throughout my adolescence, I sat on my legs in dumb positions as I played games. My father also has flat feet, so I'm guessing there could be a genetic disposition.


tl;dr just have a good face bro

good face? I spent most of my time as a jawlet with a big nose. Only in the past few months did I start chewing gum daily and doing jaw exercises (which have made a big difference)

Well, my face is subhuman due to a genetic deformity. I've tried working out and doing face muscle strengthening but my face looks like a pile of pudding with googly eyes throw haphazardly on it.

Thanks for the advice though, I will implement it into my daily routine. I shall pray on this.

I care about you, you know. It sounds weird coming from a stranger online, but I really do. You don't need to understand why. Don't focus on what can't be changed. Focus on what you can change and you will feel fantastic when you start making progress.

Do it. Your life will only get worse from here. Jump :D

Thanks. I hope that you know pain as great as mine. Teehee <3

Take the non-monogamy pill. No woman deep down wants to be sexually faithful to one man for her entire lifetime, especially if he's not Chad).

All women want Chad. Period.

Neither is any man.

Neither is any man.

Wutchu talkin bout? Heresy I say. Men are completely monogamous creatures, only the female cheats.

I don't understand this sub enough to say if that was sarcasm

i would be completly fine with being sexually faithful to one women.

Hey, xxxrivenmainxxx, just a quick heads-up:
completly is actually spelled completely. You can remember it by ends with -ely.
Have a nice day!

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And so would many women I know. I was pointing out that both men and women cheat.

women will monkeybranch the moment someone better comes up

That's simply not true, not in reality.

Maybe, or maybe that's what you think now.

It might also happen that once you get in a relationship and achieve something you thought you wouldn't, you'd feel the urge to get more different experiences.

You don't understand women much at all. Some do and some do not want monogamy just like guys.

Gal looks at everyone like that even at Kimmel

and he’s cross-eyed, so.


Have you not seen her on talk shows?

cope shows

c o p e

tfw a girl will never lustfully bite her lip while looking at you

Stay away from r/girlsmirin if you wanna live

Imagine that girls would look to you like that.

Or grow a thicker skin

FYI she's also married with a kid. Doesn't care. Probably fingerblastered herself that night.

Flicked the bean until it couldn't be seen

Hey guys, what about the ugly women out there? Why don't you try it on with them? Or are they not good enough for you...?

"Why don't you try it on with fat/ugly women"-types of questions should be bannable, because if anyone invested a sliver of time to actually be interested in the answer would find it already.

I have seen that a lot of you say that these women think they are too good for you.

But have you tried to start a friendship with these women first? Gotten to know someone for who they are, before asking them out?

Playing classical tunes, I see.

Why would conventionally ugly women settle for sub-average men when they can easily get men who are average & above terms of looks? Women have more inherent sexual value and can date up with ease.

So personality has nothing to do with it? Men only go with women for their looks even though they could be a complete pain in the neck?

Has no one in the world ever married anyone because they actually liked them as a person?

Surely having a loving, lasting relationship is the most important thing, sex is a part of a relationship but is not the be all and end all. If either partner has an injury or illness that prevents either them from having sex, the other will just leave and go elsewhere? I'd say that is rare.

Men go with women regardless of their personality because they have to settle. It's how nature is, men who aren't extremely attractive are opportunistic and take what they can and women are selective.

Personality is a secondary factor that matters only if you have the minimum physical requirements to be loved and sought after. If you're an ugly man and have an amazing personality, well, guess what, your potential partner isn't even going to get to know you, they probably won't even CONSIDER you.

Serious question and I don't mean any disrespect to your parents, and I realise not everyone's parents are married and yours might not be but if they are did your dad settle for your mum? Or do they actually like each other for who they are?

Ugly as in facially ugly? Sure. Ugly as in fat? Of course not. Yes, I am too good for them, being a fit male who values his health.

You really should listen to her. Put aside your frankly bizarre preconceived ideas about women and actually learn some truth. You are just building a self imposed spiral of misery for yourselves. Turn off the fucking internet and go outside.

LMAO everyone get a load of this guy ova here😂🤣👆🏼

I had a similar experience tbh.

I was walking and accidentally made eye contact with a roastie who immediately rolled her eyes in disgust. Pretty much same thing.

If a femoid gave me that look just once I'd fap to that memory forever tbh

she's like NO! I mustn't think these things

r/girlsmirin is fucking suicide fuel. But th-there probably looking at then men cuz personality!

He's probably twice her age but her pussy is dripping fluid like the Niagara. Meanwhile I have women who are just 4 years younger than me who tell me I'm too old.

out of control

Thank god. This hasn’t been posted in the last five minutes. We were overdue.

Jews love white man cock

Why do jewish woman always end up with whited